Rough [02] - Roughhousing (16 page)

Read Rough [02] - Roughhousing Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Gay Men, #Fiction, #Erotica, #Erotic Stories, #Gay Couples, #Architects

BOOK: Rough [02] - Roughhousing
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James couldn't unfold from the huddled position without everything hurting more. “Help me stand? Need the bathroom.” He leaned into Bram's side and desperately added, “Really, really bad. I think my one kidney is going to self-destruct."

Bram gave a chuckle and gently eased James to a standing position. “Can't have that. It'll make a mess all over the room."

"Thanks for the sympathy.” He braced himself against Bram's side and let his lover take the brunt of his weight. They began shuffling toward the bathroom. “It would be a lot funnier if I thought it wasn't a real possibility."

James hissed when Bram's free hand slid down his lower belly and brushed along the shaft of his swaying cock. “It may be possible, but I doubt your taking a piss is going to happen any time soon from the looks of things."


They had made it to the bathroom. James stood in front of the commode as Bram plastered his chest to James’ back, holding him with both arms while his hands worked at James’ most pressing dilemma.

"Maybe I can give you a hand with at least one problem.” He stroked James’ rod and rubbed a thumb over the slit. “Want a little help, baby, or can you see to it yourself. I could just watch."

His voice a husky, enticing whisper in James’ ear, James pushed his cock into the fist Bram wrapped around it and shivered as waves of pleasure started to override the constant buzz of discomfort. Bram began kissing his neck and face, carefully working around bruises and healing cuts.

James hissed when Bram touched the abrasion on his chin, but his ass pushed back into the hard outline of Bram's cock, rigid and thick in his jeans. The stroking action on his cock increased, along with the pressure, and James felt the first stirring of his needed climax already building.

He stood perfectly still, letting Bram take his weight and work his body. Any movement or twisting caused the pain to flare up high enough to blot out the pleasure, so James didn't move. He closed his eyes, leaning back on his lover and letting Bram take care of him.

He suddenly realized he was also letting Bram ‘care for him’ as much as ‘take care of him'. It was a first for James to have someone who would do both for him. Unexpected tears burned his eyes and his throat tightened. A choked moan of warning was all he could manage before his balls tightened and his cock jerked, shooting its load into the toilet.

He sighed and allowed himself to bask in the afterglow for a few seconds before nature called again. He began to struggle to regain his own balance to pee, pulling away from Bram's comforting, secure hold. Bram pulled him back and nuzzled the crook of his neck, hand keeping a firm hold on his spent cock.

James shifted, restless with need. “I really have to take a leak, Bram."

"Just go ahead, baby. I've got you.” Bram aimed his cock in the right direction with one hand and placed the other across James’ chest, supporting him and pinning him to Bram's towering frame, letting James use Bram's strength to bolster his depleted energy.

"Uh, well, I don't know..."

"I got you. Do it, baby.” Bram whispered in James’ ear again, voice demanding, raw, full of tenderness and power. “Just relax and let it go."

James did, trying not to cry out as he watched the stream of bloody urine that flowed from his body. His side spasmed and he swore.

"Shit.” The burning pressure was relieved a little at a time and it helped convince him that things would improve. A sheen of sweat broke out over his face and he felt his limbs tremble.

"They said it would be red for a few days, remember? It'll be okay. We'll just keep an eye on it.” Bram ran a soothing palm over his neck and shoulders while turning him in the direction of the door. “Let's get you back to bed."

Stumbling with the first few steps, James leaned heavily into Bram's one-armed embrace. Before they were out the door, Bram lifted him off his feet and carried him to the bed.

For the first time since the big man had started with his caveman tactics, James didn't even think about complaining. He dropped his head on Bram's shoulder and didn't say a word, allowing Bram to put him to bed, cover him up, and tuck him in. He muttered an incoherent reply to Bram's reassurances of returning with something to drink and faded off into blissful darkness.

* * * *

When James woke, the room was still in shadows, but they were deeper this time. No crack of daylight seeped in around the curtains. Only the soft, regular breathing and occasional shift of the body at his back broke the silence of the room.

James closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of his lover sleeping at his side. His head felt clearer and less painful, while the pain in his side had faded to a dull but still present burning ache. He felt worn out, hungry, safe, and loved. Bram had fed him, made him drink something every few hours, helped him to the bathroom between liquid snacks, and insisted he take Motrin every four hours for the pain. It was the strongest thing the doctor said he could take with a head injury. James decided it must have helped because he felt better.

Snuggling back against the man behind him, James uncurled a bit to take advantage of all of Bram's body heat. His movements produced a predicable reaction from Bram. He rolled over on his side, threw an arm over James’ waist, and tucked him in close. He nuzzled his face through James’ hair, sighed, and was back asleep within seconds.

James smiled, relaxed into Bram's warmth, and tried not to think about the fact that he could be having this every night if he would stop being so afraid. Sleep was a littler harder to come by this time.

* * * *

Monday morning James called off work, giving a brief explanation and a promise to be back in the office on Tuesday. He would rather have kept the whole thing to himself, but there was no way around it. The bruises were going to still be very much in evidence by the next day and there would be questions and gossip galore. He might as well give them the facts up front.

After a little breakfast and a hot shower, he and Bram were back at his apartment to gather up a few more of his things. Bram arranged to take the day off to stay with James, claiming being boss had a few good perks.

Gaze scanning the room of James’ still disorganized and haphazard living room, Bram gestured across the room at a large, opaque carrying case. “Do you need that portfolio over there by the wall?"

"Uh?” James stood by the door, surrounded by two suitcases full of clothing and personal items and a well-stuffed garment bag. He didn't want to come back here again for anything for a few days. “Oh, yeah, I do. That's the Becker Estate project plans. I'll need those."

Bram frowned at James, then lifted the heavy case, tucking it under his arm. “What's it still doing here? I thought you were going to give these to Dunn last week? Did he change his mind about wanting to see them?"

"I don't know. Maybe. He was out of the office and then unavailable during the first part of the week. He hasn't actually asked me for them again.” James shrugged his shoulders, feeling defeated and weary. Everything had to be an uphill battle some days. “Now I've been gone. The opportunity to present them hasn't reopened yet."

"Dunn really needs to see them if he wants the project to be an exact renovation.” Bram's tone was casual, but with a professional undercurrent. James knew it was the businessman in him coming out. “He'll understand that when he looks them over and examines the old architectural sketches you found."

Nodding, James absently rubbed at the dull ache in his side, uninterested in work issues right now. “If I get the chance to present them, he will."

"You should push him a little.” Bram carried the portfolio over to James and added the wardrobe bag to his load, still keeping one hand free. “Time is getting short if your friend Art has already filed tentative plans with the Historical Society."

"Yeah, I know.” James picked up the larger of the two suitcases, but Bram took it out of his hand. “I'll try and get a meeting with him this week. Maybe he'll let me join Art on the project."

Bram looked like he wanted to say something more, but he just gave James a wink and said, “You get ‘em, Tiger."

A brisk, loud knock startled James. He nearly tripped over the luggage at his feet in the attempt to answer the door. When he opened it, the blond bouffant hair-do, long false eyelashes, and bright pink lipstick that seemed to define Macy Love jumped out at him.

She was crouched down to his eye level, apparently trying to look through the one-way peephole in the door. Dressed in pink short shorts, a skin-tight, pink tank top, and a pair of jute, five-inch wedge sandals, Macy jumped up to her full height the moment James opened the door. James was forced to leap back a step to prevent himself from getting a mouthful of Macy's bustline. The woman
had no clue about other people's personal space comfort limits.

"Hi, Jimmy.” She fluttered her fingers at James.

"Hi, Macy.” He thought about pushing her out the door and telling her they were on their way out, but his manners and her sweet, ditzy smile forced him to open the door wider. Plus the woman came to his rescue when he'd needed a helping hand.

He smiled, self-consciously rubbing his sore side. “Ah, Macy? I wanted to thank you for calling the police the other night. I appreciated you getting involved. Not everyone would have helped a stranger."

"Don't be silly. You're not a stranger! We're neighbors!” She touched the stitches over his eye and then the large, purple bruise at his temple, her gaze darting from one obvious facial injury to another. “I wasn't going to let that stupid, old Nick hurt people without having to own up to it.” She shot a glare at the Ellwood's door. “He's nothing but a bully.” She sniffed and stood up straighter. “I'm not sorry you broke his shoulder. Now he can't throw things at Sheila and Kitty.” She sounded both resigned and sad to James when she added, “For awhile, anyway."

Having nothing to add, James nodded. “We're just leaving, but would you like to come in?"

"Okay, Jimmy.” She actually squealed, making James chuckle despite his desire to be gone. She swayed past him into the apartment, neck craning to get a better view of Bram.

James rolled his eyes and muttered, “I'm James, Macy. James."


She walked right up to Bram and nearly pressed herself to his chest, forcing him to set down the items in his arms. He took her fluttering fingers off his chest and shook them, a huge, amused smile on his face.

"Hi there. I'm Macy. I live next door. Pleased to meet you.” Her words were puffed out,, soft little billowing streams of airborne sex. She winked at Bram and coyly returned his smile.

"Hi. Bram Lord. Jamie's mentioned you.” Bram stood his ground, letting Macy enjoy the close contact without looking like he was the least bit uncomfortable with her forward attitude.

James felt a little flash of envy at Bram's ability to relate to people, followed by a bigger flash of jealousy when Macy continued to remain bare centimeters from Bram's body.

"Jamie?” Macy's eyes opened wide and she turned her head to give James an admonishing stare. “You should have said so. Jamie is
much easier to remember!"

James noticed Bram's smile increase to an amused grin. He shook his head, stretching his own eyes wide open in mock amazement. “Yeah, of course. Why didn't I realize that?"

Macy reached out and patted his arm without leaving Bram's side. “Silly. That's okay, Jamie.” She brightened, obviously pleased. “See, it
easier to remember!"

Stunned, James couldn't think of anything to say. Macy was just Macy and there was no understanding the woman's point of view as far as he was concerned. He decided accepting her and her off-kilter reasoning was probably the best approach if he was going to continue living here. He somehow knew Macy Love was going to be a frequent visitor. Especially since she had moved closer and was now plastered to his lover's chest.

Macy busily ran her perfect, pink nails along the outline of Bram's broad shoulders, her heels making them easier for her to reach than they were for James. She oohed and ahed over them, making little, indistinct, female sounds of appreciation that James never could understand the real meaning behind. His sisters had often done the same thing over a particularly pretty dress or a good-looking boy in school. Somehow they were much more irritating when they were directed at his boyfriend.

Glancing at Bram, James relaxed. The pleasant but disinterested expression on his face soothed James’ rising wave of unexpected jealousy. The seductive wink and lustful gaze Bram shot his way over Macy's head calmed the rest of the lingering emotion. James smiled, listening to Macy's chatter, studying Bram's reaction to her.

"Jamie said you're his boyfriend.” Her fingers worried the first fastened button of Bram's blue denim work shirt.

"He's right."

"Good!” She brightened and flashed a sexy look at him, breasts jiggling in their overstressed push-up bra. She was close enough they brushed Bram's chest as she giggled. “Since you two are already lovers,” she said, looking to Bram for confirmation, continuing when he nodded. “I was hoping maybe, if you don't like to leave each other out of things,” Macy continued, running a nail along the V of Bram's open neck line, playing with the pale hair on his chest, “that maybe...” She chanced a glance at James before adding, “We could all like, be together sometime?"

James gave the back of Macy's head a disbelieving glare and glanced indignantly at Bram.

Bram merely smiled and captured her roving hand in his own. “That's a very generous offer, Macy. You're a beautiful woman.” Her eyes glistened with excitement and her smile beamed. “But Jamie and I are monogamous."

Her expression grew a little clouded, but her eagerness was undaunted. James wondered if Macy knew the meaning of the word or was just holding out hope that the situation would change in the next few seconds.

Bram gently gripped her upper arms and shifted her back a few inches until she wasn't leaning on him. James watched him hold back a smile before he added, “We don't see other people. We're faithful."

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