ROUGH SEX GALORE: Five Hardcore Rough Sex Erotic Shorts (3 page)

BOOK: ROUGH SEX GALORE: Five Hardcore Rough Sex Erotic Shorts
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A part of her was shocked at how fast things were moving, but another part was aching for it to move faster.   When his hands moved lower, she sat forward so he could have an easier time of taking her pants off.  Soon, she was just in her panties and she began to help him pull off his shirt and pants.

They moved quickly, their hands bumping into each other as they struggled out of clothing and roamed each other’s bodies.  She was naked on the couch now, with his naked body on top of her and his hands were traveling down to her pussy as his mouth sucked in one of her nipples when she heard the door open and someone enter.  “What the hell?”

jumped and Ben shuffled back to a seated position on the couch.  “Hey there, Ben, uh, I was waiting for you and . . . “

looked at the new arrival and practically passed out.  He was identical to the person on the couch, except that his hair was a little stragglier and his five o’clock shadow was pretty advanced.  Her mind moved slowly, but she eventually grasped the situation.  “You’re twins?!” 
The was
a note of horror to her voice as she fought to cover up her breasts.  She had already crossed her legs to protect her pussy from view. 
“Oh my God!
  I can’t believe this!”

Ben came over to her to try to explain and at that moment, the door opened again and another copy walked into the room, his only difference from the others being a scar running along his chin.  “Alright, Ben, you brought the entertainment home.  Way to go, bro.” 

Ben turned around angrily.  “Shut up, Kyle.  This is not what you think.”  He turned to his naked counterpart on the couch.  “Damn
it ,
Ty, why must you try to fuck every girl I bring home?”

Ty grinned and just shrugged his shoulders, infuriating Ben further. 
was absolutely paralyzed as she stared at the three identical men.  She was stunned.  She had been duped.  And then she realized something else.  She was incredibly turned on.  Her body was still thrumming excitedly from what had happened with Ben’s brother and she was aching for something to happen.  So, when Ben suddenly turned and took her in his arms, she didn’t resist but just fell back with him onto the couch, letting him kiss her and move his hands on her body.  Ben finally pushed back and began to hurriedly undress and,
noticed, his other brother, the one who had arrived with him, was also pulling his clothes off.  The one she had first assumed was Ben, she thought she remembered him being called Ty, was now walking around the couch to stand just behind the
her head was leaning against.  Her eyes tried to follow all three and then it just became impossible as Ben fell forward on her and put his mouth between her legs and his tongue deep in her pussy.

As her mouth opened and she arched her back in response to Ben’s assault, her head moved over the arm of the couch and she felt a large hand grip the side of her face.  Then, Ty pushed his cock into her mouth, shoving deep, pushing past her tongue and into her throat.  She struggled as her body was stretched taut between the two brothers
and her throat spasmed as her breath was cut off.  She gagged as he began to shift in and out, never pulling out all the way.  She had never deep-throated anyone, had rarely even given a blowjob and right then, her senses were overwhelmed by the feeling of having her mouth completely full while her pussy got licked and nibbled and sucked on.

The third brother now moved up, not wanting to be left out.  He moved up to the side of the couch and pulled her mouth from his brother’s cock and brought it to his.  As he filled her throat she had a strange thought occur to her.  They were truly identical, all three of them with large, thick cocks.  She sucked the two and found she was feeling everything through heightened senses, as if every thrust made her body come more alive.

Finally, though, all three backed off and Ben flipped her over, settling behind her and plunging his cock into her slick folds.  She gasped as she felt him slide in deep, stroking over her sweet spot as he thrust in.  He thrust a few times before he wrapped an arm around her middle and then he sat back, pulling her onto his lap as he did so.

The moment she was settled onto Ben’s lap, a brother was standing in front of her, pushing his cock against her lips.  She tried to relax as his cock pushed deep again, ramming her back against Ben.  Ben ran his hands up her body and grabbed her breasts as he thrust upward, and she realized her orgasm was ready to explode.  Her body tensed hard, making her pussy clench around Ben’s shaft and causing him to groan.  But before she could come, Ben pulled out and his brother stepped back.

The two switched places, the brother, she wasn’t at all sure who was who, now sitting on the edge of the couch and leaning back, his cock standing at attention.  Ben guided her over to straddle his brother, turning her to face away from him as he lowered her onto his brother’s cock.  She felt the huge shaft slip into her throbbing pussy and she moaned as it filled her.  Then a hand on her back pushed her forward so that she was leaning past the brother on the couch, over his shoulder.

When she felt the hands on her ass, she jumped and turned her head, but the brother who was fucking her pussy so sweetly pulled her face back around and then, there was the third brother behind the couch, standing with his stiff cock in his hand.  In no time, he had pushed the head against her lips and then, thrust inside, sliding into her already raw and aching throat, cutting off her air again.  She gagged and each gag made her
pussy clench around the dick inside her, making her groan in a weird choked off sound.  The hands on her ass, though, didn’t stop and she found she was beginning to like their teasing touch.

But then she felt fingers suddenly jammed into her tight hole and she cried out around the
in her mouth, the choking sounds becoming louder as the fingers moved in and out of her ass.  She felt strange having the cock in her pussy and then feeling the fingers in her ass stroking it through the thin skin that separated the two. 

Still, the fingers didn’t stay for long and she felt curiously empty as they were pulled away.  A moment later, though, she felt the large head of a cock pressed against her little star and panic grew in her like a roaring flood.  But before she could even cry out in protest, the cock was thrust into her ass and her body was filled with a pain that was worse than anything she had ever experienced.  Tears came instantly to her eyes as her mouth strained around the
.  Her eyes widened as every nerve in her body was assaulted by an intense agony.

The cock in her ass didn’t wait for her to adjust, though, but just started pumping fast in rhythm to the cock in her pussy.  She shook with the intensity of the feelings that were running through her and her chest heaved as it struggled to deal with her crying.  After a bit, though, the thrusting cocks in her pussy and her ass began to give her an entirely different sensation.  An intense feeling of pleasure ramped up her orgasm to the breaking point as the two cocks continued to move against each other in her two holes.  It didn’t take long for her orgasm to explode and wash over every inch of her trembling, abused body.

The three brothers now moved frantically, thrusting wildly into all three of her holes, grunting loudly with each thrust.  She heard them and felt them, but her orgasm consumed all of her perception until the cock in her mouth suddenly shoved hard and exploded in her throat, filling it with warm semen.  She had no choice but to swallow and she took it down in one large gulp.  Then, the cock slid out and she dragged in sweet air through her sore throat, her mouth open and panting.

The other two were still pumping, but then she felt hands grip her waist and she felt the cock in her pussy thrust upward and then she felt the warm sensation that told her that he had just come.  His brother was only a few thrusts behind before he cried out and
thrust roughly into her little asshole, spurting and filling it with his load as he collapsed forward.

She lay sandwiched between the two brothers and heard the other one fall over the back of the couch to lie upside down beside them.  Their loud broken breathing sounded like a poor symphony as they all fought to regain their strength.  The one in her ass was the first to move, lifting himself off
and rolling to the side.  His brother, whom she was lying on top of, lifted her gently away and to the other side, squeezing her between himself and his upside down sibling.  The three of them stayed there a while longer before one finally got off the couch and walked into the bedroom and shut the door.  One of the others called, “Hey Ben!” but he didn’t turn around.

Worried that he was somehow upset,
stood up to follow, but his brother held her back.  “Don’t worry, he’s fine.  I’m sure he’s just changing.”

gathered her own clothing and walked to a corner and hastily dressed.  When she walked over to sit back on the couch, she saw that the two brothers had also dressed.  A moment later, the bedroom door opened and Ben stepped out.  Without a word to his brothers, he grabbed her hand and walked with her to the door and out of the room.  Then, he turned and looked at her.  “I’m so sorry for my brothers.  Ty had no right to do what he did.  He was always pulling shit like that as a kid, making out with my girls if I left them for a moment. 
Such a dick, sometimes.
  Anyway, I  . . .”

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him into silence.  Then she pulled away and smiled.  “It’s alright, I agreed to it.  I’m fine.”

He hugged her.  “You are a wonderful girl.  How about we go out tomorrow night, just the two of us, I promise.”

She nodded. 
“Sounds good.
  I’ll meet you at any restaurant you chose, since you’re the expert.”

They settled on a little bistro a few blocks down and then they parted.

That night, as
lay in her pajamas, she decided to finally call her friend and give her an update.  She told her about the whole process of being interviewed and then selected and then going on the date itself.  And she told Rhonda about Ben, how marvelous he was.

Rhonda sighed big into the phone. 
“So, no more wallflower?”

laughed.  “Oh, I think I’ve been cured of that.  In fact, I think you could say that all holes in my social calendar have been filled.”

“Well, that’s good to hear, sweetie.”

nodded.  Yes, it was.  And it was good to feel, too.  Of course, if things went any further with Ben, she was going to make
sure he got a tattoo on his ass because there was no way she was going to let herself confuse the brothers again.


(My Wife’s Secret Desires
Jane Kemp
All rights reserved copyright 2012 by
Naughty Daydreams Press

rubbed her eyes as she walked downstairs to pour herself a cup of coffee.  Her whole body felt achy, but pleasantly so, like it would after an especially hard work out.  And she guessed that was exactly what the night before might be considered, when you really thought about it.

As she reached the kitchen and the glorious coffee pot, she thanked Max in her head for his thoughtfulness in leaving some for her before he rushed off to work.  She prayed that he wouldn’t be too exhausted on his rounds today because she didn’t like to think of the consequences of a tired doctor in the emergency room. 

But she didn’t regret the night before, though it would leave both of them stumbling through the day, she felt sure.   She took her coffee and trudged back upstairs to get ready for work.  When she got to the room, she took a few moments to go onto her computer and check her email to see if there was anything from work that she would need to handle before she arrived at the office.  Instead of a message from work, though, she found something from Max.  It was just a quick note to pick him up from work when her shift was over at the advertising agency.

smiled.  She was pretty sure this was going to be something about the list.  A few months ago when she and Max had been so very busy with two new jobs, they had been workaholics that couldn’t find minutes to spend together—forget hours!  She had felt frustrated with the whole situation and very alone.  In desperation, she had turned to the internet to fill the void, directed to a website by one of her fashion magazines.  The website displayed a list of the top ten women’s fantasies.  It had given her nighttime imaginings a little spice and she had felt a little less stressed.  Then, Max had discovered the list and had decided to make his wife’s fantasies come true.  Since then, she had experienced threesomes and spanking and anal sex and sex with total strangers.  She had been tied down and dressed up, and on the last adventure, Max had made love to her in public.  Of course, it had turned out to be a sex club, so it wasn’t like they showed up at McDonald’s and did it in front of a bunch of kids eating their Happy Meals but still, it had gotten her heart rate pumping and made her body react hard.

That had been last night’s escapade and she was still smarting from being fucked hard on top of a wooden table forwards, backwards and, at one point, upside down as well.  So, when she considered that the list only had two things remaining, she felt excited and sad at the same time.  Yawning hard, she shook her head and got up to go take her
shower and get ready, her head filled with possibilities for the two scenarios left on the list.

BOOK: ROUGH SEX GALORE: Five Hardcore Rough Sex Erotic Shorts
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