Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) (25 page)

Read Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3)
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Then between Colby’s concentration on her breasts and Trevor’s patient attention to her clit, she was awash in pure pleasure. Pain subsided. And before she knew it she started bumping back into Trevor’s cock, hinting for a deeper thrust.

He forged forward, and then pulled back. During his slow retreat, Channing wiggled down on Colby’s shaft and raised up as Trevor eased in. They built a steady rhythm and the intense burning feeling took a different, pleasurable turn. When the head of Trevor’s cock brushed against Colby’s through the thin tissue separating them, the pace slowed.

She arched at the response of her body, tingles chased by an intimate throbbing deep within those tissues. She groaned out loud.

Trevor said, “Does that feel good? You ready for more?”


“Use my cock to fuck yourself however you want,” Colby said against the hollow of her throat. The tease of his urgent whisper turned her skin into a mass of goose bumps. “Show me what you like. Show me how I can fuck you next time, when it’s just us.”

Channing lifted her head and closed her eyes, giving herself to the moment, as Trevor picked up the pace, every forward thrust harder than the last. Colby suckled her nipples until she thought his undivided, unrelenting attention to her breasts alone would set her off.

Plunge. Retreat. A back-and-forth play of peek-a-boo of two hard cocks. The strokes became shorter. Faster. Harder.

“I’m close, Chan. Are you?” Trevor asked.

“Me too, darlin’. Grind down into me,” Colby panted. “Then when I tell you, squeeze me hard.”

Trevor slammed in one last time, his hands like steel bands around her hips as he came. Grunting. Holding perfectly still as her tight anal muscles milked him. She felt the pulse of his cock, but with the condom, not that hot burst of moisture.

Colby angled his hips and winced. “Faster. Hell yeah. Fucking you is a dream. Bear down.”

The second she did, her orgasm blindsided her. The muscles in her anus contracted around Trevor’s cock, still jammed high in her ass. As Colby’s orgasm rocketed through him, she swore she felt the throbbing tip of his cock in the back of her throat. Tasted it actually. Then the rasp of his pubic hair over her clit triggered another, stronger pulsating peak and she screamed from the most overpowering, debilitating, mind-blowing orgasm of her life.

At the last minute, when she’d fallen from that hazy place of sheer bliss, she remembered not to crumple onto Colby’s chest. She stayed stiff, her head hanging low, her hair pooling on the bed above Colby’s head.

Trevor pulled out first. He sank his teeth into the curve where her shoulder met her neck and trailed kisses along the slope until she shivered.

“Thank you. I hope it was all you wanted it to be. It sure was all that for me. You are one sexy, fine woman.” He staggered from the sleeping compartment and out of the trailer.

Channing sucked in another ragged breath, not able to think beyond the tremors still wracking her body.

“Channing? Darlin’?”

Her head snapped up at the sliver of pain in Colby’s voice. “Oh crap. Sorry. I’m probably hurting you.”

“No. Look at me.”

She pushed her hair out of her face and angled her upper body back, keeping him fully seated inside her. The man was still hard.

Something indefinable lurked in Colby’s intense gaze. “Did that fulfill your wildest fantasies, shug? Bein’ with two guys?”

She couldn’t speak; she merely nodded.

“Good. Because it ain’t ever gonna happen again.” His free hand knotted in her hair and he brought her face in line with his. His blue eyes flashed heat. “You’re mine. And the thing you need to learn about me is that I don’t share what’s mine.”


“Your little sexual adventure is done. You understand me? Done. Anything you need in bed you’ll get from me. I’ll give it to you any way you want, whenever you want it, but I’ll be the
one fucking you, is that clear?”

She stared at him.

Colby sat up abruptly and jerked her legs around until her ankles were crossed at the small of his back. Plastered belly to belly and chest to chest wasn’t enough for him. His left hand circled her nape and he brought them nose to nose, so their lips were only a breath apart. He pumped his hips, driving his cock hard and high.

“Stop. You’re hurt—”

“If I’m gonna hurt, it’s gonna be from fucking you until neither of us can walk. If I’m gonna pass out, it’s gonna be from comin’ so goddamn hard the top of my goddamn head blew off. If it takes all night, darlin’, I’m gonna prove that you’ve moved into the number one spot of bein’ the single thing in my life that has the power to hurt me the most.”

Tears sparked her eyes and she surrendered to his need, allowing this tough but tender man to demonstrate it in the only way he knew how—with his body.

He ate at her mouth with hungry kisses. He licked her neck. Marking her skin everywhere with wet sucking kisses. Marking her with his teeth. Marking her with the scrape of his beard on her sensitive flesh. Marking her with his scent.

It was a prolonged, raw mating. Heated. Elemental. Powerful. During her first orgasm she clutched his hair and rode it out. During the second orgasm she dug her nails into his flexing ass cheeks and shuddered against his heaving chest. During the third climax she scratched his back hard enough to draw blood as she ground her pelvis to his.

Drenched in sweat, breathless, it wasn’t enough. For either of them. After Colby had come again, he withdrew his still-hard cock from her swollen pussy. He pressed his mouth to her throat. “Take the condom off.”

Once Channing had removed it, he used his powerful thighs to change the angle of her hips.

“I want your ass, Channing. I want to look in your eyes as I’m fucking you there. I want to suck your tits as you come. As you feel me coming and those tight muscles milking every hot burst. And if that’s not enough for you, I’ll do it again.” He panted against her neck, sending shivers through her. “I’ll fuck this sweet ass with my cock as my fingers fuck your pussy. I’ll keep at it until you know I’m the only man you’ll ever need.”

His words, his resolve, stole her reason. “Colby, please. Enough. I know—”

“No, you don’t. God. You don’t have a clue what I need from you. What I can give you. But I’ve got a mind to show you.”

As she tipped his face toward hers and stared into his eyes, she saw pain. Emotional pain. Real physical pain. This…possession was taking its toll on him. Channing lifted up, and guided his cock to her rear entrance. Slowly she sank down on him, reveling in how she could change his pain and his fit of temper into bliss.

And it was bliss, an unhurried surrender as she gave him every part of her body. As he climaxed, she followed right behind him, lost in the cosseted way he made her feel. Almost like love.

Colby was wrung out and crashed with utter exhaustion. Channing studied the multitude of old white scars covering most every section of his body, wanting to heal those old wounds, touching him without restriction as she watched him sleep.

But sleep was a long time in coming for her.

Chapter Seventeen

olby wasn’t particularly
surprised when he woke alone the next morning. He’d been hard on Channing. More demanding, more needy, more domineering than he’d ever been with any woman.

More of a total asshole, too.

Talk about trying to fuck her into submission.

He sighed and tried to move. He winced and groaned at the lingering body aches. From his tumble off the bulls and broncs. Oh, and his tumble straight into love with Channing Kinkaid.

Damn. He had not handled that well. He needed to clean up and come clean with her before they both did something stupid and ran away from yet another set of problems. Namely how they felt so strongly about each other in such a short time. He rolled to his side and pain shot up his arm.

“Jesus fucking Christ.”

“Ah. It lives. You need help getting down?” Edgard said from the bottom of the ladder.

Colby froze. He’d thought he was alone. Actually, he’d hoped Channing was sitting at the table, enjoying her morning coffee. Waiting for him to grovel. “Nah. I wouldn’t mind if you’d toss me a bottle of aspirin and a bottle of water.”

“No problem.”

The little fridge snicked open and shut. Edgard’s head popped up and the pain pills rattled in the plastic as they landed on the sleeping bag.

“Thanks, man,” Colby said as he reached for the proffered water bottle. “I feel like shit.”

“You still gonna ride today?”

“Hell yes.”

“I thought so. Trevor’s out exercising King. You’d better get moving. It’s nearly eight.”

Last call for check-in time was nine. It’d probably take him at least that long to work the kinks out of his aching body, and get a fresh coat of ointment slathered on his aches and pains and wrap up his ribcage in bandages. “Is there any hot water left to shower?”

“Should be. No one else has used it this morning.”

Colby flopped back down, a bad feeling churning in his gut.

Edgard sighed. “How long’s it gonna take before you ask where she is, McKay?”

“Fine. Where is she?”

“She gathered her stuff early this morning and headed to Gemma’s.”

“What stuff?”

“Her duffel bag. Some clothes.”

Fuck. Stay cool. “What’d she say before she left?”

“She said to tell you she’d see you later.” Edgard poked his head over the edge of the bed again and studied him.

Colby snapped, “What?”

“What happened last night besides the threesome?”

“You knew about it?”

He nodded. “Trevor came looking for me after. He knew something was up with you two. He said it felt like jealousy. You wanna talk about it?”

If Colby had a problem he needed to hash out, he usually talked to Trevor, not Edgard. But as Colby had an insanely crazy jealous streak thinking about Trevor and Channing together—when Trevor was, oh, fucking gay—maybe it was obvious he was going off the deep end where that little spitfire was concerned.

“What happened was I was a total dickhead.”

“So apologize to her.”

“I don’t know if that will be enough. Fuck. I’m not good at this kind of shit. I never know what the hell I’m supposed to do. Or say. No wonder I’m still single.” Gritting his teeth against the pain, he sat up. Talking it out never solved a goddamned thing. He changed the subject. “Where were you last night anyway?”

“On the phone. My mother called.”

“From Brazil? Something serious?”

“Yeah. Evidently, there are some problems at my ranch in the last month. The foreman wouldn’t let her in when she drove up there to check on things. When he finally granted her access, she said at least fifty people are living around the main ranch house. They’ve butchered my cattle for food. Chopped down trees for firewood. Built some shanties…it’s a big mess.”

“Shit, man. I’m sorry. What are you going to do?”

“Go home. I should leave today.” Edgard hopped down from the bench seat and began to pace. “Trevor has his heart set on competing in Cheyenne at Frontier Days. I can’t just leave him high and dry. He needs me.” He expelled a bitter laugh. “That might be a first for him.”

Colby swung his legs to the ladder. “The preliminaries are in two days. There are at least four other heelers who could work with him, Ed.”

“Yeah, but he’s superstitious. He wants me as his heeler because we did so well in Cheyenne last year. Problem is we suck right now. So, as soon as we’re out of the race for the buckle and the money, I’ll be on a plane for Brazil.”

Colby opened his mouth. Closed it.


“Does Trevor know you’re leaving?”

“Yep. What he doesn’t know is once I’m back home, I ain’t comin’ back here. He’s welcome to come with me. Or he can stay here. His choice.” Edgard looked at Colby. “All I know is I can’t do this anymore. Trevor can’t have it both ways.”

A heavy silence weighted the air.

Colby scratched his chin. “I wish I knew what to say.”

“There’s nothin’ to say. Love sucks all around.” On his way out, Edgard stopped at the door and turned back. “Piece of advice. Don’t blow this thing with Channing. Don’t hide how you feel about her. Because some of us don’t get that choice.”

Colby had nothing to say to that either. And he only had half an hour before he had to show up, pretend he wasn’t beat to shit, confused as hell, and act ready to rodeo.


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