Rough Edges (16 page)

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Authors: Shannon K. Butcher

BOOK: Rough Edges
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The image that presented was more than she could stand. A groan of raw, visceral want fell out of her and she felt her pussy heat and grow wet.

“Mmm. I like that sound, baby. It's so much better than all of that talk about putting yourself in danger alone.”

She tried to form a coherent sentence about how her job was dangerous, he knew that, and that he was just going to have to get over his sudden case of overprotectiveness. Instead, his teeth raked lightly across her skin and all that came out was an incoherent whimper.

Women like Bella didn't whimper. They bellowed. They roared. They tore bad guys apart with their bare hands and a scream of triumph on their lips. And yet, after a few seconds of Victor's mouth on her neck, she was reduced to a mewling simpleton, incapable of speech. If he ever did get his mouth between her legs, she'd probably melt into a puddle of vapid mush.

His fingers trailed up her arm to circle the base of her throat. Her hand was free now. It wouldn't have taken much to grab his balls and twist, forcing him to set her free. But the idea of harming him in such a way was unthinkable.

She didn't want to damage what lay between his legs. She wanted to fondle and kiss and suck. She wanted to run her tongue over him and see how long it took him to lose control.

A man with an iron will like Victor's was going to be a fun challenge. Even thinking about it made her heart pound and her blood heat.

She so loved a good challenge.

She started to reach for his groin to see if he was as aroused as she was. Before she'd moved an inch, he grabbed her wrist and held on tight.

“I'm not letting you fight dirty,” he said. “I know your tricks, and I'm not going to end up with my balls in a knot just so you can run off and leave me curled up in agony.”

It hurt her that he thought that's what she would do, but his conclusion wasn't unfair. She
just been thinking about inflicting pain on him, if only for a brief second.

Still, the fact that he predicted her actions was enough to irritate her. “You don't know me as well as you think.”

“No? Then look me in the eye and tell me you weren't thinking about giving the boys a hard twist.”

Her gaze slipped away from his.

“That's what I thought. Your violent streak is a mile wide, Bella. It's going to be your undoing if you don't learn to control it.”

“I control it just fine.”


The insult pushed her over the edge. She braced her feet and shoved up hard with her legs, breaking his hold. She threw her weight at him and pushed him back while sweeping his legs. He tilted sideways and landed on the floor next to the receptionist's desk. Bella tried to disengage before he fell, but he tightened his hold on her and pulled her down on top of him.

She landed on his chest, one thigh between his, the other knee on the ground. He took control of her arms and held her in place so she couldn't stand up.

“See?” he said. “No control over your violent tendencies. Look where it got you.”

“Maybe this was exactly where I wanted you. Did you ever think about that? Maybe I exerted just enough violence to get you here.”

A look of pure lust claimed his expression, so hot it scalded her. “I want to believe you. But I don't.”

With one powerful move, he rolled her over and pinned her to the floor. His thick thigh pressed deep between her legs, rubbing against her mound. She wasn't sure if the stroke had been intentional, but it sent a jolt of sensation winging through her all the same.

She lay beneath him and closed her eyes, feeling her body yield and melt. His weight was a delicious blanket draped over her, blocking out the rest of the world. Her submission was completely involuntary, sapping her strength and leaving her shaking and weak. There was no fear or panic under him. No freaky flashbacks to days long past. All that stood between them now was an inferno of need and way too many clothes.

“Bella,” he said, her name a plea for strength. “You are so damn sexy I walk around half hard all the time. But like this—all soft and hot beneath me—you destroy my self-control. If you don't tell me to stop, I'm going to fuck you right here on the floor.”

She opened her eyes and saw the raw need painting his face. Gone was the civilized mask of a gentleman he usually wore. She hadn't realized until this very moment that he'd been hiding the real him behind a thin facade.

There was a wildness in his eyes, a kind of feral energy pouring from him. Restraint quivered in his hold, telling her he was skirting the edge of control.

And she loved it.

“What about the part where you don't want to be reduced to a handy dildo? I wanted you before and you turned me away. What's different now?”

“You push me past rational thought. I don't give a shit right now why you want me. All I care about is that you take what I have to give. Every inch, nice and deep, so I can finally get you out of my system.”

“You think one fuck will be enough?” she asked, secretly hoping it wouldn't. They both needed to be able to concentrate on their work, but she didn't know if one night with him would ever be enough.

“Only one way to find out,” he said. Then he kissed her.

It was no ordinary kiss. There were lips and tongues like every time before, but this kiss was different. Sharper. Sweeter. More urgent. His mouth covered hers, and it felt like he'd just slid a missing part back into place. The sensation was so shocking, she let out a small gasp. He swallowed it down and let out a low growl.

The sound slid over her tongue and sizzled through her body. Rough, hard hands grasped her, holding on to her like he was afraid to ever let go.

The taste of him went to her head. She wanted to consume him, devour him, make him hers for all time.

Stupidest idea ever.

This was just a meeting of the flesh, nothing more. They were both strung tight, both needing release. There was nothing more to it than the growing pressure of a biological need. She couldn't let there be more to it than that.

But if that was all this was going to be, then she was going to make the most of it.

Bella freed her hands enough to shove his shirt up over his ribs. Her fingers slid beneath the tight fabric to splay across the hard male flesh of his back. Each of his hurried breaths expanded her hold. She could feel the power of his body flowing through him easily, without thought or effort. His heart pounded fast, telling her without words just how much their kiss was affecting him.

It rocked her just as hard, stealing her breath and making her dizzy. She needed more of him—all he had to give.

His knee forced her legs wider. His rock-hard thigh rubbed right against her clit, coaxing a gasp from her. The thin pants she wore were no protection from his strength and heat. Still, she needed to shed them and get as much of her skin against his as she could.

She pulled up on his shirt. The sound of seams ripping filled the quiet space, fitting perfectly between their labored breathing.

Victor moved just enough to pull the shirt over his head, giving Bella a clear view of his magnificent chest. She'd seen a lot of half-naked men in her life, but not one of them shook her the way he did.

Lean, sculpted muscles were shadowed by the growing dawn flowing in through the office windows. A light dusting of blond hair warmed his skin and made him look more real. Perfection like his could have easily appeared plastic and fake, but the man hovering over her now was all taut flesh and hot blood.

He reached for the vee of her scrub top, took hold and tore it open down the front.

Bella gasped in surprise. Her bare breasts jiggled with the force of his act. His eyes fixed on her nipples, and they tightened in response to his scorching gaze.

The slick heat of excitement eased from her pussy. She loved his lack of reserve, his desire, his strength. There wasn't a single worry that he'd use it to give her anything but pleasure.

“Leigh isn't going to be happy that you're tearing up her scrubs,” Bella said.

“Don't fucking care,” he growled. A dark stain of lust streaked across his cheeks. Those clear blue eyes of his were nearly black with want.

His hands covered her breasts, palming them. She wasn't overly busty, but they fit together so well, his hands seemed to be made for this task alone. Her nipples beaded up against his taut skin. His fingers dragged over the curve of her breasts until he was able to pluck at her nipples.

Lightning bolts of sensation streaked down to her core, making her hips buck beneath him. She thought it couldn't feel any better until he covered one nipple with his mouth. Hot, wet suction became the center of her world. Her whole body lit up until she was certain her skin was glowing.

Victor lifted his head. His jaw clenched twice before he spoke. “Take off the pants, or they're next.”

“You first,” she shot back. “I want to see you naked. All of you.”

“I warned you,” he said, then took the waistband in his hands and pulled hard.

The front of the scrub pants split open. She didn't have any clean panties with her, so she'd gone commando. Now that the pants were torn, there was nothing to cover her but the slick proof of her lust for him.

Victor's nostrils flared as he saw it. He grabbed both of her thighs right behind her knees and shoved them up, high and wide. A second later, his mouth was on her, licking and sucking. His tongue grazed her clit, and her whole body arched under the force of the pleasure he created.

A low male groan of satisfaction rumbled between her legs as he slid his tongue inside her.

Bella nearly came unglued. Her body zoomed straight to the edge of orgasm and stayed there. He kissed and licked and sucked on her sensitive flesh until each breath was a ragged plea for release.

His hot hands gripped her hips and flipped her over onto her stomach. Long, thick fingers slid inside her.

“I love how wet you are for me, Bella. I'll be able to fuck you as fast and hard as I like, sliding in nice and smooth.”

The picture his words painted made her tremble. The tips of his fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot that jerked a gasp from her.

He worked that spot as he pressed on the small of her back, forcing her to arch more for him.

“So pretty like this, on your knees.”

The submissive posture should have bothered her, but she couldn't bring herself to think about anything other than what his skilled fingers were doing inside of her. So good. Just a few strokes more and she was sure she could come.

But he didn't let her. He stopped before she reached that point and pulled his fingers away. The heat of his body disappeared, leaving her chilled. She pushed to her knees and looked over her shoulder to see where he'd gone. She found him standing behind her naked, opening a condom.

The sight of his cock made her want to weep for joy. No way was he going to resist taking her with an erection like that. He was thick and hard, the veins bulging in time with his racing heart. She wasn't going to have to wait to be filled up much longer.

“Why didn't you let me come?” she asked.

“Because the first time I make you come, it's going to be around my cock. I want to feel that tight little pussy quiver around me while I drive deep.”

He certainly had the right equipment for that kind of operation. She'd had plenty of men in her life, but never one built like Victor. She was certain he could reach places no other man had ever gone before. She couldn't wait to see what that was going to feel like.

“Lie down,” she ordered. “I'm going to ride you until I get off.”

“You don't get to give the orders in this, honey. You'll ride me if and only if I let you.”

“You think you're in charge?” she asked.

“I think that if you want me to take you, you'll lie down, spread your legs and ask nicely.”

“Fuck you, Victor.”

He stroked his erection. The open condom package sat on the desk next to him. He hadn't rolled it on yet, and she could see the gleam of precome sliding along his length. “I will if you ask nicely.”

“And if I don't?”

He shrugged. “I can get off just like this, enjoying the sight of your naked body and the sweet taste of your pussy on my tongue.” His fist stopped moving. “Or I can fuck you until you get off a few times. Let your pussy make me come rather than my own hand. It's your call.”

“Is this some kind of game?” she asked.

“No game. I just want to make sure you understand that while you may be my boss, your authority over me ends once the clothes come off.”

“I'm not some kind of submissive weakling you can push around.”

“I know. If you were, my dick wouldn't be hard right now. I like you just as you are. Claws, teeth and all. Now lie down, Bella. Show me you want my cock.”

She'd never had anyone talk to her like that, and the things it made her feel were both potent and shameful. She liked the way he took charge, the way he didn't back down, even if it meant sex was off the table. But mostly she liked the way he looked at her while he stroked his cock—like she was already his and was just waiting for her to realize it.

Still, if she gave him too much control, he might think it would carry over into their working relationship, and that was something she couldn't afford. No one could ever know about what they did here tonight, and if he treated her differently, everyone would know. Her employees were far too astute not to see it.

She lowered her gaze and tried to look like she'd succumbed to his demands. She closed the space between them and slid her hand down his body until her fingers covered his. Each tight stroke moved her hand until she couldn't stand not feeling his flesh against hers.

Her grip slid over him, pushing until he let go. The steely heat of his cock nearly took her breath away. Even the soft, smooth skin covering him couldn't diminish the power she held in the palm of her hand.

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