Royal S.O.B. (A Bad Boy Romance) (32 page)

Read Royal S.O.B. (A Bad Boy Romance) Online

Authors: Kaitlyn Kevette

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy, #Historical, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense

BOOK: Royal S.O.B. (A Bad Boy Romance)
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"Ohhh, ohhh..." was all I could get


Blaze was pushing himself in and out in long,
measured strokes, really taking his time in order to put me at ease.


"Ohhhh... yessss... ohhhh," I
groaned, beginning to wish he'd go just a little bit harder. I moved my legs to
wrap behind him, pulling him in even deeper as I licked my lips with


Sensing that I was now, indeed, fully ready
for his cock, Blaze gradually increased the pace of his thrusting, the cries of
my ecstasy growing louder and louder. His repeated rocking was causing his
chain necklace to swing like a pendulum just above my breasts.


We were establishing a rhythm together, my own
hips bucking to meet Blaze's in a dizzying dance. Our grunts, moans, and
shrieks of delight were overlapping one another;
it was hard to tell who was enjoying it more.


It wasn't long before we graduated from gentle
lovemaking to full-on fucking. I made
sure Blaze knew I could,
indeed, handle his cock, and that I wanted it
rough, raw and relentlessly
. We were picking up the pace together,
Blaze's rod plowing into me from above while I slammed my hips against him from


My moans were growing even louder now; my body
and mind were completely overwhelmed with lust for this man. Blaze's huge,
thick, stabbing cock was delivering more pleasure to my body than I knew what
to do with.


"Don't stop... ohhhh,
please don't stop
," I cried,
thrusting my hips furiously to meet his plunging strokes.


"Tell me how you want it.
How you need it, honey
," grunted
Blaze, chest trickling with sweat as he moved harder and faster above me.


ohh god, yes...
my cunt has never felt so full. Fill it... fill it
with your big, beautiful cock!"


I reached out to rip up the sheets as Blaze
buried the full length of his huge cock into me again and again. His hard body
was moving with incredible speed and stamina; it was hard to fully take in just
how expertly he was ramming into my pussy.


Sweat from Blaze's chest was trickling onto my
tits, our bodies becoming one hot slick sandwich. His ass moved in a blur as he
levered his cock inside me.


My legs beginning to tire, I ceased thrusting
my hips and threw my arms over my head, submitting completely to the man whose
huge cock was driving me wild. My eyes opened wide in alarm as I felt an
increasing intensity of sexual excitement flood into my pussy.


It was happening, happening again.


I began to move my head from side to side...
slowly at first, but gradually, as the warm feelings picked up, faster and
faster. Pieces of my hair were sticking to my forehead; my knees were spread
wide as they could go...


Blaze took my right hand into his, interlaced
it, and held it down as my body writhed below his in pleasure. My lips were
pulled back over my teeth; my fists were clenching and unclenching;
my toes were curling…


"Aiieeee, oh god.
Ohhh, give it to me, baby.
Fill me... fill me with your
cock..." I bellowed as I came and came, on the verge of passing out from
pleasure as Blaze pressed into me hard and deep.


Moments later, roaring like a lion, Blaze
yelled, "
Ohhh fuck!


With both hands latched onto my waist, he
lifted my body up a few inches, drawing me even tighter onto his dick as he
shot like a rocket inside me.


," he grunted as he blasted his hot seed over and over,
splashing into my womb.


I couldn't believe how much he'd come in my


The room was quiet as we collapsed together
onto the bed, pulses racing, gasping for every breath. Blaze pulled me into his
arms sweetly, my face nuzzling against his hard chest. He held me like that for
several minutes, neither of us saying a word, each basking in the glow of an
incredible fuck.


I tilted my chin up and gave him a small kiss,
then reached down and began stroking his still-engorged cock. I couldn't help
myself --
it was just too tempting.


"Can we, um, go again?" I asked,
feeling strangely shy.


He'd fucked me way too epically to leave it a
one-time thing.


Blaze gave a small chuckle, then turned and
forced me onto my back.




After an unforgettable night with Blaze, I
sent Colby a text saying we needed to talk. If I could've gone back in time and
ended it before Blaze had fucked me raw, I would have.
I'd never wanted to betray my boyfriend...
but the truth is, Colby
had already betrayed
by not treating things between us like an adult.


"Why aren't you wearing your ring?"
was the first thing he said when we got together later that day.


Fuck, that's right
-- I'd forgotten I'd left
it at Blaze's... how it'd been looped around his strong neck while he moved his
cock inside me.


"Oh... it's, uh -- it's a little
big," I lied as I nervously tugged and pulled at the spot it should have


"I didn't want to lose it, so I left it
at home."


"That's a damn lie," accused Colby.


"Wha--what do you mean?" I
stammered, shifting my eyes around the room.


"After all these years, I think I know
your size."


"Maybe it has something to do with that
biker you went home with the other night," he continued.


"Lana told me how you were acting like a
real slut."


"Maybe you should try getting your
information from
instead of Lana!" I shot, feeling hurt that my
supposed best friend had ratted me out.


"Okay, then explain it to me," said
Colby, eyes searching my face.


"He came in for a drink, we got to
talking, I went for a ride on his Harley, then we went dancing," I


"That's a lot to do with someone you
don't even know," replied my boyfriend.


"What's the name of the place you went


"I don't-- I don't remember. Just some
club on the other side of town," I answered.


"You remember this jerk's name, at
least?!" shot Colby.


"Yes, Colby. It was
," I said, feeling annoyed that he was leading this interrogation
and not me.


"That isn't a real name," he


"Yes it is," I insisted.


"Where did he take you after you went


"What makes you think there was any place
else?" I said slowly, trying to buy myself time.


My boyfriend narrowed his eyes and looked at
me very seriously.


"I've got a full scholarship at Johns
Hopkins. I'm not stupid."


Oh, he was throwing THAT in my face, was he??


For a minute or so, I couldn't think of
anything to say. No longer feeling guilty, I felt...
strangely defiant
, as if I were a woman dealing with a boy.


"Well, if you must know, then I went to
his apartment."


"His APARTMENT?! You were out all night
with this... this troublemaker, and then you went
back to his place?!


I tried to respond as indifferently as


"Yep, that about sums it up."


It hardly did!


"Did he take advantage of you... did he
try anything funny?" continued my b.f.


Only a prude like Colby would describe how
Blaze had entrapped and induced and seduced me as "funny".


"I didn't feel taken advantage of,
no," I replied.


"What does
mean?! Did he kiss you??" shouted Colby.


"Yes, he put his tongue in my
mouth!!" I blurted, sick of my boyfriend's jealousy act and no longer
caring if I hurt him.


did he kiss you?"
quivered Colby, his voice shaking and on edge.


"Well we weren't standing up, if that's
what you're asking," I said bluntly.


Colby's eyes about bugged out of his head.


"So you slept with him.
On your first date!
This guy is probably
wanted for murder in five different states, and you freaking


"Well, if you really must know,
we didn't do much sleeping...
" I


My boyfriend was having a hard time finding
the words.


"Were you naked?" he asked, sounding
half-hopeful I hadn't been.


I didn't know whether to chuckle or roll my
eyes or just be plain pissed.


"Of course I was naked. He didn't fuck me
through a hole in the sheet!!" I said angrily.


I wondered how far he was planning to go with these questions.






"Did he make you… come?"


"That's none of your business!" I
snapped, appalled by him feeling he had any right to know.


"How many times?" continued Colby.


"What?" I replied, frankly shocked
by his gall.


Colby's voice was low and intense.


"You heard me. How many..."


"At least four," I responded,
grabbing my stuff to go.


"I just want to know why, Harley.
" demanded Colby, grabbing me
by the elbow.


"I think it's pretty obvious why. I'm
just sorry I didn't do it
I told him.


"Er, break up with you, that is."


I felt a little wistful as I got up and walked
out the door, I'm not gonna lie. Ten years with Colby wasn't just anything,
even if many of those years had been mired with disappointment.


But then I remembered Blaze. His bed. His
cock. How he'd made me beg for it.
and over and over.


I had the night off, but I figured I'd head
down to the bar, anyway, just to hang out.


Maybe someone I know will come in…
thought lustfully.




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In Bed
with a Badass

Copyright 2014 by Sarah Sethline



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