Rose of Thorne (4 page)

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Authors: Mia Michelle

BOOK: Rose of Thorne
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Fuck me, that smile is
going to be the death of me.

“Do you know
what you would like to order?” She asks me sweetly.

I pretend to be
reading over the food choices on the piece of plastic in front of me, but the last thing on my mind is eating.

I bet she’d be damn delicious

What’s good here?” I ask as I continue to looking down.

, everything is good,” she smiles before continuing, “EXCEPT the pie.”

She leans over the cou
nter towards me and whispers, “Few words of advice… stay AWAY from the pie. If you want pie, I can lead you to the home of the best pie on Earth,” she says confidently. I can’t help but laugh at her words.

Sweet Jesus! N
ot only is she fucking hot as hell, but she has an adorable sense of humor too.

I still haven’t even looked at the menu, but I know I have to order something. Glancing at the first thing I see, I place my order.

“I’ll have the jaw dropper, please.”

eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and the delicious corners of her mouth begin forming a smirk.

“Are you sure you want that?”

“Yes, I am certain,” I say.

Smiling her fucking gorgeous smile, she jots my order down and walks away. While I wait, I observe as she keeps customers in refills and still manages the front register beautifully. I know she is exhausted, but she just keeps on smiling and greeting the customers.

After she top
s off of my tea for the second time, I see her heading to the kitchen window to pick up the order that is just announced. She picks up a monstrous sized tray of what looks to be a 3lb hamburger. Stacked high with every known trimming to mankind, it is surrounded by at least a pound of fries. The order catches the attention of the entire café as she moves closer to the counter.

What idiot would order that?

pparently, that idiot is me. She beams her killer smile as she set the colossal size tray before me.

One jaw dropper, sir. Enjoy,” she winks at me and giggles.

Right now I can’t seem to close my gaping wide mouth.
Quickly she reaches underneath the counter and retrieves an old camera and snaps a picture of my current horrified expression. Still laughing she fans the picture that has just printed out the old Polaroid camera she is still holding. After the picture dries, she tacks it on the wall behind her. My face now joins countless others who have apparently ordered this same meal challenge. A few minutes later, she returns with a knife and begins slicing the hamburger into smaller pieces for me.

“I was waiting to see if you were actually going to try to pick that
up. I thought this might help you out a bit,” she says as she continues cutting the food.

I take a bite of the sliced burger
, and it is like pure heaven in my mouth. I don’t think I’ve eaten one of these since I was in college and can’t believe I have forgotten just how delicious they are. Almost all of my fries and most of my burger are still left when she comes back to check on me. I am beyond stuffed and pray I don’t throw up right here on the counter.

“So, how are we doing over here?
Can I get you anything else? Perhaps you’d like some dessert? We also have a milk shake challenge you know.” She teases me with that sweet smile of hers.

“No t
hanks, I think I am good,” I chuckle and she tears off my check. My hand briefly brushes against hers when she slides me the ticket across the counter. In that one brief contact, the overwhelming surge of energy makes me gasp. Judging by the expression on her face, she equally is stunned by our exchange. There is some sort of unexplainable attraction here between us. Hell, it was even evident that awful night seven years ago. The bill for the meal is $14.58, and I laugh at the ridiculously small amount. Pulling out my wallet, I hand her a hundred dollar bill, and she makes her way over to the register to get my change. I seize the opportunity and grab a pen from the cup on the counter. Flipping the ticket over I quickly write her a note telling her thank you and to keep my change. She smiles when she brings me back my change, and she offers to pack the extra food to go. I politely decline, and she wishes me a good day.

Well, this night has
certainly not been what I had expected

I have
spent less than an hour near her, and already I crave more. I take the change and place the entire $85.42 in front of where I was sitting. I know exactly what I need to do, and that is to get in my car and drive away. Now. I should forget this night ever happened, but instead I return to my car and watch her through the café window. I see her grin when she clears off the spot where I had been sitting. Then I watch her mouth drop open as she finds my tip. She looks around frantically in confusion and then reads the note that I had left on the back of the ticket. She beams her beautiful smile, and I feel my heart pound harder in my chest.

Why did I react to her this way?
She is simply breathtaking… so pure and genuine. I don’t think I have ever been more attracted to anything in my entire life. This is not acceptable.

I know I should drive
away, but I don’t… I can’t. Instead, I wait until her shift ends around 10:00 pm, and when the last customer finally leaves, I can see she is thoroughly exhausted. She sits at the counter, pulls off her shoes, and begins rubbing her sore feet.

, what I wouldn’t give to be doing that right now for her.

It is
n’t long before she and her coworker Kylie leave work together. I see the two of them talking as they make their way to their cars. Kylie hugs her goodbye, and then gets in her car to leave. Taking a deep breath, I gather my courage and head towards her.

Here I go.

“Excuse me, miss, but can you help me with something?” I ask. Caught off guard by my voice, she jumps and drops her keys onto the ground.

Holy shit! You sure know how to scare a girl half to death,” she says, holding her hand against her chest as she tries to catch her breath. I reach down and pick her keys up off the pavement, and she instinctively reaches her hand out to me. I savor the feel of her silky skin against mine when I place the keys into her delicate hand. The undeniable force of energy surges through my body again and I can see the blush filling her flawless cheeks. She can’t deny that she feels this too, and I can’t help but smile at her reaction.

’m really sorry to have scared you, but I am hoping that you can point me in the direction of the best pie on Earth. Perhaps, you’d let me buy you a slice too. If you aren’t too busy right now, that is?”

Her lips turn up in a huge grin
, and she glances down at her watch.

Hmmm… tell you what, since I happen to be craving the best pie on Earth, I think I will join you. But, I’m buying. You wouldn’t believe the tip this guy left me tonight!” She jokes and motions for me to join her on the sidewalk. While we walk the short three blocks together, I am stunned at how effortlessly we fall into our conversation. Instead of awkward unfamiliarity it’s as if we have known each other all of our lives. I stare over at her, and I don’t know what the fuck I am doing, but all that matters right now is that I am walking beside the most intriguing creature I have ever met, and I don’t ever want to let her go.



I know it’s crazy, and I know I’ve just met this guy, but I am drawn to this man in a way that is like nothing I’ve ever known. Because of my situation I have not been on many dates and I certainly don’t have time for a relationship. It has not been because of not wanting to, but with raising a little sister, going to school and working I have no time left for anything else. Right now, I seriously don’t need any kind of distractions in my life. With a major interview coming up and a busy six month internship ahead, I absolutely need to keep my head straight. I don’t have time for this.

Well, maybe I do
have just a little time for pie.

When he
walked out the door, I won’t lie; I felt sad. I mean, how can a complete stranger have this effect on me?

Maybe I should have given him my phone number or maybe I should have acted more interested.

I just don’t have any experience when it co
mes to this stuff. When I notice that he has left me an eighty dollar tip and a note, my heart beats so fast that I think it’s going to explode out of my chest. I worry that I will never see him again and that idea just makes me quite sick. The last thing I expect is for him to approach me in the parking lot when I get off my shift. Even now, as we walk side by side to Marie’s, I can feel our bodies respond to one another. He makes me feel safe, and he makes me feel wanted. I don’t know how all of this is possible when I barely know him. 

It is
a chilly night for September, but Marie’s is only a short three block walk from work. I tug on my old thin worn coat and pray that he doesn’t notice how badly it is falling apart. I definitely don’t think this thing will make it through the rest of the winter, and it’s just another expense I don’t need right now. I stop when I notice the sign on the front of the bakery is no longer lit up. I know Marie will still be here preparing for tomorrow so without thinking I take his hand into mine and pull him around to the side alley entrance.

Holy Shit!
Am I losing my mind? I’m holding hands with a hot stranger and yanking him into dark alleys with me. I don’t know what in the world has come over me. Wait, of course I know… it’s him.

His gorgeous amber eyes look alarme
d when he stares down at our joined hands. I gently squeeze his hand and try to give him a reassuring look.

. I’m not a deranged serial killer. I promise I didn’t pull you over here to kill you. Marie’s already locked the front up, but she is always here late cooking for the next morning,” I explain as I hesitantly release his hand. I already miss the feel of his hand in mine.

I kno
ck gently on the side door and steal a glance back over to him. He looks nervous as he kicks at the pavement beneath him. I can’t help but notice that there appears to be a new warmth to his expression. He looks more relaxed now than he did back at the café. I am just about to knock again when Marie finally opens the side door and greets me with a huge hug.

“Skylar! Hello
, my darling,” she exclaims as she kisses both of my cheeks. She frowns suddenly at me and then puts her hands on each side of my face.

“Oh you poor thing
. You look exhausted. You are going to have to stop working all these hours, bellissimo!” She exclaims patting my cheeks.

You have
to love Marie Giavana. Everyone in the neighborhood absolutely adores her. She has become like a grandmother to me over the years, and it is always wonderful to have her advice. Not to mention being treated to her newest and latest fabulous pastry creations. As Marie turns, she notices the beautiful man standing beside me.

“And who might this handsome man be?” She asks
, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively up and down at me.

she just did not do that!

I stand ther
e too stupefied to answer her when I realize that I have absolutely no idea what this man’s name is.

kay, so YES! Now, I have now OFFICIALLY lost it!

As if h
e can sense my state of panic, he extends his hand to Marie and smiles.

“It’s nice to meet you
, Marie. I am Sebastian Kohlson. Skylar here tells me that you make the best pie on Earth, but I must say I am rather hard to convince when it comes to matters of pie.”

Marie chuckles at his challenging words and ushers us in out of the c
risp night air.

“Well, you are in luck
, young man. I just so happen to have a fresh apple pie right out of the oven. You two come on, sit down, and get warmed up.” I motion for us to sit next to the little fireplace that I love to sit by on cool nights like this. He removes his jacket and places it on the chair and moves to help me with mine. I shyly refuse because I don’t want him to see the safety pins that hold the satin liner in place.

ld you like some coffee?” I ask him.

“Sure, that sounds great,” he answers.

I stand to make our coffee, and I feel his eyes follow me across the shop to the old wooden antique bar. I brave a quick glance over at him and meet his intense stare. Smiling shyly back at him I continue preparing our drinks and then sit his steaming cup in front of him.

              “Thank you,” he says and I push the creamer and sugar his way.

Nervously, I begin playing with the handle of my cup and struggle at what I should say next.
The silence between us right now is torturing me.

“I should have introduced myself to y
ou earlier. I’m sorry,” he says suddenly, and I snap out of my daze.

Oh, it’s okay. I just can’t believe that I didn’t ask your name before agreeing to bring you here. I’m not sure what’s going on with me today,” I say as I glance down into the hot cup before me. Suddenly, I hear a large crash in the back followed by Marie’s loud Italian cursing. It is so funny to hear her continue ranting in her native tongue

seriously do need to learn Italian.

“Is everything ok
ay back there?” I shout toward the back trying to hide the humor in my voice.

, yes, I’ll be right out,” she yells, flustered.

Marie quickly reappears, but with one only piece of pie topped off with a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream.
She places it on the table, and I look at her in confusion.

Oh no.
No. No. This is so not going to be like the spaghetti scene in Lady and the Tramp. Just what are you up to, Marie?

“My apologies
, you two, but I dropped the rest of the pie off the counter when I was moving the plates around. I did bring two spoons though,” she says as she produces the silver in front of us. “Now, I’ll expect a full rating on that pie young man. Buon appetito!” Marie winks and quickly excuses herself to return to the back.

Sebastian grabs one of the spoons and quickly takes a large scoop
of pie and melting ice cream. I watch him slowly part his delicious perfect lips and slide the mouthful of pie inside.

did I just say delicious lips?

. OH. MY. LORD,” he says and closes his beautiful eyes as he bumps the table with his fist in enjoyment.

I smile at his reaction.

Yep, Marie’s pies are simply out of this world!

ust as I’m about to say ‘I told you so’, he takes a second scoop and shoves it into my now open mouth. He chuckles at my surprised look, and I savor the delicious mixture of cinnamon and vanilla, and of Sebastian. I am intoxicated by the mere fact his lips have been on this same spoon only moments before mine.

did he do that?

At first, I didn’t fe
el comfortable sharing the pie with him, but now, now he has made it so intimate, so personal. I mean, how can sharing pie with a complete stranger be so freaking erotic? I am hypnotized by his perfect lips and the sounds he makes when he eats.
Damn, I bet this man can freaking make eating broccoli sexy as hell!

He scoops up yet another bite and moves to put it in my mouth.
We go on and on like this until we finish the last bite of delicious pie. I can’t help but laugh at the fact that my spoon was never used. Marie makes her way back to the front of the bakery and Sebastian stands to hand her the empty plate.

“Well?” S
he asks with a smirk on her face and her hand on propped up on her hip, “How do I rank, Mr. Pie Skeptic?”

, that has got to be the best damn pie that I’ve ever tasted.”

Marie beams
as she takes the empty plate from him.

“Damn straight it is,” she
replies and winks, making her way to the kitchen in the back.

Sebastian throws his head back and laughs. His
beautiful amber eyes are twinkling when he turns to face me.

What is it about this man that has me so out of sorts?

“So how lon
g have you worked at Jesse’s?” he questions me as he sits back down and begins drinking his coffee.

Well, I started working there when I was in high school. At first, I only worked there after school, and on the weekends, you know, just to help my grandmother out with my sister and me. It’s so close to the university here, so I’ve just kept working while I finish my degree.”

“So, when do you graduate?”
he asks me curiously.

“I will graduate in May
, and then, I plan on burning this uniform,” I joke as I take a sip of my coffee.

My words were meant to be funny, but I notice he doesn’t
appear humored.

“So, what do you do? Are you a student?’ I ask him, in hopes of changing the subject.

“No, I graduated from Duke a few years back. My dad wanted me to take over the family business, so I manage his employees now.”

I notice there is bitterness in his words
, and he begins shifting in his chair. He’s now lost in thought, staring at the flames in the fireplace behind me.

So, do you live around here or are you passing through town?” I ask. It is a question that is weighing heavily on my mind. I won’t lie; I am praying he will say he lives nearby.

, yes, I live just on the other side of town, actually. I don’t get to come downtown as often as I used to. I saw the sign, and I figured I would stop in to grab some dinner. I’m really glad now that I did,” he says, and I can feel the blush slowly creeping up my neck and spreading up to my cheeks. I have GOT to teach my body how to stop blushing.

“I’m really glad you came in too
,” I reply. I brush his hand and our eyes meet. I can’t explain what I experienced in that glance. It leaves me on an exhilarated high and I feel as if the very breath has been sucked out of my body. When I stare into those amber eyes, I feel calm and peaceful. It’s an undeniable connection like nothing I’ve ever known before. I want to wrap my arms around him and kiss him until our breaths are one. My body is betraying me in ways that I have never before experienced. One look back at him and I know that he feels something too. This is so dangerous, and far beyond anything I can prepare myself for. He leans in to me, and I feel my body gravitate towards him. I surrender to the magnetic pull between us and can’t take my eyes off of his lips. As he leans in even closer to me, I feel my heart beginning to race in my chest. Slowly, he traces his finger down my cheek and back across my parting lips.

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