Rule (41 page)

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Authors: Jay Crownover

BOOK: Rule
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She made a face and I saw her skin
heat to a pretty shade of hot pink.  “Nice Rule, the Rule that goes with this
hair is boring in bed, I don’t like him.  I just want normal Rule back and
everything that comes with him.  It’s been awhile so I just wanted to make sure
we’re on the same page.”

I barked out a laugh and gave her a
squeeze while working my hands up under the material of her dress to get a
handful of her very bitable ass.  “I can’t decide if I should be thrilled or

She leaned forward so that our
mouths were almost touching.  “I just want you.”

I grunted in response and decided
the time for talk was over.  She gave a squeal of surprise when I climbed to my
feet with her still in my arms.  She shifted her legs so she was wrapped around
my waist and twined her arms around my neck in a loose hold.

“The present giving can take place
in the bedroom I assume.”  She didn’t answer but instead started to kiss all
along the side of my neck.  It made my blood thunder in my ears and I wasn’t
sure I was going to make it to the bed when her sharp little teeth clamped down
on my ear and she started whispering every dirty thing I ever wanted to hear
into my ear.  I kicked the door shut with the heel of my boot and kissed her
all the way down to the black comforter on my bed.  Her legs parted and I found
myself cradled in the only place I wanted to be ever again.  I hooked a finger
in her very tiny panties and striped them off.  Had I known how little she was
wearing under that short dress I wouldn’t have made it even half way through
the party.  We both groaned at the first press of skin on skin as she grabbed
the back of my t-shirt and pulled it off over my head.  We still had enough
clothes that I could kiss her and kiss her, and rub against her with delicious
friction while winding us both up to the point we were panting and straining
against each other in the most enjoyable way.  I was glad she didn’t want it
soft and gentle, glad she could take whatever I threw at her because it had
been too long and I felt like the top of my head was going to come off.  I made
a guttural noise of protest when she maneuvered free and pushed me over onto my
back.  Knowing she was naked under her dress had me itching to get my hands on
everything that was damp and achy but she had other ideas.

She was messing with my belt buckle
and telling me to take my boots off but apparently I was too slow to comply
because she had it all handled and I was spread out below her in nothing but my
birthday suit in no time flat.  She turned her back to me and asked me to undo
the zipper that ran from her shoulder blades to the base of her spine.  I was
eager to oblige her especially when all the black material covering her satiny
skin puddled in a pool on the floor at her ankles.  I ran my fingers along the
pronounced ridge of her spine and was pleased to watch a trail of goose bumps
follow in the wake.  She looked over her shoulder at me and I felt my heart
turnover at the mischief in her gaze.

“So I actually got your present a
while ago, before we started having problems which was lucky I guess because
now they’re healed and you can actually touch them.”  She pulled her long hair
up in one hand and turned to face me as my curiosity peaked because she had her
arm across her naked chest which made her climb back up on the bed so that she
was straddling my waist interesting and fun to watch and had my erection
sticking up like a led pipe between the two of us.  She dropped her arm and my
eyes snapped as wide as they could.  I was pretty sure I was drooling because
while Shaw was the most beautiful woman in the world to me, Shaw sporting
nipple rings, naked and on top of me was enough to make my brain short circuit
and all remaining blood in my body shoot right between my legs.

“Oh man that is so fucking hot.”

She laughed a little which turned
to a whimper when I circled the cool metal with a finger.  “That’s my
birthstone.”  The jewel in the center of the ring was a shiny, pretty bluish-green
aquamarine, delicate and pretty just like her.

She hissed out a breath when I
tugged on the ring softly and I saw her eyes droop a little in pure unadulterated
desire.  I knew better than anyone how much intimate piercings could enhance a
sexual experience and I would make it my personal mission in life to show Shaw
everything I had ever learned.  She bent down for a kiss.

“Happy birthday Rule, I’m giving
you me for now and forever and if you want to give me back I’m not going.”

I flipped us back over and kissed
her like it was the end of the world, kissed her like we would never get to
kiss again, kissed her like, well like I loved her and was never going to let
her go.  The slide of tongues and press of my lip ring imprinted on her how
much I missed her.  The bite of teeth left marks that let the world know we
were claimed, the press of nails into tender skin had both of us breathing hard
and by the time I got my hands between her legs and my mouth on that pretty
jewelry decorating even prettier nipples we were both a wild tangle of grasping
need and less than tender groping.  I felt her nails break skin on the curve
above my ass as I worked her into a frenzy with my hands and mouth but I wasn’t
nearly done.  We had been apart too long and the weeks before I was trying so
hard to be something I wasn’t that I had tainted something that was amazing
between us and I wanted to erase all of that, only my girl had other ideas.

“Rule,” She had one hand pulling on
my hair and the other reaching between us in search of my cock that was
throbbing insistently between our stomachs.  “While I appreciate the foreplay
and the fact that nice Rule is clearly gone if you don’t fuck me in the next
two seconds I’m going to scream.  It’s been too long.”

Her eyes were bright and shiny and
while I would have liked to get her off at least once before unleashing all my
pent up sexual frustration on her it didn’t look like she was going to give me
a choice in the matter.  I grunted because her fingers curled around my dick
and slid across the skin stretched tight by the barbells and my rampant
erection.  She wasn’t playing fair so I lifted myself up in a vertical push up
so that I was poised at her burning hot entrance and let her guide me home.  We
both went still at the initial contact, the absolute perfection of the two of
us together like this was just a lot to take in and we had to give it a minute
to sink in.  She hitched her hips up and I slid all the way in until both of us
let out a different swear word.  It wasn’t slow and sweet, more like frantic
and wild but it was wonderful and so damn hot I thought we were going to burn
each other up.  The brush of the metal in her tight nipples made me growl every
time they brushed against my chest and I could feel it every time the top ball
on the head of my cock hit her clit because her body bowed up and her breathing
got choppy and wild.  It was the kind of sex I could only have with her and
when I felt her come apart around me I realized I might not really know what
love was on my end, but I could recognize it so clearly shining out of her when
she looked at me that I couldn’t help but feel she had to see the same thing
when I looked at her.  I picked up the pace felt her run her hands up and down
my back and grab onto my ass and then shattered into a brilliant mess that I
didn’t want to ever put back together.

She turned her head and kissed me
on the temple.  “Love you.”

I pressed my face into the curve
where her neck met her shoulder and sucked the skin between my teeth.  “I’m
going to love you Shaw.”

Her eyes crinkled at the sides. 
“You already do.” 

I didn’t have to say anything
because I figured she was probably right.  Me and this girl and spent too much
time trying to be too many different things for too many wrong reasons for too
many other people now it was just up to us to be ourselves for each other and
love each other for all the right reasons.  As she curled up next to me and
threw her leg across my waist I knew that somewhere, somehow this is how it was
always supposed to be and maybe just maybe this was a gift I could share with
Remy because I was happy, Shaw was happy and ultimately that’s all he would
have wanted for either of us.


8ish months later

“If you don’t lay still and quit
wiggling around I’m going to stop.”

“But it hurts.”

“You always say that.  We do this
enough that you know exactly what you’re getting into.  I’m almost done so stop

“You could be gentler.”

“You don’t like it when I’m gentle. 
Seriously Casper you are the worst client ever which is a shame because all
this white skin takes ink like a dream.”  I glared at Rowdy as he peered over
the short wall again and leveled him with a death glare.  “If you don’t stop
trying to get a look at my girlfriend’s ass you’re going to need to find a new
job because I’m going to break all your fingers.”  Shaw giggled and turned her
head where it was resting on her crossed arms propped up on the she was laid
out on the table before me.  The current piece I was working on for her covered
her entire right side from the base of her armpit to the bottom curve where her
sweet ass met her thigh and everything in between.  It was huge and graphic and
arched all long her delicate rib cage.  I still had about three hours of color
and shading to add to it but since the canvas practically lived at my apartment
I wasn’t worried about finding time to finish it up.  But while I was working
on it now she was practically naked, covered only by my hoodie and a very tiny
pair of shorts.  I knew the guys in the shop were digging the view, they always
did when I worked on her, but it was hard to concentrate and keep the lurkers
at bay at the same time.

Rowdy flipped me off but grinned in
good humor.  My friends loved Shaw, loved that she made me tone all my crazy
down and became an easier guy to live with and be around.  It was almost a year
in and while I still wasn’t the easiest person in the world to get along with I
was making real strides in at least being a more tolerable human being.  “That
could be the very best piece I’ve ever seen you do.  Are you going to put it in
your portfolio when it’s done?”

The piece was a very intricate,
very colorful day of the dead inspired grim reaper.  The face on the woman was
beautiful and tragic and she held onto an exact replica of the heart I had
initially drawn on Shaw’s palm all those months ago.  Shaw had insisted on two
things in the design, she wanted the sacred heart represented and she wanted it
to resemble the grim reaper on my side.  I never would have thought Shaw was
going to get as interested in body modification as I was, but after only a
month of us being an official couple she had asked me to draw her a bunch of
tiny snowflakes in different colors of blue, gray and white.  When I asked her
why she said my eyes reminded her of winter and she wanted something to keep
with her for always that reminded her of me so she now had a snow storm that
started behind her left ear and trailed across the back of her neck to base of
her right shoulder.  It was one of my favorite places on her body to traced over
with my tongue and loved not only that she got something that reminded her of
me but that I was the one to put it on her.  A couple of months after that she
wanted me to draw her up a horseshoe with Remy’s name in it so she was also
rocking a memorial tattoo for my brother that made me feel good every time I
saw it on her inner arm when she hugged me or we held hands.  The piece I was
working on today was a hundred times bigger and more detailed that either of
those, it made a statement and I had to admit I loved it, loved the design,
loved that she trusted me enough to permanently alter her and loved that I was
the one that was going to see it every day when she got into bed beside me.

I ran the paper towel I was using
to wipe away excess ink and blood off of her over her hip and cleaned her up. 
I gave her a light tap on the ass and snapped off my gloves.  “That’s up to
Shaw.  If she wants it in there I will, if not it’s cool.”  I flexed my fingers
as she swung her legs around the table so I could slime tattoo goo all over her
and wrap her up so she didn’t ooze blood and ink all over the place until I
could get her home.  The hand that had her name inked across the knuckles
folded up and brushed against her cheek as I snuck a kiss.  As a professional tattoo
artist I knew all the mojo and all the warnings about tattooing a significant’s
name anywhere on your body but I didn’t care.  I liked looking down and seeing
her name there, liked when I held my hands next to each other our names were
side by side forever on my skin.  I had also had Nash ink a perfect little
replica of Casper the Friendly Ghost behind my left ear so that I had something
that reminded me of her in the same place she had something that reminded her
of me.  It was kind of cheesy but she thought it was sweet and the way she had
showed her appreciation was enough to keep me smiling for days so who gave a

“It’s beautiful.  Thanks love.”

“So are you.”  I kissed her again
as she hopped of the table carful to keep all the good stuff covered up as she
went into the bathroom to get dressed.  She trailed a finger across the bald
side of my head where I had it shaved.  The mohawk was back at alternating
intervals and she hadn’t been lying, she never cared what my hair looked like
and long she could get hands in it our around it she didn’t care what style it
was or what color I picked for the month.

Rowdy shook his head and gave me a
sour look.  “You are one lucky bastard Archer.”

I laughed and started to clean my
station up.  “I know it.”

Things weren’t always perfect.  We
were still two very different people on two very different paths but we always
managed to take time and work it out.  The trial against Davenport had been
hard because I hated watching her have to relive it all and there was just too
much influence for him to get as harsh a sentence as he deserved but she stayed
strong and even when her parents had encouraged her to just drop the charges
and let Davenport’s dad deal with him she had pressed forwards and done the
right thing and Gabe was getting punished just not as harshly as any of us
would have liked.  Her parents weren’t any kind of fan of our relationship but
once it was clear that Shaw and I were a package deal or they weren’t welcome
anywhere near her they had relented slightly.  Personally I think it was guilt
from the attack and their general shitty parenting that kept them paying her
tuition and begrudgingly accepting me in her life but I didn’t care because I
was there to protect her from them so whatever the reason as long as they
behaved it was all good or at least good enough.

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