Romancing the Fashionista (4 page)

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Authors: K. M. Jackson

BOOK: Romancing the Fashionista
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Chapter Five

Mel and Lexi stood side by side at the entrance to the Tahoe room sporting twin looks of horror. While the Timber Falls Inn and Lodge had been updated in the lobby and their surprisingly fancy suites with a more luxurious modern Swiss ski lodge feel, the Tahoe room showed distinct traces of the old Timber Falls they knew and didn’t love. With its uplighting from the 80s and iridescent wallpaper with a filigree design that had clearly seen better days, the room’s décor gave it a good go but missed the mark by far.

Currently, there were a few low round tables already occupied and some smaller higher ones for those shorter impromptu gatherings. There was also a parquet dance floor with four people tops, all women, gyrating to the tune of a 90s dance hit that would have done better staying there. Mel and Lexi had stopped in their tracks and Mel started to walk backwards but was stilled by a large warm hand at the small of her bare back. “Oh no you don’t,” Nolan said close to her ear. “Don’t make me rat you out to Ramona and her crew.”

Mel let out a moan. “As if I’m afraid of them. And come on, don’t be so cruel. You have to admit this is a dismal scene.”

Nolan laughed as she turned his way and was pulled up short by his smile once again.
Run, Mel! This is a mistake

“You’re right, this is awful, but we’re here so we might as well take the lumps together.”

“He’s right,” Lexi chimed in. “This is our weekend, Mel. Let your hair down, have fun with it. See how the regular folk do it.”

Mel gave her a look and was about to think of a comeback when there was a loud “Hey, hey, hey!” headed their way.

It was now Lexi’s turn to pull a face as she rolled her eyes. “I’m going to head to the bar to see about some drinks.”

“Aww, Lexi girl, don’t be like that,” Ian Collins said. Mel remembered he was Nolan’s best homeboy back in school. A tall, slightly geeky boy back then, Ian was considered a nerd, so on the Out List, but his proximity to ever-popular Nolan made him able to hang on the fringe of the In List. Mel remembered how silly he always was. A wannabe down hip-hopper, Lexi called him a sad Eminem because of his pale skin and wiry dirty blond hair that advertised his biracial Caucasian and African-American heritage. The poor boy had it bad for Lexi back then but she never gave him the time of day. And judging by his intro and her reaction, it would seem not much had changed on that front. But although he was still a fashion misfit, judging by the retro Adidas sweat suit with the blinged-out chain Ian chose to wear to this cocktail party, he was no longer the pale, geeky boy they left back in high school.
Maybe Lexi should open her eyes and take a second look
, Mel thought.

“Be like what, Ian? Breathing?” Lexi retorted.

“Dang. I see you’ve still got that spicy tongue to go with those lovely lips of yours.” Ian leaned in towards Lexi and she cocked her head as she crossed her arms, giving him a direct block.

“Yeah, and I’ve still got fast hands and quick-enough knees to lay your ass flat.”

Mel saw something in Ian’s eyes that looked for a moment like hurt, but he was quick to cover it with an easy smile. “Okay, I hear you, Lex. Don’t worry, you’ll get no reason from me to pull out the ninja moves. I’m a reformed man. Nothing but a perfect gentleman.”

“Yeah, and I’m Wonder Woman.”

To this Ian smiled wider, everything in him softening as he once again became the playful, though slightly overly hormonal guy they all knew and tolerated in school. He turned away from Lexi giving Nolan a simultaneous handshake-pat-hug thing the way guys did, before turning to Mel with open arms. “I know your home girl doesn’t have any love for an old friend, but can you at least give me some?”

Mel didn’t have any malice towards Ian, so she went in and gave him a warm hug. “Sure, Ian. It’s good to see you. Didn’t I hear you got married? Is your wife here?”

Ian rubbed the back of his neck as Nolan visibly tensed beside her.

Uh oh. What did I say?

“Well, no,” Ian replied. “Um, I’m no longer married. That, well, let’s just say it didn’t work out.”

“Figures,” Lexi said on a low hiss, but not low enough they all couldn’t hear.
Damn. And it was supposed to be her who was the hard ass.
Mel couldn’t help but see the pain sweep over Ian’s eyes for a moment, though he was good at quickly washing it away with an easygoing grin.

“Yeah, you know me!” He took Mel’s hand and swung it playfully in the air. “You gonna give a brotha a spin on the dance floor tonight?” He then raised a brow and looked at Nolan who slipped him a pat on the back. “That is, after my boy here, of course. I don’t want to cut in on anything.”

“Oh, you wouldn’t be cutting in on anything!” Mel didn’t know who spoke up first or faster, her or Nolan. She did catch the roll of the eyes that, for the first time, made it seem like Lexi and Ian were in agreement on something.

Mel shook her head and turned towards Lexi. “Come on. I’ll go with you to get that drink.”

But it was Ian who spoke up this time. “Ladies, please let us. I heard about you, Mel. You’re a big shot now. We should talk business. I’m blowing up a little myself. Got this cool indie thing that’s taking off. Maybe we could link up? Besides, what kind of men would we be if we let two beautiful ladies like you buy your own drinks?”

“The kind that are just friends and going to stay that way. I don’t mix business with friendships. It only gets messy,” Mel said.

Nolan gave Ian a pointed look then let out a laugh and reached into his pocket, pulling out a few bucks. “Well, then would you mind grabbing me a beer,

Mel put up her hand. “Your money’s no good here,
. It’s on me.” She then linked arms with Lexi, turned her around and headed towards the not-so-open bar where it seemed the majority of the crowd gathered. But she could feel, judging by the heat, what were probably Nolan’s eyes boring into her back.

“You can’t help yourself, can you?” Lexi said from her side.

“What is it now?”

“Couldn’t you at least let them get us drinks? Do you have to control every potential romantic situation?”

Mel decided to keep up her pace and not let Lexi get the better of her. “You got me up here and that was enough. Besides, you heard Ian. He either a) wants in your pants, b) wants a mention in my magazine or c) both. I’m betting on c. Though I do think he was kind of nice and you were très harsh on him. As for Nolan, I’ve decided there will be no romantic situation between me and him. And if by chance anything does happen between the two of us, it will be sex only and definitely not romance.”

Lexi let out a long sigh. “Really, and what the hell is wrong with d) all of the above? Not that I’m giving Ian any, but I’m saying people are people. Can’t you just roll with things sometimes?”

Mel shook her head. “No, I can’t. Rolling with things gets you nothing but rolled over. And I’m never letting that happen to me again.”

Mel was careful not to look Lexi in the eye, afraid that her friend, knowing her so well, would see too much. Sure, part of her wanted that fantasy of all of the above, but she knew the danger of getting lost in those kinds of thoughts. Her mother did it for way too long. Only getting out when the fantasy drove up the highway and out of their lives. She’d never make that type of mistake. Once with the professor was more than enough. At least she had Bailey to show for it.

Thankfully though, Lexi was wrapped up in her own fantasy and currently shimmying as she surveyed the patchy crowd, zooming in on one man across the room. Mel eyed the handsome man with dark curly hair not far from their age, but clearly a little older. Something about him poked at Mel’s memory. It was when he gave the women a sly smile and Lexi smiled back that Mel knew. “Oh no, not Mr. Stuart. Lex, don’t go there. He’s our old gym teacher. Besides, did you even hear what I just said, not to mention you know how things can go with teachers?”

Lexi turned Mel’s way before saying, “Oh please, he’s not my teacher anymore, and he’s very divorced. And yes I heard everything you said, Miz Controlling. Sex it up. You know I’m all for it. We’ll see how that works for you. Besides, we’ve all got our demons to exorcise this weekend. Let’s see who hits the ceiling first.” She then looked Mr. Stuart’s way and gave him a wink.

“Now come on. Let’s get these men their beers and get your plan in motion. You’re not as well practiced as I am.”

Mel was ready to retort but bit it back. Maybe hitting the ceiling wasn’t the worst thing that could happen this weekend.

“Two beers and two Pinots,” Mel said when she finally made her way to the bar. It shouldn’t surprise her but the unwelcome stares were just like back in high school; it would seem fifteen years had changed nothing. In the town where people of color were indeed a statistical minority, not to mention anyone who didn’t adhere to the good old boy norms that one would generally find in a state farther south, Mel and Lexi with their brown skin and avant-garde for the times dress, stuck out. So much that it put them in social isolation. Brown kids like Nolan Parker who were tall, good looking, charming and had the added so-called value of bringing sport championships back to Timber and away from the neighboring town of Birch Peaks, were given a social pass not afforded to the likes of Mel and Lexi.

Mel pasted on her old cool mask of serenity. She knew she was probably not being fair to them. It wasn’t as if she was reaching out to any of these people either. But she felt the old feelings of rejection and hurt come flooding back as they each parted ways for her and Lexi with glances of recognition, but no welcoming smiles or hellos. So that was why she was surprised when she heard the voice over her shoulder.

“Oh no, don’t give her the Pinot. Give her two Timber-tinis!”

Mel stilled, annoyed at having her drink order changed. She looked at the bartender. “The Pinots, please.”

“Rick, make the ladies a couple of Tinis on me.”

Mel turned around ready to give the pushy woman a “What for?” but was pulled up short when she saw a face she didn’t expect. “Andrea Alderson! What the hell?”

“It’s Alderson-Albertson now,” Andrea said rubbing her hands over her stretched belly, looking nothing like the girl they knew as the emo loner. Andrea used to hide out in the bathroom from third through seventh period, working on perfecting her Goth look and making plans to run away to her own part of Hell as soon as she found her way out of Timber. Mel only recognized her because she could never forget the girl’s icy blue-grey eyes that were so clear and light they were almost see-through. No amount of black makeup could cover that up.

Lexi did a double take. “Andrea? Really? Woman, I can’t believe it’s you.” She circled around Andrea taking in her floral empire-waist dress, soft curly blonde hair that was parted on the side and flowed down her back, the sparingly applied makeup, fresh skin, even the small diamond earrings at her ears. Talk about a total about-face.

Andrea laughed. “I know, sometimes I can’t believe it’s me either, but I have plenty of old pictures to prove it. My husband and kids get a kick out of them.”

“Kids? How many do you have?” Mel asked.

Andrea beamed. “This little one here will be my fourth. Another girl, which thrills the hell out of my husband, John, and scares the shit out of me. I’m thinking it’s all payback, and my mom’s prayers are being answered.”

“Four, wow. You may be right there.”

“Yeah, wow is right. Which is why I want you to try my Timber-tini. John is part owner here. We handle the catering and support staff, and I made this drink up special for the reunion as part of the planning committee.”

“Wow!” Mel said. “So you moved back to town?

Andrea laughed as she shook her head. “I know, shocker, right? After running off with that dude from the mini-mart after graduation, I got all the way to Tampa and realized what a dumbass I was. It took me over two years to admit it and make my way back home. I’m glad I did. I had a lot of making up to do, especially to my mom. I wasn’t the easiest of kids.”

Mel and Lexi exchanged looks.
Well, she didn’t lie there.
The girl spent more time out of class than she did in. And on most days if she wasn’t found smoking in the girls’ bathroom she could be found hanging out one town over where there was a huge biker community.

The bartender put two Timber-tinis on the counter. “Try your drinks. I wish I could.”

Lex and Mel picked them up. “Well, cheers then. Thanks for planning this. It’s good to see you back and doing so well.”

Andrea shrugged. “It’s not much. My husband is sweet and he makes being back in Timber not only tolerable, but a dream. Not to mention he looks good and is just successful enough that it bugs the shit out of Ramona and her brood. That part is a bonus.” She leaned in. “I know it’s wrong, but secretly I live for pissing them off by being so happy.”

Lexi took a sip of her drink. “Amen to that. And yum on the drink!”

Andrea grinned as a waiter came by and whispered in her ear. “Well, duty calls, but we’ll catch up this weekend? I’m really happy you made it. There weren’t many people who were nice to me in school. You two were some of the precious few.” She leaned in and gave both Lexi and Mel hugs as far as her belly would let her before turning to the bartender with an easy smile she never had as a teen. “Treat these two right all weekend. They’re friends of mine.”

The bartender smiled. “You heard the lady. Your money is no good here so drink up. I’ve got you.”

Mel and Lexi left with their drinks and the beers to head back to their table and the guys. Something about the encounter with Andrea struck Mel. It was nice to see someone who she hadn’t thought of in years doing so well and looking truly happy. It was as if all that hurt that had twisted and tangled, choking Andrea from the past, had been unfurled and released out into the atmosphere. Now it bloomed into these precious little beings she seemed to be happily creating.

As she walked back, Mel watched Nolan as his dark eyes slid over her body. She felt the heat as his gaze scanned her from top to bottom, taking stock, assessing her from head to toe. He licked his full lips before spreading them into an easy, inviting smile. One she suddenly wanted to melt into. She handed him his beer bottle and felt a rush that went right to her core as his finger grazed over the back of her hand before she released his beer. She looked up. Every nerve in her body pointed in his direction, highly sensitive and on full alert as the DJ’s voice came over the top of the remix of “Single Ladies”.

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