Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) (64 page)

Read Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3)
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“I could be a gentleman and tell you that you didn’t have to say it back to me just ’cause I said it first.” He grinned. “But we both know I’m not really a gentleman and hot damn, am I ever glad to hear it.”

“So what happens now?”
Do we ride off into the sunset together? Start picking out china patterns?

Romantic nonsense, Macie Blue.

“We’ll figure it out as we go.” Carter pushed her on the bed and she squealed at the wicked, sweet, hot look of forever in his eyes. “For now, we’ve got a free afternoon and a whole box of condoms. That’s as good as any place to start.”


A few hours
later, Carter woke up from a short catnap after he’d worn Macie out. He rolled out of bed and got dressed.

Just as he was about to leave, Macie murmured, “Carter?”

“Hey.” He softly kissed Macie’s lips and tucked the covers under her chin.

“Where are you going?”

“Out to the barn to work. I can’t seem to get to sleep.” He brushed his mouth over her forehead. “Sorry to wake you. Go back to sleep. You won’t even know I’m gone.”

“Mmm. Okay. Love you.”

Carter’s heart nearly burst out of his chest. “Love you too, darlin’.”

He whistled as he headed outside. He knew exactly what his paintings had been missing these last few weeks. Risky, but he’d toss the whole works he’d already done and start over.

No wonder artists talked about love being the best inspiration; it was true.

He could finally show the world what Macie meant to him. Who she was to him and who he was to her. How she looked at him with love. Love he’d been searching for his entire adult life.

Chapter Thirty-Three

ash had something
up his sleeve.

Gemma couldn’t put her finger on it, but he was acting…nervous. Which set her on edge. Cash was the most unflappable man she’d known. Well, he was even-keeled outside of the bedroom, at any rate.

He’d invited his old rodeo buddy Trevor Glanzer to stay at the Bar 9. His skittishness wasn’t from embarrassment that he was working here, was it?

No. She noticed he’d taken pride in whipping the ranch into shape.

So, that meant his edginess had something to do with her. Fear settled in her chest. Was he leaving?

Don’t be ridiculous. His daughter is here. He doesn’t have anywhere else to go. He likes the Bar 9. He likes you.

If he liked her so much maybe he could make love to her just one time with the damn lights on?

Shit. She could mope around all afternoon. Or she could do any one of the fifty jobs waiting to be finished at the Bar 9.


Cash answered his
cell phone. “Hello?”

Trevor said, “I’m almost there. I thought I’d stop and get a bite to eat before we get down to our dirty, nasty fuck-fest.”

“Jesus, man, can you not yell that shit? She probably heard you.” Cash grunted and looked over his shoulder, but Gemma had moved out of earshot.

“Whoa. Gemma doesn’t know about this?”

“No. I told you it’s a surprise.”

“What if it’s a surprise she don’t want?”

“She does.”
I think.

“Yeah? What if she says no?”

Cash closed his eyes. “Will it bother you if she sends you packing?”

Trevor was quiet a moment. “Probably not.”

“You know this doesn’t go beyond us, right?”

Trevor sighed. “I keep more damn secrets than you can shake a stick at, Cash.”

“Good. Then you know what to do?”

“Be a sad day in my life when I don’t.”


“He’s here for
?” Gemma knew her voice was a shade shy of hysterical.

Cash gazed at her coolly. “You don’t have to pretend with me, Gem, I know you. Heck, you told me you were interested in trying it just earlier this week.”

“We were in bed! That doesn’t count.”

“Which is why it
count. Plus, I overheard you last summer, talking with Channing ’bout it, and how long your curiosity has been piqued. Trevor is here to satisfy it.”

“You asked Trevor if he wanted to be part of a threesome? With me? And you?” Gemma shook her head, even as her blood raced. “Cash, why would you do that?”

“Because you want it. And
want to give you something
never did.”

He. Meaning her late husband, Steve.

Was this really happening? She and Steve talked about a threesome in vague generalities throughout their marriage, more along the lines of…a fantasy fuck. Gemma had a thing for country singer Chris Ledoux and Steve teased her that if the opportunity arose, he’d watch Chris doin’ her, then he’d join in. Around that time in the conversation, Steve would explicitly detail what it’d be like to see another man sliding his cock up Gemma’s ass while he fucked her pussy. It made them both hot. Then they’d head to bed, screw, and laugh it off afterward.

Except…Gemma had always wondered what it’d feel like to have two sets of male hands on her. Two men’s mouths kissing, licking, and teasing her hot spots. Two cocks filling her holes in a variety of ways. Her softer body sandwiched between strong, muscular, passionate masculine ones as they penetrated her. As they focused solely on her sexual pleasure.

She’d never been dissatisfied in her sexual life with Steve. After he’d died, her sex drive died too. She couldn’t get beyond the grief to think about one man touching her, let alone two men.

Now that she’d moved on, Cash more than satisfied her sexual desires; he understood them. Which is why he’d gone to so much trouble to set this up. What might seem like bizarre, scandalous behavior to others was actually incredibly…sweet. A loving gesture from a man she suspected hadn’t taken a lot of chances in his life to showcase his sweet, thoughtful side.

But Cash also realized in order for her to enjoy this fantasy, she’d have to be comfortable with the third player. He’d have to be a man she knew—and was attracted to. Trevor Glanzer fit the bill, a good-looking cowboy who’d literally been trying to charm the pants off her for two years. The fact Trevor traveled here, willing to make both she and Cash happy, if only for one night, appealed to the wild woman in her. She’d been too scared to take the opportunity when it’d been offered to her in her younger years.

Well, she was older and wiser. No way was she letting the chance pass her by again.

A delicious shiver of anticipation rolled through her.

“Okay. But three things first.”


“No blindfold. Leave your hair unbraided. And the lights stay on.”

A slow, sexy smile lit up Cash’s face. “Whatever you want, Gem, tonight is for you. Trevor and I will be right back.”


Trevor grinned at
her. “Been waiting for this day for a long time, precious Gem-stone.”

“Yeah? Well, I am a little nervous, so be kind, okay?”

Trevor moseyed over and cupped her face in his big hands. Warm, full lips pressed hers before his tongue snaked inside.

Gemma jumped when she felt Cash move in behind her. “Easy.” His fingers curled into her hips and he nuzzled his face in her hair.

Trevor licked and nipped at her mouth and pulled back with a sigh. “Kind? Huh-uh. I wanna fuck you like an animal. I’m gonna show you the dark side of lust.” His lips came down on hers and he leisurely unbuttoned her blouse. Cash peeled it down her trembling arms. Then Cash unhooked her bra and her breasts tumbled into Trevor’s hands.

Gemma’s head rested on Cash’s shoulder, his long hair drifted across her bared skin in an erotic tease as Trevor tongued her nipples. Cash breathed heavily in her ear, slowly sliding his hands down to unsnap her jeans.

A flash of heat speared between her legs and she moaned.

“I love the sound of a woman’s pleasure. It’ll be a long night. We aren’t even to the good stuff yet,” Trevor said, kissing a path to where her jeans gapped. He inhaled. “Mmm. Love the smell of wet pussy. Help me take her jeans down, Cash.”

Cash tugged and her pants slithered down her legs.

“Let’s get you warmed up.” Trevor’s first two fingers slipped over her mound and into her sex. Deep. He added another finger, wiggled and pumped, filling the room with the juicy sucking sound of her excitement.

Gemma widened her stance and tipped her neck to the side giving Cash better access.

Trevor withdrew his hand and finger-painted up her torso, following the line with his mouth. He wiped the wetness on her nipples and sucked it off, moaning his enjoyment.

“Cash, finger fuck her while I eat these delicious tits.”

“Gladly.” Cash ground his cock into her ass as his hand moved between her thighs. He whispered, “You’re wet. This is making you hot.”


“Good. You wanna get off fast? Or have me draw it out?”

“Fast. Please.”

“I knew you’d say that.” He plunged three fingers inside her pussy, then brought those same three wet fingers up to her mound. He opened the hood of skin covering her clit with his two outside fingers, while the middle one stroked the small button. Tapped it. Rubbed it fast, the way he knew she liked it.

Between Trevor sucking and biting her nipples, and Cash’s expert attention to her clit, she couldn’t hold back. The pulsing started and she came with a startled gasp.

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