Read Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4 Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Dom/sub;kink;role playing;Daddy/baby girl;western romance;cowboy romance;brat;ménage;red hot

Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4 (12 page)

BOOK: Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4
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“No, it’s not about me. Ty, he’s hurting. He felt left out—”

The bed sank beneath her, and she rolled against Ty’s hard body. He sighed, making her wish she could see his face. “He has a client this week and had to get back to her.”

There was more. What had she missed? Sex had worn her out and she wished she hadn’t fallen asleep. “Oh…”

“I promise you won’t miss not having two cocks. I can take care of you.”

She twitched as he reached between her legs and angled the vibrator to spear her pussy. She flooded, groaning. But she wasn’t ready for sex yet. She wanted—needed—to talk to him.

“Wait.” Her hands were still free and she found his wrist. “Can’t you just…”

He switched off the vibrator but didn’t remove it from her pussy. “Yes, baby girl?” His voice caressed.

“Can we lie here and talk for a while?”

There was a smile in his voice. “With or without the blindfold?”

“Without. I’d like to see you.”

A beat of silence passed. “Since you asked so nicely, I can’t deny you. Can’t deny you anything,” he muttered.

As he removed the toy, untied her legs and got rid of the blindfold, a new desire sprang up. She reached out for him, and he came into her arms. When he rested his head between her breasts, arms tight around her, she swallowed hard.

“I shouldn’t like this as much as I do.” His admission raised a knot of emotion into her throat. He wasn’t the only one.

What was wrong with her anyway? She’d just refused sex—blindfolded, no less—to cuddle? She needed to find a shrink ASAP.

She drew deep breaths of his scent. After a minute, she asked, “Are you sure Elliot’s okay?”

“Yeah, he’s all right. He knows I don’t want anything more than what we have.”

“What’s that?”

“Sex. Fun. Good times and friendship.”

“I think he wants more.”

Ty nodded, hair soft against her breasts. “I probably made a mistake in asking him to join us. But he’s the only one I’d trust with you. I thought this would make it clear we were just having fun and it wasn’t anything more.”

“It ended up hurting him.”

“Yeah. I screwed up.”

amazing, though.” Her mind was invaded with images from their encounter.

“Yes, it fucking was.”

She brushed her lips over his head. “I loved every second.”

“Good.” He looked up at her, and her insides melted. After a long heartbeat, he asked, “You feel this, don’t you?”

Suddenly she wanted to run. Thank God her ankles were unbound. “What?”

“You thought sex was all you wanted, but I showed you that what you needed was the connection.”

His words slammed into her and her mind seemed to pause. Was he right? The link they’d shared had heightened the pleasure, but did she want a link with Ty? She didn’t know. She needed time to think.

She tensed, preparing to bolt. But Ty began kissing her breasts, eyes closed, moving his lips over each with such tenderness that she couldn’t bear to leave his arms.

When his mouth closed over a nipple, her walls crumbled. He was right about her needing a connection—so right.

Chapter Ten

Ty nudged Elliot’s shoulder. The man looked up at Ty holding his tray of food. Without a word, he scooted down the bench to make room. Fighting a heavy sigh, Ty settled beside him but didn’t dig into his breakfast burritos.

Elliot picked at his with a fork.

“We need to get this out in the open, man,” Ty said. He’d messed up bad. His plan had backfired, especially when all his feelings for Bree had surfaced during the ménage.

Elliot stiffened but didn’t look at him. “What’s that?”

“What’s going on between us.” Ty glanced around, glad Elliot had sat by himself today.

“You made it pretty clear there’s nothing going on between us.” Elliot’s tone was dead.

Ty finally released a sigh. “I want to make sure you’re okay.”

“Never better.” Elliot picked up a burrito and took a bite so enormous it would render him speechless for a couple minutes.

Dammit, Ty had really screwed up. He’d known Elliot craved more with a man. Ty should have…what? Ignored him? They were friends first. In his mind, he’d defined boundaries but Elliot had read it all wrong.

Asking him into the bedroom as a third was a huge error in judgment that had hurt his friend and made Ty feel like shit.

“Look, man, we’re friends.”

Somehow Elliot managed to swallow his big bite. His eyes blazed. “Oh yeah. Friends who fuck.”

“Exactly. It might sound strange to outsiders, but this is the Boot Knockers Ranch.”

“What are you doing with Bree?”

Confusion trickled into his mind. “What?”

“You have women every night of the week. You left a client unattended to have a ménage with Bree. Are you gonna tell me you were doing some duty?”


“You want that woman for yourself. I saw you with her, Ty.” Elliot poked a finger toward his chest.

Crap. How was he going to keep Elliot from being hurt further? He glanced around, ensuring no one was near enough to overhear—especially Hugh.

“You knew what you were getting into when you signed up. I said it was just sex.”

Elliot’s face mottled red. “I goddamn do remember. I remember every moment we’ve been together, Ty. The first time you took me outside after a poker game and kissed me. When we shared that first girl. Hell, I can’t even remember her name now! But I remember what you did to me that night in vivid detail.”

“You’ve been with Jeremy. I thought…”

“You thought wrong. He’s not you.”

“When I told you that we were only doing it for Bree, you said ‘of course’. I took it that you really got that.”

“I thought I did. Until I was with you again.”

Dropping his head, Ty ached from the pain he’d caused his friend. Elliot had been attached to Jack. Now Ty had ripped Elliot open again.

He met Elliot’s gaze. “You’re one of my best friends,” he said again as if it would leave an impression and ease the strained look on Elliot’s face.

Elliot launched to his feet and practically jumped over the bench. “Save it. And next time you need a third, find someone else.”

As Elliot stalked away and dumped his tray with a crash, Ty’s chest burned. Several Boot Knockers looked at him, but he ignored them. Let them talk. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t in a relationship with Elliot, allowing his heart to get in the way of his job duties. He hadn’t broken any rules. He’d made it plain to Elliot he wasn’t interested in more.

Then why did it bother him so much?

“Fuck.” Abandoning his burritos, he dumped his tray too and left the grub house. The day was bright and sunny, a good day for the final rodeo of the week. Too bad he felt far from entertaining. The idea of getting into his chaps and giving the ladies a show they’d remember held no appeal.

More and more he’d found himself going through the motions of his job rather than enjoying it.

He drank in a big gulp of the grass-scented air and started walking.

He didn’t realize his intent until he arrived at his truck. He climbed in and groaned as Bree’s sweet, soapy scent struck him. She’d been in the truck with him last. He’d driven her home and dropped her at the front door as boldly as if they’d been on a date.

Son of a bitch, why wasn’t he able to unplug from her? He was failing miserably at keeping his distance.

He stuck his key in the ignition and twisted it. The short drive to the Roberts ranch wasn’t long enough to allow him to put his mind in order. He was running on pure instinct again. As always with Bree.

The Robertses’ cook admitted Ty to the house and led him to the office where Dan sat behind his desk, wire-framed glasses perched low on his nose as he pored over some papers.

He looked up, his expression hardening. “What’s the little hellion done now?”

Ty almost laughed. So they were united in their opinions of Bree. “Nothing, as far as I know.”

Dan sat back and removed his glasses. Gesturing to the chair opposite the desk, he said, “Have a seat. What brings you here if my daughter hasn’t led you on some wild chase?”

Ty wasn’t so certain she hadn’t, but it wasn’t in the sense Dan meant. Bree had tangled herself up in Ty’s life. He was here…

he here?

He stared at her father for a heartbeat, trying to make sense of his thoughts.

“You look confused, son. Is this to do with my daughter?”

He nodded slowly.

“Spit it out. I’ve got work to do, and so do you, more’n likely.”

“I was wondering what makes Bree the way she is, sir.”

Dan drew up straight, eyes eagle sharp. “What do you mean?”

“I mean…what makes her buck the rules?”

With a huff of a sigh, Dan sank against his chairback. “You wouldn’t be asking if she weren’t bucking.”

“I just need to know.”

“I can see why you came to me, but I can’t explain it any more than she probably could. She was always a sassy little thing. At three, she wore some big boots on this ranch. Everyone coddled her. I’m just as guilty as my ranch hands and her mother.”

“And you think this is why she got out of control?” The only times Ty had seen her in control was when he held the reins. Those moments he saw a peace and joy in her that broke his damn heart. She deserved that every minute of every day.

Dan picked up a photo frame and spun it for Ty to see.

A lump clotted his throat as he took the picture and looked more closely. A beautiful woman who looked a lot like Bree, but bald. Bree had mentioned her mother’s battle with cancer, and this brought it home. Especially since Bree stood beside her mother, her head shaved in support.

He swallowed hard and met Dan’s eyes, which were bright with unshed tears. “They were close, you can see. Took a long time after…after my wife died…for Bree’s hair to grow in.”

Not all of it. She kept one small part underneath shaved. In reminder? Must be. God, Ty wanted to wrap her in his arms and tell her that he knew and it was okay. He’d take care of her emotions that had gotten so out of whack. Suddenly he knew this with a bone-deep certainty.

He’d also bet the job he loved that he was the first and only one who could make Bree feel that peace and joy.

“I’m sorry for your loss, Mr. Roberts. I think I understand Bree a bit better.”

He stared at Ty for a long minute. “Do I need to ask why you need to understand her better?”

Ty stood. “No. You probably understand it more than I do at this moment. Thank you for your time.”

“Daddy, can I talk to you?” Bree poked her head around the office door.

He got to his feet. “Must be serious if you’re not just barging in like the daughter I know.”

Her face heated as she came into the room and closed the door behind her. She’d always loved this space. The wood and leather, the big desk. And photos of their family and various ranch hands who’d become like family over the years.

“Is this about that Boot Knocker?”

She jolted. “What Boot Knocker?”

“The one who came here today. Ty.”

Oh God. Panic swept her. What had Ty come for? She racked her brain for something she’d done to displease him then checked herself. He’d invited her to the ranch for that ménage.

But Ty wouldn’t have told her father about the threesome. What happened between them was private. The things she did with Ty weren’t anything to be ashamed of and Ty would never put her on public display.

Not unless I asked for it.

Feeling the pitch and heave of her new thought patterns, she sank to the leather chair. “What was Ty doing here?”

“Just asking some questions.” Her father waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. “What do you want to discuss?”

She wasn’t finished asking about Ty yet, but for now she’d follow her daddy’s lead. “It’s about the ranch and my duties on it.”

“If you think you’re getting out of cleaning that coop—”

“No,” she said a bit too loudly. Her father stopped. “I’ll do the chickens without complaint from now on. But I’m here because I want to do more.”

“More? As in…”

“Maybe you could teach me about the upcoming auction? How to select which horses go to sale and how many head of cattle to sell off?”

Shock registered on her father’s face. It shouldn’t be funny because he didn’t believe her capable of asking such a question. She couldn’t suppress her smile, though.

He sat back. “You’re asking to get more involved on the ranch?”


“What’s brought this on? You’ve never shown an interest before.”

She shrugged. “I can’t flit around forever. Besides, you spent good money to send me to college to be able to manage the ranch someday.”

He propped his jaw on his fist and stared at her as if she’d grown a second head. Hell, the way she felt, she wouldn’t be surprised to look in the mirror and see one had sprouted. Her night with Ty had left her shaken. Mostly because she didn’t know who she was anymore. Requesting a cuddle instead of the amazing orgasms he could give her? Wanting to get into his mind and find out who he was?

She shook herself.

“You’re right, Bree. It’s time for you to learn what goes on behind this desk so you can manage what happens out there.” He pointed to the window and the fields beyond.

“I’m ready.”

“Then have a look at this.” He pushed a sheet of paper toward her. She sucked in a breath when she spotted the Boot Knockers Ranch logo at the top. It was a paid invoice.

“A hundred head of longhorn?”

“That’s right. Coupla guys bought them to start a herd of their own. Best stock around, they said.” Pride infused her father’s voice.

“So how can I help?”

“With organizing a cattle drive. Since our ranches are neighboring, there’s no need to freight them by truck. You can organize a group of hands to herd them over the border and up to the property where they want them.”

She nodded. How had she gotten into a position where she was moving cattle onto a property that a week ago she’d been banned from? It was so ridiculous she laughed.

Her father cocked a brow. “Are you up for it?”

“Of course.” She shared a smile with her father, warmed by the admiration in his eyes. “Now I need some answers.” Immediately she revised her demand. “Please.”


“Ty. Why was he here?”

“Asking about you.”

Excitement flitted through her system. “What about me?”

“He asked why you were such a rule breaker.”

Oh no.
“What did you say?”

Her father grinned. “Told him you’d always been this way.”

What had Ty said about that? She could almost feel his hand on her ass, bringing her to a fever of arousal.

Her tripping heart screamed that she was falling for him. That couldn’t happen. She wasn’t finished sowing her oats. When visiting the ranch in the future, she’d have to be careful to avoid Ty. The fun she wanted; the ties, not so much.

Ty made her feel too…off-balance. He drew out her vulnerable side and exposed her in ways that left her feeling more naked than she’d been while mudding on that ATV. She didn’t like being out of control.

When she glanced at her father, he was studying her. Thankfully, he didn’t say a word about the questions he must have about Ty. He only gestured for her to come around the desk so they could make notes about how to start moving those cattle.

But her heart was still racing at an insane pace, and her mind tumbled. It was silly and childish to think she’d have a chance at stealing a Boot Knocker and making him into her very own. She didn’t want to, anyway. That meant she needed to keep Ty at arm’s length.

The women in the stands were going wild for Elliot, who was on a bucking bronc for the final rodeo of the week.

Ty stood on the sidelines with Riggs, watching the man who’d made a wide path around Ty when he spotted him. Ty didn’t have to wait long before Riggs butted into his business.

“Whatever happened between you, he’s taken it hard.”

Pushing a breath through his nose, Ty nodded. “I gave it to him straight, that’s all.”

“You did the right thing. Cutting it off before he got too hurt to work here is best.”

As Ty stared at his friend, his exchange with Elliot minutes before the rodeo rose in his mind, hot and barbed.

“I don’t want to hurt you, man. I care for you.”

“But not in the way I care for you.” Elliot’s movements were jerky as he pulled on his chaps.

“We’ve got this—” he swept a hand through the air to indicate the ranch, “—and that’s enough. Right?”

“Don’t you ever get sick of not having a connection for more than a friggin’ week at a time?” Elliot’s eyes were dark with pain.

“That’s where friends come in. They fill a hole in my life, but we both know it can’t go beyond bodily pleasures and friendship, Elliot.”

“You say you don’t want a relationship, but we’re dropping like flies. The Boot Knockers aren’t as content as we once were—fuck ’em and leave ’em isn’t so good anymore. Tell me—why are you playing with Bree when you don’t have to?” He looped rope around his fist and eyed Ty.

Ty’s heart did a slow dive. This was it then. From here on out, he and Elliot’s friendship would be strained. Pained.

The crowd cheered, knocking Ty back to earth. Elliot was poetry on the back of that bronc, curling forward at the right times, using his arm to counterbalance himself. Watching him almost made Ty wish he had feelings for the man. But if it were meant to be, he would have fallen for him long ago. His feelings would be evident.

BOOK: Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4
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