Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2) (48 page)

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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I think the rattlesnake just hissed a warning at me instead of biting. I’ll take that any day.

Chapter 25


It had been weeks since the whole Evelyn situation. She was given a stern warning, but wasn
’t let go. That didn’t sit well with Vanessa or myself, but it wasn’t our decision. I never told Vanessa what Perry said when yelled at me in his office after she left. I just told her that he gave me a stern warning.

I walked into our apartment and threw my keys onto the dining room table. Clark was already on the couch sprawled out eating some chips. He glanced back at me and pointed to the pile of mail on the table I just threw my keys onto.

“Hey, you got a FedEx letter,” he told me, directing my attention to the pile. I picked it up and ripped it open thinking it was some sort of promotional material since it was from a hotel. I reached in and felt a key. I peered into the envelope and pulled out a note. It was a note from Aubrey. Just a date and “Vanessa’s Birthday” was written on it with Aubrey’s signature. Nothing else.

I smiled as I thought of all the ways I could surprise Vanessa now. She may not be a fan of surprises, as I remembered from our amazing kiss in the rain, but I sure as hell am.

“What’d ya get?” Clark asked in between chomping on some chips.

“A note from Aubrey letting me know Vanessa’s birthday is coming up,” I told him as my wheels kept on turning.

“Oh yeah?” I nodded as I glanced over at him. “You’re not gonna buy her more roses are you?”

I shook my head, smiling. “Nah, I might just buy her a shit load of other stuff.”

“You’re so whipped. I miss the old Matt,” he sighed.


I decided my first surprise would start at midnight on her birthday. I used the key Aubrey gave me to let myself into her apartment without her knowing. I had told her earlier that I wasn’t feeling well so I wouldn’t be coming over. Considering we usually spend every night together — well except for Wednesdays and her Sunday brunch with her parents — I had to tell her something.

I slowly unlocked and opened the door, feeling like a weird, creepy stalker. My motives were valid, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was walking into something I shouldn’t.

Memories of going to Stephanie’s apartment, excited to see her only to find out her little secret floated through my brain. My heart started beating faster and my hands became sweaty just thinking about that.
Vanessa is nothing like Stephanie.
She doesn’t do stuff like that I tried to remind myself. I crept quietly toward her bedroom, turning her door knob and slowly opened the door.

I heard moaning, soft moaning, and my heart leapt to my throat immediately. Anger flooded me and I started grinding my teeth just thinking about what I’d do to the asshole who was touching her. Yet, for some reason I continued to walk in, even knowing she was with someone else. I didn’t want to see, but also felt like I had to…like a train wreck, or a repeat of a bad movie…it was my own personal horror movie, I had to see.

I heard more moaning and felt sick to my stomach. Bile started rising to my throat and flashes of Vanessa with another man flashed through my brain. Fuck.

Then I heard Vanessa’s voice, it was definitely hers as those quiet sensual moans she makes were embedded in my memory. Just hearing her sexy mewls made my dick rock hard. My mind at least knew better than my dick that I wasn’t the one doing things to her body to cause those sounds.

I took another step, glaring at her bed, fearful of what I would see. I crushed my jaw tightly and tried my best to keep from flipping out just yet. The moonlight was barely casting light through her window blinds. I looked harder as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Relief flooded me when I realized Vanessa was alone.

She moaned again and I watched her legs writhe under her bed sheet. Her comforter was kicked to the bottom of the bed. She slept naked, like always, and the bed sheet was barely covering her bare smooth stomach. The sheet was wrapped between her legs, which she kept shifting slightly as if hoping to get some relief.

My heart continued to pound, but this time in a different way. I realized I was now staring at her like some stalker, but I couldn’t stop. I was mesmerized by her beauty. Her hair was splayed out in a gorgeous array of soft curls on her pillow and her angelic face, so sweet, yet almost sinful, the way her dream seemed to taunt her. Her tongue darted out slowly as if searching for something. Her hand slowly moved toward her breast and she cupped herself gently before giving herself a firmer grip, finally finding her hard bud. She moaned again softly. Her head rolled slowly toward the window and her chest lifted as her breathing increased. Her other hand slowly moved down her body, searching for what she seemed to crave.

Damn, that is one hot dream. I still stood there frozen in time staring, watching her. I wanted to go to her, but I couldn’t move just yet. She was the most erotic fantasy I’ve ever had. I wanted this movie to play in my head over and over. Her lips pressed together as her hand slowly moved down her body to reach its destination. Her head pressed into her pillow as another moan escaped her mouth, this time her voice was breathless as she whimpered, “Mmm, Matt.”

My heart jumped when my name crossed her lips. At that very moment I knew she was the one for me. So many women I’ve been with and yet Vanessa and her silly quirky, sometimes bitchy ways, makes me want to be with just her. Right then I wanted to make her my wife. Odd, I know…she moans and I’m a goner. I stood there for a second longer wondering if it was only because I wanted to be inside her right then. We haven’t been together as long as I was with Stephanie, not even close. Not to mention she annoyed the hell out of me our first month of knowing each other, but here I stand, mesmerized by her and wanting nothing more than to hold her each and every night until the day I die.

I quietly unbuttoned my shirt, then my jeans and quickly, but softly crawled up the bed. I gave her soft kisses on her inner thighs, so soft and smooth. My hands glided over her skin wanting to feel every inch of her. I couldn’t wait to taste her, to caress her with my tongue. I placed my hands on each of her hips, gripping them taut, but not too rough.

Another moan escaped her lips, the full luscious ones on her face. I tried to hold in my chuckle at my own private joke. Her hand was on her mound, tenderly cupping herself. I kissed her fingers gently, letting my tongue caress what her fingers were searching for. Her hands moved through my hair, letting my mouth seek where her fingers just were. I slowly swirled my tongue around her clit and her hands gripped my hair tighter.

“Oh God!” She sat up, almost screaming. Her eyes were lit up with terror as I looked up and gave her a small smile. I gently kissed her stomach and crawled up towards her.

“Just me, baby,” I whispered, glancing to her eyes. I tenderly guided her to lay back down. She still held a shocked expression, but the terror, thankfully, left her face. A small impish smile replaced it quickly.

“When did you get here?” She asked in a whispered breathy voice. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, making her plump full breasts move slightly. So fucking erotic. I tenderly cupped one with my hand, kneading it gently and letting the pad of my thumb strum over her nipple. That move granted me another moan from her lips. My cock responded, twitching on her thigh.

“A little while ago,” I responded before kissing her neck.

I pressed my body to hers, kissing her harder and with more passion than I’ve ever had for any woman. She kissed me back with the same intensity as her hands thrust through my hair, pulling me closer to her. I moved on top of her body as her legs spread and wrapped around my waist. Eager to have me inside of her, feeling her hips grind against mine. I slipped my cock in between her swollen full wet lips, granting me yet again another breathy moan.

My lips moved over her neck, my teeth grazed gently behind her lobe – exactly where I knew was her trigger. I smiled when her breath caught from that small move, her nails dug into my back, gripping me tightly and confirming that move was now going to drive her wild each and every time. Fuck. I was going to lose it if I didn’t make love to her.

I moved once more and slowly, very slowly, eased myself into her. I entered so slow, it was almost painful to me. Her slick tightness sheathed my hard cock with the most warm intense pleasure I’ve ever had. My heart was beating so fast as I tried to keep my breath steady. Another slow thrust into her and I couldn’t hold back what I really wanted to tell her. I kissed her passionately and then pulled back as I moved in her again. “Baby, I love your moans,” I whispered and kissed her again. “I love everything you do.” This time I kissed her harder as I thrust myself into her making both of us moan into each other’s mouths. I placed my forehead to hers and stared into her eyes as I finally told her how I really feel. “I’m so fucking in love with you.”

Her breath caught and her eyes stared at me with surprise as I thrust harder into her; letting her know I meant what I said.

Her tongue darted out and her teeth gripped her lips. Her eyes held a pleading and desperate gaze as I watched a tear slip disappearing into her hair. Her eyes closed and her head bowed back as her body begged me for more. I thrust my hands through her hair to the nape of her neck, gripping her tenderly as I pulled out slightly and then slowly pushed harder in to her. 

She kissed me full of passion, her mouth making love to me just as much as I was making love to her. Her hands wrapped around my body, digging her nails into me as she pulled me closer into her. Our bodies were one fluid movement, both flowing with the same desire and same destination. Making love to each other slow and yet so hard and full of all the emotions we’ve been feeling for each other.

Every emotion was channeled to one single purpose. We both moaned into each other’s mouths as all our feelings for each other climbed higher and higher with every strong thrust into her. Our hips ground harder together to finally reach that phenomenal pinnacle where our bodies exploded. Our climaxes hitting at once, colliding into each other as we both screamed out with the most intense ecstasy, leaving us both breathing heavy. I collapsed on top of her, kissing her sweet tender skin along her smooth neck.

I pulled her closer into my chest, kissing her head and smelling her sweet scent. We held each other as tight as we could…neither of us said a single word. If I hadn’t seen the shock in her eyes when I told her I loved her, I would have thought she hadn’t heard me speak those words. I poured my heart out to her and she didn’t say anything back to me. I realize that declaring your love shouldn’t mean that she has to say it back to me. Maybe her holding me as close as she did, kissing me with such passion meant that she felt the same way. Maybe she couldn’t admit those words to me just yet.


“Oh fuck. Please tell me you’re wearing garters under there.” I practically begged her.

Complete silence. A small smile from the corner of her mouth told me she was. “Fuck yes.” I whispered as I looked up at the ceiling. Her hand delicately ran across my stomach quickly. No one else would have noticed it, but I sure as hell felt it. My cock responded and her eyes caught that movement. I watched her glide her tongue along her full bottom lip and her chest lift just enough. Thoughts of locking the door and throwing her one of the lunch tables ran through my mind. Too bad people are in and out of here every second or I’d have jumped with that idea.

It was the next day and we were at work. In addition to sneaking in for the most intense lovemaking I’ve ever had, I also have a couple more surprises for her birthday. Considering we work together, I was hoping to at least see some of her expressions today. Seeing her face when I said those words was probably the best reaction I’ve ever seen, but I wouldn’t mind catching her excitement from the other gifts I have in store for her.

I left earlier than she did for work so I could decorate her office with balloons and a banner across her small office window. Her face was priceless as we walked in together and I stood there watching while she exclaimed, “Oh my God!” She turned and gave me a beautiful smile, her eyes sparkling. She took the second surprise happily.

I asked Blaine to let me know anytime Vanessa left her office, since he knows Renee pretty well. I was sneaking in and leaving little presents on her desk. But this time I wanted to try to sneak in a kiss so I followed her to the break room. So far I wasn’t able to pin her.

In walked someone from another department that I didn’t recognize. Vanessa knows everyone here though being the HR director.

“Hi Adrian,” Vanessa acknowledged her with a head nod and smile. She leaned on the counter and all I could do was watch her subtle gestures to me. My favorite was when she ran her hand along her skirt right where I knew the garters lay. I smirked and turned my head just as Adrian turned back from pouring her coffee.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you how the wedding plans are coming along?” Adrian asked with a genuine smile. I felt a stab of pain to my stomach just thinking that everyone here still thinks Vanessa is engaged to some asshole doctor. I awaited her response since this is the first time I’ve been present when she’s had to tell someone they broke up. I leaned against the counter and took a sip from my mug of coffee.

“Well, we,” she swallowed and looked down at her mug. “Uh we, p-put off the wedding, sort of.” She looked terrified. And she should be — I’m standing here pissed as hell that she didn’t set the record straight that they broke up. If this is what she says to some employee, what the hell does she tell people she’s closer to? I tried my best not to grind my teeth, but fucking-A I’m pissed right now.

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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