Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2) (44 page)

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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You should be thanking your lucky stars you don’t have to travel anymore.
Her finger toyed with her cleavage and it was pretty obvious her nipples were hard as rocks through her thin blouse.

I loved traveling and really didn’t want to stop, but thank you for thinking of me

At that point I stood up to leave. I wasn’t sure where the conversation was going, but it couldn’t have been good. I paid the tab and started to leave. Evelyn tried to grab my arm and I knew this was going to be some sort of self-esteem issue with her. She would feel vulnerable and who the hell knows what she would try. I wasn’t about to find out. I clicked on the video app on my phone and kept it in my pocket, pretending to check my messages.

“Wait, Matt. Don’t leave so soon,” Evelyn pleaded as she hugged on my arm and pressed her breasts pressed tightly to me.

I pulled away immediately and told her, “Evelyn, I’m not sure what this is really all about. If you pulled strings to get me into the VP position, then thank you for that; however, I was fine with outside sales and where I was.”

“But you’re missing the point. You could be even further up in New York. I can get you higher in the company,” she had almost a desperate tone to her voice, which I realized couldn’t have been good.

“I think
missing the point, Evelyn. I don’t want to move to New York. I’m fine where I am for the rest of the year and then I’d prefer to be back to outside sales.”

She was pissed immediately. If she could have stomped her feet like a petulant child, she probably would have. She pulled back her arm and held her head high. “If that’s how you want to play it Matt, then fine. You’ll get your wish.”

I had no idea what that was supposed to mean, nor did I feel like finding out. I shook my head almost laughing, “Goodbye, Evelyn.” I walked out of the bar, leaving her to stare after me.

I walked into the elevator and made sure to stare up at the security camera. Whatever game she was implying, I wasn’t about to be a part of it. She was a dangerous woman and seemed like she was trying to make a threat. I checked my phone and noted that I still had the video rolling. I pulled it out and noted the time into the camera and clicked it off.

I got back to my hotel room and called Vanessa for some FaceTime.

“Are you alright?” Vanessa asked me through the phone video, her beautiful eyes were full of concern.

I still hadn’t figured out a way to tell Vanessa about her mentor coming on to me again — this time more forcefully. “Yeah, just tired after such a long day.” I told her into the camera as I contemplated how to tell her.

She nodded and gave me a meek smile. Her eyes sparked as she playfully asked, “Do you feel like getting dirty?”

I had to admit, after the whole scene with Evelyn, I really didn’t. I felt guilty for some reason, but hopefully Vanessa would understand. I was just about to explain what happened with Evelyn when there was a knock on the door.

“Who’s that?” Vanessa asked.

I shook my head as I pulled my brows together. “I’m not sure. I didn’t order any room service,” I told her as I stood up, still holding the phone. I peeked through the peephole and saw Evelyn. This couldn’t be good. I shook my head and told Vanessa I’d call her right back. I decided I would explain everything to her after Evelyn left. I knew recording whatever it was she had to say was the best way to go. I held my phone in my hand and hit record before opening the door.

Just as I thought, Evelyn wanted to make an advance on me. I stood in the doorway and didn’t let her in. Her arms snaked around my neck as she pressed her body against mine, almost pushing me through my door. I knew if she got into my room, it would be her word against mine. I braced my back against the door frame as she whispered, “I want you, Matt. I know you want me. I remember how badly you wanted me in Chicago.”

My heart started racing as I started to panic, but kept my voice calm. “That was a long time ago, Evelyn and right now, I’m sorry, but I don’t feel that same way anymore,” I tried to explain and hoped that she would just take that and leave.

“Oh, but I think you’re mistaken,” she huskily said as she reached down and cupped my balls. My dick got hard instantly from someone touching me. Traitor.

She smiled as she felt my hardness. “See, you’re all hard for me. Let me in and let me show you how wonderful we can be together.” I pushed her hand away, knowing I needed to put an end to this immediately.

“Evelyn, it’s not going to happen. I’m sorry you think that’s for you, it’s not. I’ve got a girlfriend and we were just talking on the phone.”

She backed up and her angry face said it all. “You fucking asshole!” She spat at me. “You’ll see what territory you get after your year is up.”

I shrugged. “I’ll take my chances,” I calmly told her. Her face was pinched in anger as I closed the door and rested against the back of it. I looked down to the camera and noted the time again.

I called Vanessa determined to let her know what happened, but she had other things in mind. I pretty much forgot all about Evelyn as my eyes went wide watching Vanessa and her…toy.

Chapter 23


I got off my flight and took the metro to the main terminal. Stepping off, I immediately saw Matt waiting with a bouquet of red roses.
Not a romantic, my ass.
He stretched his arms out wide as if to say “hey, why not?” I laughed as I ran into his arms. It wasn’t a total of three days really, but wow, did I miss him.

Our FaceTime interludes were fantastic, but nothing like the real thing. His strong arms holding me meant everything.

While Matt was gone, Charles stopped by my apartment for a visit. Perfect timing. I couldn’t imagine what would have happened had Matt been in town. I advised Charles I was still not interested, but he still wouldn’t accept my answer. I had three bouquets of lavenders that I had to throw out before I left for my trip with Matt. I couldn’t have them there for Matt to question whom they were from.

Our FaceTime last night left me a little worried. Matt didn’t tell me who was at the door and knowing he was in his old city, I’m sure it could have been one of his old “friends with benefits.”

I should have the guts to tell him everything that was going on with Charles, but somehow I just couldn’t bring myself to explain everything to him. I didn’t want him thinking there was something still going on with Charles. It was frustrating that Charles seems to not be taking my “no” for an answer, but I couldn’t deny that it felt good that he was trying so hard to win me back.

Of course, if Matt were to speak with my parents he would find everything out — that I still hadn’t told them about calling off our engagement or that that I really hadn’t been visiting with them on Sundays as I’d led him to believe. I’m still trying to work up to that. Somehow attempting to break up with Charles seemed easier than breaking the news to my mother.

“How was your flight?” Matt asked as he squeezed me to his side and went in for a kiss on my cheek. I turned at that perfect moment, not wanting to miss a kiss from his sweet lips. Mmm. Pure bliss. He stopped and turned towards me, wanting more just like I did. We stood in the middle of the airport with people passing us by as he took both my cheeks in his hands and kissed me passionately. He pulled back looking at me thoughtfully.

“Amazing,” I answered his question and letting him know how much I enjoyed his kiss. He smiled and took my bag, wheeling it behind us as I held my bouquet of roses.

The second we were in his hotel room we stripped. We couldn’t get our clothes off quick enough. It was as if our FaceTime calls were the perfect foreplay.


“Come on, I think you’d like that,” Matt teased me, his smile as bright as his eyes. We had just sat down to eat our meal delivered by room service. Matt teased me about putting my shirt and skirt back on because the delivery person might bring the cart into the room. I didn’t want them to see me naked in bed waiting for food. Matt then teased me that I should strip for him so we could eat naked in bed.

“Please,” I scoffed, almost laughing at the thought of stripping.

His deep voice was sexy as he described his thoughts slowly. “No really. You commanding a room full of men, all eyes on you, on your body, knowing how sexy and in control you are…”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re kidding right? A room full of sweaty nasty men who are going to masturbate later?” I tried to tease to get away from the thought of stripping. I knew I could never strip the way I’m sure Kara did and I’m sure he would be thinking of and comparing me to her.

He laughed as he sat back. “You think I’m a sweaty nasty man?”

Laughing I said, “Sort of…well, you’re not sweaty.” I rolled my eyes and corrected myself. “Well, after our last session you probably are,” I teased as I stood up to grab the silverware from the cart.

“Nasty, huh? I can get nasty,” he said has he grabbed my hips tightly and squeezed. He pulled me closer in between his legs and grabbed my ass.

I looked down at him smiling, my hair falling past my shoulder. “I know you can get nasty,” I whispered with a tease to my voice.

“Let’s see how nasty you can get.” His hands slipped under my skirt to cup my naked ass. “Come on, show me you’re a dirty little whore,” he commanded with a grin.

“Excuse me?  Did you just call me a dirty little whore?” I asked, my heart beating fast as I smiled. I wasn’t offended like most women would probably be. The thought that he would tease me like that actually turned me on.

“I know you’re really a feisty sex goddess…show me what you’ve got.”

I bit my lip and lowered my voice. “Go back to the dirty little whore part.”

His grin broadened and his eyes sparked. “You like that, huh?”

I have no idea why, but the thought turned me on. I swallowed as I admitted, “I can honestly say no one has ever called me that.”

“You like it though.” His hand slipped under my skirt, his fingers slipped under my thong. He smiled when he felt confirmation.

I swallowed as his fingers sent a thrill through me. “It’s…naughty sounding,” I whispered breathlessly. God his fingers felt fantastic.

Leaving me wanting for more, he removed his fingers. He smiled and pulled out his phone. He tapped a couple of things and then put on some song about stripping.

I rolled my eyes and started to pull back. “I’m not stripping for you, Matt.” I knew I wasn’t confident enough to pull it off; definitely not as seductive as Kara.

“Yes, you are,” he told me as he smirked. “Come on. Let’s see what my dirty little whore’s got.” He sat back and stretched out his arms. “Command this room Vanessa. Show me how sexy you are.” His teasing eyes sparked with a gleam as he smiled and then licked his adorable lips. “Seduce me,” he commanded with a husky lowered voice.

I stared at him for a second. I wanted to, but just couldn’t seem to bring myself to do it. I rolled my eyes playfully. “No, I feel silly.” My heart started pounding with my desire of wanting to turn him on by stripping for him. Wanting to control his sexual thoughts.
Thoughts of me

I can’t

He leaned forward and his eyes bore into mine, his tone turned as serious as his gaze. “There’s
silly about how sexy you are.” He slowly slid his tongue along his bottom lip, then that corner of his mouth turned up just slightly, his dimple showing his sweet side and his eyes dancing with excitement.

I started to slowly unbutton my shirt. I watched his eyes flick down to where my hands were. I shimmied my collar over my shoulder and rolled my shoulder back and forth. I started laughing, wanting to stop until I looked into Matt’s eyes. He really wanted me to do this. I felt so silly, but then realized he always tried to make me feel so sexy.


I inhaled and bit my lip still feeling silly, but turned around and let my blouse fall down both my arms so it was hanging to my mid back. I glanced over my shoulder and saw his eyes had turned serious as he watched me. I dropped my shirt to the floor slowly, letting it dangle off my finger. I turned back around and tugged at my side zipper on my skirt. I held both ends together and very slowly unzipped it as my eyes kept focus on what I was doing before slowly glancing at Matt. Our eyes met and I became even more wet from the way his eyes were daring me. His eyes now hooded, completely wanting

Turned on by me.

I tilted my head, never feeling so incredibly sexy before in my entire life. I felt so powerful, but in a different way. I had control over turning Matt on. I placed both my hands on each side of my skirt, the music turned to a seductive beat; the bass coursing through my body. I moved my skirt back and forth slowly down my thighs letting it fall to the floor. I pressed my arms close to my breasts, pulling them together, as I slowly let my hands skim up my thighs.

Continuing over my stomach and the side of my body, my palms felt and cupped my heavy breasts through my lacy bra. I was so turned on by what I was doing to myself, feeling the music through my body that I didn’t even realize Matt had stood up and walked over to me. He stood behind me and gathered my hair, pulling it to my other shoulder. His hands covered mine as he squeezed both my hands and breasts, pressing himself along my back, pressing his hard cock along my ass. I ground my ass to his hard cock, moving with the beat — hard and seductive.

His hand moved across my stomach, leaving one to linger while his other hand continued towards my silk panties. His hot breath was on my neck, his lips barely touching, but grazing my skin. His fingers slipped around the lace edging and I lost my breath, letting my head drop to his shoulder as his fingers slipped into me and felt how wet I was. A moan escaped my lips as he plunged two fingers into me while using his palm to cup me and press my clit. “Oh, Matt.” I couldn’t help but let him know how amazing that felt.

“You are so fucking sexy, Vanessa,” He breathed into my ear as his tongue ran along just under my lobe before he took it between his teeth, giving a small teasing nibble. “I’m glad you’ve never done that for any other man. I’m glad I’m the only man to ever see the sexiest woman alive seduce me with her power.”

I leaned back resting my head on his shoulder as I let his hand roam my body while his other hand massaged me with intensity. His fingers thrust faster as his palm used perfect precise rhythm to massage my clit to bring me to…“Ohhh…” I breathed out as I felt my body erupt with pure pleasure. He held my waist as my legs buckled beneath me.

As I tried to bring my breathing back to some type of normalcy, he pulled his hand away and turned me around pushing me back slowly onto the bed. He had my panties off before I knew it and stood above me. He parted my knees as he gazed down at my body with an admiring expression in his eyes.

He desired

His tongue ran along his bottom lip before he pulled it between his teeth. His eyes flicked back up to mine and that side of his mouth turned up. The look that once annoyed me before was now the most intense sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

He leaned over me and unsnapped the front clasp on my bra, releasing my breasts as he gave a throaty growl. “Fuck,” he whispered, barely audible. He grabbed both my breasts, cupping them with his hands and then bent down pulling one nipple into his mouth. His tongue ran circles around my peaks before he lightly nipped it. I moaned, not being able to contain the pleasure he was giving me.

He moved down my body, his tongue running along my stomach, across my hip bone, kissing it and giving it a small nip. His lips continued to dart along my hip, finally reaching my mound. His mouth covered my entire sex, his tongue darted inside of me and then to my clit, flattening his tongue just as hard as his palm had not too long ago. He started to suck and nip, his tongue dipping into my pussy harder and faster. Over and over again he kissed, sucked and nipped at my pussy until finally pure bliss erupted through my body as another amazing orgasm ripped through me. I moaned not caring who the hell heard me.

He looked up, giving me that sexy smile as he shook his head. “I love making you come, Vanessa.” As I tried to bring my breathing back to normal, I realized I wanted to make him come just as hard as he could make me.

A thrill ran through me as he started to climb back up to kiss me. This time
hard as I rolled him onto his back and straddled on top of him. My heart beat so fast I could barely catch my breath as I watched his surprised face turn more serious. I laid hungry kisses along his muscular chest as I made my way down his body. I let my breasts dangle and tease his hard abs until I finally “arrived” at his thick length.

I peeked up through my lashes to see him looking down at me as I pressed my lips along his velvety smooth shaft. I ran my tongue along his tip tasting his salty pre-cum. I swirled, sucked, licked and took him into my mouth like I’ve always wanted to do. I was in full control and every time I glanced up through my lashes, I could see how much he was loving every thing I did.

Thrilled that I was finally going to give a man pure pleasure, I fondled his balls, tickling them with the tips of my nails. He moaned and thrust his fingers through my hair as I wrapped my lips over my teeth and took him as deep as I could. My heart beating faster as I realized how turned on I was simply by the power I had over Matt.

Deeper and faster I took him, knowing I had full control over his pleasure. I slowed down as I listened to his breathing, his whimpers and his pleasurable groans. “Oh fuck, Vanessa. Keep going. I’m so…uhhh,” I heard him moan as I gripped him firmly and sucked him like I’ve always wanted to do. “Ohhh, Vane…” He wasn’t able to get his words out as I finished him off. I loved every single powerful moment of it.

Completely proud of myself, I sat up and smiled at him, happy that he never reached down to pull me up from under my arms or tease me for any strange noises that may have occurred. I, Vanessa Hargrave, finally pleased a man “down” there without biting or being mocked.

I did a small happy dance as I watched Matt run his fingers through his hair trying to calm his breathing. He opened his eyes to catch me mid-act. Laughing, he pulled me into a hug and kissed me. “If it makes you that happy, feel free to wake me with one of those every day.”


We began to head down to the bar Matt told me about. We were supposed to meet a few of his friends and just hang out. My nerves were shot as I thought about meeting his friends and gaining their approval. What if they think I
’m a bitch like Matt thought I was at first too? What if I just give off bitch vibes and they hate me immediately?

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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