Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2) (39 page)

Read Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2) Online

Authors: Hayley Faiman

Tags: #A Notorious Devils Novel, #Book Two

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he clubhouse is wild tonight. I should be inside fucking a whore, maybe two, but I’m not. Instead, I walk outside and inhale the crisp air. Fall is coming to an end, and soon the snow will be on the ground. We’ll all be forced to drive cages instead of our bikes. I fuckin’ hate winter.

“Those things’ll kill ya,” Torch says, pushing off of the wall and walking toward me.

“Yeah? No shit,” I grunt, taking another drag from my cigarette.

“I gotta go into
, wanna join?” he asks.

The Devils Club is the only strip club in town, that our Motorcycle Club owns and runs. Sniper is the manager, but with a new baby at home, we’ve all pitched in helping him out until he and the family get settled. I look back at the party behind me, but it doesn’t call to me. I have no desire to fuck any of the whores in there, to watch their shows, or to get shit-faced drunk.

“Sure,” I shrug, following him toward our parked bikes. We don’t say a word as we start our engines and take off down the road.

A few minutes into my ride, I notice I need gas and signal Torch toward the station. He nods, but we’re only a few miles from the club, so he rides on ahead of me. The gas station is isolated, as usual for this time of night. Our little town rolls up their sidewalks when the sun goes down.

I walk into the station and pay the attendant. His eyes shift from side to side and nervousness is visibly apparent on his face.

“You all right there, bud?” I ask, taking some bills out of my pocket.

“Yes, everything is great,” he stutters. That’s when I know that nothing is

I hear a soft whimper from behind his counter, and I pull my gun out of the back of my waistband. I train it at his head before I order whoever is behind the counter to come out.

A girl stands up from behind the counter, she’s a slip of a thing. Her hair is light brown and long, her eyes big and green, staring back at me wide and innocent. Her innocence is overshadowed by the fear on her face, and I wonder what this fat fucker behind the counter has done to her.

“You okay, sweetheart?” I ask before I shift my eyes back over to the fat-fuck.

“No,” she whispers. Her sweet voice washes over me. Fuck it’s sweet, too.

“What’d he do to you?” I ask, cocking my brow as the fucker starts shaking his head.

“He… he,” she stutters before her big green eyes fill with tears.

“C’mon, let me get you outta here,” I grind out as I hold one hand out to her. She doesn’t hesitate. Instead, she crashes her tiny body into my side and buries her face in my shoulder.

“He told me I could use the phone, then he shoved me down and told me I had to suck his dick first. Then you came in,” she whimpers against me. Instantly, instinctually, I wrap my hand around the back of her head, holding her closer to me, keeping her face against me.

I pull the trigger on the fat-fuck. I watch as his brain explodes against the cigarettes that line the back of the counter
. It’s a shame, all those smokes are ruined now
. Then I point my gun at the camera and pull the trigger on that too. The girl screams against me.

Quickly, I guide her out of the convenience store before pulling my phone out and making a call to a prospect. They’re going to have to get rid of possible evidence and clean up fat-fuck’s body. Once we reach my bike, I pull her away from me and look down into her frightened green eyes. My dick hardens at the sight of her. Fear fills her features and I fuckin’ love it.

“Get on,” I grind out.

I don’t wait for an answer. I get on my bike, and once I feel her fumble around and her arms slide around my waist, I take off down the road. I don’t have enough gas to go far. So I go back to the clubhouse. Once we pull into the lot, I nod to the prospects that are straddling their bikes to take care of my shit. I pull the little thing behind me toward the bar, past all the partiers and into the hallway. We walk into my room and I lock the door behind us before I turn to face her.



I blink, looking up at him. I’m not sure how I got into this situation. No, that’s a lie.
I know exactly how it happened
. I got into a fight with Willa and she kicked me out of her car—told me to walk my ass home. She was just mad that Brandon was flirting with me at the party. She’s had a crush on him since we were in kindergarten.

When I walked into the gas station to use the phone, I thought it was the smart thing to do. I was going to call my big brother to come and get me. He was going to be pissed that I was even in Bonners Ferry. I don’t know why we all came up here to party, except that Brandon’s parents had a vacation cabin up here. I was supposed to be spending the night with Willa and she was spending the night with me. I was almost an hour from home. I couldn’t walk, so I was going to call my brother, Andy, to get me. He’d give me shit, but he wouldn’t rat me out to mom and dad.

“Who were you gonna call?” the sexy as hell biker asks me.

He’s tall, thin but muscular. I felt his muscles beneath his t-shirt as I held onto him. Abs. Real abs. Not like the boys I go to school with. No, this is a man. He looks rough, rugged, and mean, but sexy as sin all at the same time.

“My brother,” I murmur.

“Yeah?” he asks before slipping his hand into his pocket and pulling out his phone, handing it to me. I take it from him and look from it to his dark brown eyes.

“Call’em,” he grunts.

I don’t hesitate.

“Andy?” I ask when he picks up the phone.


“I need a ride home,” I whisper. He asks me where I am and when I tell him Bonners Ferry, he starts screaming into the phone.

“Stop shouting,” the stranger says after he takes the phone out of my hand.

“I’ll keep an eye on her until you get here. She’s warm and safe, at the Notorious Devils clubhouse,” the stranger says. I don’t know what it means, Notorious Devils clubhouse. My brother must, because the stranger’s eyes turn black before he speaks.

“You better calm your shit before you get here, partner.” Without listening for my brother’s reply, he ends the call. “Your brother’s a dick, sweetheart.”

“Yeah,” I agree, nodding my head.

Andy is a dick, but he’s dependable and reliable and he’ll drive the hour to get me without telling mom and dad. Sure, he’ll make sure I pay him back somehow, but his payback is less than mom and dad’s punishment would be.

“How long’s he gonna take to get here?” the stranger asks, his dark eyes roaming over my body. I shiver when they meet my eyes and I watch him smirk.

“An hour or so,” I whisper. He smiles before he takes a step toward me.

His phone rings and he steps away from me for a while as he talks to whoever is on the other end. I am not where I should be, I should be at home, and I should be tucked into bed. This has to be the absolute worst night of my life. Luckily the stranger stays on the phone for at least thirty minutes and I sigh out an exhale of relief. Andy will be here soon, so soon, then I can go home and stop allowing Willa to drag me into her crazy shit.

“What’s your name, sweetheart?” he murmurs as he steps into my space and tucks my long hair behind my ear. I look up into his eyes and gasp at the darkness swirling in them.

“Hattie,” I whisper as he bites his bottom lip.

“Gorgeous,” he whispers before his lips touch mine.

I gasp when one of his hands grabs my ass. He chooses that moment to slide his tongue into my mouth. He’s warm and the stroke of his tongue is firm. He’s not sloppy, like the boys I’ve kissed. He’s not unsure—no, he is controlling this kiss. Controlling me. I lift my arms and wrap them around his neck, pressing my body closer to him while I tangle my tongue with his. I feel the vibration of his chest before I hear the moan that escapes his mouth into mine. His other hand tangles in my long hair and grips it tightly.

“You should get out of my room,” he mumbles against my lips. Yet, he makes no move to untangle himself from my body. I don’t want him to, either. I want more of his lips on mine. More of his hands gripping me tightly.

His lips crash against mine again and the hand on my ass moves up to my waist and slowly works its way under my shirt to my bra. I’ve never let anybody touch me before, but I want him to. When his fingers curl around my breast, I inhale as my body shivers beneath his touch.

“Need to fuck you, sweetheart,” he murmurs against my neck between kissing and licking my skin.

I freeze.

What in the…

“Ummm,” I say, unsure of how to respond. Who says that? He’s known me all of two seconds.

“Let me in, baby,” he mutters before he sucks on my neck.

I quickly step away from him, my chest heaving and my body filling with fear. Why did I come in here with him? Why did I kiss him? I shake my head, knowing the answer to that. He’s hot, and bad, and a man, and he looked at me like I was a woman, not a child.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart? You got at least ten more minutes before your brother gets here,” he shrugs. It makes my stomach roll.

Ten minutes.

He wants me for ten minutes, and then I’ll just be that girl he fucked once who was waiting for her big brother to give her a ride home. I shake my head before I quickly adjust my shirt.

“No,” I shake my head.

No way am I telling this guy that I’m a virgin. No way am I telling him that he’s the first guy to put his hand up my shirt. He’s a man, he’s hot, but no way am I embarrassing myself any further.

A loud pounding on the door interrupts us and I’m completely grateful. He swings the door open and there’s a huge bear of a man that fills up the doorway. He’s huge and hairy. He looks like a giant grizzly bear.

“Your girl’s brother is here,” he rumbles. My eyes widen. Holy shit, Andy is going to freak the fuck out at me being alone in this stranger’s room.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Andy shouts, pushing past the grizzly bear man and into the room.

Andy is tall, wide, and built like the college football player that he is. I look like a teacup poodle next to him. Though our hair and eyes are identical, other than that, we are completely opposite. I watch as his green eyes go from the hot stranger to me and then back.

“Just hangin’ out until you got here,” the stranger smirks as he throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side.

“Hands off my sister,” Andy grinds out.

“Or what?”

“I’ll call the cops, you asshole,” Andy warns. The guy laughs.

“I didn’t do fuck all,” he says between his chuckles. I don’t tell him that he killed a man right in front of me. In fact, I don’t say a word.

“My sister is sixteen, you idiot,” Andy growls. The man beside me stops laughing. He looks down on me for confirmation and I nod once. Immediately, his heat leaves me and he takes a step away.

“Get the fuck outta here, girl,” he grinds out. He looks so dangerous, so menacing, so unbelievably hot.

I can’t move.

Andy grabs my hand and pulls me; but as my feet move, my eyes stay pinned to the handsome devil of a stranger. His angry eyes don’t leave mine until we’re out of each other’s sight. Andy doesn’t stop dragging me behind him, and once I’m in the car and we’re safely on the road, he grills me. I tell him nothing of the convenience store, the murder I heard, or the way the man kissed me, owned me—made me want so much more than I have ever wanted.

I keep his kiss a secret.

A memory for just me.

Something special that I can think back on fondly.

I’ll probably never see him again; I don’t even know his name. But that doesn’t stop me from putting my fingers against my lips and thinking of him.

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