ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Bad Boys of Sports: A Complete Collection (Alpha Male, Football, Hockey Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Sports Romance) (31 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Bad Boys of Sports: A Complete Collection (Alpha Male, Football, Hockey Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Sports Romance)
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Chapter Six







Allison woke up the next day, feeling groggy, and with a pounding headache. She noticed some water next to her in a bent piece of metal in the shape of a bowl, possibly ripped from the debris of the plane. How anyone could have bent this solid piece of metal was beyond her, but she drank it greedily without giving it a second thought.

Water. Glorious water. She’d only been drinking coconuts so finally having some real water down her throat felt like heaven.

When she was finished, she set down the bowl and jumped when she saw someone sitting across from her.

“Jack,” she said as she put her hand across her heart. “You scared me.” The contact of her own skin under her fingers made her look down at herself, only to realize that she was stark naked.

“What the–Jack!” She covered her private areas with her small hands, but the coverage was painfully inadequate. “Why am I naked? Where are my clothes?”

“You mean you don’t remember?”

“Remember what exactly? Jack, did we…?” Allison thought back to the visions of Jack ravaging her all night and her hand came up to her mouth as she gasped, only to quickly come back down to her ample breasts.

A knowing smile formed on Jack’s handsome face, and Allison’s face dropped in dread.

“Relax, Alli,” Jack’s voice was like butter. “Nothing happened. I never touched you. You ripped your own clothes off in the middle of the night, complaining that it was too hot.”

Her body sagged with relief. “Wait,” she straightened back up immediately. “You were sitting next to me the whole time, watching me while I slept in the nude? Jack!” She puffed.

“It’s not like I’ve never seen your naked body before.” He shrugged, and he gave her a once over in appreciation.

“Ugh–whatever, Jack. Can you please just turn around while I put my clothes back on?”

One of Jack’s eyebrow rose, but he did as she asked. “You can put your clothes back on, but they’re covered in sweat and puke. And–let’s be honest here–it wasn’t just the heat that made you tear them off last night.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked as she pulled on her bikini, and the smelly tank top and skirt.

“Let’s just say you have one very imaginative–very
–head on your shoulders. It wasn’t too hard to figure out what you were dreaming about. Or shall I say
?” He turned around to face her once more with his eyebrow still raised up in the air, making him look devilishly handsome.

Allison’s face burned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She stormed out of their makeshift tent, not daring to look back at his smug face.

She walked directly to the beach and swam in. The water will clean her clothes off a little, and cool her down too. It was time for her to check her fishnet anyway, so she headed out to the spot where she’d anchored it down with some rocks. She was disappointed to find that the net was completely empty.

A couple of hours later, she swam back to the net to check it again. Empty.

The next day, empty yet again.

She tried putting some berries in as bait.
. She made Jack put some snake skin the next time.
. Allison kicked the water about on the shore in frustration. She can’t eat berries. She won’t eat snake. What the hell was she going to do, starve out here? She looked down at her once flat stomach that now seemed to concave in a little. She looked up at the sky and wondered when a rescue crew would find them. How much longer of this island could she take?

And how much longer would she have the will to resist him?

She gazed out to where Jack was trying to spear fish in the water, the water glistening off his broad, tanned shoulders. He’d tied his knife on a long stick to use as a spear, and he was practicing fishing every day. She knew it was all for her since she refused to eat the things he managed to catch on land–a couple of rats and a monkey, which he devoured with relish. Her mouth started to water thinking about consuming cooked meat, and she knew she would need to relent and eat whatever Jack could get sooner or later. She swayed on her feet as the hunger had made her feel an ever-present lightheadedness as of late.

She decided to go back into the water and check the net again. Maybe she wasn’t checking it often enough. After all, a fish could swim in and out of it without getting caught. It didn’t come as much of a surprise when she saw that it was empty yet again. Perhaps it was time to move it to another, deeper location. She looked around for an appropriate spot and started swimming out to sea with the net in hand.

When she was at a sufficient distance away from shore, she dove down and secured the net as best she could to the ocean floor, which was still sandy and the water still clear. There weren’t many waves so there was a good chance the net would stay put. She looked around for something she could use as a marker as to where she’d put the net. Not finding anything, she untied her bikini top and tied one string to the net. The net was still too deep, and the bikini top’s other end didn’t surface. She shrugged and took off her string bikini bottom to tie it to the bikini top. There, a bright green marker for her to spot easily when she came to check the net. It was a good thing she’d brought so many sets of bikinis in her suitcase, she thought as she began to swim back toward the shore.

As she swam, she sensed movement to her right and paused to look, but saw nothing suspicious. As she stood there in the water, with only her shoulders above the water, she felt something touch her on her leg. She frantically looked around her and spotted something dark about the size of a large dog swimming around her feet.
A shark!
A panicked yelp escaped her mouth. She wasn’t sure if she should make a run for it, or if she stay as still as possible.

“Jack!” she yelled out. “Help…” Her voice came out shakily. She searched the beach, but couldn’t locate him. “Jack…”

She tentatively took a step in the water, apparently catching the shark’s attention as it to swam toward her, a terrified screamed peeled from her lips. She made to swim as fast as she could, when suddenly a large mass slammed into her body, causing her heart to contract painfully in shock. After recovering from momentary paralysis, she realized she was being pulled to shore in a pair of mighty arms.


He swam them both quickly to shore, and Allison collapsed to her knees, panting away and trying to regain control over her body. She looked shakily over to Jack, who was examining a small gash on his calf. She gulped.

“Jack, are you hurt?” She ran over to him to get a closer look at his wound. “Did the shark bite you?”

“It was no shark, Alli,” he said with a cringe. “Just a stingray and it whipped me with its tail.”

“A sting–Jack, aren’t they poisonous?”

“I’ll be fine. I can handle pain better than most.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, we need to get you back to camp. We need some hot water, and maybe some of those herbs you used to heal me the other night.” She pulled on his arm, intending to heave him up into a standing position, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Alli, I said I’ll be fine. You may even find that the wound will magically disappear in just a few minutes.”

“Come on Jack, get up,” she heaved with all her might and managed to pull his body over hers. “Whoa!” she shouted as the two came crashing back down to the beach shore, both of them on all fours, his muscular body on top of hers. He had grabbed her by the waist to regain balance, and the two of them paused in the suddenly compromised position. She thought she heard a low roar emerge from his lips. It wasn’t until she felt a hot, solid body part pressing between her legs that she finally realized that she was completely naked–and so was he. She gasped in surprise and excitement.

She’d forgotten that Jack had made it a habit to swim in the nude as of late.

He wrapped his arm around her even tighter and groaned as he pressed himself closer against her. She moaned in response, feeling her body begin to tremble.

“Alli,” he growled in her ear, as a giant, warm hand moved up to squeeze her breast, making her moan yet again. “Beautiful Alli, my sexy little kitten.” His finger caressed her nipples, playing with them between his fingers.

We shouldn’t, she thought as the ache between her legs throbbed. She wanted to pull away–
to pull away–but the pleasure she felt as his erect penis rubbed her along her slick wet vagina was exquisite.

As the tip of his dick pointed directly at her vagina now, she wanted so badly to utter the word stop. But what she heard come forth from her lips instead was a breathy, “yes.” And just like that, his enlarged member entered her fully, and she screamed, an all-embracing pleasure coursing through her entire body.

He gruffed like an animal as he pounded her again and again, her breasts bouncing like water balloons at each incredible thrust. He drove inside her with a carnal urgency, and she cried out her approval with each movement. They pounded on each other with a hunger that refused to relent, as though it was their first time. Each pressing harder and harder into the other, as if somehow this would bring them closer together. As if their need for each other would somehow meld their bodies into one.

His penis grew more enlarged as she could tell he was about to explode, and the thought of his pleasure intensified her own moment of release, as they climaxed together with loud, visceral cries from both of them.

They panted as they lay on the sand, the cool water lapping around them gently, Alli still quivering in delicious aftershocks. She glanced at him and noticed that the nasty cut on his calf was indeed already healed.

Who is this physically flawless man?
she wondered staring at him with momentary abandon. It was almost superhuman how perfect his body was. His eyes were closed with an angelic smile on his lips, which he licked just then.
Angelic, ha! More devilish than angelic
, she thought as bile rose to her throat in instant regret. She had fallen prey to his seduction once again, against her better judgment.

She threw sand at his face in anger, and his eyes shot up in confusion, a flash of hurt crossing his face before settling into his usual cocky smirk.

Allison quickly got up and stormed off to the hut. When she got there, she tore open her luggage bag, angrily put on a one-piece swimsuit, a pair of long pants, a long-sleeve t-shirt, and a light jacket on top. She also wore a hat and sunglasses and wished she could cover up even more of her body. She sat down in a huff, fanning herself with her hands as Jack walked in after her.

“What’s the matter, Alli? Was I a bit too rough?” He stood above her tauntingly. “I seem to remember you enjoying that particular position with more relish when we used to date.”

“Don’t come any closer, Jack. How very typical of you to take advantage of me while we’re stuck on this island together. Can’t go too long without fucking somebody, I suppose?” She turned her head away from him sharply.

“Why don’t you just be honest for once–you want me just as I want you. We could take care of one another’s needs while we’re here, no strings attached. Where’s the harm in that?”

She glared at him. “That right there is
what I mean,” she hissed. “You took advantage of me when we dated, and you’re doing it again.”

“I know you don’t care for me, but I never said anything about getting back together.” His face was bereft of any emotion.

“I can’t do that, Jack. I can’t just cut off my feelings like you can. Fine, you want me to say it? I want to fuck you, Jack. I want to fuck you all night long, every night, and every hour of the day if I could. But I can’t because you’re a cheating asshole, and I’d rather die before I let you hurt me again.” Her voice hitched as she remembered the deep blackness she fell into after their relationship had ended.

His face grew darker with her every word. “You’re right, babe. I’m no angel. But if you feel horny again, just say the word, and I’ll be happy to perform miracles in your pussy again, anytime.” He turned to walk out of the hut.

“Forget it, Jack! That’s never going to happen again! You better hope the rescue team gets here quick so your balls don’t turn purple and fall off!” She threw a rock at his direction that narrowly missed. He walked away from her with that liquid-smooth gate, as if walking itself was an act of sex. She seethed with even more hatred at the sight of it.

Chapter 7






Two weeks had already passed since they’d crashed landed, and the tension between the two hadn’t smoothed over. Especially since it was evident that she sent their survival plan two steps back every time he brought them a step forward. She scowled as she watched his powerful muscles flex to stab a fish he’d caught. He’d dug out some rations from an emergency bag that had floated up on shore, but his scavenging and hunting skills were miraculously impressive, and getting better by the day. Even when he left for an hour, he dragged back enough food for two.

She began to dream up ways she could contribute. She hated being the damsel in distress, relying solely on
for survival. Her fishnet had caught just one tiny crab so far, and it tasted fantastic for all of the two minutes it took for her to devour it. She had offered half to Jack, but he wouldn’t take it, saying he’d had plenty to eat already. It made her mad that he wouldn’t accept the one thing she’d proffered so far, and she chomped the crustacean down like a savage to spite him.

Maybe if she explored deeper into the island, then she could find something of use to them. As his back hunched to spot fish in the clear waters, she retreated stealthily into the forested area.

She’d only gone so far as the bushes that grew the noxious berries that had caused her so much grief. For some reason, Jack kept insisting she stay closest to the shore. His belief that she’d somehow get herself into trouble again annoyed her to no ends.

“Screw you, Jack. I don’t need your permission,” she mumbled as she trudged through the sandy landscape. Deeper in the island’s thick canopy, she began to hear sounds crackling in every corner. Her steps seemed strangely loud as she moved forward with a growing feeling of anxiety. Nausea hit her stomach as she paused to strain her ears towards the bustling soft sounds.  There was rushing water somewhere close.

Her eyes widened as she leaned forward with a gush of excitement. There was fresh water nearby. She was bound to find something of use there–perhaps some fresh water fish or something.  Her legs hurried toward the sound. She darted through a collection of thick trees and slipped past a narrow pass between two crumbling rocks. Around the corner, the roaring sound of water became deafening. She gasped as her feet scurried around the corner.

It was breathtaking–a resort of its own wonderful nature. She placed one hand over her mouth as she looked around at the magnificent paradise on the island. A towering waterfall was sending clear water rushing powerfully down with a thundering roar. It pooled out into a lake that begged to be swam in. Her eyes watered as she stood in awe. For a brief moment, it was almost as if the crash landing had been worth something. Her lungs gulped in their filled of the beautiful fresh air as she craned her neck to admire the tops of the waterfall.

Briefly, she wondered if they could get to the top somehow to see how it looked from down there. It might even be a good vantage point to scope out the rest of the island, maybe if she was careful and planned it. She couldn’t wait to tell Jack about this her discovery. With a smile, she felt a rush of strength. She wasn’t just a nuisance after all, but a survivor.

There was a peculiar breathy sound behind her, and she turned as a lumbering orange and black shape slunk out of the forest. Her mouth fell open but stayed where she stood, trembling in fear. A tiger had been coming to bathe, only to discover something much more interesting. His hard eyes glittered at her, watching her intently, ferociously. She took a step back, and he tensed, crouching low.

This was it; she was going to die.

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