Royal S.O.B. (A Bad Boy Romance) (28 page)

Read Royal S.O.B. (A Bad Boy Romance) Online

Authors: Kaitlyn Kevette

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy, #Historical, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense

BOOK: Royal S.O.B. (A Bad Boy Romance)
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he said, still laughing.


I never thought this would be easy – asking you, I mean."


smiled. It looked like she was waiting for her turn.


said Kenrick.


is it that you wanted to tell me?"


said Addie, in true Addie fashion.


took a long, deep breath.




This could be big
, he thought.


I'm happy to announce that I'm more than eight weeks pregnant!"


came from Kenrick.


it was not a question, merely an expression of surprise.


never told me!" was all he could say.


you never gave me the chance to," Addie came back quickly.


fabulous news!" said Kenrick, still coming to terms with this piece of
unexpected fortune.


they were silent. Each were digesting what the other had said, thinking of what
it meant, and what the implications were.


only one thing, though."


was Addie who spoke.


it's a rather big thing."


looked up, with questioning eyes.


and I are stepsiblings."


sentence reached Kenrick's ears. He had been thinking of the same issue, and
now Addie's concern had confirmed that it would, indeed, be a scandal.


would be a scandal," Addie continued, second-guessing him.


I'm certain I don't need to tell you what royal scandals are all about. Or the
kind of havoc that results."


Kenrick was in deep thought mode.


this in a new king."


always hit the nail on the head.


media will have an alternate celebration, coming closely on the heels of your


did not say anything. It was all true, it was all valid. But they – Addie and
he – had their own lives to live. They had equal right to their lives; so what
if they happened to be royals?


then there was the baby.


then there's the baby," Addie echoed his thoughts.


the baby's fault to be denied its rights?"


we must do right with the baby, come what may," agreed Kenrick,
determination dominant in his voice.


were silent again, Addie secretly thrilled at the things Kenrick had just said.
This man had changed, and how!


was the perfect man, the complete man, the man who deserved to be her husband.
She sent a silent prayer of thanks to the gods above.


said Kenrick, at last.


take this one step at a time. Let the coronation get over, and then we'll worry
about how to move our lives forward."


smiled. That seemed fair enough.


said Kenrick, emotion deep in his voice.


don't want you to worry on this score. I know it's tricky, but we'll find a way
around it."


you, Kenrick," Addie replied, moved.


know if you're with me, by my side, then what worry do I have?"


placed his hand on hers. She looked up at him. Their eyes met, their eyes
locked. There was a lot in those four eyes, a lot that was being told and
listened, a lot of promise of good times ahead.


said Kenrick reassuringly.


already rule the world, so why lose sleep over what the world thinks?"


placed her other hand over Kenrick's.


held each other's hands.


felt a life stirring inside her.


moment, it had to be divine. And their eyes, still locked onto each other,
looked forward to a million such moments in the future.


in the distance, birds were flying in formation, high up in the sky.


was a beautiful day.


a beautiful life.


and Kenrick were married six weeks after his father, the former king, had
passed. By that point, there was no longer concern over their union being
deemed a scandal, as the two were technically no longer stepsiblings by marriage.
Eyebrows were still raised, of course, over the seemingly expedited love affair
that had come about between the prince – now king – and former princess. But
grief had a way of drawing a person closer to a friendly, familiar face – of
this the public knew. And Addie was that face.


was a beautiful ceremony, and the new Queen Adelaide was more beautiful still.
No one was the wiser that Addie was carrying a secret inside, as it was still
too early for her to be showing. That baby, her secret,
secret – it made the big wedding day even more remarkable.
Standing beside the man she loved, their 'love' between them. It wasn't just
the start of a new life, it was the start of a family.


the public got wind that the queen was expecting – she had gotten pregnant
fast, the two were that in love –
it was the joy of the land. No one dared questioned the math on Addie's due
date; the king's father had just passed, after all, it wouldn't have been kind.
And the media had other things to buzz about in the meantime:
Boy or girl? Traditional name or unique? And
where did Queen Adelaide get her maternity style?


Patrick 'Phantom' Royce was born eight pounds, seven ounces, to an overjoyed
Addie and Kenrick. It was hard to tell who was happier over this latest royal
addition, the king and queen or the nation.


may have been royalty, but he would not grow up spoiled like his father,
Kenrick, once was. His blood was blue, certainly, but he had Addie's, too.


she would keep the two most important men in her life in balance, forevermore.


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Also, if you liked this
novel, why not recommend it to your friends and loved ones on
! Let's have Addie and Kenrick's romance be shared the
world over. :)


Yours faithfully,

Kaitlyn Kevette



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I've partnered with my author friend,
Sarah Sethline
to offer you TWO of her biker erotic romance stories for FREE as a "thank
you" for reading
Royal S.O.B.
Please note, Sarah writes EROTICA, not romance, so the following stories are
highly explicit and sexual in nature. But also very HOT!




Ridden HARD

2014 by Sarah Sethline



Harley should be happy.
Her boyfriend since forever has just given her a ring, promising
they'll spend their lives together...
On the surface, he has all the qualities a girl like Harley could ever want --
with a few key exceptions. Like how he's sworn off sex between them until after
med school.
Eight years is a long time to
go without...


Everything that's "safe" about the relationship
she's chosen gets left behind the night Blaze walks in.
Ripped, rugged and
he's about to take
HIS Harley
for one wild ride...


9000+ word ***QUICK-N-DIRTY*** novelette contains CHEATING, graphic language,
adult themes and explicit scenes. It's for anyone who's ever fallen for a bad
or wishes they had!




"Did Colby give you that?" asked my
friend, Lana, eyeing the emerald-encrusted band on my finger.


I forced my hand flat and adjusted the ring
using my fingers, staring at it absentmindedly. I'd almost forgotten I was
wearing it, that's how much of a big deal it


"He sure did," I told her in my
charming southern drawl.


I watched as Lana's eyes lit up, her entire
body beginning to wriggle around in her seat.


"Now don't go gettin' all excited,
honey," I said.


"This here is just a promise ring."


"A promise... of what?" she asked.


"That we'll get engaged after Colby
graduates," I replied.


My best friend was looking at me with eyes of


"That's a real long time to wait, Harley.
Isn't medical school, like... eight years or somethin'?"


I bit down on my lower lip and shrugged.


"You know Colby -- real conservative. He
has to do right by the plans for his life."


It was quite the understatement -- Lana and I
both knew it. My boyfriend was "by the book" when it came to pretty
much everything...
the kind of book you
read when you needed help going to sleep.


Lana took a swig of her beer and said,
"What about sex? Does he still want you guys to be celibate?"


I nodded.


"Jesus, Harley!
Eight years without sex?!
" exclaimed Lana.


"You really think you can make it?"


Honestly, I wasn't sure. The whole celibate
thing came about after Colby and I had sex -- a grand total of two times -- and
he'd walked away feeling super guilty. Premarital fucking is one of the biggest
"don'ts" in the book, and it'd left my boyfriend embarrassed and
ashamed. After our second "oops", he decided for both of us there wasn't
to be any more sex until marriage -- until we're legally bound.


"I don't know. The two times we did do
it, they weren't anything special, so perhaps I'm not really missing


"Not really missing much?!" replied
Lana incredulously.


You are... believe me, you are."


I watched my friend and fellow waitress scan
the bar, sizing up all the potential lays that were literally all around us.


"Maybe not with Colby, but... with


I flipped a section of my reddish-brown hair over
my shoulder and scoffed.


"What are you suggesting, huh? I LOVE


"Oh, I know you do, Har. It's just, he's
so... safe. You guys have been together for... how long?"


"Ten years. Since middle school," I


Lana reached out and extended her arms across
the table, taking my hands into hers.


"Exactly. It wouldn't hurt to keep your
options open, is all I'm saying."


kept my options open," I told her.


"It's just... nobody's ever seemed to
take an interest in me quite like Colby has."


"Girl, that's a damn shame," replied
a sympathetic Lana.


"I... I don't think so," I mumbled.


"Colby is smart, caring, comes from a
good family... And I've no doubts he'll make a terrific father. He's got a lot
of good things going for him..."


"... On paper," remarked Lana.


Well, damn.
I figured if I'd said the facts out loud I
could somehow convince her...
or at least
. I should have known better than to try and fool my best friend into
thinking my relationship with Colby was something worth waiting for.


"And let's say you do stay with him, wait
the whole eight years... Then you'll be a doctor's wife. Do you really think
Colby will have time for you then?"


"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling
kind of offended.


"Doctors work crazy long hours, Har.
It'll be a real struggle for him to find enough time to fulfill all of your
needs: physical, emotional,


"Not everything is about sex!" I


," replied Lana.


"It's more important than you think."


"Time to get back to our shift," I
announced, realizing that our break from work was about up (Lana and I
affectionately referred to these nightly chats as our "booze and
bitch" time).


I grabbed my cowgirl hat from the seat, placed
it on my head, then popped the top three buttons from my checkered shirt
undone. It was a suggestion I'd picked up from Lana --
who else?
-- in order to score better tips.


"Don't think we're done talking about
this," warned Lana as she adjusted her nametag and moved to get up.


I chuckled nervously, then headed behind the
bar to resume my duties.




It was five minutes to closing time when my
life changed forever.


I was wiping down the counters at the
Tumbleweeds Bar as I usually did, preparing to shut the place down, when in
walked the most rugged, domineering, and dangerous looking man I'd ever seen.


He appeared to be in his late 30s or so, but
had the body of a guy 10 years younger. His brown hair was styled in a sexy
crew cut, and his eyes were as blue as his tight, distressed jeans.


I don't know what it is about guys with dark hair and light eyes, but
I've always found that insanely attractive.
guy was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome, and appeared to be a bad boy to


As he came closer, I noticed he was wearing
some of the signature pieces of a badass biker. He had the usual black leather
jacket, only this one was covered in more patches than a fucking Girl Scout.
There was a helmet with a skull and crossbones in his hands, and the shirt he
had on underneath his jacket had some kind of silver lettering running across


My eyes widened as I watched him approach the
bar. Being that it was damn hot in there with our broken A/C, it came as no
surprise when I saw him take off his jacket and swing it over the back of a
stool. I could now see what his shirt spelled --
Berettas MC
-- and that he was also packing some pretty fine guns.
He had just the right amount of bulk so as not to be too over-the-top while
still looking like he could beat the shit out of anyone.


I watched as this rugged stranger looked
around the bar, seeing that it was empty except for a few drunks.


"Whiskey, neat," he told me,
reaching into his pocket to pull out a grungy twenty.


His voice was gruff and commanding; the hairs
were pricking up on the back of my neck just hearing him order.


"Uh, we're closing down," I said
meekly, a little scared having someone like this in my bar so late.


"But you're not closed
, are
you, Sugar?" he said matter-of-factly.


"Um, no, technically we aren--"


"Then get me my drink, will you," he
demanded, cutting me off.


I quickly hurried to fix this man's beverage,
not daring for a single second to make eye contact. I could feel him staring at
me nonetheless.


"Here ya go, sir," I said, setting
the drink I'd just poured in front of him.


I nervously fumbled for a napkin to give him
as his eyes bored into my face.


"… The hell you callin' me 'sir'?"
quipped the biker.


"The name's Blaze."


Blaze! That's fucking hot
, I thought.




"'Blaze'... Is that, uh, your real
name?" I asked.


"If it's my name, it's real, ain't
it?" he snarled.


"Why... whadda they call


"Ha--Harley," I stammered.


HA! Must be jokin', right?" laughed Blaze.


"Why is that funny?" I asked,
studying his face with intrigue.


"Because I ride Harleys for a
living," he replied, more seriously this time.


A perfectly justified response, but
god, did he make it sound naughty


"How does one ride Harleys 'for a
living'?" I couldn't help but ask.


To my absolute shock and terror, Blaze reached
out and grabbed onto my wrist
. I
could already see my flesh starting to change color in the area his fingers
were gripping me.


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