Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2) (34 page)

Read Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2) Online

Authors: Hayley Faiman

Tags: #A Notorious Devils Novel, #Book Two

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feel lighter than ever.

I spent all yesterday morning inventorying the bar and ordering more alcohol, but unfortunately, I have to work tonight. The room is charged and the men are wired. It must be a full moon out, because it feels off.
Everything feels off—I feel off.

“The Cartel was not happy with that last shipment, claimin’ shit was missin’,” I overhear Buck tell Vault as he takes a shot of whiskey.

“I’m tired of dealing with these shady, fuckin’ bastards. First the Aryans, and now these pricks. I wish we were done with the whole lot of them. Do you think it could be the Canadian brothers?” Vault grumbles.

I turn my back to them and take a deep breath. The groups they’ve mentioned, I’m not an idiot, I know who they are and that they’re dangerous as hell. I can’t believe that Bates and the whole club are mixed up with people like that. I shake my head at my dumb self. I knew they weren’t selling girl scout cookies to make ends meet. I knew they were criminals; I guess I didn’t realize how lawless they really were.

I decide to take a moment to myself, so I walk into the liquor storage just to breathe for a moment. There’s too much smoke and noise and people to even think, let alone to wrap my head around what kind of men these really are in this building.

“You know you won’t last long. He’ll come back to me when you can’t satisfy him anymore. You’re nothing but a blip,” Star says from the doorway. She continues to walk inside and close the door behind her.

“That’s why he’s come back to me more than once?” I ask, lifting a brow.

“He’s got some teenage obsession with you. Once he gets his fill, he’ll be gone,” she shrugs as she looks down at her nails, seemingly bored. I can tell by the quiver in her voice she’s anything but.

“Why do you want him so badly?” I ask, switching tactics.

I want this bitch away from the door so I can bolt. She’s coo-coo fucking crazy, and I want away from her—like, now.

“Because I’ve put in my time, dammit. I want to be an Old Lady. I want to be branded, and Bates is the one who will do it,” she announces.

My eyes widen in surprise. She thinks—a clubwhore actually thinks any of those guys out in that room are going to want to marry her. She’s been with almost every single one of them. This can’t be news to her that she’s nothing but a toy to them. She can’t be that delusional.

“You know that’s never going to happen, right?” I blurt out.

“Bates likes to share. He’s the only one who it could be,” she screams.

All right. She’s completely crazy.

“Bates doesn’t share me,” I admit stepping to the side, hoping I can get over enough to knock her over and get free of the
President of Crazy Town

“He’ll get bored of you soon. He has needs,”

I snort, unable to hold back. He has needs, all right, and I know exactly what they are. What they aren’t is crazyville over here.

“He could. When he does, I’ll make sure he comes right over to you,” I say sweetly.

“Don’t patronize me,” she barks. I’m surprised by her word. It’s a big one, and she used it correctly.

I don’t know what to say, or how to say it in order to get out of this situation, so we stare at each other. A standoff of sorts. I have the man that she wants. The man that she thinks is going to save her from whatever demons she’s got swimming around inside her head. She doesn’t know the first thing about Bates. She thinks this is all sex. It’s not. Sure, the sex is fantastic, but Bates and I… we’re so much more than two bodies meeting. We’re two souls meeting—two hearts.

A knock on the door and a grumble of a muffled voice makes me sigh. My savior, whoever that might be. A man mixed up in shady shit, but I’d take the whole room of them over this crazy person standing in front of me.

Star narrows her eyes at me and shakes her head, but I obviously am not good at following directions since I walked out of Scotty’s house. I cry out for help. Two seconds later, the bitch goes flying as the door is shoved open. Star cries out as she lands on the floor, and I look up to see Dirty Johnny standing in the doorway. His cigarette is dangling from his lips, as usual, and his thin but obviously muscular body is completely bare from the waist up.

“The fuck is she doin’ on the ground?” he asks, scratching the back of his head.

“She was informing me of Bates’ eminent departure,” I offer with a grin.

“What?” he asks, furrowing his brows.

“Apparently, he’s going to leave me and run to her, make her his Old Lady, and share her willingly with whoever,” I shrug. Johnny throws his head back in laughter.

“Oh, holy fuck. Bitch, you better gather your fuckin’ shit. You’re done now,” he says. I look at him in surprise, but he just lifts his shoulder and grabs her by her hair, pulling her to her feet. I cringe at his rough handling of her.

“Johnny, baby,” she coos. He shakes his head with a grunt.

“I ain’t nothin’, especially to you. You don’t disrespect Old Ladies—you don’t confront them, you don’t even act like they exist. You are nothing but three wet holes to get off in, a fuckin’ cum dumpster. Old Ladies are about a million levels above you. So get your fuckin’ shit and get the fuck out of this clubhouse. You,
, are banned,” he growls.

When she makes no motion to move, he guides her by her hair, dragging her through the club to where I know all of the whore’s sleep. The music is cut and the brothers stop whatever they’re doing to watch.

“What’s goin’ on here?” Paxton calls out from his place at the bar.

“This nasty bitch had Brentlee cornered in the supply closet and was spewing shit about Bates making her his Old Lady. This ain’t the first time she’s been mouthy with Brent, and I for one am sick of it. Brent’s an Old Lady, nobody treats her with disrespect,” he says. I blink in surprise.

Johnny Williams has always been a jokester, a funny guy. Right now, I see him in a completely different light. He’s a serious badass, just like the other men that surround me. Although, I’m not scared of them. Sure, they’re mixed up with some bad people, but taking a quick glance around the room, they’re not bad people. They’re rough and scary, but they’d never purposely hurt me, not unless I betrayed them.

“Get that cunt outta here,” Drifter says.

The vice president of this club is a quiet man. He’s never once said a word to me, just watched from afar. I’ve never been able to gauge him, and he’s probably the only man in this club that truly intimidates me.

“No, call Bates down here. He can deal with her,” Drifter suggests. I watch a smile cross Johnny’s face that looks almost maniacal.

Star starts shaking her head violently, but Johnny already has the phone to his ear. Once he finishes telling Bates the story, none of which I can hear, he grins again and nods. I watch in shock as he drags her out of the clubhouse.

“Where’s he taking her?” I ask, turning to Drifter, who isn’t too far from me.

“The shed, probably,” he shrugs. I open my mouth to ask what that is exactly, and what that means. “Don’t ask,” he says, answering my unasked question. I nod before returning behind the bar.

“You okay, darlin’?” Vault asks, his voice laced with concern.

“Yeah, I guess. I don’t know,” I let out a breath and he shakes his head. I watch as he reaches over the bar and grabs a clean shot glass, filling it with the tequila that Buck had been pouring from all evening.

“Shoot it, babe,” he grunts, pushing it toward me. I take the shot and down it quickly, feeling the burn of the liquor, letting it warm me from the inside out.

“You can’t help people that don’t wish to help themselves,” he offers with a shrug.

“I just, I don’t want anybody else to be hurt because of me,” I murmur.

“Sometimes, shit happens. Sometimes, people don’t heed warnings they’re given and make stupid as fuck decisions. And sometimes, people are just fucking assholes.”

Vault gives me a sad smile before he leaves the bar, and it makes me wonder exactly what he’s talking about. I don’t think it has everything to do with this situation, but I understand his meaning. He’s right. You can’t help people who don’t wish to help themselves. I still don’t wish any harm to come to anybody at all, but this world isn’t full of sunshine and rainbows.





I walk into the shed and see Star crying on her knees. Dirty Johnny is staring at her, smoking his cigarette like he’s bored. The fucker is totally insane, but he’s a good friend, and genuinely a fuckin’ badass. He sees me and lifts his chin. I already know what happened, or at least most of it. Now, I have to deal with this cunt.

“What’re you gonna do?” Dirty Johnny asks me as I walk up to him.

“Think she’ll leave?” I murmur so the bitch won’t hear me. Johnny chuckles and shakes his head.

“Fuck no. She has dreams, man. Big fuckin’ plans. It’s gonna be you and her and whoever you share her with. Forever, baby. The most fucked up perfect family,” he laughs.

I hang my head a bit. This girl is clearly not right in the head; and like Kitty all those years ago, she needs to be put down. Though I probably won’t torture her like Fury did to Kitty.

As much as I want to walk up behind her and just quickly slit her neck, I can’t. I’ve done it enough times in my life, I should be an old hat at it by this point. I look over to Dirty Johnny. He’s glaring at Star.

“You want to deal with her?” I ask. His head pops up and his eyes widen.

“You want her gone?”

“Yeah, but maybe just take her to another club somewhere else,” I shrug.

“Can I play first?” he asks, lifting his brows.

“Go for it. I just don’t want to see her face ever again,” I say before I turn around and leave them alone.

I walk out of the shed’s door just as I hear Star’s excruciating scream fill the air. He isn’t going to make it pretty, but he’s going to get the job done, and that’s all that should matter. I make my way toward the clubhouse bar and quietly slip inside.

Brentlee is behind the bar, and she turns to me, her eyes hooded. She smiles, and instantly, I know she’s drunk. I can’t help but laugh a bit at her inebriated state. My cock presses against the seam of my jeans and I know that I want that drunk

I walk over to her. Nobody else in the room fuckin’ matters. I shrug off a few of my brothers on my quest to get to my woman, and when I reach her, I reach over across the bar and pick her up by her waist, dragging her legs over the bar top. I ignore the way she squeals and giggles, it only makes my cock harder, and me more impatient to get inside of her. As much as I wouldn’t mind throwing her down right here, she would regret it in the morning.

“Bates,” she sighs once we’re safely locked in my room.

“I need your ass, baby,” I murmur against her lips before I take her in a rough, hard kiss.

“I—” she pauses and I sigh. She’s not ready, not yet. I need to stay patient.

“All right,” I murmur as I quickly strip her clothes from her body.

“Okay, just… I’m afraid it’ll hurt, like last time,” she whimpers.

I shake my head before I take her lips again, slowly and gently until I move my lips to her ear.

“Never gonna hurt my
. Never.” I vow.

She doesn’t say anything else, her big honey colored eyes wide and a little scared. I run my hands down her sides until I reach her perfect ass and I pick her up, my hands squeezing her round cheeks.

“First, I’m going to make you come with my mouth; then, I’ll make you come with my cock in your ass. You’re my woman, babe. I’ll never hurt you,” I say.

She nods, and I smirk. Her words seem to be completely gone. I strip her naked, taking my time as I do. I want to see all of her, every fucking gorgeous inch.

I lie her down on the bed before I grab her hips and wrench them back. Then, I bury my face in her sweet pussy. One swipe of my tongue, and I shiver at the sweet taste of her. I suck on her clit, which causes her to moan and grind against my lips.

I fuck her with my mouth, slipping my tongue deep into her cunt. I shift my focus to her clit, alternating between flicking it and sucking. With a long moan, her thighs quiver and she bucks against my face as she comes,

I don’t wait for her to come down. Instead, I grab the bottle of lube and a condom from the nightstand. I let the cool liquid drip against her tight ass, which makes her break out in goosebumps. I quickly roll the condom on and coat my dick with lube. I pull her hips up again and press my dick against her tight ass.

“Bates,” she warns. I feel her tense against me.

I slide one hand around her hip and start gently playing with her pussy, stroking her clit before I slip two fingers in her swollen cunt. Soon, she’s forgotten about her fears and she begins to ride my hand as I slowly start to slide my cock into her tight entrance. She freezes, but I nip her shoulder, then kiss and lick the hurt I caused.

“Relax, baby. Let me in, yeah?” I coax.

Brentlee whimpers, but she forces herself to relax and even pushes against me, accepting me. I hum when I am completely seated inside of her tight ass. My dick feels like it’s in a vice, the best feeling vice of my fuckin’ life.

“How are you, baby?” I ask as I continue to play with her clit, rubbing and petting her.

“It doesn’t hurt,” she says, as though she’s in awe. I want to chuckle, but it’s all too fuckin’ good and no laughing matter.

“Let me fill my baby up,” I say before I slide two fingers into her cunt and press my palm against her clit.

I slowly fuck her with ease. I don’t want to hurt her, ever. I’ve hurt her enough, and she’s been hurt enough in her life. Never again will she feel pain.

Brentlee’s moans fill the room as my cock and fingers fill
. I’m officially taking ownership of her in all ways. She’s one hundred percent mine. I wrap my other hand around her hip, across my name permanently etched into her skin, and I fuck my woman. She gasps and throws her head back with a scream as her body begins to shake beneath me. Her hips slam back into mine, which makes me release a moan of my own.

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