Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4 (17 page)

Read Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4 Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Dom/sub;kink;role playing;Daddy/baby girl;western romance;cowboy romance;brat;ménage;red hot

BOOK: Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4
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“Don’t move too quick. You could have injured something and not realize it yet.” Ty ran his hands over her sides, gently probing ribs and trim waist.

“Royal…hit a hole. She fell.”

“You were standing in that saddle, weren’t you?” Dan asked.

Her eyes were round. She blinked. “Does it matter? Royal—” She struggled into a sitting position, but Ty held her in place.

The horse lay on its side, chest heaving. Its eyes rolled in pain.

The ranch hand who’d seen her take the fall grabbed his rifle and started forward.

“No!” Bree’s agony-filled voice spurred Ty into action.

He jumped up and clasped the rifle barrel. “Don’t do it.”

“Horse is hurt bad enough. You’re only prolonging her pain.”

Bree scrambled over to Royal’s side and splayed her hands over her animal.

“I know a great horse specialist. The best, actually,” Ty said.

“Where?” Dan barked.

“Boot Knockers Ranch. A woman lives on the far end of the valley a little up the ridge. New construction. Porch isn’t finished,” Ty spewed.

“Ride for her,” Dan commanded.

The ranch hand was in the saddle and pounding away in seconds. Ty moved close to Bree, more worried about her than he could bear. He studied her pose, looking to see if she was favoring any body part, but she seemed okay.

She bent over her horse. Sobs racked her.

Ty met Dan’s gaze then wrapped his arms around Bree. He kissed her cheek, tasting her salt, and smoothed her hair. “It’s going to be okay, baby girl. Lissy’s amazing. If anything can be done, she’ll do it. Dan, we’re going to need the vet too. His facilities and transport.”

“I’ll call now.” He stepped away to make the call.

As Ty tended the horse, making her as comfortable as possible, he felt Bree’s gaze on him.

“When I thought you might be injured, Bree—”

She cut him off with a wave of her hand. “Not now, Ty.”

“Not now or not ever?”

Lissy’s truck rolled into sight and Ty breathed a sigh of relief that she was there to soothe and care for the animal. The vet’s transport rumbled through the field toward them next. Bree got to her feet. She looked right at Ty and tried to close an invisible door in his face. “Ever.”

“I’m going to show you what happens when you don’t believe in me.”

Was that hope he saw in her eyes?

Exhaustion stole over Bree. After spending hours in the vet’s waiting room in a stiff-backed chair waiting to hear whether or not Royal Hoofprints would make it through surgery, she could barely hold herself up.

She toweled off her hair and dragged her fingers through the damp locks, too tired to bother finding her hairbrush. Then she fell into bed, also too lazy to put on a nightgown or even panties. Her prized horse—one of her best friends in the world—had come out of anesthesia with no trouble and the sweet woman named Lissy had assured her the animal would make a full recovery.

Royal might not be into full-gallop mode for a while, but Bree’s relief was huge. She sprawled on her stomach, face buried in her feather pillow.

The door banged off the inner wall and she twisted, shooting upward.

“Good. You’re ready for me.” Ty strode in and closed the door much more quietly than he’d opened it.

“What the hell are you doing? Get out!” She lashed an arm over her bare breasts and slapped the pillow over her pussy, but the way he looked at her set her on fire.

He took off his hat and tossed it. It struck a lamp and tipped it over. Uncaring, he approached the bed. “Get back into that position, baby girl.”

Her tremble grew into a full-on quake. What was he going to do to her? And in her own bed with her father at the other end of the house? No, this couldn’t happen.

“I’ll keep you quiet,” Ty said as if knowing her thoughts. He tugged a handkerchief from his back pocket and shook it out.

“I’m not doing anything with you. We’re through, Ty.”

“Like hell.” He hooked a finger beneath her jaw and hovered with his lips inches from hers and eyes burning. “We haven’t even started. Now face down.”

She glared, lips set. “Go find someone else to play with.”

“I don’t want someone else. I want you.”

A shiver snaked down her spine and warmth bloomed in her heart. Did he mean…?

He yanked the hanky around her mouth and knotted it so quickly she barely had time to blink. Shocked, she kicked at him. The insane cowboy reached behind him and produced a small loop of rope. He unfurled it and while she kicked and fought, getting wetter by the second, he flipped her onto her stomach and bound her ankle to the bedpost. Then the other.

She pushed onto her hands, angry and needy and so confused she couldn’t have voiced it even if she weren’t gagged.

“So fucking wet for me already,” he rumbled. When he ran a fingertip over her wet folds, she almost buckled. Stiffening her arms, she steeled herself to withstand him. He didn’t love her. This was a game to him. To them both at first, but she’d fallen in love with him along the way.

He didn’t feel the same.

Did he?

I don’t want someone else. I want you,
he’d said.

He traced a path down her spine and over one buttock. It took everything in her not to arch like that barn cat under his touch.

“Put your arms out, Bree.” His commands tripled her need.

When she didn’t obey at once, he slapped her on the ass—hard. The crack resounded through her room. Pleasure-pain coiled in her system. She panted against the sheets, burning and wishing she weren’t. She wanted him to love her back and if he didn’t, she wanted out.

He was making it pretty damn difficult for her to walk away, though. He caressed the spot he’d just spanked. “Getting a nice shade of pink for me already. Before the night’s over, I’m going to have both cheeks hot and red. When I sink into your tight pussy, you’re going to feel every place I’ve touched you. And when I sink into your ass,” he gripped each cheek, fingers biting into her deliciously, “I’m going to feel the heat I’ve created on your skin.”

She shuddered, unable to stop herself from writhing. Slowly, she inched her hands over the bed until she was flat.

“Good girl.” He tied her arms up and apart before sliding down the gag and bending to kiss her with so much emotion that she had to swallow a sob. When he pulled back, he put the gag back in her mouth. “When I’m finished teaching you whom you belong to, I’ll take off the gag and we’ll have a nice, long discussion. But if you don’t want this, you can easily slip your hand free. See?”

He pulled off the rope and she flexed her fingers.

“Tap the bed three times and I’ll know you want to stop. I’ll always do what you want, in the end, baby girl.”

Her response was muffled. He bound her wrist again. A second later she didn’t care if she ever spoke again. He walked around the bed and eased his fingers up and down her creamy slit until she was on the verge of bliss. Juices drenched his fingers. The knot in her core tightened.

Then he moved away, leaving her cold and quivering. No longer angry, just needy and excited. When the quiet hum of her vibrator pierced the air, she jerked her bonds. Twisting, she tried to see him. Her skin prickled and a flush coated her cheeks.

He directed the vibrator at her center. Her hips lifted on their own, and he fitted the rubber against her swollen clit. She cried out, thankful for the gag.

“Here’s where I tell you how it’s gonna be, baby girl. I’m going to fuck you long and hard tonight. With this.” He applied more pressure to her clit with the toy. She bucked. “And this.” He took her foot and pressed it to something hard and bulging—his cock. She curled her toes around the denim, aching to feel him inside her. To taste him.

“And each time you come, you’re going to tell me who owns you, body and soul.”

Oh shit. She couldn’t do that. She wasn’t ever going to admit another feeling to him.

She tried to tell him off, but it came out as “wumph heph fwee owr”.

“What was that? Was that ‘when hell freezes over’?”

She nodded frantically, more turned on that he’d understood. Who was she kidding? A man who knew her in such a way was as priceless to her as Royal.

Ten taps on each cheek. When she felt her spine sagging into the mattress and the sheets growing damp from her juices, her mind blanked and she knew only Ty.

His warm, rough hands on her, the way he brought her to orgasm not once with the vibrator but twice. When he buried his tongue in her pussy, she gave herself totally.

Small squeaks left her, muffled by the gag. But if he knew her well enough, he’d know she was telling him she loved him. Over and over.

When he brought her to the next peak, he said it back, “I love you too, baby girl.”

Using controlled movements, Ty shed his clothes. He kept his gaze locked on Bree’s sleek curves as he rounded the bed, cock in hand. He stroked it in front of her, watching her eyes darken as the tip beaded with precome.

“You want to suck it, don’t you?” He’d already conquered her, but he needed to give her some control. This was their game and they both needed it. Only when they lay sated in each other’s arms could they truly have everything they wanted.

She nodded, blushing. He stroked her hair off her face and removed the gag. She wet her lips and he bent to taste their sweet plumpness. He bit back a groan.

Holding his cock at the root, he pressed it against her lips. She mewled and opened. “All the way, baby. You know I’m thick. Yes, that’s it. Gawwwd.” His balls clenched as he found himself buried in her hot, wet mouth.

She hollowed her cheeks and sucked. His position and her being tied to the bed didn’t make it easy for him to get the angle he needed, but that was a good thing. If she sucked him the way he wanted, he’d never last. When he came, it was going to be in her sweet pussy.

His legs started to weaken. She made a noise, and he withdrew, stomach pitching. Breathing heavily, he touched the rope on her wrist. “Do you want to be untied for this?”

“Yes,” she rasped.

Good. He wanted to feel her arms around him.

He unbound her arms and legs then rubbed them lightly to get the blood flowing. She pushed upward until her ass waved in the air.

“You’re begging for it, aren’t you, baby girl? Tell me what you want this time.”

“I want…can I have…I’ve been naughty enough for another spanking.”

Ffffuck. His mind whirled. That she gave him all the control made him burn up. “Yesss, you have. Like this?” He spanked her too lightly.


“This?” He slapped her a little harder, lifting the cheek on his palm and loving how it jiggled as it fell.

She shook her head.

“Maybe harder. How bad have you been?”

“Do I need…to tell you?”

His cock was steely, purple and oozing precome. He lost it. Reddening both cheeks and spanking her pussy several times until she was soaking wet. Then he rolled her onto her back and covered her with his body.

“I thought you wanted to feel how hot my ass was when you took me,” she said.

“I changed my mind. I need to see your eyes when I come in you.”

Her lips fell open and a gorgeous glow stole over her skin as she watched him slide a condom into place. Then he gathered her to his chest and sank deep.

Bree’s walls clenched around Ty’s invasion. She dug her nails into his scalp and found his mouth. In a rush of love and need, she kissed him. His tongue skated along hers as he slowly, thoroughly fucked her. But this was so much more than pleasure.

“You said you love me.”

“I do.” He angled upward, catching the perfect spot. She gasped and clung tighter.

“Say it again.”

“No demands out of you, baby girl. Okay, just this once. I love you, Bree Now tell me what you want from me.”

“I want you to make me come.” She sucked in sharply as he plunged so deep she had no idea where she ended and he began.

“And?” He bit her nipple, and she arched.

“And you to tell me your favorite meal.”

“Baked potatoes.”

“With bacon and cheese?”

“And chives and sour cream.”

She held his gaze, on the verge of dropping into a chasm bigger than anything she’d ever navigated before. She was ready—in all ways.

“I want you to give up your job for me, Ty.”

He stilled inside her. Their gazes connected and so many unspoken things were understood all of a sudden. “Already have.” He grunted and shoved her up the bed.

She held on to him as he took her hard and fast, sucking her nipples. Pressure mounted and the inner quake took hold. When intense waves crashed over her, he claimed her mouth, and she poured herself into the kiss. Showing him just how good they could be together.


At the sound of hooves, Ty looked up. Bree was sailing across the field on the back of Royal. He shook his head as she did a trick, whirling and seating herself backward.

“At least she isn’t standing,” Lissy said. She’d saved Bree’s horse and for that Ty would always have a soft spot for the woman. He’d help build her twenty porches in thanks.

“As if you can talk, Lissy. Half the time you’ve got me all tied in knots because you’re jumping everything in sight.” Paul switched the hammer to the other hand to draw Lissy into a kiss.

Ty wandered away from the wide porch he was helping to build. Bree righted herself in the saddle and slowed Royal. He met her in the yard.

“You know better than to trespass on this land.” He grinned at her.

She swiped at him, but he danced out of the way. “I’m delivering a message. Since you left your cell phone at the cabin.”

They’d been staying in the trapper’s cabin. It was far from comfortable and more like camping out, but they were alone.

“Couldn’t find it.”

They shared a knowing smile. He hadn’t been able to find the phone because he’d thrown his clothes all over the place after coming in from a hard day’s work. Between the Roberts ranch and the Boot Knockers Ranch, he was always busy.

“Hugh called. He wants you in his office.”

He sighed. Hugh and Riggs had granted him a longer leave of absence but he’d known this day would be coming. He was either in or out.

“Thanks, Bree.” He accepted his cell and returned the hammer to the toolbox. He looked to Paul. “I’ll be back. Gotta see the boss man.”

“Good luck. And if you see Jack in the valley, tell him we need him.”

Lissy flushed, and Ty hid his smile.

“Will do.”

He walked to his own horse and slipped into the saddle. Bree rode up to him, close enough he could pull her across his lap if he wanted.

“Should I ride with you?”

“Can if you’d like. I need to talk to Hugh alone, though.”

“Okay.” They trotted down the slope and across the long field to the main buildings. Ty set his jaw. What if he was told to leave the ranch? The Boot Knockers didn’t need more ranch hands. And if he wasn’t taking on clients, he wasn’t doing the ranch any good.

He left Bree outside the barn. Seeing the tension on her beautiful features, he sent her a wink. “Don’t pick up any men while you’re waiting.”

“Come on, Ty. You know you’re secretly hoping I bring a man home to you.”

His jeans grew a little tighter. “You do know me, baby girl. But I say who and when.”

She bit into her lower lip, giving him that look that revealed how much she loved when he took control.

He stamped a kiss to her full lips. “Be good.”

“Are you kidding me? Around all these cowboys?” she sassed.

Shaking his head, he walked the short distance to the office. Hugh and Riggs were digging through a box of paperwork, their heads bent close. Maybe at some point he and Bree would add a third to their relationship, but for now he wanted her all to himself.

His cock was still half-hard at the suggestion she’d made about bringing home a cowboy.
Well, maybe not
to myself.

His bosses looked up.

“Bree said you called for me.”

“We did.”

Ty started to sink into the seat and Hugh said, “No need to sit. We need your body on this side of the desk.”

Confusion pulled Ty’s brows together. “What?”

“This box is one of the things that will be your duty. I can’t make sense of the contents.” Riggs’s crooked smile was contagious but Ty shook his head, not understanding.

Hugh leveled his gaze on Ty. “We’re in need of a ranch manager.”

His heart kicked into a faster speed. “I don’t understand. You’re the manager.”

“I manage the guys. Riggs sees to the grounds. We have other personnel for taking care of the clients and applications and matching women to Boot Knockers. But we need someone else to control the land and how it’s used. The money end of the whole operation—cattle, land and Boot Knockers. It’s a big job but you

Ty stared, unable to process what was happening. He’d come in here expecting to lose his place, the only place he’d ever really belonged, besides with Bree.

“You know I come as a package deal,” he said.

“Yeah, that’s why we’re giving you a bungalow.” Riggs twitched his head toward the window and the line of red roofs.

Ty’s eyes bulged.

“Bungalow 20.”

“The new one?”

“Until you and Bree decide where you want to build.”

“If you want to build.”

Ty scuffed his jaw. “I think we will want that. And soon.” He couldn’t stop his smile. “I asked her to marry me.”

Hugh reached across the desk. Ty took his hand and shook it. Then he allowed Hugh to pull him across—to the other side of the business. “Welcome aboard, Ty.”

Riggs dangled a key in his face. “Bungalow 20 awaits. Go get your gal and tell her the good news.”

As Ty accepted the small brass key, total happiness settled over him. Now all he needed was for his hellion fiancée to get a little mouthy.

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