Rose of Thorne (3 page)

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Authors: Mia Michelle

BOOK: Rose of Thorne
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I walk down the familiar path to the old oak tree and
freeze in my steps by what I see. It’s her. After all these years, the beautiful girl that I remember from that night is standing just a few yards from me. She isn’t aware that I am here, and I notice her back is shaking violently. As I watch, she braces herself on the stone and slides down to her knees. The white flowers in her hand shake violently as she leans her forehead against the ebony rock. And then, I sense it and the pain radiates in my chest. I feel her despair slamming into me over and over again. Images of their mangled bodies rush through my mind, and I think I am going to be sick. I caused this pain. I did this to her. All these years, I have convinced myself that she has probably been living a happy life surrounded by family and had moved on from that night. Obviously, this day haunts her as much as it still haunts me.

Slowly the pain subsides and I watch as she begins talking to the
headstone. I can’t explain it, but I am so fascinated by her that I continue studying her from afar. I can’t see her face at this angle, but I can see her long glossy curls that cascade down her back. And then, as if she senses someone watching, she stands and turns to face my direction.

Panicked, I look down at the grave in front of me while she makes her way past. I observe her gliding across the cemetery like some wandering, lost angelic soul. With her shoulders slumped and her head hung low, she carries herself as though the weight of the world rests upon her. She lifts her face and tucks a long strand of curls behind her ear. It is then that I can finally see her perfectly. I considered her beautiful seven years ago, but now, she is absolutely breathtaking.

When she is
a safe distance away, I glance towards her and see her get into the old red car that I parked behind earlier. It refuses to start on this cold morning, and I feel an enormous pang of guilt when I think about how she must be struggling. After several failed attempts, her car engine finally roars to life, and I bravely chance another glance as she pulls slowly around to the exit. Strangely, I find that when she leaves the cemetery, I am still drawn to her. I make my way to the grave marked ROSE, where she stood only moments before, and I reach down to place my hand on the stone in the same place that I saw her touch. In some crazy way, it is as if I am feeling her touch upon my skin. I look down at the picture of the two smiling faces. The words I pray for each time, yet again, do not come. As I continue looking at their picture, I think about how I have robbed this family of their lives together, all because of my stupid decision to get behind the wheel that night. It is a mistake that a stupid kid made with consequences so powerful that they can never be made right. I manage the only words that can ever seem to come out of my mouth. “I am sorry. I am so, SO sorry,” I say as I lay the pink flowers on top of their marker. Placing them in the vase is simply way too personal.

The rest of my day at work is absolutely horrible because all I can think about is her. She has captivated my heart and invaded my thoughts. I keep wondering what her voice sounds like, what her hair smells like,
hell…I even wonder how soft her skin feels. But mostly, I just find myself wondering what her life has been like all this time. Who is the girl? I want to know all I can about her. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I cannot seem to get her out of my mind. Right now, I can’t figure out if it is curiosity, guilt, or perhaps even borderline obsession that I’m feeling for her. Either way, I am sitting in this boardroom meeting with nothing but dark curls and her angelic face on my mind. It’s a good thing that I had not seen her eyes today because I know that if I had it would have been my undoing. I pull out of my phone and text Max Harrison, my employee who serves a wide variety of roles for my company. Most of those roles are not legal and not necessary to go into. Let’s just say he is paid well for his confidentiality.

Harrison, I need everything you can find on a Skylar Rose, and I need it immediately.

Yes, sir, I am on it.



'Morning, Soph!" I say as I greet my sister in the kitchen. She is putting bread into our toaster oven. When she turns to greet me, her face drops.

, SKY! You look like complete hell! What are you doing in that uniform still? Did you sleep in it?” She jokes.

"Gee thanks! I love you too,” I say as I roll my eyes at her.

“No, I mean it. When did you get off work? Tell me you didn’t close again for Jesse! Sky, you can’t keep pulling these double shifts!”

“Yes, Sophie, I did close last night; and yes, I am working another double shift today. Don’t
start! We need the money, Soph, I don’t have a choice.”

She shoots me a concerned look but continues buttering the toast in her hand.

“Don’t you ha
ve a meeting today at school?” She asks.

“Yes, I have a meeting at 8
o’clock this morning, and then I’m heading straight to work from there. I won’t be home until after midnight, so do you think you can stay over at Samantha’s again?”

“Yes, I am sure her parents
won’t mind. Her mom says I’m always welcome any time,” she explains, and I breathe in a sigh of relief. I am so thankful for her friend’s parents who help us out when I have to work late.

Sophie makes her way around the breakfas
t table and pulls me into a tight hug.

, kid, what’s the long look for?” I say to her as I wrap my arms around her.

“I love you so much
, Sky. I just hate seeing you work so hard; that’s all. I mean, I never even get to see you anymore.”

“I promise that one day
, Soph, things will be better for us. And when that day comes, you and I are going to build a giant fire and burn this awful uniform outside!” She laughs, and I kiss her on her forehead. A car horn honks and I peek out the kitchen window and see Sophie’s boyfriend Rylan pulling up to our house. He is primping in the rearview mirror, and I can’t help but giggle. It’s obvious that he has it pretty bad for my sister.

, you better get going, sis. Rylan looks as though he is dying for a kiss before school this morning,” I say, bumping my hip into hers.

“Ha. Ha. Sky!
” She kisses me on the cheek, before grabbing her bag by the door.

“Be car
eful and I love you, lil sis,” I say as she heads out.

“I will and I love you too!
” She shouts back as she closes the door behind her.

I glance back out the old kitchen window again while I rinse the breakfast dishes in the sink. I see Rylan’s face beam
ing as my sister makes her way out to him. She wraps her arms around his neck and plants an epic kiss on his mouth. Young love is sweet, and I’m glad to see her so happy. I hope that one day I will have someone looking at me with that much love. I just don’t have time for anything right now. Right now, other than finishing school and work, Sophie is my priority. She needs new soccer cleats, and the fall dance is coming up next month, so I know I will have to work extra hours in order for her to have all of that.

up at my Granna’s old wall clock I see I need to be leaving if I plan to make my meeting on time. I grab my car keys and portfolio and make my way out the door. My 8:00 appointment with Dr. Martin is a crucial one. We will be discussing the details of my internship opportunities. I am fortunate enough to be the first female to land an internship interview with Thorne Enterprises. Thorne Enterprises is one of the leading design firms in the South, as well as being the firm I want an interview with the most.

My meeting with Dr. Ma
rtin goes remarkably well, and he informs me that my first initial interview will be next week with Thorne’s advisory board. I worry about how I will prepare for the interview after pulling all of these double shifts, but it is an opportunity I cannot afford to waste. I quickly make all of the notations on my portfolio that he suggests and grab my things to leave. Rushing back across town, I make it there in just enough time for my shift at work. Jesse’s is super busy with the late breakfast crew that is constantly trickling in. Grabbing a stale bagel from the café’s kitchen, I tie on my apron and head back to the front to start working. Soon, the breakfast crew fades into the lunch and dinner crew. We have been so busy that I haven’t even taken a break and am already dead on my feet. I just keep smiling and greeting my usual customers and silently calculating my tips in my pocket.

I notice Kylie, my best friend and part time hostess
, bat her eyes at the man who has just walked in the café. I shake my head and laugh.

he is such a damn flirt.

I ca
n’t see his face, but I notice her nodding and motioning for him to take a seat at the counter in my section.

Well, this should be good;
Kylie looks as though she’s about to combust.

serve the couple at the end of the counter, and then make my way to where the gentleman now sits. My hair is falling down, and grease stains cover the front of my dress. I wipe the damp hair away from my face and pull out my pad to take down his order.

Hi, I’m Skylar. Welcome to Jesse’s. What can I get you to drink?”

As he drops down the tall plastic menu
, I come face to face with the hottest man that I have ever seen. His ebony hair is styled in that messy, sexy way that I’ve always loved on guys. Long, dark eyelashes frame glowing amber eyes. He looks like some sort of perfect Greek god, and I feel my face flushing as he greets me with an incredible smile.

hell he is hot!!!

y knees begin to buckle, and I catch myself against the counter.

in the hell is going on with my body

The beautiful stranger still hasn’t spoken to me.
What do I do?

I do the only thing
I can do. Like an idiot I repeat myself.

“Hi, I’m Skylar. Welcome to Jesse’s. What can I get you to drink?”

Way to go Skylar, now he thinks you are a complete moron.

“Hello, Skylar. I’ll take a sweet tea, please,” he says in a smooth voice. The way he has just said my name just sends chills down my spine, and I know I have to get away fast before he sees me blush again.

Stumbling over my own feet
, I dart over to the drink station and begin filling his glass from the pitcher of tea. His eyes never leave mine as I cross the room. I am relieved to turn my back to him in order to compose myself.

Get control of yoursel
f, Skylar! He is just a man. An extremely hot looking one, but still just a man!!

It is
not as if I’m not used to having good looking guys flirt with me, but this guy shakes me to my core. After getting his drink, I gather myself and make my way back to him, but as I turn I find him smiling at me.

Sweet Jesus,
why does this man have to have that smile? It is simply lethal to be that damn hot.
Please don’t let me spill this sweet tea on him, please.


I have been sitting in the parking lot of Jesse’s Café for over an hour now, and I still haven’t mustered up enough courage to go inside. I firmly hold open the black vinyl folder in my lap that Harrison had given me yesterday. This little folder holds practically every known detail about the life of Miss Skylar Marie Rose. As if I were reading a fascinating novel, I soak up every last word cover to cover. She is a dancer, or at least she had been before the accident. She must have been a damned good one to have been accepted into Baylor Academy at such a young age. She had also excelled in academics and had graduated high school at the top of her class. I even know how much money she currently has in her checking account. And let me just say that I had almost become physically ill when I saw that her current available balance read $328.98. I mean fuck… I have at least ten times that in my wallet right now.

I draw in a deep breath and close the folder.
I can’t help but stare at the picture attached to the front. Even though it is just her current college ID picture she looks sensational. Something about the picture intrigues me though. These eyes, even in their startling beauty have an absence of any life in them. I want nothing more than to give this girl her life back, but no amount of wishing or money will fix this. I don’t know how, but somehow, someway, I will make this right. I place the file in the backseat and make my way towards the café. It is now or never. I have to do this.

Man, for a Thu
rsday night, this place sure is packed

When I notice an opening at the counter
, I persuade the hostess Kylie to let me sit there. I spot her bouncing across the café while carrying a large tray of food. Grabbing the tall plastic menu, I use it to hide behind. My eyes follow her, and I scan her beautiful body. The short blue uniform hugs her goddess of a figure in all of the right places and showcases her long toned legs. She is completely oblivious to the fact that she is tempting almost every man in this place. Her long, wavy hair is pulled up in a ponytail, and each dark chestnut wave bounces as she makes her way back to the counter where I am sitting. When I hear her angelic voice ask me for my drink order, my heart begins to pound in my chest. Gathering my courage, I glance above the tall menu. Our eyes lock, and I become completely paralyzed. I am now staring into these damn turquoise eyes that chase me in my dreams. Then, the goddess before me does something I cannot prepare for… she smiles.

I swear she could light up the entire city of Austin with that smile.

My face breaks out into a massive grin, but my ability to speak hasn’t seemed to return just yet. I am a billionaire corporate executive…I NEVER lose control, yet my mouth refuses to move and is now stuck in the most embarrassing cheesy smile.


I manage to get my drink order out, but I can’t keep from staring at her. I have been around more than my share of beautiful women, but nothing remotely comes close to this girl. Those plump luscious raspberry lips of hers are just begging to be kissed. When I catch a whiff of her cotton candy fragrance I instantly want to lick her from head to toe and bury myself deep inside her right here.

Fuck! What is going on with me?

to gain control of my now raging hard on I watch her return with my drink. She flashes another epic smile at me and I find myself gripping the plastic tea glass tight in my hands.

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