Read Royal Secrets Online

Authors: Traci Hunter Abramson

Tags: #Royal Target, #lds, #LDS suspense, #hagardy, #deseret book, #mormon, #Betsy Brannon Green, #Fiction, #Romance, #secret, #covenant, #adventure, #clean, #Contemporary Romance, #Jennie Hansen, #Saint Squad

Royal Secrets (21 page)

BOOK: Royal Secrets
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I shouldn’t be doing this
, Alora told herself for the umpteenth time as she stepped into her shoes and slipped out the door. She only took three steps before stopping and considering going back to her room. What if Stefano had asked someone else? Or if he didn’t still want her to join him? Surely her time would be better served reading a book or watching television instead of spending it with a bunch of people she didn’t know. With a shake of her head, she continued forward.

Maybe she could have resisted going tonight if she hadn’t witnessed Stefano’s kindness to her son. Giancarlo had returned from his walk with the prince a different kid from the one who had run out of his room earlier that evening. The fighting with his brother had stopped completely, and he had helped her clean up after dinner without complaining. Even Dante’s behavior had improved, although Alora didn’t know if it was the extra time alone with her that had helped or if he had simply needed a little time away from his brother.

She thought she still might have been able to resist giving in if she hadn’t made the mistake of trying on the gown Janessa had delivered to her. The cream-colored silk fell gracefully to the floor and fit as though it had been designed specifically for her. A month ago, she wouldn’t have considered owning such a dress or having anything new for herself. She also wouldn’t have had any place to wear something so elegant.

A combination of stubbornness and practicality had caused her to spend her evening with the boys as she had originally planned. She could hardly arrive on time to the party after insisting she wanted to tend to her children herself, and Brenna had been needed in the kitchen to help prepare for the party until a few minutes ago anyway.

Alora pressed a hand to her stomach and then walked down the stairs to where she could hear voices mingling in the parlor. She stopped when she reached the archway and stared. The room was much more crowded than she had anticipated, nearly fifty people milling around the room, some sitting on the numerous couches, chairs, and loveseats while others stood and sipped champagne.

Her eyes swept over the crowd in search of a familiar face or at least a glimpse of Janessa’s red hair. When she didn’t see either, she took a step back, fully intending to disappear back upstairs before anyone noticed her. Then she saw the terrace doors open, and Stefano stepped inside followed by another man who also appeared to be in his early thirties.

She could have sworn she felt something in the air change when Stefano looked up and saw her. His mouth was firm, only a hint of a smile showing in his eyes as he said something to the man beside him and started toward her. She noticed immediately that the sling was gone, and she wondered if he had discarded it for vanity’s sake or if his collarbone was fully healed. When she noticed the way he kept his arm tucked close to him as though the brace were still in place, she guessed that it was the former.

He slipped through the crowd easily, exchanging greetings and casual comments as he moved past one group and then another. Moments later, he reached her and took her hand in his.

“I can’t tell you how delighted I am that you decided to join us.” His voice was calm and assured, but his eyes sparked with surprising uncertainty as he lifted her hand to his lips in an annoyingly charming gesture.

“I didn’t get the chance to thank you earlier for spending time with Giancarlo,” Alora said formally. “He very much enjoyed it.”

“I should be the one thanking you for allowing me the privilege.” He lifted his left hand in greeting when someone called out to him as they passed by. Alora didn’t miss the pain that registered on his face with the movement.

“Why aren’t you wearing your sling?”

He smirked at her. “I wasn’t sure I would have anyone to help me cut up my dinner.”

“That’s hardly an excuse. You’re still in pain.”

“Not really. The doctor said I should be able to stop wearing it within a couple days anyway. I thought I would use tonight as a test run,” Stefano told her. “Besides, I would prefer that my injury not be the topic of tonight’s dinner conversation.”

He tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and gestured with his free hand to the parlor. “Since you’re here, I was hoping you would let me introduce you to a few people.”

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, but she nodded. “All right.”

Stefano led her toward the man he had entered the room with a few moments earlier. “Alora DeSanto, this is Mario Petruzzi. Mario works for the Italian ambassador. The ambassador and most of his senior staff are vacationing for a few days at the resort in Bellamo.”

“I hope you are enjoying your stay,” Alora said as Mario shook her hand.

“Very much so, thank you.” Mario smiled charmingly and then spoke to Stefano. “How is it that you always manage to find the most beautiful women in the countryside?”

Alora could feel her cheeks heat, but Stefano simply patted her hand. “In this case, I owe the credit to my brother’s fiancée. Alora and Janessa are old friends.”

He turned to Alora. “You are American?”

“I’m from Italy.”

“I see.” Mario gave Stefano an amused look. “So you have exhausted the supply of beautiful women in your own country, and now you are stealing from mine.”

Stefano merely smiled and shrugged. “Can you blame me?”

“Not at all.” Mario chuckled.

“I’m sure we’ll talk to you later.” Stefano shook Mario’s hand and led Alora through the crowd toward an older man who appeared to be in his sixties. “Alora, this is Bernardo Campesi. He is the president of the ruling council here in Meridia. He was kind enough to drive over from Calene to join us tonight.”

The man greeted her in the form of a nod and then spoke to Stefano. “Your Highness, I hoped I might steal a few moments of your time while I am here. Perhaps we can meet in your office after your guests leave.”

“I’m sorry, Bernardo, but tonight doesn’t work for me.”

“It will only take a minute,” the older man pressed. “I have to return to Calene tonight.”

“I’m sorry, but I really can’t.” Stefano shook his head. “But I would be happy to call you tomorrow.”

“Very well.” He nodded stiffly as Stefano led Alora farther into the room.

Stefano introduced her to several more people from the Italian embassy before dinner was served.

When they walked into the dining hall, Alora noticed the place cards on the table. Her stomach clutched at the thought of searching for her name, of the possibility that a place hadn’t been set for her. To her relief, Stefano walked her to her chair before taking his place at the head of the table. She hadn’t originally considered that she would not be seated beside Stefano and was a little uncomfortable when she saw that Janessa and Garrett were sitting at the far end of the table.

Then Mario took the seat beside her and started his harmless flirting once more. He introduced her to those seated closest to them, and Alora found herself fascinated by tales of embassy life and the latest political ventures of her homeland.

After the last course was cleared and the first guests began to say their good-byes, Janessa approached Alora. “I’m glad you changed your mind about coming tonight.”

“Me too.” Alora glanced over to where Stefano was speaking with several people, including two young women who appeared to be vying for his attention. “Do you ever feel out of place at these dinners?”

“All the time.” She glanced across the room at Stefano. “Although I do have to admit that life has been a lot easier for me since our engagement was announced. I remember what it was like to have most of the single women in the room stare at you like you’re the competition.”

“Yes, but you were dating Prince Garrett. Stefano and I are just friends.”

“Are you sure?” Janessa let the question dangle as Garrett stepped beside her.

Alora nodded but still felt her cheeks flush.

“Alora, you look stunning tonight.” Garrett shook her hand before slipping his arm around Janessa.

“Thank you.” Alora managed to smile. “You look rather dashing tonight yourself.”

Garrett simply grinned. “I’m sorry to steal Janessa away, but I think we have a few guests who would like to say good-bye to us before they leave.”

Janessa reached out to give Alora’s hand a squeeze. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay.” Alora watched them cross the room to position themselves near the front entrance, where they could chat with everyone as they left. She turned to scan the room for Stefano, surprised to see him excuse himself from his current conversation and head toward her.

“I’m sorry we weren’t seated together at dinner.”

“That’s okay.” She smiled up at him. “Your friend Mario was quite entertaining.”

His eyebrows lifted. “Not too entertaining, I hope.”

“Let’s just say he helped pass the time.”

Stefano glanced around the room. “It looks like everyone is heading out. Can I convince you to take a walk with me?”

She hesitated, Janessa’s suspicions rattling through her mind. “It’s getting late.”

“Please, Alora?” Stefano looked down at her, and she felt like they were the only two people in the room.

She hesitated again, not sure she trusted herself to be alone with him in the moonlight. As she opened her mouth to say no, the word
tumbled out.

Without a word, Stefano took her hand and led her through the terrace doors.

Chapter 27

With her hand still in his, Stefano led Alora down a lit path that wove through a maze of blooming flowers and ivy-covered trellises. He heard muffled voices coming from the chateau’s entrance and turned away from them. Though he had spent several hours working beside Alora earlier, he wanted time alone with her away from work and family.

He studied her for a moment, trying to gauge her mood. She seemed to have gotten past her anger from earlier. Her words still stung because they were true, both the fact that he had been less than a gentleman in demanding that she come to dinner and the reality that he was not a parent. She couldn’t know, of course, why the second comment had hit him so hard, but he could address the first.

“I suppose I should apologize to you for this afternoon. It appears my manners are a bit rusty when it comes to dating.”

“I think you made up for that when you talked to Giancarlo,” Alora said quietly. “I don’t know what you said to him, but he was an angel tonight when you brought him back.”

“He’s just nervous about starting at a new school.”

Alora stopped beside a climbing rose bush and turned to face him. “He told you that?”

Stefano nodded, noting the surprise on her face and the way the moonlight shimmered on her gown.

“That’s amazing. He rarely confides in anyone besides me.”

“It sounds like he hasn’t had a lot of opportunities before now.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“Is that why you changed your mind about dinner? Because you felt grateful?”

“I came because I wanted to, but my gratitude helped overshadow my anger.”

He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. “I really didn’t mean to make you angry.”

“I know.” She granted him a smile. “I’m afraid my temper can get the best of me, especially when someone tells me what to do.”

His eyes lit with amusement. “I’ll have to remember that.”

“I don’t know if that’s something I want you to remember about me.”

“Maybe I want to remember everything about you,” Stefano said, his voice lowering so it was barely louder than a whisper. He stepped closer, his hand releasing hers so it was free to trail up her arm and rest on her shoulder. He saw the alarm in her eyes. He might have been able to keep his distance if he hadn’t also seen the flash of wonder.

“We should go back in.” Alora whispered the words, her eyes fixed on his.

“Not just yet.” Stefano cupped her shoulders as he lowered his lips to hers. The kiss was whisper soft, but it vibrated with comfort, belonging, and a hint of passion. He breathed in her scent, the exotic aroma of her perfume combined with the flavor of the sea. Something clicked inside him, a sense of rightness that he had been searching for without even knowing it. When he broke the kiss, he found clarity, but he saw confusion in her eyes.

“Stefano . . .” Her voice trailed off as though she were at a loss for words.

He smiled, amazed that her simple use of his name could feel so right. “I have to try that again.”

She shook her head. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to complicate things between us.”

“This doesn’t have to be complicated.” He drew her closer, and his lips met hers once more. He felt her put a hand on his chest as if to resist whatever emotions were flowing through her. Then slowly that hand slid up to his shoulder, and she simply held on. In that moment, everything he was, everything he would become, was wrapped up in her.

As if she felt the change in him, she stepped back and looked up at him with wide eyes. She shook her head. “This is wrong. We can’t do this.”

His eyes narrowed as he tried to understand her words. Surely her feelings had mirrored his own. Even in the heat of the moment, he understood that this whirl of emotions wasn’t just the result of a kiss but the culmination of weeks of developing friendship and the underlying connection between them. He ran a finger lightly down her arm, his eyes remaining fixed on hers. “We can’t do what, exactly?”

“Get involved.” She took a steadying breath, and he was amazed to see her mask her emotions behind a blank stare. Her voice was calm when she spoke now, almost professional. “I have my children to think about, and it wouldn’t be wise for me to start dating right now, especially when they are going through so many changes.”

“Don’t do that.” Stefano’s voice was low and even, but it vibrated with frustration. “Don’t use Giancarlo and Dante as an excuse to stop living your life.”

“I’m not.” She snapped out the words, and part of the calm façade chipped away. “Can’t you understand? I don’t want this kind of complication right now.”

“With me or with anyone?”

“With anyone,” she said vehemently. Her voice softened fractionally when she added, “but especially not with you.”

BOOK: Royal Secrets
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