Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2) (18 page)

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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“You let me worry about Hard Ass Hargrave. Your mission is to attack and have fun. Get everyone into it for a half hour and blow off some steam.” She nodded as she left her cube while I covered her, just as Kelly came rounding the corner.

The “war” continued for the entire half hour until fits of laughter could be heard throughout the office. Release of stress — mission accomplished. I was on the floor laughing, out of ammunition, as Kelly put a dart to my head, emptying her chamber. She grabbed my arm and helped me up. I watched my full sales team, now at 130 people, laugh and smack each other’s backs.

Kara came running up to me, also laughing, and told me that the food was here.

“Food is served people. Get your butts in there and eat quick and then head back to sales! We’re going to have an awesome sales day – I can feel it!” I announced to my team.

“Uhh, umm, Matty. Vanessa is headed this way. She looks pissed,” Kara whispered to me, her eyes were huge and full of fear. Damn. Vanessa really knows how to do that to people. I couldn’t wait for this fight. My dick was getting hard just thinking about how she’d take it out on me. Wow, where did my mind wander just then?

Laughing at my own personal joke, I turned around and faced Hargrave.
Fuck, she’s hot.
Her gorgeous deep grey eyes were blazing with fury as she stopped in front of me with her hands on her hips. I glanced over her outfit. Black pants that were just the right fit on her perfect legs. Heels high enough so she was almost as tall as me. A lavender silk shirt that was opened just enough that with her hands on her hips showed just the swell of her breast peeking out. I can’t wait for her to walk away so I can see her fantastic ass. Her full lips were pursed just enough that I imagined them wrapped around my cock.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” She practically screamed at me.

I glanced around as I noted my sales staff standing away from us, but close enough to hear the argument. Most of them were wide-eyed and some were snickering. I wanted to grab Vanessa and kiss the living shit out of her. Thrust my hands through her hair. Hike her leg up and feel her ass. I took a deep breath, trying to get my wits about me so I could really mess with her.

“Having a game of Nerf tag. I thought that was obvious,” I explained as I gave her my sexy smile. I glanced around and noticed some of my staff continued to snicker.

Vanessa’s face was serious as she took a deep breath and asked, “Could we speak in private please?”

“Absolutely.” Fuck yes. I waved my hand so she would walk in front of me and I could follow. Her hips swayed and I realized she has to have the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t stop fantasizing about bending her over my desk and grabbing her amazing hips hard while I thrust my cock into her as she’s face down on my desk. Shit. I wonder how flexible she is. Maybe she can grab her ankles while I fuck her hard. I looked up and realized we were in my office already and I quickly averted my eyes back to hers. I didn’t do it in time. She caught me staring at her ass.

“You can’t play gun games inside the office. It’s against our no gun policy.”

“Umm,” I chuckled. “But they’re not real guns. They’re Nerf darts.” I held up my big yellow gun, slightly upset that I didn’t have one more dart to shoot at her for fun, just to antagonize her a little more.

She huffed and rolled her eyes. “They may be fake guns, but what if someone
it’s a real gun and calls the police. Then the police don’t know if it’s real or not and then a whole shoot out could occur.”

I laughed and as I did she threw me an angry glare. “Oh come on,” I stretched my arms out wide. “That’s a pretty far-fetched story, don’t you think?”

“Well…no. There have been incidents at schools and offices and…it’s against our policy.” I gave her my best “incredulous” stare as she folded her arms across her chest in defense of her position. “It could happen.”

“Yeah, okay, you keep believing that. Are we done here?”

“Just don’t have another gun war in the office, okay?”

I shrugged as I walked out. “Fine. I’ll take everyone out to laser tag during lunch. Thanks for the idea, Hargrave.”


A couple days later, we had our new promo blitz and had a vendor come in. I can admit, the guy was louder than I anticipated, but he did manage to get everyone riled up and excited. He even brought his own bell. Anytime one of my staff made a sale above their quota, they were allowed to write their name up on the board and then ring the bell. Everyone stands up and claps, congratulating the sales person on their achievement.

Now, in my heart of hearts, I knew that bell was disruptive to the rest of the floor, but I also knew that Hargrave would come over and I would get to see her again. Pissed off with fire in her eyes. I’m thinking any reaction I get from her right now is a good reaction, right?

Living right across the hall from her, and not seeing her for some odd reason, was weird. You’d think we’d bump into each other heading out to work. Nope. I haven’t seen her nor heard from her. So, this bell would surely bring her out of her office and give me an excuse to talk to her again.

Sure as shit, by the fourth bell ring of the day, Hargrave popped her head into my office.

“Really? A bell? How old are you guys? Do they get a lollipop too and a sticker on their cubicle?” She actually asked that with a straight face.

I laughed. “Actually, that would be good too, but I’m sure they’ll settle for a gift certificate to a nice steak dinner instead.”

“Mr. Williams, the whole…”

“Matt. You need to call me Matt. It’s getting annoying that you call me my father’s name.”

She pressed her lips together and closed her eyes in pure frustration. “Matt,” she enunciated. “Could you please either do away with the bell ringing or at least get a quieter bell? I’ve had numerous complaints. If your sales staff were on a separate floor, I wouldn’t have a problem, but you’re not. We need to figure out a way that we all work together.”

I cringed, knowing she had a point. “Fine. The bell goes.”

The look of surprise on her face was priceless. I hadn’t meant to do that, but it was fantastic. “I…just like that? You’re giving in?”

“I’m not giving in. I’m just agreeing with you.”
Ding. Ding. Ding.
The bell rang out and we heard cheers from the sales floor. I held my hands up. “I’ll go put an end to it.”

She gave me a small smile. “Thank you, I appreciate that.”

As I brushed by her, I leaned in and whispered, “See, I can be agreeable sometimes. Have dinner with me and you’ll see how nice I really can be.” I didn’t wait for an answer. I just kept walking out.


The following Friday, I had the beer cart rolling around. Yep, a beer cart at work. Our sales quarter was ending and it was the biggest quarter inside sales has ever had. I was beyond thrilled and couldn’t wait to celebrate after work at our huge party tonight at my brother’s bar, Allure.

I was standing out on the sales floor, talking to various sales members and congratulating each of them on a job well done. I was also making sure they’d all be there tonight at the party. I was just giving Angel a pat on her back when I turned around and found Hargrave. Angry stance, hands crossed over her chest and I swear she was tapping her foot.

“Hey Vanessa.” I threw her a smile as I turned back and handed Angel her beer.

“What are you doing?” She asked as she followed me while I rolled the cart to the next cubicle.

“Serving beer. Would you like one?” I asked her as nonchalantly as possible. As if we serve beer everyday, which is something I’ve been considering.

Her lips here pressed tight together as she sneered, “Beer? At the office? Are you kidding me?”

“Nope.” I popped a bottle open and handed her the bottle.

She snapped at me, “No thank you. I should remind you about our rule about drinking alcohol on the premises.”

“I did read that and I also read the part where upper management has the right to waive that policy for a specific celebration and where it is agreed upon by management.” Her nostrils started flaring and I could see the fire brew hotter in her eyes. Damn that’s sexy.

“Alcohol at work? You’re just trying to get them drunk? How is that going to help sales?”

“They’re not going to get toasted. They’re each having one to take the edge off.” She seemed to relax slightly at that. I couldn’t have that, so I added in, “I’m sure they’ll get plastered later at the happy hour party tonight.”

“Happy Hour? You didn’t clear that with me!” She started raising her voice. “Listen Matt, let’s get one thing straight here, if you do things like this, from now on it
has to come through me. Do I make myself clear?” She spoke to me as if I were a child. In front of my staff. Screw the fact that she’s gorgeous, especially when she’s angry, but I’ll be damned if I get yelled at in front of my staff by anyone.

I pressed my lips together trying my best to not go off on her. I waved my arm out to motion her to start walking. She glared at me and I gave her the same glare back. I was pissed now and motioned for her to walk to my office. She walked in and crossed her arms. She was about to speak when I closed my door. I tried my best not to slam it, but I’m pretty sure it closed harder than I had wanted it to.

“What the hell was that?” I asked her with my arm outstretched pointing to where she just yelled at me.

“Me? What the hell are you talking about?” Her eyes were wide with surprise that I even asked her that.

“Don’t you ever yell at me in front of my employees! That’s rule number one in any fucking company.” I couldn’t help but swear since I was so pissed off. Who yells at another officer in front of their own employees?

“Me? You’re serving
…at work…while they are still working,” she shrieked.

“Yes I am. It’s a perk for my sales force. It’s to help them unwind on a Friday before the happy hour.”

“Yeah and about the happy hour, that’s
going to happen,” she yelled back at me.

“Why the hell not?” I asked, clearly raising my voice more than hers just to prove my point.

“Because you didn’t clear it through me.” She leaned in slightly as her face scrunched up to add in, “That’s why!”

“Perry knows about this. He approved the budget for me and helped set things up.” Satisfaction ran through me as I watched her face overcome with complete and utter shock. Dig it in more, Matt. “Perry also approves of the beer cart since that used to be his tactic when I was inside sales.” Saying that caused a look of disgust to fall over her face. I stood there still seething, pissed off as fuck that she just yelled at me in front of my crew. No one does that.

Of course my dick had other things in mind as my eyes perused her body. Her legs looked stunning in that skirt, emphasizing her amazing hips, hips that I could really grab and maneuver where I really want her to be. Her pale pink button down shirt came in just right to draw my eyes to her tiny waist. Imagining her smooth stomach under that shirt and how I could dip my head to give soft butterfly kisses. I wonder if she’s ticklish. Then her chest. Holy…She was breathing so heavy and it made me wonder if she breathes like that right before she comes. What the hell am I doing? I took a deep breath and looked away.

She then walked over to my couch and flopped down, looking dazed, but still angered. “You’re serving beer. At work. This is just the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of.”

“Yeah? Well, welcome to sales.” I tossed out to her as I walked over and sat in one of the chairs. I sat on the edge with my elbows resting on my knees. I clasped my hands trying to calm myself down.

“Why would you ever do that?” She asked, still shaking her head not understanding.

“Have you ever sold anything?”

“Well, no, not really.”

“Were you in the girl scouts?”


“Girl Scouts. You know little girls going around selling those famous cookies.”

“I know what Girl Scouts are, thank you. And yes, I was a Girl Scout.”

“Did you go door-to-door selling cookies?”

She seemed to chuckle a bit as she shook her head and replied, “No.”

“Then I guess you were never told ‘no,’ so you never knew what rejection feels like.” I watched a slight spark of understanding flash in her eyes. “Well multiply one ‘no’ times a thousand and then add on the fact that your paycheck is depending on a person saying yes.” She had a look of confusion and I knew she was going to say…

“What does that have anything to do with the beer?” She asked, just as I predicted.

“When you have the door slammed in your face over and over again, it’s tough. Being told ‘No’ over and over again can really wear on you. Making one sale can make or break your ego. I’m just giving them something to help them unwind, to take the edge off. They get competitive because I want them to be, but I also want them to help each other out — camaraderie. At the after-hours party, they’ll get together and talk about their sales. They’ll talk about what they didn’t do or what they did do. Some will tell the others how to do it better. Some will go into their personal life and they’ll start to get to know each other.”

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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