ROUGH SEX GALORE: Five Hardcore Rough Sex Erotic Shorts (2 page)

BOOK: ROUGH SEX GALORE: Five Hardcore Rough Sex Erotic Shorts
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Once he was dressed, Terry said his goodbyes to
, who had slid under the covers because she now felt the cold air on her overheated body, and then Max walked with him downstairs.  Sitting in bed alone, waiting for Max to return,
sighed contentedly.  It was amazing how the list had rejuvenated her relationship with Max.  Just a bunch of words on computer screen and paper, but they had led to some of the most fulfilling adventures of her life. 

She hoped the next one was even wilder.


A Double Penetration Gangbang Short
Jane Kemp
All rights reserved copyright 2012 by
Naughty Daydreams Press

What was she even doing?  She didn’t have the time to waste, or the money and yet, she was still climbing on the plane and heading for Las Vegas to interview for some reality show about blind dates.  Supposedly, two random people would get set up by the producers and go for a blind date and then air all the dirty laundry, good and bad, on national TV.  She had heard of shows like this before and thought that they had sounded ridiculous, but her best friend had convinced her that it was in her best interest to try.  In fact, it had been Rhonda who had pointed out the ad in the paper.  “You need to do this, you know why?  Because you have become one of the most sorry-assed lonely people I have ever seen.  I think Eleanor Rigby was meant for you, Paul just got the name wrong.”

thought that was a cheap blow.  Rhonda knew she was a Beatles fan.  But
agreed that things had become somewhat pathetic lately in the realm of socialization.  She had a full time job and a full load of classes at the local college and she volunteered every Saturday at a local soup kitchen.  She wasn’t sure that she bought Rhonda’s opinion that she was actively avoiding a social life, but it had been something that hadn’t held much appeal for her since she had split with
, her French-Canadian boyfriend of the past two years.  She had to admit it was possible that she was trying to fill her days to avoid any real entanglements.

Finally, after Rhonda had eliminated excuse after excuse, telling her that she had paid vacation time owed to her and that Rhonda herself would take over soup kitchen duties that Saturday.  She wouldn’t really miss much school, just one math class on Friday that was an easy breeze anyway.  So, she gave in and bought a ticket and booked an audition.

She was nervous, there was no denying that.  It was just a dating show, not a talent contest, it wasn’t like she was going to get up and sing, but it still felt very Hollywood.  They filmed the interviews of course, and they put her through make-up and wardrobe like some movie star.  And then she sat down and the questions began.

“How long has it been since you went on a date?”

“What was the longest time you were in a serious relationship?”

“Do you prefer introverts or extroverts?”

“Do you like animals?

“What is the perfect date in your mind?”

“Do you think money is important or something nice to have yet not necessary?”

“What was the most attractive quality in a man?”

The questions went on and on and all the while, they were fussing around her with lighting and camera angles, stopping every few minutes it seemed to make adjustments.  It was strange and exhilarating and frustrating all at once.  By the time she finished, she was feeling so confused that she had trouble finding the exit. 
Great, a dumb blond moment caught on film

She made her way back to the hotel and ordered in, waiting to hear if she would be selected for the show.  She had been told that she would be contacted no later than ten o’clock the next morning and so she stayed in, thinking that any moment could be
the moment
.  She finally went to bed at eleven thirty, knowing in her heart that she had not been chosen.

The phone rang at seven o’clock and she cracked her eyes open enough to see who it was.  When she saw that it was the show, she hurriedly answered, her voice still rough from sleep.  “Hello?”

“Yes, Miss Price?”  The voice on the other end was a man’s voice and it sounded a lot like a game show announcer. 

heart beat faster.  “This is

“Miss Price, it is our pleasure to inform you that you have been chosen to appear on
Love is Blind
.  We will be sending a car around to pick you up for filming at ten o’clock.  We will handle clothing and such in the studio, so don’t worry about all that.  We just ask that you be ready on time, and we look forward to seeing you soon.”

The voice hung up and
stood there, paralyzed by the realization that she was going on a date on national television.  She called Rhonda to let her know the good news and then she got ready, not wanting to piss off the powers that be.

The car arrived promptly at ten and she was whisked off to the studios.  She was escorted to a trailer where she was handed off to a wardrobe person who quickly
walked her through racks of clothing to help her choose something for the date.  “You mean
I’m going on the date right now?”

The handler looked her and smiled.  “That would be the reason we’re here.”

She couldn’t believe it.  It was so fast.  With help, she chose a deep green dress that worked well with her Irish complexion (read that as having freckles) and auburn hair.  She was then whisked off to make-up and, while in the chair, an assistant producer rushed in and introduced himself.  He then proceeded to give her the basic run down of how things would work and also a limited profile of her blind date.  She listened as well as she could while she got powdered and primped and hair-sprayed.  Then, when she was okayed, he led her to the studio where they would be recording the interview portions of the show.  She followed along quietly, her head spinning, everything seeming to move so fast.

He had her sit on a set with plush couches and wood tables and there was even a fireplace in the background.  She realized it was meant to look like a cozy living room, and thought that they had made it seem more like a hotel lobby.

Eventually, she saw a man approaching, surrounded by a group of people all trying to talk to him at once.  He came over and introduced himself as the host and they chatted for a while as everything was prepared around them.  
looked anxiously around for the person who would be her blind date, but apparently, they were keeping that under wraps.  She guessed they were going to be interviewed separately and then hooked up for their date.

Then, the lighting was set and the cameras were on and the show started.  It wasn’t live, fortunately, because she didn’t do well on the first take or even the sixth.  Finally, by round ten, they had what they wanted and she was sent out to a waiting limo.

As the door was opened and she scooted inside, she was surprised to see her date already waiting for her. 
Also, a cameraman.
nervously introduced herself.  He was definitely handsome, with dark hair that fell a bit over his blue eyes and a dimpled smile on his square-jawed face.  She thought he looked a little like Clint Eastwood in his Good, Bad and Ugly days. 

He reached out a hand.  “Hey, I’m Ben.  You ready for this?”

She shrugged.  “Well, it’s too late to change my mind.”  She suddenly realized how bad that sounded and blushed.  “I mean, I don’t usually do this kind of thing so, yeah, it’s
like do or die right now.”  She blushed harder as she understood that she had not helped things.  The camera in her face didn’t help at all.  How was she supposed to enjoy a date and be natural when there was a camera just inches from her the whole time?

Surprisingly, though, she did enjoy herself.  They were driven to a very nice French restaurant where Ben impressed her by ordering for both of them in perfect French.  “Well, that was interesting.  You know French?”

He smiled. 
“Enough to order off a menu.
  My dad was a chef and so I was around snobbish food my whole life, but it’s funny, I grew up being the kind of guy that loves hotdogs and chili cheese fries.

“I guess kids turn to the opposite of their parents, no matter what.”

He nodded.  “Maybe, but my brothers love fancy food like my dad.  I’m the only Chef Boyardee guy in the house.”

“Oh, you have brothers?”

“Two, and they’re pains in the ass, but we had a lot of fun growing up together.  What about you, any sisters or brothers?”

“I have one of each, younger brother, older sister.  We didn’t always get along too well.  In fact, my sister and I still don’t get along too well.  You know how it is…sibling rivalry.”

The food arrived and it was wonderful but, best of all in
mind, Ben was wonderful.  He was funny and engaging and polite, with little ego but a lot of intelligence.  She even forgot the camera was there as the evening wore on and they left the restaurant to go to their appointed entertainment, which proved to be go karts for some mysterious reason, but they made the best of it and had a really great time.  And then it was back to the studio for an exit interview to tell whether they would consider dating this person again.   Both of them answered yes without hesitation and
felt her heart start to beat a little faster.

They were released then and they were directed back to the same car to be driven to their separate hotels.  But Ben pulled her aside as they walked out.  “You know, I really liked being with you, but this isn’t real.  I want to spend some time with you without a camera in our faces, just us talking and hanging out.  So, if you want to, this is the hotel I’m staying at and I’ll pay for the cab.”

She looked at him, thinking quickly.  She was never the impulsive type.  That was why this whole thing had been such a strange departure for her.  It made everything feel so vital.  She didn’t want to confuse the rush of the experience with love or even interest.  They were being pushed along to the car again, though; she needed to make her decision now.  She smiled and grabbed the paper with the address from his hand.  “I’d love to spend more time with you.  I’ll give you a call.”

He took her hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “Call me tonight.”

She blushed again as they slipped into the back seat and drove off.

Ben had been dropped off first, so
was able to see that their hotels were relatively close together.  In fact, she was pretty sure that if she walked, it wouldn’t be too far.  But she called for a taxi the moment she got to her room and then she called Ben to tell him that she was coming over.  “That’s great.  I’ll be here.”  She thrilled as his voice made the promise and ran to change into something a little more comfortable.

The taxi arrived and she was at Ben’s hotel within twenty minutes.  The cabby wasn’t too excited with the short fare, but she gave him a generous tip and he seemed appeased. 
giggled at herself as she stepped into the lobby and walked to the elevators.  She had never done anything like this in her life.  When she had met
, she had thought she was being daring because she was dating a French-Canadian, though he was an engineering student, not necessarily a rock star.  But this was in a class all by itself.

She got to the room number he had told her over the phone and before she could chicken out, she knocked on the door.  Ben answered soon after.  “Hey.”

He looked really good.  She saw that he had just shaved and it gave him a clean cut, military air.  She saw that he had also changed since the show, which was a relief because she hadn’t wanted to come across as
things.  As if that weren’t
things, but still.

She smiled.  “Hey there, I made it.”  
Ugh, Captain Obvious, shut up!

“I see. Well, come on in.”  He moved aside to let her step around him but, as she passed, he reached out and grabbed her arm and turned her to kiss her lightly on the lips.  She was stunned at first and so she was a bit stiff, but as the kiss became deeper and more intense, she melted into his arms and her body pressed against his and she knew that she would be willing to go as far as he wanted to take her.

For the moment, though, he just walked her into the main room and sat her on the couch.  “Do you want something to drink?”

“Sure, whatever.”

“Is beer good?”

She nodded and he went to grab a drink from the bar.  She smiled as she watched him, thinking that he had a very nice ass.  Then she giggled again and he turned, bringing her the beer in a plastic cup.  “What is it?”

She turned her head away. 
“Oh, nothing.”

He sat down beside
her, putting the drinks on the table and turned her to face him.  “Well, I think it must have been something, and I’m going to employ any tactic at my disposal to get you to talk, missy.”  Then, he leaned forward and kissed her again.  His hands began to roam her body and she didn’t stop him, even as he began pulling at her blouse, dragging it up and over her head, leaving her in her lacy bra.  She gasped as his hands squeezed her breasts through her bra and then pulled it up and off as well, letting her breasts fall free, full and round.

BOOK: ROUGH SEX GALORE: Five Hardcore Rough Sex Erotic Shorts
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