ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories) (25 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories)
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Chapter Six

The plush pile carpet made Celia’s steps soundless as she made her way back to the living room in her fresh white bathrobe.

Trent and Mark were sitting on the grey leather sofa motioning to the television and chatting casually, Mark had now slipped on a well-fitting t-shirt.

“Anyone for a top-up?” Celia picked up her discarded champagne glass and lifted it.

“Sure, thanks Celia, the bottle’s in the fridge,” Trent smiled.

Celia eventually found the fridge hidden behind a faux door, grabbed the bottle, released the pressure cap and slipped back to the living room.

The conversation was easy, with Trent and Mark swapping stories about places they had been and interesting people they had met.

Celia laughed whole-heartedly at the jokes, and was astounded by the breadth of their travels. Mark in particular had dedicated a good ten years to learning several languages and living as a local in distant destinations.

“So why are you back Mark?” Celia asked, puzzled at why Mark, who had by far spent more time travelling, would choose to return to the city.

Mark looked at Trent, and Trent nodded.

“I’m back because I am going to join Trent in the business,” Mark looked a little nervous and pleased that he had said it, “Avery Industries is going to invest in South East Asia, and with my linguistic skills I have contacts in building, construction, manufacturing and government that can get us going in the right direction in twelve months... We’re going to create worker villages around new manufacturing sites and I’m going to head the development,”

Celia’s mouth was agape.

“Sorry, worker villages?” she started.

“Yeah, surprisingly some of the most successful instances of manufacturing occur when your workforce isn’t on death’s doorstep or under the age of nine,” the sarcasm indicated that this issue was hitting a sensitive nerve for Mark, “I spent years seeing the same families suffer because they were working around the clock, but living in squalid conditions and were unable to provide their families the basic needs for survival. Parents end up selling off their kids into slave labor, or worse, and workers who are injured or sick keep clocking-on until their body can’t handle it anymore and clocks-out for them,”

“Coincidentally,” Trent interjected, “I was looking for locations in South East Asia to expand to anyway, and then Mark returned home from his travels and it seemed just perfect to get started,”

Celia nodded, “But worker villages?”

“Sorry, yes, the worker villages are employee-only residential zones,” Mark continued, “All the workers will live in Avery Industries-built self-contained bungalows or apartments that are within meters of the workplace. Families can take advantage of on-site childcare services, enroll in the primary school, seek further education and training, shop at the local markets, have access to medical services – basically everything you need,”

“That sounds extremely expensive,” Celia was gob smacked.

“Not at all, the cost of living there is so cheap that we can provide all this and more for pittance,” Mark was practically bouncing off his seat.

Trent patted his brother on the shoulder, “Calm down Mark, let me explain. Yes, the cost of living is low, but I’ve done the sums and we can effectively operate our manufacturing plants 24/7 with minimal injuries and employee losses. Staff will only work 8 hours with a paid lunch break, and those that want to earn a little more can work the evening or night shifts instead. It’s a huge long-term project, we want staff to see the manufacturing plants as a viable career option for their children and of course there will be opportunities to ascend into other areas if staff show some talent,”

“You’re saying you’re going to fix slave labor in South East Asia?”

Trent laughed, Mark looked a little embarrassed.

“No,” Trent slapped his brother on the back, “As much as this one wants to. We want to show that you can and should invest in your staff and get a return in this market. If we set up multiple plants across the nation, there’s no telling what sort of power we can play in the stock market, freighting, manufacturing, or even intelligence industries,”

Celia was amazed; while Mark was fighting the moral fight Trent had his eyes on building an empire.

“So how to you boys plan on achieving this?” Celia took a slow sip of her champagne.

“I’ve located several abandoned buildings in core freighting locations,” Mark began, his eyes lighting up as he drummed up the information, “The former factories need demolishing, that’s if they don’t fall down on their own accord first, but the good thing is that there’s a rail line just a couple of hundred meters from the site. If we play our cards right we can get the line extended to reach the factory floor,”

“Wait,” Celia sat up.

“Yes, we will freight our own goods to and from the ports,” Mark grinned.

“Does anyone know about this other than you two?”

“Yes,” said Mark.

“You,” added in Trent.

Celia scratched her head with concern, “When are you going to break this to the rest of the team?”

“We’re going to break it down into packages,” Trent began, “First, in about three weeks I’m going to host an e-conference telling them that we’re looking to expand into South East Asia and I’ll tell them about Mark joining us as a location consultant. Then I’ll field their questions and concerns, make sure I have these things considered and present a second e-conference on what we plan on doing with our industry and worker villages. From there on, it’s a bit hazy,” Trent took a swig of his drink.

“Why are you telling me this?”

This was Mark’s turn to nod at Trent.

“Well, we have a proposal for you,” Trent looked pensive, and could it be? Nervous, “We want you to head up our branding division, which actually doesn’t exist at the moment. Let me rephrase, want you to look after our brand, become our Brand Manager,”


Trent’s eyes crinkled in delight as he smiled, he looked just like a kid who’s won tickets to his favorite rock show.

“You have done an amazing job with Avery Industries; and you’ve made me think a lot about where the business is going. You’ve never steered me wrong, even with our ‘intimate parties’, and we want you to be a part of the future, well I definitely want you to be part of the future,” a rosy bloom appeared in Trent’s cheeks.

Mark stood up excitedly and began pacing in front of Celia, “You’ll travel to our site locations and help us come up with plans on how we’ll introduce Avery Industries on a business and grass-roots level, you’ll tell our Public Relations people what to do, then you’ll be able to oversee things in our established offices in Germany, Australia, and the UK,” an image of George flashed across Celia’s brain.

“How does that sound?” Mark dropped onto the couch next to Celia and leant forward, his eyes pleading for a ‘yes’.

“So dinner tonight was what?” Celia looked past Mark to Trent.

“Ok, you got me there, I wanted to gauge the how the team liked you, and I had nothing to be worried about because they were so impressed. Well, to be honest I was going to ask you anyway and if there was an objection I would have just told them to fuck-off,” Trent looked deadly honest.

For the first time, Celia was lost for words. In less than a year she had gone from charity ball event manager to being offered a dream position as one of the most influential brand managers the world had ever seen, “So…” Celia fingered the ring of her glass, “Who’s my boss?”

“We are,” Trent and Mark answered together.

Celia looked at the two brothers and smiled wickedly.

“Bottoms up then boys, looks like I’m joining the party!” Celia held her glass up and the trio threw back their champagne.

Chapter Seven

Two bottles later and Celia was sandwiched between her two new bosses laughing at their terrible skills on the latest game console. Over the course of several glasses, the boys had made disparaging remarks on the futility of girls playing racing games. Powered by the buzz of a few drinks, Celia had demanded a match and was in the process of winning her third of the five lengthy races.

Celia cold feel the heat radiating off the two men next to her, the smell of their competing scent driving her hormones into overdrive. Trent was a quiet achiever, but easily frustrated while Mark was a loudmouth who cheered and booed with the greatest fervor.

“Come on boys,” she roared as her character sped through the racing track, “For men with deft hands on the ladies you should be ace at this,”

“How would you know?” both brothers asked in puzzled unison. So, Celia thought, they hadn’t told each other about their separate couplings.

“Oops,” Celia laughed and drunkenly covered her mouth with a hand, “Not that you can’t share, I mean there is more of me to love than most women who’d be after your fine merchandise,” Celia couldn’t believe she had just said and blushed madly.

“Who’s better?” Mark had stopped playing the game and a sneaky smile had caught on his lips.

“A lady, never tells,” Celia winked.

“You seemed to have a pleasant enough time with me,” Trent was a little perturbed, but the amusement in his eyes betrayed his playfulness.

“So that’s what I could smell, I knew you had sex,” Mark swiveled in his seat and leant down to Celia, “Is it my turn yet?”

“Now boys, there’s no reason to get competitive,” Celia hiccupped and laughed, “I… can handle you both,” she gave both a sexy smoldering look.

Mark reached to Celia’s face and gently stroked her cheek before giving her pillowy lips a soft lingering kiss.

“Wow,” Celia gasped, before Mark’s mouth returned to hers and gently slipped his tongue into her mouth.

While they kissed, Trent put down his console and slid his hand under the bathrobe and toward Celia’s crotch.

Unthinkingly, Celia opened her thighs and pulled Mark toward her, moaning into his mouth as Trent’s fingers stroked her outer lips.

Mark slipped a hand through the robe and let his palm graze the cup and slope of Celia’s breast, before softly circling her puckering nipple with the middle of his palm. Celia moaned into Mark’s mouth and slid deeper into the couch, Trent’s fingers parting the lips between her hips and drawing long smooth lines up and down her soft, pink and wet middle.

Celia broke her kiss and untied her bathrobe, letting it fall away from her cinnamon colored body.

Mark dove back in to the kiss, this time more needy and hungry, and Celia rubbed his crotch through his silken exercise shorts.

With her other hand, Celia reached for Trent but found he was already rubbing his length through his suit pants, turned on by watching Celia.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Celia pulled away, “Let me give you a blowjob Mark, and Trent can start fucking me, then we will switch, yeah?”

Mark and Trent’s eyes lit up with anticipation, but before they could answer Celia was off the couch and on her knees in front of Mark, pulling on his waistband.

Pulling the shorts down, Celia saw Mark’s cock for the first time. Their only rendezvous had been in a candlelit setting where Mark had been randomly selected to fuck a tied-up Celia. Now, her eyes took in the length. There was a long vein that ran down the middle, and a tangle of them to the side near his dark pink mushroom head.

Celia grasped the cock and starting from the base of his shaft licked her flat tongue up the length before swirling the flared ridge.

Mark flinched and groaned, and Celia repeated the lick and swirl from another angle, before parting her thick soft lips and easing just the tip into her salivating mouth.

Celia bobbed her head slowly up and down, focusing on his swollen head before Mark threaded his fingers through her hair and pulled her mouth further down his shaft.

Seeing his brother fucking Celia’s mouth, Trent unbuttoned and dropped his pants, fishing out his pulsing cock.

Trent knelt behind Celia and slid two of his fingers into her wet slit, making her cream and moan. Trent pulled out his fingers, wiped her juice over his tip and eased himself into Celia.

Never before had Celia felt so full, the sensation was addictive. She was beginning to deep-throat Mark’s delicious length and trying not to explode as Trent’s thickness was plunged inside.

Celia ran her tongue around and up Mark’s cock, pushing the twitching head into her throat. Celia gobbled up her new boss’ cock like an ice cream, pressing and flicking with her tongue until she milked a bead of pre-come. Savoring the saltiness, Celia’s pussy responded in kind by going into meltdown.

Trent moaned and plunged his prick into Celia’s now squelching pussy, causing a stream of juice to trickle down the back of her thigh.

Mark gave his hips a thrust and watched his older brother fuck Celia from behind, “Celia you are one naughty girl, who taught you how to give such a good blowjob,”

“I did,” Trent growled and thrust with newfound fervor, turned on by sharing a woman with his sibling.

As Celia slurped the delicious prick, both Trent and Mark ripped off their clothes to reveal glistening, sweaty bodies. They were prime men with rippling six-packs, thick muscled arms and ironclad legs from gym sessions and careful eating.

The brothers fed of each other’s energy, with Mark turned on by Trent’s wet thrusts and Celia’s moans, while Trent felt his prick harden by listening to Celia’s hungry sucks and Marks ecstasy-driven facial expressions.

As the pace quickened, Celia pulled her head up and slipped Trent’s cock out, “Hang on boys, we’re only halfway there; swap positions,”

The brothers moved around Celia, with Mark quicker than Trent. In moments, Mark had slipped his veiny cock into Celia and a shiver of recognition rippled up her body.

Trent eased into the couch and chuckled, “Go easy brother, can’t have her cum too quickly,”

“Yeah,” Mark gasped, “But it feels just,” he groaned, “So good,”

Trent looked down at Celia’s beautiful face, and looked lovingly into her eyes, “You ready?”

Celia gasped Trent’s cock and slid it easily into her mouth, sucking up her juices with a tasty slurp. Trent eased back into the couch and closed his eyes in rapture as Celia’s pillowy lips and firm tongue gobbled up his length.

Meanwhile, Mark had started to focus on making Celia cum. He had stopped his regular thrusting for teasingly slow slides into her centre and out. He found, to his amusement, that the complete withdrawal of his cock and reinsertion would send Celia’s pussy into spasms as the ridges of his prick squeezed into her slit. Mark’s careful thrusts were making Celia whimper with pleasure, she wasn’t used to having multiple men pleasure her so hungrily.

Every moan that escaped her throat drove Trent insane with desire, particularly as caught a glimpse of his brother’s pussy-juice drenched cock.

“I think we need to finish this before we all collapse,” Trent growled.

Mark conceded and began to thrust a little faster into Celia’s snatch, the slurp and pop of her wet hole and mouth sucking onto the pricks sending the brothers crazy.

Faster and faster Mark plunged his length into Celia, a force that drove Celia’s mouth down onto Trent’s cock.

“Faster Mark, I’m fucking her mouth good,”

Mark groaned and locked eyes with his brother as he fucked Celia harder and harder. Trent gasped and writhed under Mark’s directives, while Mark felt his cock swell even more knowing that his brother was enjoying the fucking.

Celia’s gasped between swallows and felt a white-hot heat grow inside her pussy. Her clit had never been harder, and it rubbed deliciously against Mark’s swollen ball sack. Celia fought to steady herself, but her attempts to slow down were admonished by Mark, who would slap her rump playfully and pump harder into her.

An animal cry started to build in Celia’s throat, her pussy was dropping, tightening and clamping on Mark with such ferocity that she thought she’d collapse. Bucking wildly, Celia’s slit clamped and pulled on Mark’s veiny cock, sucking Mark’s cock inwards so he couldn’t help but blow his thick load as her pussy milked it.

Seeing his brother scream out and thrust madly into Celia with the throes of an orgasm, Trent dug his hand into Celia’s hair and held her head still has he fucked her mouth with savage need.

Celia’s slippery mouth polished Trent’s swollen plum to a painful cum which rippled through his body and tightened his balls, delivering several hot shots of cum rocketing down Celia’s hungry throat.

Gasping for breath, Celia pulled Trent’s engorged cock from her mouth and rolled onto the floor, spent and exhausted.

Mark sat on his heels, watching his rigid cock drenched in pussy juice slowly deflate.

“Oh… My… God…” Celia breathed.

“That was the greatest fucking thing I have ever done,” Mark said, wiping a thick layer of sweat from his forehead.

Trent perched forwards and smiled down at Celia’s exhausted face, “So… you’re still in right?”

“With sex like that, how can I refuse?” Celia gasped.

“Looks like I’m going to need a bigger bed,”


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