Rough Trade (32 page)

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Authors: edited by Todd Gregory

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Rough Trade
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I started punching, the punches becoming harder and faster. With each punch his body reared, reacting, and he was moaning. The head of his cock was sticking out of his thong. I kept punching, harder and faster until he finally tapped me on the back. “Break, man, break!” I sat back and looked over my shoulder down at him. “That’s hot, guy, I fucking love this! Your back looks so fucking hot up there.” He traced a finger down my spine and I trembled a little bit. “You want me to do something to you?”

“Scissor me,” I said, falling down to the bed. “Around the waist.”

“A man after my own heart,” he said, sliding his legs around me. He squeezed a bit, not hard, just enough for me to feel the power in his legs.

“Yeah.” I grinned back at him. “Really give it to me, man.”

He raised up on his hands and flexed his ass, his legs squeezing together. All the breath was crushed out of me, and I could feel the blood rushing to my head, but still I didn’t give in, even though spots were appearing before my eyes…it just felt so fucking incredible, those big powerful legs around me, his balls up against my side, looking at the rippled stomach and those big strong pecs…I felt like I could die right then and there.

He let up and whistled. “Damn, you can take it.”

I gulped in breath, my vision clearing a little bit. “Feels good, stud.”

He squeezed again, but this time I couldn’t hold out, couldn’t resist. I smacked his legs, and he immediately let go, and I rolled out from between them, gasping for air. I reached for the bottled water on the nightstand.

“You okay?” he asked, concern in his voice. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

The water felt good and I gulped down another swallow. “Fuck no, man, that was fucking hot!”

He smiled. “I’d love to get in a ring with you sometime. A friend of mine has one on the Upper East Side.”

“Yeah.” I reached over and tweaked his right nipple. “That would be fun…but I don’t have time on this trip.”

“Oh.” He reached over and rubbed my dick. “You wanna lose these thongs?”

I leaned down and grabbed the strap of his with my teeth and started pulling it down. I heard him laughing as his cock sprang out and slapped up against his lower abdomen. I kept it tight between my teeth until it was down around his ankles, then used my hands to get it off the rest of the way.

“My turn.” And he did the same thing, his hot breath blowing on my legs as he worked the thong down. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me down onto my back, and stood, holding my legs apart. Before I could wonder what he was going to do, he started running his tongue up the inside of my left calf and my entire body went rigid. His tongue kept sliding further and further up, until he was licking my inner thigh. I closed my eyes and moaned. My God, no one had ever done that to me before and it felt fucking amazing. I was going to have to remember that the next time I was with someone and trying to get them worked into a frenzy, it felt so fucking good, I could barely stand it, and then his tongue was up, licking my balls and then going up the underside of my cock. Then he was lapping at the head.

I put my hands down on his shoulders, kneading the hard muscle, digging my fingers in and working them. They were tight and hard, full of knots, and I started working one of the knots out.

He moaned, letting my cock go. “Oh man, that feels great! Don’t stop!”

I swung out from under him and straddled his back. His head went down and I started sliding my thumbs down the muscles alongside his spine, digging in deep with them, and he kept moaning, his ass flexing and unflexing, his legs swinging at the knees and slapping against the bed. When my thumbs reached where the curve of his ass started, I hesitated.
Nothing anal,
he’d said.

Instead, I sat down on the small of his back and grabbed both of his arms, bringing them up and backward. The muscles of his back jumped out in relief. “OOOOOOHHHH!” he grunted, the skin turning red as he fought to bring his arms back down. I kept applying pressure to them, struggling against his incredible strength. A bead of sweat rolled off my nose and dropped onto his back. Beads of sweat popped out along his back as he strained and struggled. “Fuck you, man!” he half shouted. “I’ll never give!”

I drove my knee into one of his sides.


I did it again, and his body convulsed.

“Okay, man, fuck you, I give, man!”

I let his arms drop and sat down on his back again. He was breathing hard, and his back was shimmering with sweat in the late-afternoon sunlight. I wiped sweat off my own forehead and leaned down to kiss the back of his neck.

He rolled me over onto my back and came on top of me, his cock against my stomach. He grabbed my arms and forced them over my head again, putting his weight against them. He smiled down into my face. His own was wet with sweat. “Nice sneak attack, stud.” He then put his face down in my right armpit and started licking it.

Oh, wow. My whole body tried to arch up, but he was too strong, holding me down and helpless as he started kissing the sensitive skin there, then nibbling. It was incredible, my cock was straining, my whole body straining, and I could feel the sweat trickling down all over my body, I had to get up, I had to get his mouth away from me, it was too much, it was too much, if he didn’t stop I was going to come, I couldn’t believe how fucking amazing it was, how it felt—

And then he stopped.

I lay there, panting. “Jesus.”

“Pretty intense, huh?” He didn’t let go of my arms. I didn’t mind. I liked lying there with his hard heavy body on top of mine, completely in his power. Then he got up off the bed, and stood there for a minute, just looking down at me, then he had one hand under my neck and the other under my lower back and he was picking me up, my God, how fucking strong is he, I wondered as he got his legs underneath me and then pressed me up and over his head until I was lying stretched out over his left shoulder, one hand around my neck and the other under my balls, balancing me up there.

The stretch on my back felt good. My back was pretty limber.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” he asked, his voice amazed.

“I was a gymnast,” I gasped out.

“Damn, I need to get you in a ring,” he said, bending his knees then straightening them out so I kind of bounced on his shoulder, my back arching further with each movement, and he kept going until I felt the pain start, and I shouted, “Okay! Okay! I give!”

He neatly flipped me onto the bed, where I bounced a bit before settling in.

“How was that?” he asked.

“Fucking hot,” I said, trying to catch my breath. “No one’s ever done that to me before.”

He kept standing there, looking down at me, until I sat up and got off the bed. I grabbed his head into a side headlock and dragged it down to my hip, turning him until I could flip him over onto his back on the bed, which groaned.

I drove down on him, squeezing and flexing my arm as much as I could. His face started to redden, but he struggled, trying to break the hold with his own arms, but somehow I found the strength to hold him off, until he was tapping my arm. “Okay!” he squealed. “Okay! Okay! Okay!”

I let go and moved away from him, but not fast enough. He grabbed my shoulders and dragged me toward him, until our faces were inches apart, and then he pressed his lips against mine. I opened my mouth to take his tongue into it, and then sucked on it. He began moaning, and I rolled over on top of him, my cock rubbing against his. His pelvis started thrusting, and I matched it, so our cocks were stroking each other. I moved my mouth down his throat, tracing his Adam’s apple with my tongue, and then sucked a little at the base of his throat, then moved down to the pecs. I started flicking my tongue over his right nipple while pinching the left with my left hand. I moved my right hand down and grabbed his cock with it, squeezing it tightly.

“Oh, you fucking stud, yeah, that’s the way, man, that feels good.” He kept up a steady stream of talk while I worked his nipples over with my tongue before bringing it down and starting work on his navel. His back arched up, and I pinched both nipples hard.

His legs came up around my head, resting on my shoulders as I took his cock in my mouth, and as I worked it, his legs came together, squeezing gently against my head. Just enough pressure for me to know they were there, not hard enough to hurt. They felt awesome there, and then I brought my hands to his quads and ran them up and down them while I suckled his cock.

He put both hands on my head. “Dude, you’ve gotta stop or I’m gonna come, and I don’t wanna come yet.”

I pulled back from his cock and looked up at the gleaming torso, the beautiful face smiling down at me.

“I want you to fuck me,” he said. “I want you to come inside me.”

“I thought you said no anal.”

He pulled me up alongside of him, and put his arms around me. “That’s a rule I have to start with, until I meet the guy and know what he’s like. I don’t let just anyone fuck me—but you’ve gotten me so fucking hot I have to have it.”

“What about your boyfriend?”

He shrugged. “I don’t have a boyfriend. That’s just my excuse.”

“I can’t believe you don’t have a boyfriend!” I ran my hand down his torso, and he shivered.

“Just unlucky that way. Never met anyone I wanted to be involved with—and besides, he’d have to wrestle.” He grinned at me. “That makes it a little harder, you know.” He pointed to the wedding ring on my left hand. “You’re married?”

“To a man. We’ve been together nine years.”

“Does he wrestle?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Does he know you do?”

“Yeah, and he doesn’t mind.” I shrugged. “There’s things he’s interested in that don’t interest me, so we kind of agreed to allow each other the latitude to explore.”

“Most guys aren’t that cool,” he said, placing his hand on my inner thigh. “Why couldn’t I have met you when you were single?”

“I would have never dared to talk to someone like you when I was single.”

He reached over and licked my neck for a moment. “That’s silly. Everyone is so afraid of guys like me, like they won’t measure up or something. You know, everyone is attracted to something different, you know? I really don’t like guys who are built like me.” He grinned. “Your body, on the other hand…” He grabbed my dick. “And this cock! Hell, man, I’ve gotta have that inside me. You sure you want to?”

“Hell yeah.”

He got up and walked over to his bag, pulling out a condom and a bottle of lube. He tore the package open with his teeth, then gently slid it down over my aching cock and squirted lube on it until it was nice and wet. He squirted some more into his hand, reaching back and lubing his ass.

He then lay down on the bed, his legs apart, and beckoned to me. “Come fuck me, stud.”

I knelt between his legs, and he spread his further, his eyes open and staring up at me. I grabbed my dick and guided it in between those massive cheeks till I found the tight little opening, and pushed gently. He moaned, then relaxed, and I slid my cock in about halfway before meeting resistance. He was growling, a low sound that only let up when he needed to breath in some more air, as I started sliding my cock slowly in and out, not trying to force it all the way in.
Let him get warmed up and turned on some more, and then I’ll try,
I figured. Besides, it felt good.

His eyes closed, and I started lightly punching his stomach as I slid in and out, and he started stroking his own cock.

“Yeah, that’s nice, you can punch harder.”

I started slamming my fists into his abs when I moved my cock out, letting him breathe as I went back in, and then, just as I thought, just as his legs got slick with sweat, the resistance gave and I plunged all the way in. His entire body bucked, his back arching, and his eyes flew open.

“Oh you fucking stud, fuck me, fuck me FUCK ME!!!”

I started moving faster, slamming my fists into his gut with greater power as I slammed my cock deeper inside him, and he kept groaning, and moaning, and then suddenly he was shooting a load, cum spitting out of the slit of his cock, his entire body jerking and a cry coming out of his lips with each shot. I stayed deep inside as he came, until he was finished and his body relaxed, then I slid out. I peeled the condom off and started stroking it.

“You didn’t come?” he asked, his eyes half shut. I shook my head. “What do you want me to do to help you?”

“Scissor my head,” I said, lying down. He swung his big legs around my head so that I was staring at his beautiful ass, and started squeezing. It didn’t take long—the feel of his legs and the sight of his ass had me shooting in maybe six strokes.

He let go of my head, and I got up and walked into the bathroom to grab a towel. I wiped my cum off me, then offered it to him. “You wanna shower?”

He shook his head. “Nah, I need to get running.” He wiped himself down and then gave me a big hug and a kiss. “Thanks, man, that was fucking awesome.”

I walked over to the nightstand while he got dressed and counted the money out, then held it out to him. “Here you go, Chase.”

He looked at me, then at the money. “Nah. Keep it.”

“You sure?”

“I enjoyed myself too much to take money.” He reached into his bag and handed me a business card with his name, a body shot, his phone number and e-mail address on it. “Next time you’re in town, give me a call. We’ll go to my friend’s ring.”

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