Rough, Raw and Ready (38 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Red Hots!, #Western Romance

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Trevor said, “My God, woman, you’re actually enjoyin’ this, ain’t ya?”

“Yep.” She batted her lashes at Edgard. “And to sweeten the pot of revenge, I’ll make it clear to Brandy or any other woman the Brazilian meat market is
open for monkey business and you both belong to me because our relationship goes beyond business. That oughta keep all the single women in town from angling for a piece of you.” 295

Rough, Raw, and Ready

Edgard smiled. “Which brings me to my other point. In the eyes of the law you two are married, but I ain’t gonna be considered just a hired hand. I’m not looking to prove anything to the community beyond we’re in a committed partnership. Let them make of it what they will. I just want to prove to both of you I’m as financially invested in the life we’re building as I am physically and emotionally.”

“Buddy, if that’ll make you happy and convince you we ain’t kickin’ you to the curb, then that’s what we’ll do. We’ll draw up the bank paperwork as a three-way partnership.”

“Sounds good.” He squeezed Trevor’s hand. “I’m beyond happy,
meu amore

“Me too. Jesus. I never thought…”

“Oh, stop makin’ goo goo eyes at each other at least until we’ve discussed this thoroughly,” Chassie gently scolded. “I’ve already come up with a way we can demonstrate the permanence of this relationship to ourselves.”


“By gettin’ matching tattoos.”

Trevor’s mouth dropped open. “Hell, woman, how much time
you spent with India and Colt?”

“Enough. For design, I’m leanin’ toward searin’ our cattle brand on our butts.”

Edgard mock-whispered, “Is she serious? Or has she been drinkin’?”

Chassie slapped his arm. “As far as us havin’ babies? I want them. Bad. We’ve all survived shitty family stuff, and there is potential for problems with any child we raise in an unorthodox household. Can you imagine how much that’ll change the dynamic between the three of us? How hard it’ll be if I have one blond-haired one and one dark-haired one, and what last name we’ll give ’em—”

“We’ll cross the baby bridge when we come to it.”

“Oh yeah? Ed brought up finances and you brushed him aside—”

“You weren’t just a woofin’ about her talkin’ something to death, were you, Trev?”

“Nope. Maybe we oughta gag her. There’s a bandana in the dining room.”

“Rope too,” Edgard said. “Let’s tie her hands so they’re not flailing around makin’

random tattoo designs.”


Lorelei James

She huffed out a breath. “I’m serious. This is serious stuff, guys.”

“It is serious stuff. Life altering stuff.” Trevor’s strong fingers circled her wrist. “But there comes a point where you are beatin’ a dead horse, and, darlin’, you’ve reached it.”

Chassie looked to Edgard for support.

He shrugged. “I’m of the ‘less talk, more action’ school of thought.”

Nice sidestep, Ed
. “How about we take the action upstairs to the bedroom and
out the rest of the details there?”

“Damn fine idea, Trev. I think you

They grinned at each other and Trevor thought it felt damn right and damn fine and was about damned time.

“You guys always gonna reroute every conversation around to sex?”

“Yep,” they said in unison.

Chassie sighed. “Neither of you have asked what’ll make

“What’s that, baby?” Trevor murmured.

“A much bigger bed.”

“That’s it?” Edgard asked.


Trevor realized not every request would be so simple and easy to handle. There’d be problems and adjustments. But as he looked at the two people who were his entire world, who owned his heart, who soothed his soul, and who’d stand beside him no matter what, he knew he was finally ready for whatever rough challenges life threw at them.

“I’d say a bigger bed is a damn fine place to start.” 297

About the Author

To learn more about Lorelei James, please visit
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or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Lorelei.

Look for these titles by Lorelei James

Now Available:

Menage and More
Anthology: Wicked Garden
Anthology: Babe in the Woods

Rough Riders

Cowgirl Up and Ride

Tied Up, Tied Down

Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

Long Hard Ride

Running With the Devil

Dirty Deeds

Coming Soon:

Mistress Christmas

Branded as Trouble

Her past and present collide in the ultimate temptation.

Wicked Garden

© 2008 Lorelei James

Eden LaCroix loved Billy Buchanan ten years ago, but he ran out on her the night of prom. Now he’s back, and Eden thinks a fling will help her move on from their tangled past. She wasn’t counting on Billy’s wicked side—or the return of her sometime lover Jon White Feather—to appeal so strongly to her own dark, hidden desires.

College took Billy away from Eden, but it’s a mistake he can rectify now that he’s in town to make the final decision on the fate of the community center Eden manages.

Except reignited sparks keep getting in the way of his objectivity. The flames only leap higher when Eden’s rock star lover comes home from the road.

Eden considers herself a one-woman man, but in the arms of Billy and Jon she feels truly beautiful for the first time in her life. But does the healing go far enough to prevent her from letting love slip through her hands a second time?

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Wicked Garden: Billy unknotted the tie and threw it behind him. He made short work of his dress shirt, shoes and socks. He only unbuttoned the top button of his slacks. Again he slipped his hands up her body, savoring every sexy inch. “What’s really going through that sharp mind, gorgeous?”

Her eyes turned liquid, a soft hue that bespoke of raw passion. “I’ve thought of this since I was seventeen.”

“Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to put your mouth on me.”

Smiling, he bent and kissed her knee.

“Smart-ass,” she hissed.

“You weren’t very explicit.”

She propped herself up on her elbows, eyes gleaming. “I want your mouth sucking between my legs until I come.”

He stared at her and grinned. “That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“And I want it right now.”

He hooked his fingers inside her red lace panties, dragging them down her long legs and carelessly tossed them over his shoulder. “You asked for it. Remember that when you’re begging me to let you come.”

“I can take it,” Eden said boldly, even when the sparkle in his eye sent shivers to her core.

Billy gently nudged her and she lowered her back flat, staring at the ivory ceiling.

Perched on the end of the weight bench, he placed his hands on her knees. “Wider. Show me what I’ve won. Show me what’s mine tonight.”

A wave of desire washed over her. She stretched her legs, letting her heels rest on the metal rungs of the bench. Her eyes closed when his hot flesh moved into the space she’d created between her thighs.

His finger slid through the wetness of her pussy, stopping to trace the triangle of curls. “So pretty. So pink.” One hand stroked her thigh. His mouth came into play, kissing her hipbones, the sensitive line of skin below her navel. A warm tongue skated across each rib as he made a thorough journey up her body.

His thumb flicked across that pouting bundle of nerves at her center, gliding down to rest in her slick opening. He repeated the path up and down her wet slit, gradually increasing the rhythm so it was a constant stroking.

Eden began to thrash. Even the fake leather bench seat was too much stimulus on her skin. She wanted his mouth everywhere—on her lips, on her breasts, on her aching sex.

Finally that wayward mouth reached her nipples, using the tiniest amount of tongue on tips. “Please, Billy.”

As he latched onto her nipple with his teeth, he slid two fingers deep inside her pussy.

The sensation of his hungry mouth suckling her breast, his long fingers pumping in and out, his thumb rubbing her clit, sent her careening into space. She pressed up to meet his demanding fingers, clutching his strong shoulders, shudders racking her from scalp to toes as he milked even the tiniest spasm.

After her sex quit pulsing, Eden opened her eyes, mortified by being so quick on the trigger.

But Billy’s intense gaze indicated he hadn’t minded her speedy trip to climax. His hand slid from between her thighs, smoothed a wet line up her belly, which he followed with this tongue. “Beautiful,” he growled against her flushed skin.

Eden dove her hands into his thick hair. Her impatient palms tracked the iron contours of his broad shoulders, down his powerfully muscled back. She tugged at the wool fabric of his suit pants. “I want you,” she murmured against his mouth.

“No.” Billy pressed into a push-up position, using the bar above her head as leverage. “I want to look in your eyes when I make you come this time.” With that declaration, he stepped back, circled her ankles and planted her feet on his shoulders.

She struggled to sit up. “What are you doing?”

“Putting my mouth on you.” His tongue swirled a path up the inside of her thigh.

“Stay like that,” he warned, “watch me taste you.”

“B-but, it’s too soon, I-I can’t possibly—”

“You can,” he said, licking a wide swath over the center of her, “you will.” His thumbs spread her folds apart, dragging his mouth up and down the dripping furrow. In a breathless second, he jammed his hot, wiggling tongue inside her pussy as high as it would reach.

“Oh. My. God.” The muscles below her belly button rippled as his mouth worked magic. Soft hair brushed the inside of her thighs making them tremble anew.

“Jesus, you taste like some dark exotic fruit,” he groaned, lapping at the moisture pouring from her sex. Billy’s head lifted, his mouth glistened with her juices. “Keep your eyes on mine.” Again his nimble tongue connected with her clit, drawing a series of figure eights.

Blood rushed to the swollen membranes as that elusive point pulsed. The steel bar dug into her lower back as her legs tensed, her nipples beaded, a zing of white-hot heat shot straight to her core.

When the vibrations started, Billy trained his eyes on her face, and his callused fingers tweaked her nipple.

Eden moaned as orgasm number two flooded her. She watched Billy’s heavy-lidded eyes as the climax he’d wrought emblazoned a mark on her.

The delicious throbbing slowed. Stopped. He scattered kisses along the tops of her thighs. Replete, she flopped back on the hard bench with a gusty sigh.

Billy’s mouth meandered up her torso, tasting the dips and valleys of her sated flesh until he reached her lips. His gentle breath swept her mouth open and his tongue plunged inside, sharing his heat and her musky tang. He lifted her from the bench and settled her on the yoga mat.

Eden stretched, coiling around him with the languor of a sun-warmed snake. After endless, glorious minutes of Billy’s loving caresses and reverent touches, he pulled away.

She opened her eyes lazily. “What?”

“You are amazing.”

“But I haven’t done anything besides let you have your wicked way with me.”

Smiling, he twined a damp curl around his finger. “Would you believe me if I said that
my biggest fantasy?”

“No.” To prove her point, she slid a bare thigh up his leg until it connected with the hard ridge of his erection. “I’d say my biggest fantasy involves ripping those pants to shreds.” She reached for the zipper, but he blocked her move. A warning flashed in the back of her mind.

“Before you scorch my hair with that dirty look, I’m not going anywhere.” Billy pinned her arms above her head. “Leave them there.”


“Because you haven’t called mercy yet.”

She’ll do whatever it takes to get to the top of the professor’s learning curve.


© 2008 Lynne Maris

Katrina Keens has discovered the man she longs for, Professor Derek Jacobson, is a Dom. Though BDSM is something she’s never tried, the idea of submitting to Derek is darkly arousing. All she needs is one chance to slip past the strict student-professor boundary he has been unwilling to breach.

And now that opportunity has come, a way to show Derek that she can be the woman he needs. Without waiting for his permission.

Unaware of her identity at a masked sex party, he offers Katrina everything she’s dreamed of—to be her master for the night, teasing her with a promise of intensely arousing discipline and praise.

Only Derek is a demanding master. Learning to serve his needs is a ruthless lesson in pleasure she won’t soon forget.

Warning: Contains graphic language, bondage, toys, anal play, and sexual
encounters in public settings.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Tamed: Chills skittered over her skin as he pushed the cup of the bustier down and exposed one rosy red nipple, bunched tight from his attentions. He skimmed around the outside of the creamy swell, making her wait as he drew nearer to the aching nub. His eyes narrowed, still holding hers, when, at last, he settled his thumb and forefinger at either side of her nipple, then rolling it lightly, increased the pressure.

His thigh slid farther between her legs and back again as he pulled at the pebbled tip.

Heat seared her from cunt to tit as he moved his thigh in sync with the tease of his strong fingers at her breast. She gasped at the pinch and pull, until her pleasured moan mingled with her pained cry. She was on the brink of climax, her breath ragged, her heart pounding.
She almost cried out his name but caught herself at the last second. She

couldn’t reveal that she knew who he was without revealing her identity as well. At this stage, that was too much of a risk.

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