ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories) (79 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories)
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Chapter Five


That evening Catherine’s led her two grooms deep into the sanctity of her royal chamber; a palatial room that bespoke her station as a duchess of the high court.

Walls of glowing gold brocade enclosed her private sleeping place; an elegant boudoir that also boasted dew glistened bouquets of pearlesque carnations settled in shiny gold urns, a ceiling emblazoned with a hand painted scene captured from the English countryside, and a sterling centerpiece of a lace canopied bed ensconced in comforters of sweet pearl pink.

Sweeping her off her feet, her two husbands tossed her body at the center of this silken sleeping place, both standing tall and proud before her to strip themselves naked before her admiring eyes.

She stared in blatant admiration as the two glorious men revealed themselves to her; posing and flexing their sculpted pectorals, their defined abdominals, their long, trim legs, only for her pleasure. She took particular delight in seeing the two long, hard shafts that seemed to salute her presence.

Descending in a single smooth flourish at the head of his lady’s bed, Gaston stared down at her with adoring eyes; soothing the tendrils of her fire red hair as he bent low to kiss her lips and cheeks.

“Relax and allow us to adore ye, milady,” he whispered, unhooking the buttons at the back of her dress as he continued to kiss and lick her lips. “Allow us to do everything….”

“Everything for yer pleasure,” Gerald completed, kneeling naked before her as he freed her feet from the confines of her ruby hued slippers.

Soon Gaston had stripped away her chemise and bodice; caressing the heaving breasts and gentle rounded tummy this move revealed. As an adoring Gaston massaged her sturdy shoulders and caressed her heaving breasts, all the while continuing to kiss her senseless, Gerald suckled her toes and licked her pads as he stripped away her petticoats; licking his way up her bare legs before settling himself between her fleshy thighs and bowing his head at her folds.

As Gaston slipped his silken tongue between her lips, fondling her breasts and devouring her mouth with his, Gerald layered his own tongue across the surface of her heaving clit; also playing his agile fingertips around the border of her feminine slit.

Gaston swallowed her startled breath, and continued to kiss and caress her, as Gerald slipped his agile fingertip through the door of her feminine garden and probed her intimate walls; seeking the source of her ultimate ecstasy as he continued to lave her nub.

“Mmmmm.” She purred against Gaston’s lips as he kissed her lips and kneaded her breasts; writhing wild on the bed as an ardent Gerald worked and kneaded her dual pleasure points. “I love ye both, so much.”

“And we love ye, milady,” Gerald whispered against her clit, continuing to stroke her hungry insides as shards of heated erotic ecstasy soared upward to touch every fiber of her being. “Let us show ye just how much.”

As if on cue, Gaston plunged his tongue into her mouth as her nipples flew to hard, erect points beneath his loving touch. And as for Lord Gerald? Well he hit the spot.

Laying a long, resounding lick across the surface of her inflamed clit, he simultaneously stroked the sensitive spot just inside her pussy; igniting her G-spot just as her nub pulsated in response to his intimate touch.

Kneeling forward to embrace her bare, sweaty body and support her sturdy, trembling frame, Gaston clutched her to him as she rode the wave of an incredible, multi layered orgasm; one that shook her to the core as her heart and pulse pounded and her pussy gushed outright.

Soon her loyal knight swept her up in two strong arms, pulling her closer than close as he cradled her in his tender embrace. For a time the two kissed and cuddled warm and tender as Gerald laid at her back; continuing his intimate massage as he ran tickling hands down her spine before rubbing and fondling her buxom behind.

“Let us love ye,” he whispered in her ear, cupping her flushed cheeks in two tender hands as he turned his face to hers.

As he engaged her trembling lips in a hot, passionate kiss, his full, moist mouth stroking hers in a smooth, intimate rhythm, Gaston wrapped her hands around her sturdy waist and settled his hard naked body between her parted thighs; pulling her close as her breasts crushed his massive chest and their hips and thighs locked between them.

Even as she kissed the lips of her devoted first husband, reaching back to stroke and caress the shaft that rose up to tease her waist, Catherine wrapped her free arm around Gaston’s massive shoulders to caress the lengths of his silken dark hair; sinking in the depths of his tight embrace as—finally and fully—he joined them as one.

Bowing his head to kiss and lick the nape of her sensitive neck, Gaston plunged the length of his long, hard cock to the depths of her wet femininity; their nipples scraping together and her hand scaling his sturdy back as she thrust his hips forward to meet his in a lush, decadent tango.

As Gaston gyrated his hips against hers, his shaft driving forth to her very core, Gerald’s long, wet tongue plundered her mouth as his hands canvassed her shoulders and back.

Finally and with a joined sigh, Gaston exploded wild within her as the couple came together; an attentive Gerald joining in their bliss as both men clutched her between them.

Once again writhing wild in the joy of a heated climax, Catherine smiled serene as she held her two hands up to the light of an incoming window; admiring both of her rings of gold as she contemplated the circle of love that both did signify.

“Forever and always,” she sighed.




MFM Menage Romance




Chapter One


The morning sun was a friend to Judith Lance as she walked free and warm in its ethereal rays.

Aside from caressing and embracing a body just arrived from a colder climate, this luminous beacon served to showcase the whole of her surroundings.

A Minnesota native, newly freed from the oppressive bounds of a five year marriage that had extended its welcome by two of those years, Judith decided to celebrate her freedom via a sun soaked Florida vacation. And in lieu of escaping to a beach sure to be crowded by far too many bronzed bikini babes roughly half her age and size, the practical office manager opted instead to rent a ranch style cabin at a Tampa-area resort known as Happy Trails.

Located on the grounds of a vast and expansive Western-style ranch, Happy Trails was advertised as a quiet haven of rolling heather strewn hills and ethereal natural surroundings; a place where people could escape the noise and traffic of the big city to enjoy peace and quiet in the great outdoors.

“And after suffering through a heated and frequently screaming argument with my husband, one that lasted roughly two and a quarter years, not counting the three weeks or so he ran home to his mother,” she reminded herself, rolling her eyes heavenward, “I’d say that I’m more than a bit overdue for a good bit o’ peace and quiet.”

Her opinion seemed verified this morning as she took a long walk across the grounds of Happy Trails resort.

Having just settled in at the provincial cabin that would be her home for the next weeks, Judith now walked the length of the cobblestone path that lead straight down the center of the 100 acre resort.

She marveled at the vision of emerald grassed hills, lined with golden heather and blossoming forth with an array of floral gems that ranged from golden fluffy dandelions and robust sunflowers to lavender African violets and plush orchids, every hue of the rainbow.

Her gaze shifted upward to behold statuesque magnolia trees and lovely sable palms; their pristine tops kissing the jewel blue sky that hovered high and proud above her.

Tossing her head back to bask in the tendrils of a light Southern breeze, Judith smiled as a wave of peace and calm suffused her tall, fully made being; closing her eyes as she basked in the song of ivory feathered gulls flying low overhead.

“Beautiful,” she breathed, finally exhaling as months of stress, strain and worry dissolved from her body, lifting their shackles from every part of her being—and most especially her heart. “Just beautiful.”

Just then she opened her eyes to behold a vision even more beautiful in spectacle and effect. In fact, she wasn’t quite sure if she’d ever seen anything quite this—what was the phrase? —Visually pleasing.

“Of course, to deem what I see before me as visually pleasing would be just a bit like labeling Michelangelo’s Statue of David as ‘passing cute on a good hair day’,” she mused, running some soothing hands through her frazzled, windswept mane of wheat blonde hair as she took a closer look at the two men who loomed just ahead of her on the open trail.

Both sitting tall astride a pair of ivory maned stallions that trotted graceful down the pathway before her, the two young men both boasted bronzed muscular forms that they seemed eager to show off—and in grand style. Both rode ‘bareback’ on their trusty steeds, their hard muscled torsos—adorned only by fire red bandanas wrapped around their sturdy necks--glowing massive and golden in the light of the sun above them. And both of their peerless chests tapered down to trim waists and long sturdy legs adorned in the threads of some skintight blue jeans.

“Christ,” she breathed, eyes widening as they took a leisurely walk down the length of sculpted forms that also boasted firm pecs, bulging shoulders and washboard abs. “How do they breathe? How for that matter am I breathing right now?”

Finally raising her gaze to the heads that topped these statuesque bodies, she noted that the men stood on opposite sides of the spectrum when it came to unmistakable masculine beauty. While the rider to the left boasted lustrous wave of long golden hair and crystalline blue eyes, his companion was graced with a mane of jet ebony hair that fell graceful across his broad shoulders; framing a pair of wide dark eyes that mirrored the night.

Both men wore signature cowboy hats of sleek ivory felt, thus completing the look of the classic Old West cowpoke. And both boasted bronzed chiseled faces that came complete with carved cheekbones, planed foreheads and full moist lips.

Lips that now spread in dazzling white toothed beams as they fully and finally came face to face with their admirer.

“Good mornin’ Ma’am!” the blond spoke up, tipping his stately hat high in her direction. “Welcome to Happy Trails!”

Nodding his own gentlemanly welcome, the brunette tipped his hat in kind accord and declared, “We welcome you to our humble little stretch of land here. I’m Drake Lawrence and this is my brother Brett. We’re the owners and proprietors of the Happy Trails Ranch, and we hope you’ll have a good ol' time here.”

“Oh no worries!” Judith insisted. “I’m already having a blast.”

The smooth, sonorous chuckles that met these words sent tingles down her spine, as did the way that the brothers seemed to regard her with steady, intense gazes.

“Glad to hear it,” Brett declared with a nod, adding as he made a broad and graceful gesture to encompass the whole of their natural surroundings, “We hope that you and your family enjoy everything that we have to offer here. You can feel free to explore the land here, just as you’re doing now, or come to the stables to saddle up for your own ride. We offer stallions and mares for the mister and missus and ponies for the kids. We reckon y’all will also enjoy the barbecues we offer every day and our bonfires at night.”

Judith nodded.

“Well what I’m enjoying right now are those adorable Southern accents of yours!” she admitted with a grin. “Does everyone in Florida talk so cute?”

The brothers shook their heads.

“Actually Ma’am, my brother and I hail from the great state of Texas,” Drake revealed, adding as he inclined his handsome head in her direction, “We came to Florida five years ago to bring a taste of the long horn state to folks here in Florida. And what about you Miss? I detect the lilt of an adorable accent coming from those pretty lips as well. Might you be from Minnesota, perhaps?”

Judith nodded.

“You betcha!” she exclaimed, drawing peals of laughter from the watching brothers as she pulled off her best expression of the exalted Marge Gunderson, unflappable heroine of the movie Fargo. “And as much as I liken a certain expectant fictional police detective in appearance and demeanor, my full and true name is Judith Lance.”

Brett nodded.

“Lovely name!” he praised her, adding as he cast a quick look around them, “And is Mr. Lance up and about this morning? We’d like to say howdy to him and your youngins as well.”

Judith shook her head.

“There is no Mr. Lance to speak of, and in point of fact there really never was—I never did change my name when I married,” she revealed, adding through gritted teeth, “And considering the rather disastrous outcome of said union, that’s in all likelihood a good thing. I have in fact come to the ranch to celebrate the grand occasion of my divorce.”

She started as the brothers looked at one another, exchanging sly smiles before returning their gazes to her.

“’Scuse us Ma’am,” Drake bowed his head before her, adding with arched eyebrows, “It is very seldom that we welcome single ladies here. I believe that I speak for both my brother and myself in issuing you a gentleman’s promise, one that only a man from the South could make and keep. We aim to personally ensure that you have a good ol’ country time here at Happy Trails.”

“Yee haw!” Brett concurred, tone spirited and robust. “Rest assured we’ll put a Texas sized smile on that pretty face Miss, starting tonight. We aim to show you some Southern hospitality—and then some. We insist that you be our special guest at our welcome dinner this evening, a meal that will be served over an open campfire out on the open range and under the moonlight. You can get to know us better, along with all of our other guests here at the ranch. Please say that you’ll make our night and join us.”

A now openly blushing Judith thought a moment, and then nodded.

“Indeed I will,” she agreed, adding with a grin and a playful wink, “Yee haw!”


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