ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories) (29 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories)
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Chapter Three


Despite his concerns about driving, Benjamin’s will quickly wavered and caved when Emma pulled out his rock hard member and put her wet lips to the tip of his mushroom head. Her fingers wrapped around his dick and pulled up gently as she let the tip of his penis slide into her mouth. She could taste his want and need as she let her hand slide away and took him in until he hit the back of her throat. She’d practiced deep throating for a few months and was eager to show him more of what she’d learned from reading.

Emma relaxed the back of her throat and swallowed as she descended upon him. Her husband’s shiver and moan of ecstasy let her know she was doing it right.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he groaned as he came to the next red light. The streets were empty since it was so late and Emma didn’t fear anyone would see them. She moved her hand down and into his boxer style briefs where she found his sac. Her fingers caressed the sensitive skin until she felt his scrotum tighten and had to pull up before she gagged on his pulsating cock.

“Did you like that?” she asked as she squeezed his balls gently and massaged them.

“You’re going to make me cum if you don’t stop,” he smiled at her as she straightened in her seat. Emma daintily wiped her lips with a napkin and spotted their house about a block away.

Benjamin’s cock stayed hard when he zipped up his jeans and Emma found she couldn’t take her eyes off him. He came around to the passenger side of the vehicle to help her from her seat and supported her with an arm around her waist as they made their way to the front door. Her husband barely had the door shut before she pushed him against the wall of their foyer and unzipped his pants.

Her lips found him hard and wanting just as before and she didn’t waste time relaxing any part of her body as she took him into her mouth. Emma’s tongue swirled around his hard cock and her husband’s moans of pleasure coupled with his hand caressing her hair and suddenly tightening in it made her hot and wet. Her blue eyes opened and looked up at him as he thrust his hips forward, deeper and deeper into her until she thought she might not be able to take it. Then he pulled away with a ferocity that shocked her, but she didn’t have time to complain.

Benjamin pulled her to her feet and pulled off her shirt with enough force to tear the seam. She had a second to think she might need to sew that in the morning before she realized what he was doing. He undid the clasp of her bra with one, swift move and pushed her against the wall where he’d been standing. Emma gasped as he pulled down her skirt and thong with a harsh tug, and cried out when his fingers began to explore the folds of her nether lips without ceremony.

It had been a while since her husband had taken her in a rough manner, and Emma found she was ready before he’d even begun to stroke her gently, tentatively with his tongue. He held her against the wall with one hand on her hip and reached up to find the peak of her right nipple. Benjamin tugged and flicked with his finger on her nipple and his tongue and teeth on her clit, causing her body to tighten like a windup toy.

“Benjamin, oh God, Benjamin,” she cried out as her body released the tension and she felt the glorious pulse of her orgasm rocking her body. Yet her husband didn’t stop there. He tugged on her clit with his teeth and sought the sweet spot inside of her until she cried out again and again; oblivious to the fact her neighbors might hear her.

Her body trembled and her skin was flushed and glistening when Benjamin slid up the length of her and kissed her full on the lips. Emma could taste herself on his tongue and hoped their night was not over yet. Benjamin didn’t disappoint.

“I want you to think about the guy you were eying across the bar,” he whispered into her ear seductively. Emma felt shocked he’d mention it and a little embarrassed that he’d noticed. “Think about how hard his cock would be while he was fucking you, how big it is, and how much you want to do to him what you did to me tonight.”

Emma thought about it and when her husband entered her hard and purposefully, she cried out with surprise and shock. He pushed her against the wall and entered her to the hilt, barely giving her time to adjust to him before he pulled out and pushed in again. “Are you thinking about him?” Benjamin asked her hotly, nibbling on her earlobe.

“Yes,” she cried out as he found the hard peaks of her nipples and tweaked them with his fingers. “Benjamin,” she whispered when she opened her eyes and looked at him. His face was flushed and his eyes were dancing with passion.

As her body convulsed around him and she thought she couldn’t take anymore, Benjamin thrust into her repeatedly until she came a second time and felt the stream of his hot cum entering her.

They lay on the floor in their foyer for a long time before either one of them would look at the other. Emma was no longer tipsy from drinking because she felt she had sweated it all out through her pores. Her husband reached over and pulled her to his chest. His fingers found her hair and began to stroke rhythmically until she felt she was going to fall asleep.

Chapter Four


Emma woke the next morning in her bed with nothing but the silky, white sheet covering her. The sun was streaming through the window and she could smell the bitter, heady aroma of coffee. When she pulled the sheet from over her head and sat up in bed, she realized she’d slept in by quite a few hours and the coffee scent was coming from a mug sitting on her nightstand. Emma picked it up and leaned back against the pillows with a smile on her face.

It was well past nine in the morning and Benjamin must have left for work, so she took her time getting out of bed and showering. Then she pulled on a silky robe and tied it around her waist before she took her empty mug downstairs. When she opened the refrigerator for her brunch yogurt, a piece of paper fluttered to the floor. Curious, she bent down and picked it up.

Meet me at The Deli for lunch, Ben

Emma smiled warmly as she fixed herself another cup of coffee and got to work. Eleven thirty had come around before she knew it and she rushed to get dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a scoop neck sweater. The autumn air felt wonderful when she stepped outside, and then she was in her black sedan and on her way to the deli Ben was referring to in his letter.

She parked next to his gray sedan and took a moment to compose by fixing her hair and makeup before she stepped out. Benjamin was waiting for her by the door and opened it for her with a small smile. “How was your morning?” he asked her as they stepped inside.

“Good, although, I didn’t get up until nine and I barely got the cover for Denise finished today,” Emma was referring to one of her online clients.

“I’m glad you got some time to sleep in. You were pretty knocked out last night.” Emma could hear the amusement in his voice and blushed when she remembered their fun night out, and how it had turned into a naughty, crazy night.

“Well, I’m glad you weren’t too tired this morning.” They ordered their lunches and sat down at a discrete table in the corner. Emma could sense there was something going on with her husband, but she didn’t want to bring it up for fear that he’d be upset. Finally, he brought it up for her.

“Listen, I had a lot of fun last night, and I was thinking about what we talked about a few weeks ago. I saw you eying that other guy at the bar and I felt like maybe you missed out on something when we were younger. I feel like you want something more and I’m okay with that.” Emma swallowed the bite of her sandwich and marveled at how hard it was to get it down. She knew exactly what Benjamin was suggesting, and while she’d thought about it for some time, she didn’t know if he was really comfortable with it.

“Ben,” she rarely called him by the nickname his friends had adopted for him because she felt it was juvenile. Besides, his full name felt sexy on her lips. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re not enough.”

“I know that, but this isn’t just for you. I think it’d be fun for us, kind of like an erotic vacation. It’s not like we’d know the people or ever see them again. I’d pick people who lived far away so we wouldn’t have to worry too much about running into them at the grocery store or something. And even if we did, they’d be mature adults, too. We’d make it clear we were looking for just a onetime thing with them.” Emma sipped on her fountain soda and glanced around to make sure no one else was overhearing their conversation.

“Well, I’ve looked at a few websites over the past couple of weeks and maybe we could look at them together tonight?” Benjamin’s face lit up and he chuckled as he leaned back in his seat.

“You’ve been looking already? I knew it,” he didn’t look upset by her admission. “I’ve been looking, too.” They shared a smile as if they had a secret together, and Emma supposed they did.

“I wouldn’t want any of our friends or family to know about this,” she warned him. Emma trusted him to keep a secret, but she wanted to make it very clear she was adamant about their potential newfound lifestyle staying in the dark.

“Of course not, sweetheart,” Benjamin leaned forward and patted her hand sitting on the table. Then he let his fingers intertwine with hers and she felt calm at the notion of sharing this with him. It wasn’t as if they’d be cheating and she knew Benjamin would be comfortable talking with her about the experience afterwards.

“It’s settled then,” she said as she withdrew her hand and took a bite of her sandwich. “We’ll start looking tonight and go from there.” Emma was excited about the notion and already had a couple in mind she’d like to show to her husband.

They finished their lunch and agreed to talk about it after dinner that night. Emma pushed away her doubts and fears about how the other person might perceive her and ignored the feeling that she might be doing something wrong. It was just sex, and nothing more. There wouldn’t be emotions involved and she’d never see the other man again.

It was a Wednesday, and Emma knew her husband would be tired after their night out at The Hop. He’d seemed alright at lunch, but she knew, more than anyone, he always felt hangovers later in the afternoon. That’s why she stood in the kitchen wearing an apron and holding a very sharp butcher knife as she tried to slice the tomatoes thin enough to fry. It had been hard finding green tomatoes at the store, but she’d managed to hunt them down and now she had them battered and ready to fry in some hot butter. The cheese grits were about ready and she’d whipped up a quick Andouille sausage gravy to go on top. Benjamin originally had a grandmother from the south who used to make a similar meal for him when he was a child, and Emma was feeling nostalgic.

Every time she thought about what they were going to talk about, she became frightened in a good way. Her heart would do a pitter patter against her chest and her hands would grow clammy as she tried to imagine what she would do or say if she met with a stranger for the sole purpose of sex. Then she heard her husband pull in the driveway and wondered if he was feeling as nervous as she.

That night, they signed onto a website and decided to meet up with a couple the following evening. They were an African-American couple, who were currently in town, but they lived in the next state over, and they were both looking for a good time.

Chapter Five


Emma rushed around the closet trying to find something to wear for when they met up with a couple from out of town. Her husband was already dressed in a casual outfit that consisted of jeans and a t-shirt, and she would feel odd if she went in a dress or a skirt. Finally, she chose a pair of jeans and a button-down blouse that would show off a little cleavage, but it wouldn’t make her look desperate.

They both slid into the black sedan Emma usually used and Benjamin turned on some music as he looked at the navigation system. They’d chosen a restaurant they hadn’t been to before, far out of town so that none of Benjamin’s coworkers would spot them with the couple they’d decided to meet with.

Her husband’s hand came across the console and he took her cold fingers into his as they pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot. Then he turned off the car and they sat in silence for a few minutes, both of them contemplating if they were doing the right thing. “We’re not going to do it tonight,” Emma said as if she were trying to reassure herself rather than her husband.

“No, we’re not going to do it tonight. Let’s just go meet with these two, and we’ll go from there, okay?” Emma agreed, thinking that it would be rude to leave the two people they’d emailed waiting.

The cool air flowed over her as she opened her car door. Then the scent of Mexican food wafted over her and her mouth watered as she thought about spicy beef tacos and salsa. Emma would, at the very least, enjoy the good food this place was said to offer. She linked hands with her husband and he led her into the restaurant.

A man greeted them at the door and they told him who they were there to meet. “We’re here to meet up with some friends, Rogan and Samantha Carlson.” The man seemed to know who they were talking about immediately and told them to follow him.

Emma spotted the couple they were supposed to meet before they were seated and inhaled sharply. The man, Rogan Carlson, was better looking than the photographs he’d sent her and her husband. He had sharp, defining features on his face and a tall, muscular frame. While Benjamin had a lanky strength about him, this man left no doubt he could take on anyone who crossed his path.

The woman, Samantha Carlson, boasted a tall, caramel figure with hazel eyes that made her breathtaking. It didn’t hurt that she had a nice, curvy figure to go with her intelligent eyes. When she locked gazes with Emma first, it was obvious she liked what she saw. A flush crept over Emma’s cheeks and she almost turned on her heel to run back to the car, but Benjamin pulled out her chair and she found she was sitting.

Rogan introduced himself first, “I’m Rogan Carlson.” He stuck out his hand and shook with Benjamin across the table, and then he shook with Emma.

“I’m Samantha,” his wife’s voice was husky and deep in a feminine manner. She’d painted her lips a striking red that drew the eye, and accentuated her large eyes with black eyeliner. Emma felt pale, in more ways than one, sitting across from this woman.

“I’m Benjamin and this is my wife, Emma.” They smiled and nodded, and then the waiter was asking for their order of drinks. Emma immediately ordered a glass of wine to take the edge off, and Samantha ordered the same.

“So, you said this is your first time,” Samantha prodded as she put her attention on Emma. “What do you expect to get out of it?”

Emma was shocked by the question and taken aback. She looked at her husband as if she needed support, but he was studying the menu. “Well, I guess just a good time. My husband and I have a great relationship, but we felt like it might be fun to try something new. I know people that are into this are afraid of newbies because they don’t want to end up with a crying woman and angry husband, but I assure you, Benjamin is not the jealous type.” She couldn’t say whether or not she’d be the crying type, and breezily glossed past that.

“You gave us all your medical records pertaining to STD’s and you’ve got ours, so tell me, what is it you want to get out of this meeting?” Samantha sipped on her wine when it was brought and Emma took a gulp of hers.

“I suppose I just wanted to know if I’d like you or not. I didn’t want to meet up with someone and find out we’re not compatible. That could be a lot of time wasted, you know?” Emma decided to speak candidly, and Samantha seemed to appreciate her honesty. The two women chatted about the wine as if they’d gotten all the heavy conversation out of the way while Rogan and Benjamin discussed their work lives in a vague manner.

One of the rules was not talking too much about their personal lives, but Emma found it difficult to have a coherent conversation without some things slipping through. By the end of the night, she’d have enough wine and was feeling chummy with Samantha, and they set up a time and place for their next meeting.

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