ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories) (34 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories)
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It didn’t take long for my body to arch up against his, my breath hissing through my teeth as an orgasm tore through my body. It felt good; it felt better than anything I’d had before. It was an intense, serious, powerful feeling, a release from all the stresses and worries of my divorce. It was the start of freedom. It was the start of something new.

My chest was heaving as I pulled away from him, brushing my hair back from my face. He leaned forward and placed his fingers in my mouth, and I sucked them gently, tasting the evidence of my arousal on them. I had never even considered doing anything as dirty as this in my entire life, and it felt insanely good. He extracted his fingers from between my lips, pressed a short, chaste kiss to my cheek, and pulled on his gloves and left. I was left standing in that cubicle, dazed, for a few minutes, before I realized that I still needed to pee.

Chapter Two

It was impossible not to go about the rest of the day with a grin on your face when a sexy stranger has fingered you to orgasm in a gas station bathroom. Go on, you do it, and see if you don’t spend the rest of your afternoon smiling like an idiot. I just couldn’t get it out of my head, the look on his face, the feeling of his surprisingly gentle fingers on my pussy, the exhilarating knowledge that we could be caught at any time. It was…it was fucking hot, was what it was. I had never even imagined doing anything like that with Oliver, and here I was, only a few days after my divorce became official, doing dirty things with strangers in gas stations. Now, that was what I called free and independent.

My body felt like it had a gorgeous glow surrounding it for the whole day, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that there had actually been something between us. Sure, we hadn’t even exchanged names, but sometimes something just clicks and you know that you’re meant to know this person better, you know? Sure, I could be getting that mixed up with the sexual connection we had, but I wanted to get to know him. I felt a little pang of sadness knowing that I would likely never so much as lay eyes on either of them ever again - let alone get to know the dark-haired one of the same intimate level as I knew his friend - but still. I could just hold on to that as a sexy-as-hell memory for whenever I wanted to get in the mood. I knew that when I was masturbating next time, it wouldn’t be about relieving sexual tension that had built up over months of bad sex-it would be about recreating the feeling of his fingers inside me, trying to capture the moment that had passed between us. I was already looking forward to it.

I still had no idea where I was going, but I resolved to drive until I got to the next big city - I didn’t know exactly where that would be, but hey, it was easy to get distracted when you’re trying to process the sexiest damn thing that’s ever happened to you, right? I saw a sign pointing me towards Detroit, and I decided that that’s where I was going. I had my bags packed, my libido out of control, and I wanted to hit up the big city like any good new divorcée.

So I followed signs that took me towards Detroit, wondering how long it had been since I’d last visited. My university had been just outside the city, but I didn’t make that many pilgrimages down there because it felt like too much hassle - besides, I had the boys and the bars and the drink all up on campus, where I stayed for the duration of my studies. I wasn’t that into hitting the city just to see what crazy things might happen - no, that sounded a bit too much like hard work for me back then. Maybe I wouldn’t have ended up with Oliver if I’d been a little more adventurous and had seen what the rest of the world had to offer. I scolded myself, again - there was no point treading back over old ground when I had all this fabulous new ground to stomp.

Hell, maybe I would even move here. The thought buoyed me; I still hadn’t got used to the fact that I didn’t have to worry about looking out for my shitty relationship any more. I could just go wherever the wind took me, and no one could tell me differently. And, hey, if nothing else, Detroit has a lot more men in it than my little town- a lot more men who don’t still see me as Oliver’s wife. The thought of being able to start over like that, in a completely new city, was intoxicating and a little terrifying. I could re-invent myself, throw in the job at the nail salon back home and start a place of my own, where I give manicures to newly- single women looking to get their mojos back. I knew it was the sort of plan Oliver would roll his eyes at me for if he had heard it, but this was nothing to do with him anymore.

It was difficult not to feel a little pang of sadness, though, wondering what he was doing now, if he was thinking of me. I think the divorce had been harder on him, overall, because he hadn’t necessarily been expecting it. I mean, he knew that we didn’t exactly work too well together, but he was of the school that thought you should just sort of suck it up and get on with it, because you were married now and that was the way it went. Hell, he’d even tried to fight me on getting a pre-nup, because he thought it was unromantic. I was relieved when I managed to convince him to sign it, and I think I probably knew it that moment that we would need it at some point. Six years, we managed, in total, after a laid-back wedding and a honeymoon that never happened. We were straight into married life, mainly because I didn’t want to blow our savings on a trip when we’d have the whole rest of our lives to see the world together, right? Even then, we both knew that we wouldn’t be going much further than the limits of our small town. It wasn’t our style. We had found a rut, but we were comfortable in it, and the alternative was to face up to the fact that we didn’t really work out together.

I pushed those thoughts from my head, and focused on getting the practicalities done for tonight. I would need a place to stay, first off, and I had no idea where was good and cheap in the area. And I needed a place with a decent bar nearby. And somewhere I could cram my face with pancakes in the morning. Call me greedy, but that sounded like the perfect way to spend the next twelve hours - with plenty of fantasising about my mystery motorcycle men, of course. I didn’t think they’d be vanishing from my brain for a long, long while. I had kept an eye out for them on the road, but no such luck- they must had headed in the opposite direction. Maybe they would set up shop in my old town - I imagined them bumping into Oliver out and about.
Oh, yeah, your ex-wife, about this tall, with the long brown hair? I fingered her till she came in a gas station bathroom.
The thought made me smirk, delighted. I could see the look on his face, and it made me seriously happy.

I pulled over into a truck stop, pulling out my phone so I could have a look for somewhere to stay. I squinted as the light of the screen hit my eyes, and hit up a traveller’s site for reviews. As I scrolled down, I was vaguely aware of a pair of headlights drawing closer to the car - glancing up at the last minute, I gasped.

Jesus. It couldn’t be. Could it? But it was. It was them. The bikers from the gas station. My heart jumped into my throat, a mixture of arousal and nerves. Had they followed me here? What did they want with me? My eyes connected with the blonde guy, and I felt a shudder run through my whole body as I recognised his expression. It was the expression he’d had on his face when he was fingering me in that bathroom earlier. And I knew that it meant good things. Quickly checking my hair and make-up in my rear view mirror, I pulled open my door and stepped out, meeting them just as they reached my car. They both had their helmets tucked under their arms, and I could get a better look at them both in the glare of the streetlights. God, they really were stunning - tall, muscular, with the kind of skin that most of the women at my salon would have paid damn good money for. I tried not to let myself get distracted. Now was not the time. What did they want from me? And how had they found me?

The blonde guy seemed to be able to read my mind as he answered my question. “We were just driving up to Detroit, and we saw your car parked on the side of the road. I thought I recognised it from the gas station…earlier.” His voice was dripping with innuendo, and it was all I could do not to rip his leathers of and take him right there, on the side of the road.

I nodded, trying to remain casual and detached. “So, you guys stay in Detroit?”

“Well, we’re passing through. We’ve got a conference later in the week, but we thought we’d see what the city had on offer first,” the blonde guy replied, smiling his crooked smile. “I’m Adam, by the way.”


He extended a hand - the same one he’d used to finger me only hours earlier - and I felt a heat rise in my face as I shook it. Come on, Faye, now is not the time to act like a swooning eighteen-year-old who just got her first kiss. Calm down.

“What about you?” Adam asked, cocking his head at me interestedly.

“Um, I’m…well, I just got divorced, and I wanted to get out of town for a bit, so I just got in my car and drove and…ended up here!” I gestured around me, hoping what I’d just said didn’t sound as desperately uncool as it had to me.

“So, you’re on a road trip?” Piped up the other guy, and I dragged my eyes away from Adam and on to him. He was damn gorgeous, there was no doubt about that, but in a very different way; where Adam was angular and pointy, this guy was softer, with big eyes and curled hair. “Jake,” he added, grinning at me. I wondered if he was aware of what I’d been up to with his buddy earlier in the afternoon. I assumed he did. I knew that if I was Adam I would have been boasting about it to all and sundry- Christ, it had taken a great deal of restraint not to call up one of my friends from back home and spill the beans about my kinky bathroom encounter. In retrospect, I was glad I hadn’t, because, judging by the look on their faces, that was just the beginning.

“Um, yeah, just thought I’d go away for a while. I have no idea where I’m going to stay, though.”

“You should come stay with us!” Adam blurted, as if he hadn’t really had a chance to think about what he was saying before the words were out of his mouth. I raised my eyebrows at him. Seriously?

“I mean, if you want. We have a room booked over at a motel a couple miles from here, and if you haven’t got any place to stay…” He added, looking a little sheepish.

Huh. So there it was. The invitation. My mystery man had turned up again, and he’d bought one of his hot friends with him, and they were inviting me back to their place. Weighing my options, I considered what I wanted to do next.


They both looked a little taken aback by my response. “I mean…are you sure? I don’t want to make you feel like you…”

“No, I’m certain. I’ll follow your bikes; you lead the way. Saves me finding a bed of my own.” I shot them both a flirty smile, and climbed back into my car, making sure to display an inordinate amount of leg and cleavage as I did so. I caught them both staring, before they walked back to their bikes and hopped on, pulling out of the layby. Firing up the engine, I felt a familiar heat building between my legs, and I knew that tonight was going to be something very, very good.

Chapter Three

By the time we pulled into the motel, the light had totally faded from the sky, leaving nothing but the nearby sparkle of the city to pierce the blackness. I waited, my heart thumping, in my car until Adam and Jake returned from the reception, Adam swinging a pair of keys around triumphantly. I couldn’t help but laugh at the looks of excitement of their faces, and their enthusiasm spread a warm glow down my lower body. I hadn’t got a clue what was actually going to happen - if it was going to involve all of us, or some of us, or what - but I knew I was getting fucked tonight, and that was good enough for me.

They hurried me into the hotel room, which was small but functional, with two single beds pressed up against opposite walls. As Adam ran to fetch something from his bike, Jake enlisted my help in pushing the two beds together.

“Then we don’t have to shout at each other from the other end of the room,” He explained, his hand brushing mine as we manhandled the furniture. His skin was warm and soft, and his fingers lingered on mine for a moment too long before he drew them away. Just as he did so, Adam returned, brandishing a six-pack of beer and a wide grin.

“I think we’ve earned these, no?” He exclaimed, popping open enough bottles for all of us. I took a long swig - the beer was cheap, but it was cool and refreshing and just what I needed after a long day’s driving. We sat and drank in silence for a moment, before Adam turned to me.

“So, a fresh divorcee, huh? That’s gotta feel good.”

“It does. It’s so nice to get away from home for a bit, you know? I’m actually thinking about setting up shop here at some point, start over, see how that goes.” I nodded, my heart bursting with the possibilities.

“Oh, what do you do?” asked Adam.

“I’m a beauty therapist.”

“Huh. Suits you” Jake nodded.


“Only beautiful people should be beauty therapists, don’t you think?” Jake exchanged a look with Adam, and the two of them grinned at me. I couldn’t tell who was flirting with me harder, and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to. They were both so…tantalising. So delicious.

“So sweet,” I deadpanned back at him, making them both laugh. I took another swig of my beer. “So, what are you guys in town for?”

“We’re just passing through on the way to a meeting about the business the two of us run. We own a bar, and there’s someone wanting to open another location of it in Detroit. You know, sell out and turn it into a franchise.” Adam could hardly keep the excitement out of his voice. I smiled. So they were entrepreneurs too? I knew a long-term relationship would probably be out of the question after the way we…met (and anyway, I wasn’t looking for anything serious), but maybe these guys could be useful if I was starting up my own business here. I should remember them. I snorted inwardly. I imagined that forgetting them would be next to impossible, anyway. Throwing back another drink of beer for Dutch courage, I decided to broach the question that had been hanging in the air between us since they’d pulled over on the side of the road to see me again.

“Can I ask you guys something?”

They both nodded, with Adam muttering out an “of course”.

“Why did you ask me back here tonight?”

They exchanged a look, obviously weighing up how truthful to be with me. Then Adam let out a small sigh, and placed his hand on my knee. It felt familiar, and shot bolts up my leg and into my pussy.

“Faye, I thought what happened in that gas station was just a crazy, one-off, stupid thing. But then I told him about it -“ he jerked his head towards Jake - “and we saw you on the side of the road, and I thought, “damn, we must be destined to meet again.” Which is cheesy and dumb as hell, but I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to…to get to know you better.”

My breath caught in my throat, and I felt the tension in the room rise to almost unbearable levels. “I didn’t mean why did you think to pull over. I mean, what did you plan to do once you’d got me back here?” The question for brazen - but not as brazen as the response.


Adam stood up, and pressed his mouth into mine, for the second time that day. As he did so, Jake leaned over slipping his hand up my thigh and nibbling up my neck with his soft lips. My body bowed to the feelings, bucking and moving against them both as their hands and mouths roamed all over my body. In terms of the first post-divorce fuck, this one surely had to rank amongst the best.

Adam gently pushed me over, so I was lying on my back, and unbuttoned my shirt to reveal my small breasts. Slipping his hand under my bra, he released them both, and each man lowered his head to my nipple and sucked, ever so gently. I let out a soft moan and squirmed on the bed, savouring the sensations of their weight on me, their mouths touching me. I’d never so much as dreamed of being with two men before now, and I couldn’t work out why - this was incredible.

Adam grabbed my arms, pinning them above my head, and I arched my back against his gentle bites; he was such a fantastic contract to Jake’s careful, gentler approach. My nipples felt swollen and sore and fantastic as their onslaught sent a myriad of signals down to the apex of my thighs. I was already half-naked - with Adam’s hand halfway up my skirt - but they were both fully clothed and there was something so hot about being this out of control. I felt Adam’s hand push higher, while Jake slid his up my other leg. My panties were already soaked, and Jake let out a small gasp as he slowly pulled them down, feeling the dampness that had already permeated the lower half of my body.

It was Jake who fingered me first, gently and slowly pushing his fingers into me and moving them in small circular motions, caressing the inside of my slit. He pulled his mouth from my nipple, looking down at me with a slight frown, as I felt his erection grow beneath his bike leathers. I was barely aware of where Adam’s head was moving until he was already down at my thighs, peppering kisses up my knee and over the soft, sensitive skin on the inside of my leg. Jake still had his fingers inside me, my body slowly rocking to match his rhythm, when I felt the sudden shock of Adam’s mouth of my clit.

It was unexpected, and hot, and raw, and all sorts of things all at the same time, as if Adam were trying to prove himself to me. I had never had one guy pay this much attention to my pleasure, let alone two, and the knowledge that they both wanted me this much - well, it was damn hot. I groaned with delight as Adam worked his tongue into my clit roughly, sending unbridled shivers up and down my body as my belly clenched. I thought my next orgasm would come from just thinking about what Adam had done to me that day - I had no idea it would actually come from the man himself. I opened my eyes to look at Jake again, my hands grabbing his hair so I could pull him into a kiss. It was long and slow and deep, and set the pressure in my belly to dangerous levels.

It burst over me in a moment, a gasping, grasping orgasm - the kind that seems to tear you apart from the inside out. It peaked and broke over me, my body twitching and limp, as Adam reduced his insistent licks down to slow, lazy laps and Jake extracted his fingers from me. Smiling slyly, he bought them to my mouth, and, for the second time that day, I licked the taste of my own pussy from a man’s fingers. I wondered if Adam had told him about our moment in the bathroom earlier, when I’d sucked his fingers clean too - I hoped so. Something about Jake knowing what a slut I’d been really turned me on.

Leaning off me, Jake sat up and began hastily pulling at his leathers, stripping himself down to a shirt and jeans. Pulling them off, he turned to me and yanked my skirt down, taking Adam by surprise. As soon as the skirt was off, Adam plunged his face back into my pussy, making me gasp and groan. Jake looked at down at me with lust in his eyes, and I put on a little show for him, twisting and turning back and forth on the bed, letting him see the way my breasts shook and my hair fanned out next to me. There was something desirous and dark in his eyes, and he strode over to the end of the bed, erection in hand, and positioned me so my head was dangling off the duvet. Positioning his cock at my lips, he gently slid himself into me, and I could taste the drops of precum on his head; swirling my tongue around him salaciously, I savoured his taste, enjoying the scent and feel of him in my mouth. It had been a long time since I had really wanted to suck a cock, and Jake’s was so…perfect. Thick and long and hard, just what I was craving. The feeling of him using me for his pleasure was an intense and hypnotic one, and his hips began to pick up pace, pushing further into my mouth, as I moaned around his dick. I was so lost in the feeling that I had almost forgotten that Adam was between my legs, licking my cunt, until he very gently bit my pussy lips.

I let out a muffled shriek, and cast my eyes down to see Adam looking up at me wickedly. He didn’t want to be ignored. So I threw myself into it, writhing my hips underneath Adam’s busy mouth as I hungrily tongued the underside of Jake’s erection. It was so easy to lose myself in them, to lay back and allow the physical sensations to wash over me. But it was more than just the actual feeling of it all - the way his cock felt in my throat, the way his mouth felt on my pussy. It was about the implications of it, the devil-may-care debauchery of meeting two virtual strangers and fucking them both in a seedy motel room. I felt wanted, desired, and needed, and that was a heady mix for the newly divorced me. I wanted more, more, more, and felt that familiar ache in my pussy again, my legs tensing as Adam slid his fingers into me. My pussy clenched around him, and he suddenly withdrew, making me squirm with disappointment. My body ached for orgasm as I heard the familiar sound of unzipping and disrobing, until there was a rip of foil. Was he going to fuck me? I desperately hoped so. I needed to be filled up by something big, something hard - something
right now.
And the thought of getting fucked while I sucked this guy’s dick - lying on my back, exposed for all to see - was tantalising.

I felt his head nestle up to the entrance of my slit, stretching me like his fingers did earlier. I know I couldn’t take much more of this waiting, and I bucked myself up against him, trying to force him inside me, but he held my hips down.

“Not yet,” he whispers, and I wanted to stare up at him, to plead with him to fuck me, but I couldn’t - I’m pinned, with Jake’s cock still slickly sliding in and out of my mouth. I felt so used, but so…needed. Wanted. So
And I was trying to focus on that feeling to take my mind of the feeling of anticipation racing through my body when he pushed into me, showering my body with a whole new range of feeling. I had never been fucked like this before - splayed out on a bed for my partner’s visual enjoyment. Adam leant down and placed one of my nipples in his mouth as he slowly pushed his full length into me, and I let myself fall into the pleasure - it was impossible to fight it. I wanted to throw my arms around him, to feel the heat and hardness of his body against mine, but I was pinned as Jake pulled my arms around his legs, allowing him deeper access to my throat.

Placing one leg over his shoulder, Adam started getting into a rhythm, going a little harder and a little faster as his cock spread me wide open. It was right on the edge of pain and pleasure, all at the same time - a painfully good mix that set my teeth on edge again. I couldn’t even look at the man who was fucking me, because I was too busy sucking someone else’s dick - I tried to focus on taking Jake in as deep as I could go, as he leaned down to slap one of my tits till the nipple hardened and stung. But I couldn’t distract myself from the impending orgasm, and I could hear Adam’s breathing coming faster and more ragged. He wasn’t far from finishing, either.

Feeling my pussy clench with agonising sweetness, I rolled my hips against Adam’s cock and came, my body bowing to the pleasure of it all. I felt Jake’s cock twitch in my mouth, and he finished within seconds of me, his legs tensing underneath my hands as I swallowed every last drop of his cum. I pulled my head back just in time for Adam to lean down and kiss me passionately, his expression almost pained, as he reached a frenetic fever-pitch, his body moving against mine, using me for his pleasure. As my orgasm faded away, he reached his own climax, rocking against my body as he slowed his pace and let his breathing settle down.

We lay there for a moment, a sweaty, malleable, horny heap of flesh. My mind flashed back to the first time I’d seen them standing in that garage- who knew that it would end up like this?

Adam was the first one to speak, as he peeled himself off my cleavage. “Anyone for another beer?”

Jake and I looked at each other, and then nodded. If ever I had earned a drink, it was now.

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