Rough Surrender (18 page)

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Authors: Cari Silverwood

BOOK: Rough Surrender
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The sharp intake of her breath and the dip of her eyelids as pleasure hit made him smile. Teaching her the needs of her body must surely be the best present he’d ever been given.

The silver chain dribbled across his palms as Faith walked into the hallway with him, naked, clamped, hands cuffed at her back and yes, for the moment, tamed.

That she was a virgin had made him think hard about what he should do, this night. He would tread lightly and trust to his instincts. Whatever she needed to make this something extraordinary–that was the order of the night–because the better this was, the more likely she would come back to him.




Chapter 18


For the thousandth time, Faith wondered why this appealed to her. She detested letting men walk all over her, letting them think they were supreme beings. But when Mr. Meisner did all these diabolical things to her, her body fired up and wanted more.

Being led around by a chain attached to her nipples...and down there, and subject to his will, it freed her somehow. An utterly impossible contradiction, yet that was how this struck her. She would never have found out all this about herself, about her liking for sexual subjugation, if he’d not shown it to her, or more literally, dragged her to it and made her try it out. Freedom came in strange packages.

With the grip and swing and tug on her intimate parts it wasn’t easy staying alert. The little silver foxes in particular fascinated her, as did Mr. Meisner’s right hand, which loosely held the chain, then there was the way her nipples pointed and throbbed. By the time she resurrected her brain from the swamp of lust into which it had dived, he’d brought her to his bedroom and he was observing her the way he did, always, with every iota of his being.

Steel chains, bright and glinting in the light, dangled from the ceiling.

My goodness, what next?
She eyed them dubiously and caught her lower lip between her teeth. Who else but this man would have hooks in the ceiling of his bedroom and chains attached to them? Only Mr. Meisner. Specks of timber and plaster on the rug underfoot and the scent of freshly cut wood, told her this was a new installation.

“Stay,” he said then released her from the silver chain, dropped the loops of chain to the floor and removed the clamp from down below. She gasped at that. Blood seemed to rush in, burning to fill up a space in her clitoris. Had it had turned into a balloon? She tried to look but he grasped her chin and held her firmly so she couldn’t shift at all. Just that alone, snapped her into a higher level of arousal. She shuddered.

“Like that, do you, Faith? Being held?”

“No.” Those brown eyes watched her, searching her face.
Why did I say that?
Yet it seemed so revealing, telling him these deepest desires in actual words. Wasn’t it enough for him that her body surrendered?

She licked her lips and found her hands tugging and twisting at her back, not to get free, no... She wanted to know he still had her there as well. Another shudder broke away despite her efforts to stay calm.

“I think you do. Don’t lie to me.”

This was his world, not hers. Everything solid underfoot vanished and shifted, leaving her helpless under his scrutiny. “Yes.” The word quavered off her tongue, shaking like the rest of her. “I liked it, sir.”

“Good. Thank you for being truthful.”

Strangely, the compliment warmed her.

“I’m going to blindfold you in a minute. If you can’t see, your other senses tend to take over. Think about that. If it bothers you too much, tell me and I won’t do it. Understand?”

“Yes. I understand.” A blindfold did worry her, but not enough to overcome her curiosity.

So she said nothing and let him draw her underneath the chains. After freeing her hands, he attached each wrist cuff to one of the ceiling chains. From a bolt on the ceiling the chains ran down to the wall. Mr. Meisner walked over and slowly pulled each chain down, hauling her hands up until her arms were almost at full stretch above. A little more and she’d have to go up onto tiptoe.

“Don’t worry.” His lips curved. “The bolts up there are good. I am an engineer, after all.”

Don’t worry? Being at his mercy scared her more. With her hands up there, all she could do was kick him if he got close enough...except, he’d moved behind her, where she couldn’t reach, or see.

“Shut your eyes, Faith.”

The blindfold, soft and black, descended over her eyes. She felt him tie it at the back, then the trail of his hand down her back, light, and sending fluttery sensations skittering away from its wavering path. Here and there he applied fingernails, tickling and scoring her skin randomly until she wasn’t sure whether to flinch or shiver.

The end of her ponytail touched the small of her back. Something pulled on it then a thin soft rope ran between her legs and up. Things jingled, her nipples were tugged on, and she had to slowly tilt her head back because of the drag of the rope and how her hair was inextricably fastened to her nipples. If she moved the rope slipped along her cleft, and twisted across her too-sensitive nub.

“Oh.” Her vagina clenched and clenched again. The rope down there rapidly became sodden as juices came from her in little trickles and spurts. “Um. What are you doing, sir?”

“Nice things, woman. Don’t move.”

Damnation. As if she could move anything but her feet. And, if she did, what would that do to her nipples? Head back, neck arched, with her body on fire from nipple to cunt, her breasts feeling heavy and swollen, she hung there trying to comprehend. Then he grasped her ankles, one after the other, and attached what seemed like leather then dragged her feet out to the sides and slightly backward. With a clatter and clink of more chain, she found he’d fastened her feet in place.

The bass rumble of his voice came from nearby to her left. “Now, Faith, let’s see how you like being worshipped. You’re all strung up for me to touch wherever I like. Beautiful. Naked. And very wet. I can see it on the insides of your thighs. You like this–being controlled. I’m going to get you even wetter and then I’m going to make you come and I’m going to fuck you. If I’m right, just saying that will make your little pussy drip some more.”

His language shocked her, and painted a vivid image of how she looked to him on the insides of her eyelids. At that, knowing she was the one he desired, she groaned and strained a little on the wrist chains, tried to move her head, only to stop when the rope slid in her cunt and pulled on her breasts.

She couldn’t move, at all. What he’d done to her at the hotel was nothing compared to this...and Lord, this was so damned nice.

She heard his footsteps as he circled her then something like soft leather, traced a line around her that spiraled up her body as he walked, grazing across her buttocks, her mound, her stomach, twitching the rope at times, tickling her belly button, her back, her engorged nipples, until at last he reached her lips.

“Would you like to quarrel with me now, Faith? This is a flogger. I’m going to use it on your bottom and turn it pink.”

Heavens, no
. But something made her answer. “Untie me, sir, then I shall.”

He chuckled. “Untie you? First I’ll teach you your next lesson in love. Brace yourself, dear.”




Chapter 19


How delectable she looked hanging there. If she could move anything apart from her fingers and toes, he’d be very surprised. The way he’d anchored her feet made her body slant forward. Despite her cheeky comment, he could see she was apprehensive. That naughty tongue dipped out every so often to lick at her lips. Then her hands would clench and unclench around the chains or the balls of her feet would do little half circles on the timber floor.

He moved in front, put his palms under her breasts and lifted them an inch or two–enjoying the fullness and weight in his hands and her surprised gasp. A few taps of his thumbs on the clamps gripping those brown-pink nipples had her squirming and rotating her bottom, so he went down on his knees and settled one hand onto her pussy, his palm nestling moistly over the rope. The other hand he used to hold her bottom still.

“Do you want something in here, Faith?” He looked up at her face as he slid a finger inside her to the first knuckle then out and in as he spoke. Only her mouth was visible because of the way he’d tied her head back. The thigh and back muscles next to his hands tensed and quivered. “Answer me.”

“Yes, sir,” she blurted.

“I’m going to get something to fit up in here, snug enough to make you feel like bursting.” More slipping and sliding of his finger elicited another half-choked noise and her groin did tiny thrusts as if to try and coax his finger deeper. The foxes on her nipples jiggled. “Good girl.”

He stopped and rose to his feet then leaned in and rested his forehead against her temple, wrapped his arms around her. The hollow of her spine invited touch. He playfully tickled down, following where the rope ran from her ponytail to the crack of her behind. Arousal had her completely. The signs were there. The susurration of her breaths feathered his skin. The carotid pulse in her neck bounced so hard it tapped hammer-like on his tongue when he dipped his head to lick her there. And her breasts, ahh...again his cock twitched...those pert nipples poked at his chest.

Still, he wanted no mistakes. He’d rather be too gentle with this woman than scare her, would rather restrain his violent impulse to mark her skin and thrust himself inside her than lose her.

The contradiction bothered him. He knew he was right, that she wanted this, and yet he felt compelled to check. Perhaps what had happened in London had left its mark on him forever. And perhaps, his conscience told him, it was just because he cared for her.

He whispered in her ear. “I’ve tied you up in a most inextricable way, Faith. Not every woman would want it like this. So tight. So controlled. You’re a virgin too.” He glanced down along the creamy slope of her back to where her bottom swelled in that succulent double curve...and his cock filled up more, if that were possible. Already he felt hard enough to tear the seam of his trousers.

“I need you to tell me you want this, and that you can remember the word, ‘sphinx.’”

When she didn’t reply, he repeated the question. “Faith, I need your answer. I need to know you remember the word to say if you want me to stop.”

After a few moments she answered, “I...remember, ‘sphinx.’ It’s just hard to concentrate.
. So nice. This...flogger. I’m not sure I want that. Sounds painful.”

“I promise not to take this too far. Use the word if you have to.”

“Very well then, sir. You may flog me.”

He smiled. Only Faith could be so polite under these circumstances.

Well. He didn’t need to be told twice. He kissed her shoulder, checked the color of her hands, feet and nipples then retrieved the smaller of the two rubber dildos from the bedside table. The best place to do this was from behind her, kneeling between her spread legs. If he’d ever wondered what the best day of his life would be like, now he knew. The view was one he wished he could capture in a painting–Faith stretched out for him with that rope running down between her legs and glistening with the moisture of her open cunt.

“I could stay here a year, Faith, looking at your bottom.”

.” She wriggled as he slowly caressed every inch of that same delectable derriere.

“This is called a dildo.” He nudged aside the slippery rope, rolling it to the outside of her labia. The white dildo was no thicker than three of his fingers and with the rope placed in the groove between the two rubber testicles, flogging her bottom wouldn’t dislodge it. Slowly, he worked it up inside her, watching her breathing increase in tempo and taking care not to rush.

“Oh.” The rope slipped along as she tried to arch and her back undulated. “Leonhardt, that’s...
unh good.”

He stopped and sucked in a breath through his nose, then screwed the dildo around to seat it properly. Faith gulped and shuddered.
. She’d said it. Maybe
was more formal, but he’d take his first name any day or night from this woman. Now to see what she thought of his flogger.

Or maybe, he’d put his mouth on her clit and suck on it a while...yes. A bit of pleasure to warm her up.

* * * *

With that foreign thing stuck up into her vagina, so wide she thought she might split asunder any second, Faith found it hard to do anything more than endure the pleasure rippling outward. When he had screwed the thing...the dildo, up there she’d nearly bitten her tongue.

Here and now she seemed to have been transformed into a creature made only for arousal. Whenever she tested the bonds and nothing gave, she collapsed into that glorious state of being where nothing mattered except that she do as she was told to by Mr. Meisner.

In another time and place she was an independent woman who brooked no nonsense from lesser men, who tolerated her equals and refused to acknowledge any man her better. Not now though. Not at all. For a fleeting instant, she prayed this wouldn’t change how she dealt with the outside world. She liked who she was. This was just an anomaly. A pleasant, stunning, oh-my-God incredible anomaly. Then Mr. Meisner’s tongue curled up and over her little overactive clitoris. Everything washed away in a tsunami of lust.

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