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Authors: Cat Johnson

Tags: #romance

Rough Stock (22 page)

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She watched him with a frown as he crossed the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of oil from the cabinet.

Clay grinned and glanced down at his cock. “You’ll see soon enough.”

Her eyes opened wide as she clearly figured out what he had in mind.

Kitchen sex sure was fun. And after he made some good use of the oil, he wondered what was in the fridge they could take advantage of. “We have any whipped cream or chocolate sauce?”




“I can’t see him.” Frustrated, April stood on tiptoe trying to find Mason amid the passengers getting off the flight. “Do you think he’ll be in uniform?”

Next to her, Clay shook his head. “Nope. Definitely not.”

“How do you know?” She glanced up and found him smiling.

“Because he’s right there.” He tilted his head in the direction of the gate.

She spun around. Finally the crowd parted and Mason appeared looking exactly as she remembered him, right down to his familiar beat-up old cowboy boots.

Soon those boots would be back where they belonged, under the bed next to Clay’s. A smile spread uncontrollably across her face.

Clay gave her a little push from behind. “Go on. Go give the man a proper greeting. He’s just gotten out of the Army, for goodness sake. He deserves a nice big kiss.”

She loved Clay even more at that moment for his selflessness. Running for Mason, she jumped into his arms. He caught her, lifting her off the ground as her mouth crashed into his.

The crowd must have parted to walk around them, but she couldn’t say for sure. Every ounce of attention she had was focused on his mouth on hers, and how good his arms felt wrapped around her.

She finally pulled away, more anxious to get home and do other things, stuff they couldn’t do in public.

He eased her down until her feet hit the ground.

Tears misted in her eyes. “I’ve missed you.”

Mason breathed in deeply and touched her face. “Not nearly as much as I’ve missed you.”

Then Clay was next to them, hugging Mason while slapping him on the back. “Glad you’re home, man.”

He smiled. “Me too.”

“You have luggage?” Clay asked. They were all thinking the same thing. The sooner they got home the better.

“Yeah, unfortunately. I had to check my duffle bag.”

Always the patient one, Clay nodded. “Let’s go wait for it then.”

April wasn’t as willing to wait. Unable to keep her hands off Mason, she laced her fingers through his. “I hope it comes fast.”

“Believe me. So do I.” Mason squeezed her hand.

A crowd had already begun to form around the baggage claim even though the conveyor belt was empty and not moving, so the three of them hung back.

Clay leaned against the wall. “You should see all our girl’s been up to getting ready for you.”

A little tingle went through her at his calling her
our girl

“Really?” Mason looked down at her. “Like what?”

Arms crossed, Clay kept his eyes on April while he answered Mason.

“There are flowers in every room, even the bathroom.” He grinned at that. “She even made homemade cookies and bought new sheets for the bed in your honor.”

The mention of their shared bed started a flutter low in her belly.

“And she put your last name on the mailbox, right beneath mine and hers.” Now, Clay’s eyes rose to meet Mason’s. April knew Clay was really asking if Mason was going to stay for good. Would they be a true family or was this like that one summer years ago? Only temporary.

Mason drew in a deep breath. “It was a really long flight and I had a lot of time to think…”

April realized she was having trouble breathing. She watched the serious expression consume Mason’s face. A tightness formed in her chest while she waited for him to finish.

“I really like the idea of what Clay told me on the phone.” Eyes on her frowning, confused face, Mason continued, “You know, my

The discussion about her being on the pill during that crazy phone call in the kitchen came back to her.

Clay laughed. “I knew you would.”

“But I was also wondering if one day the three of us could discuss sometime in the future having a baby?” Expectantly, Mason looked from her to Clay as she absorbed what he’d just said.

Her heart fluttered as a smile curved her lips. Mason had just given her his answer. He was sticking around for good. They’d be a family. All of them.

She glanced at Clay and saw him smiling too.

“I think the only discussion we need to have is will his last name be Harris or Smith?” Clay asked, smirking.

“That’s easy.
last name will be Carson and she’ll have two of the most handsome daddies in all of Oklahoma.”

Mason nodded and ran a hand down her arm. “That sounds good to me.”

Clay walked up closer behind her and kissed the top of her head. “Me too.”

About the Author


As an award-winning author of contemporary erotic romance in genres including military, cowboy, ménage and paranormal, Cat Johnson uses her computer so much she wore the letters off the keyboard within a year. She is known for her creative marketing and research practices. Consequently, Cat owns an entire collection of camouflage shoes for book signings and a fair number of her consultants wear combat and cowboy boots for a living. In her real life, she’s been a marketing manager, professional harpist, bartender, tour guide, radio show host, Junior League president, sponsor of a bull riding rodeo cowboy, wife and avid animal lover.

To learn more about Cat Johnson, please visit
. Send an email to Cat at
[email protected]
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Look for these titles by Cat Johnson


Coming Soon:



Some things are worth playing for keeps.



Playing for Keeps

© 2009 Shiloh Walker


Jacob has always been part of Dana Cochran’s life. They’ve lived next door to each other for years, they’ve dated on and off and now they see each other through work. But their timing has just never been right, and when Dana invites Jacob over to
with her and Mason Caldwell…things get complicated.

Doctor Jacob McCoy loves Dana. So much so, that he’s even willing to share her with Mason Caldwell. But a red-hot threesome isn’t all that Jacob wants from Dana.

When tragedy strikes their fledging relationship, Jacob has to convince Dana that pushing him away isn’t the answer. He wants to be in her life forever. And some things are worth fighting for.

Warning: This title contains scenes of a woman being made very happy by two hot men, and enough emotion to have you reaching for the Kleenex.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Playing for Keeps:

Rain pelted down all around, soaking his hair, soaking through his clothes, puddling under his feet as he came to a stop at the back of Dana’s house.

She was soaked through, too, but she did things for that wet T-shirt that were just plain torture. Her nipples thrust against the white cotton, hard and erect, and the wet material clung to the slopes of her breasts, her trim torso and flat belly, clinging to her hips and making it all too clear that she wasn’t wearing anything under the T-shirt. It stopped at her thighs and left the long, golden length of her legs bare.

Water droplets clung to her legs as she sauntered his way, smiling at him through the rain. “Hey, Jake…”

“Sorry. Wanted to make sure you were okay.” Forcing the words past his tight throat, he met her pale golden gaze and shook his head, backing away. “The…ah…the storm. It’s knocked out all the power…”

Mason, the guy she’d been dating off and on since the past summer, slipped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Over her shoulder, Mason smiled at him, apparently not the least bit concerned about Dana’s all-but-bare breasts, or the fact that Jake was all but drooling over them.

Dana leaned back against Mason and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “Hmmmm…I’m just fine, Jake.” She slipped away from Mason and came towards him with a smile on her face. She stopped just a few feet away, and tipped her head back to the sky. She wobbled on her legs and ending up falling against Mason with a giggle. “I love thunderstorms.”

He knew that. She’d always loved thunderstorms, even when they’d been children and other kids would run inside to hide. Dana’s parents would have to drag her in out of the rain and watched her like crazy to make sure she didn’t slip back outside.

Smoothing a hand up her side, Mason steadied Dana on her feet before grinning in Jake’s direction. “We were playing truth and dare.” There was a smirk in Mason’s eyes, a look that made it more than clear that he knew what Jake was thinking, even if Dana was blind to it.

Just barely, he managed to keep from sneering at Mason as he replied, “I stopped playing games a long time ago.”

Dana giggled and wiggled free from Mason’s arms again. “You should play more, Jake.” She stumbled against him, braced her hands on his chest. Lifting her face to him, she smiled and pressed her lips to his. “Wanna play with us?”

Reaching up, he closed his fingers over her upper arms, eased a few inches between them. Hell, he’d play with her any day of the week if she’d stopped seeing him as her friend, her old boyfriend from high school. “You look like you’ve done enough playing for a while. How much have you had to drink, Dana?”

She pursed her lips and cocked her head. “Two margaritas. One. Two.”

Despite the jealous anger burning inside him, he had to laugh. “You’re such a cheap drunk.” He slanted a look over her shoulder, met Mason’s gaze. “I take it you’re not worried about the electricity being out.”

Mason grinned. “We’re doing just fine.”

Nodding, he let go of Dana’s arms but before he could leave, she threw her arms around his neck. “Awww, don’t go, Jake.”

Then she kissed him.

Hot, full-on and hungry, she kissed him. Her breasts went flat against his chest, her hands tangled in his hair and as rain pelted down around them, she just about turned him into a raving madman. Quick, hungry kisses, soft, strong hands pushed under his shirt and teased the skin of his back. Her soft belly cradled his cock. She moaned into his mouth and then sank her teeth into his lower lip. “Come on, Jake…play with us. Just while the storm lasts…I dare you.”

While the storm lasts…

He reached up and wrapped his fingers around her wrists, tugged them down. “Dana, you’re drunk.”

She poked her lip out in a sexy pout. “Not that drunk…I just want to play.” Her gaze slid down, lingered on his cock, stiff as a poker and so damned hot and hard he hurt with it. “You wanna play, too, Jake. I can tell.”

Tearing his gaze away from her face, he glared at Mason. “You want to give me a hand here?”

Mason shrugged, slid a hand down his chest. Rain continued to pour down on them in a deluge, running in rivulets into their eyes. “She’s not drunk, McCoy. She had two margaritas and the last one was before the storm started. A good half-hour.” His bare feet were quiet on the grass as he came up behind them, cuddling his front against Dana’s all-but-naked back.

The soaking wet T-shirt she wore was no barrier at all. Not a barrier to the eyes, or anything else. She pressed against him and through it, Jake could feel the hot, hard tips of her nipples stabbing into his chest.

“Play with us,” she whispered against his lips. She licked rain from his mouth and slid her hands under his shirt, easing it up. “Play…”

Jake was a patient man. But he had his limits. As Dana met his eyes, he reached the end of his. Placing his hands against her sides, he caught the soaking wet cotton of her T-shirt, stripping it upward. “What kind of game are we going to play, pretty girl?” he whispered, dipping his head and raking his teeth along the line of her neck.

She laughed and fisted her hands in his hair. “Whatever kind we want.”

Torn between the love he has…and the love he’s always wanted.


Rough, Raw and Ready

© 2008 Lorelei James


Rough Riders Series, Book 5

ie West Glanzer hasn’t been a stranger to drama and tragedy. A year of wedded bliss to sexy-as-sin cowboy Trevor Glanzer has brought her the happiness and contentment she never thought she’d find, and mellowed Trevor’s rodeo wanderlust. Then Trevor’s old roping partner ambles up the driveway—and Chassie’s life changes drastically.

BOOK: Rough Stock
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