Rubbed Raw (10 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

BOOK: Rubbed Raw
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“What’s wrong?” Tommy asked and put a hand on my shoulder.

I grabbed my bass and tried to get up, but my thighs hurt. He put out his hand, and I let him help me up as I let out a soft groan.

Tommy leaned in close. “You’re walking like you got fucked all night.”

“I’m OK.” I had no idea it was noticeable.

He put his lips to my neck and brushed them over my ear. “I wish I could fuck you that hard. You like it rough, huh?”

I pulled away from him, slowly. “I’m not telling you.”

“Hey, Crystal,” Phil called to me. “I see Giovanni fucked you real good last night.” I had hoped he would be at work that day.

Chad shouted, “Shut up, Phil!”

“Why? She looks like he fucked her for hours.”

Chad angrily replied, “Stop talking about them fucking, OK?”

“She ain’t yours.”

“Well, she used to be!” Chad quickly covered his mouth.

I closed my eyes and prayed no one else knew what that meant.

“If you lay one more fucking hand on her, I’ll break your fucking face!” Giovanni screamed.

I looked towards his voice, as tears started falling from my eyes. Giovanni was walking towards Chad. If looks could kill, he would be six feet under.

“She’s my girlfriend. You keep your fucking hands, and everything else, to your damn self! I should’ve beaten the shit outta you.” Giovanni shoved Chad, and then swung at him, but Chad ducked.

Jon quickly got between them. “Hey, hey, hey! Cut it out!” He had to restrain Giovanni physically. “Whatever he did, you better get over it. You gotta work with each other, no matter what. Go outside and calm down.”

I watched Giovanni huff, push Jon away and walk out. Chad walked in the other direction, leaned his head against the wall and punched it. I went into the little room I played in to hide how upset I was.

“You cheated on Giovanni with Chad?” Tommy whispered to me. “Hard to leave an old lover behind, isn’t it?”

I turned around. “If you’re talking about yourself, don’t bother. If I ever cheat on him again, I’ll kill myself. I feel bad enough as it is.”

“I can see that.” He cupped my chin in a hand and wiped my tears with his thumb.

I bit my lip, trying not to cry. “We were both drunk.” I lost the battle and started sobbing.

Tommy quickly took me in his arms. “He’ll get over it.” He ran his hand over my back as he pressed his hard cock against me a bit.

The place I played from was slightly obscured from view by rest of the studio, which was a godsend. “I feel just awful. He was so mad about it; he bruised up my legs pretty bad. I’m still really sore too.”
Why did I tell him that?

“He hit you?” Tommy didn’t let me go, but I could sense he wanted to look at me.

I shook my head. “No. He fucked me so hard, I was seeing stars… but I liked it.”

“Angry sex is so hot.”

“But pretty painful for the girl.”

Tommy moved a hand under my skirt and grazed my inner thigh. “I can make it better.”

“Don’t.” I pushed on his chest. “I’m not hurting him again.”

He let me go. “Sorry, you have no idea how bad I want you.” He sighed. “I’ll go get my bass.” He kissed my cheek and walked away.

After being gone almost 30 minutes, Jon walked into the studio with Giovanni. He came to me first and threw his arms around me. “I’m sorry I exploded. They don’t know exactly what I meant.”

“Tommy does,” I whispered, clinging to him. “He won’t say anything, though.”

He stroked my hair. “You guys’re becoming good friends, huh?”

“Can we talk about that another day, please?”

He pulled back and kissed my lips. “Yes, my love.” He leaned his forehead against mine. “I’ll try and get through this fast. Jon said Dean’s always creating tension too, so he gave me a few ideas to help me deal with this. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I kissed his lips softly and touched his cheek. “I’m sorry.”

He pulled away. “Stop apologizing. It’s not helping. You guys were drunk. I get it. When I’m drunk… Forget it.” He scowled and exhaled loudly.

I had to smile. Every time he drank before we got together, he came on to me. That should have told me how he really felt.

“I know.” He nuzzled my neck. “I should’ve told you how I felt so we could’ve just made love, right?”

I picked up his hand. “Things worked out just fine. We have to leave the past behind, remember?”


“Let’s go,” Chris impatiently called to us.

Just as Giovanni walked away, Tommy came into view. He was carrying his bass by its neck. When he got closer, I could see it was a solid-blue six-string Fender. I had never seen anything like it. My mouth opened a bit in awe.

“You like it, huh?”

I nodded. “It’s beautiful.”

“I got it to match my eyes, but its closer to yours. Wanna check it out?”

I almost jumped in excitement as he handed it to me. Quickly, I put it on as he plugged it into a regular amplifier. At first, I just messed around with it, getting a feel for the fret spacing. The 5-string bass I usually played was custom-made for my smaller hands. The body was painted white with black trim, and it had splashes of color all over like a Jackson Pollock painting.

Excited, I started playing my favorite solo I had written about a year before. Tommy’s smile widened with each note I played. I looked up at him a few times, but was mostly engrossed in the music. I didn’t want to put it down, so I just kept adding to the original piece, as it came to me. I left out the bottom-most string, so I could play it again one day.

When I finally had enough, I smiled at Tommy. “Thanks, this is awesome.” Then I heard everyone in the studio start clapping. I looked around, and everyone had turned to me.

“You have to play that somewhere on the CD,” Jon called to me. “That was so amazing.”

Tommy touched my hand. “Play it again, so you don’t lose it.” Then he shouted, “Hey, record this. I wanna do something with it.”

I did it again, but on my bass. I couldn’t believe I remembered the whole thing. It sounded a little different, but still good.

Afterward, Tommy kissed my cheek. “You’re even more talented than I thought you were.” I watched him go into the control room with his bass and don a pair of headphones.

A few hours later, while the rest of us were eating lunch, Giovanni and Jon went to the gym. Giovanni had tried hard, but he had glared at Chad and yelled at him sometimes that morning.

“So have you told your boyfriend about me yet?” Tommy gave me his sexiest look.

I had to turn away from him. “No, maybe when he gets over the Chad thing. I don’t want him paranoid that I’ll cheat with you.”

“You have to tell him sometime,” he advised me. “He’s gonna figure it out.”

I rolled my eyes, “Only if you tell him.”

“Can I talk to Crystal?” I looked up and saw Chad.

Tommy frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You guys fucked up good.”

“Yeah, thanks for the reminder,” Chad replied.

Then Tommy smirked. “Looks like you ran into Giovanni’s fist a few times.”

Chad sighed. “I know. He got me in ribs good and hard, too. But, I deserved it.”

“Was it worth it?” Tommy’s eyebrows rose. “She feels good… Uh, I bet.”

Chad’s mouth opened slightly. Then he looked from me to Tommy a few times before closing his eyes. “Please, Tom, just watch out for Giovanni. I won’t do her right here, OK?”

Tommy’s smile widened, and he winked before he leaned in close to me. “Now that’s an idea.”

“Shut up!” I pushed him lightly.

He laughed. “You still want me, babe.” Then he stood up. “I’ll shout Fender if he walks in, OK?”

“Yeah, OK.” Chad sat in Tommy’s chair and sighed. “You screwed him, didn’t you?”

I blushed.

“When did that happen?”

“I didn’t say it did.”

“I can see the way you look at each other, and I almost always know when you’ve slept with someone, and you know it. Don’t tell Giovanni. He’d hate that you cheated with Tommy, too.”

I scowled at him. “It happened in Boston!”

“Wow!” Chad looked shocked. “That was some weekend, three of us? Phil told me Giovanni was doing you after I left the room. I should’ve known.”

“Don’t try and talk about something else.”

“Baby, I’m sorry. I know. I made a mess of things for you. I didn’t mean to.”

I exhaled loudly. “He forgave me, you know.”

Chad looked around then he pulled me out of my chair. “Holy shit,” he quietly exclaimed as he lifted my skirt and touched my thigh. “I’m gonna fucking kill him.”

I yanked my body away from him.

“He forgave you after he beat the shit outta you?”

“He didn’t hit me.”

“What did he do? Tie you down and fuck you till you cried? Did he draw blood? Your legs look like he raped you.” His volume rose.

“Chad, be quiet.”

“Baby, he hurt you. Does he abuse you like this all the time? I gotta stop this shit now.” He got up and started walking away.

“Chad, come back here. It’s not like that.” I grabbed his hand. “Please sit.”

We both sat down again, but I let out a groan. “See, he really hurt you. It’s not fair that he only punched me a few times, but he did that to you.”

“Chad, I liked it,” I admitted.

He looked into my eyes. “I could never hurt you on purpose like that. How can you like sex that rough?”

“I don’t know. Chad, if he was abusing me, I swear I’d tell you.”

Then we heard, “Fender.” Chad jumped up and quickly left me.

Chapter Nine

When I came out of the bedroom Thursday night, Giovanni stared at me. “Damn, that’s sexy!”

I wore a tank top that showed off my lower back tattoo, lots of cleavage and the tattoo on my shoulder than matched Chad’s. In addition, I had found a short skirt. I topped the outfit off with five-inch spike-heeled, knee-high boots.

He pulled me into his arms. “You sure you can deal with being in these clothes?”

I smiled at him. “With you, I can do anything.”

He gave me strength inside I never had before. When I was with him, I had confidence. I felt safe and secure. It was as if I was a better me. I hoped I wasn’t deluding myself.

He took me by the hand, and we walked to Chad’s. It was our first gig of the week. As soon as we got there, Giovanni kissed my lips and went to help Phil load his drums.

When Chad saw me, he was shocked. “How in the world are we gonna play without staring at you tonight? You look so amazing.” Then he picked up my hand.

“Hands off, man!” Giovanni almost screamed.

Chad suddenly shouted back, “Don’t bruise her up!”

Giovanni quickly got in Chad’s face. “Fuck her again, and I’ll bury you. I swear!”

“Get the fuck away from me.” Chad shoved him. “You got no fucking right to tell me what to do. You practically beat the crap outta her with your fucking dick.”

“It’s none of your damn business how I fuck her.” He started walking back to Chad.

I got in the middle quick. “Cut it out, now.”

“Not when I’m mad, Crystal, please.” Giovanni was almost begging.

Chad gently got me out of the way. “Don’t, baby. He’s a bit crazy when he gets pissed.”

“Stop fucking touching her!” Giovanni swung at him.

Quickly Chad put his arm up and blocked the blow, but stumbled backwards from the momentum. “What the fuck, man? I was trying to protect her from you. Get over it already. I was fucking drunk, man. I’m sorry!”

“What did Chad do?” Phil asked as he pulled me further away from them. “They been at each other’s throats for days.”

I leaned my head on his arm. “I can’t tell you.” Then I looked up at him. He was peeking down my blouse. “Hey!” I elbowed him in the gut. “Stop looking at my tits.”

“Why can’t I see them?” He gave me a sad face. “They won’t even notice. Can I just feel them please? Please?”

I looked at Chad and Giovanni. Chris and Mark had separated them and that seemed to be helping. They had stopped yelling at least.

“Why’re you so obsessed with my breasts?” I asked Phil.

He grinned. “You saw my dick. It’s only fair I get to see your tits, you know. But if you wanna show off your pussy, I’ll take that.” He stood behind me, pressed his hard-on against my ass and whispered. “I’d love to get my dick in there and make you scream. You’ll like it as much as you like Chad’s.”

“Chad’s?” I was more shocked than anything.

He laughed softly, “Yeah, Chad. I saw you guys fucking one night. You left the bedroom door open, and I came back to get my keys. I heard a moan and had to look. I couldn’t see enough of you, though. If you can take all of him, you can take mine easy.”


Then Phil followed me into the house and down the hall beyond the kitchen. “Why am I so different from Chad and Giovanni?” He called after me. “Come here.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. Then he got me against the wall. With my heels, we were the same height, so it was easy for him to press his hard cock against my pelvis.

“Phil, I can’t.” I had always wondered what he would be like in bed, but knew it was just wrong. “I’m with Giovanni.”

He sighed. “Fine, but just remember that wasn’t a ‘no.’ So I know you want me to fuck you one day.” He took my hand and rubbed it over his erection. “This is gonna rock your world.”

“Hey!” I pulled my hand away.

He looked like he was about to say something then suddenly he put a hand over my left breast and squeezed it. “Oh, nice.”

I slapped him across the face. “Cut the shit, Phil.”

“That’s a nice titty. Worth the slap.” He smiled. “So what’ll you do if I surprise you by shoving my cock in your pussy?”

I pushed him. “You do that, I’ll punch you, and then tell Giovanni.”

“OK,” he backed away a bit more. “Don’t want you telling him.”

“Phil, get your ass out here!” Mark called to him.

He looked at me. “One of these days, Crystal, I’m gonna fuck you.”

When he was gone, I went down the hall just a little more to the basement door. I wanted to get some of my skimpier clothes Chad had packed away for me.

When I got back outside, I put the clothes on the front seat of Giovanni’s van. I leaned over with the door open and pushed them to the middle so they would stay folded. Suddenly I felt a hand up my skirt pulling at my panties.

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