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Authors: Kelly Jamieson

Rule of Three (12 page)

BOOK: Rule of Three
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“Me too,” Chris grunted, quickening the rhythm. Kassidy curled her fingers around the base of his cock, sucked him with greedy wantonness until he spurted in long streams onto her face, in her mouth. Dag watched, heart pounding, ears buzzing, still pulsing inside Kassidy’s hot little body, watched her suck and lick Chris then swipe her fingers over the cream on her face and pop them in her mouth. Oh man. Oh man.

He fell forward onto her body, gasping for air, felt one of her hands come to rest on his damp back, fingers moving in small strokes.

“You are so hot, sweetheart.” Chris’s words penetrated the fog Dag’s brain was in and he felt Chris move on the couch, realized Chris had bent to kiss Kassidy. Her fingers still caressed his back, though, up and down in small strokes.

“The hottest,” he mumbled in agreement.

He heaved himself up onto the couch and collapsed beside Kassidy, laying an arm across her stomach. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, his eyes closed. Once again, she’d destroyed him. The two of them had destroyed him, but Kassidy… He’d never been with a woman who turned him on, turned him inside out like she did.



Kassidy tried to breathe. She still tasted Chris in her mouth, her lips humming and burning from taking him so deep, her pussy still pulsing. She licked her lips, let a smile curve her lips, sank into Dag’s hot body on one side of her and Chris’s on the other. She’d loved sucking Chris with Dag watching, his eyes hot and intent, his big cock fucking her at the same time, both of them inside her.

What had happened to her? Kassidy, the good girl. Good girl gone wild was apparently what had happened. Once again she’d had the chance to put a stop to this. But she hadn’t.

Her heart softened and expanded in her chest at remembering Dag’s words, his offer to take the blame for this, to end it if that’s what she wanted. God, he was nice, so much nicer than she’d thought when she’d first met him, that wicked glint in his eye, that bad-boy smile and mocking attitude giving off a whole different impression. There was a lot he kept hidden, she was sure of it, carefully hidden way down deep, and Kassidy had a feeling even Chris didn’t know all of it.

The way he’d watched both of them. He’d watched her, yeah, as he’d fucked her, but his gaze had moved over Chris too, watching his cock slide in and out, watching Chris’s face as she’d sucked him off.

All day long, especially when Dag and Chris had both rubbed sunscreen all over her body, she’d felt as if her senses had been electrified. As if every touch sizzled, the coconut scent of the sun lotion intense and sexy, the sun hot on her skin, the sounds of the water rolling onto the beach a sensual rhythm. She felt sexy. Desirable. Desired.

By two men.

She didn’t even care what people at the beach must’ve thought watching two men rub lotion onto her body with such wickedly sexy strokes.

Dag and Chris started nibbling on her again, little kisses and licks over her shoulders and neck. She shivered, gave a small laugh and hunched her shoulders against the tickling.

“Whatsamatter, Kass?” Chris murmured against her skin. “Too soon?”

“Not for me,” she gasped as Dag kissed his way down her chest, over the slope of her breast and then kissed her nipple. Ooooh. Gawd. Her eyes drifted closed. “But you…”

“Hmmm. Doesn’t seem to be a problem.” And Chris tapped her thigh with his hardening cock.

“Not for me,” Dag said. He sucked her nipple in, her tender nipple, and heat zapped through her. He too rubbed his cock over her leg. He’d gotten rid of the condom in a pile of crumpled tissues on the table. Their condo was turning into a sex palace.

They were both hard again. Already. For her. How could she not be melted by that, completely, totally softened and liquefied?

“Bedroom,” she whispered.

“No.” Chris licked her jaw. “The couch is so…”

“Full of possibilities?” Dag suggested, looking up from her breast with gleaming dark eyes.

“Yeah.” The two men exchanged heavy eye contact. Oh lord, what did they have planned for her now?

“This time it’s my turn to fuck you, sweetheart,” Chris said.

“Um…wow. Okay.” Her insides went all heavy and achy. Again. Already. Dag’s fingers slid down there and played between her thighs.

“She’s wet. So wet.”


Chris gave her a hard kiss on the mouth then moved away. “Lie down, sweetie. On your back.”

Dag moved too, hands helping her down, and then Chris lifted her ankles up onto the couch and turned her body. She felt like a doll, a little helpless, a little used, but not in a bad way. They laid her on the couch, her head on the armrest, and Dag slid off to stand beside the couch while Chris knelt between her legs.

Chris smiled down at her, his face still wearing a flush, hair tousled. His chest, wide and muscled, his golden-brown hair in the center of it tapering down in a swirl of lighter gold around his belly button, then farther down to the thick nest of brown hair around his cock. He, too, had gotten tanned today at the beach, a nice golden tan that emphasized his muscles. He lifted her knees up and back and planted one of his feet on the floor, the couch too narrow.

She blinked at him and reached a hand out to touch Dag’s thigh, her head spinning a little. Then Dag slid his hands into her hair, turned her head to face him and angled her chin up. She met his eyes, dark and dangerous, and as he fed his cock into her mouth, Chris pushed inside her.

Dag held her jaw with one hand, his other hand pressed to his groin at the base of his cock, and fucked her mouth. She’d taken Chris deep, something she’d practiced and learned how to do, relaxing her throat, swallowing him, but there was no way she could do that to Dag. She raised her eyes to his face again, a little whisper of worry inside her that he might try to make her do it, but his eyes reassured her, his strokes firm but not aggressive.

“As much as you want, babe,” he murmured, watching her face with erotic hunger. “As much as you can.”

She wanted to swallow him, all of him, his thick length filling her mouth, bumping the back of her throat.

“It’s good,” he mumbled. “So good. As much as you can, that’s good, baby.” His smile warmed her.

Chris plunged into her again and again, hands on her inner thighs, pushing them wide for him.

“Christ, Kass, look at you. Sucking Dag’s cock like that. Oh man.” The urgent drag of sensation in her pussy, in and out, in and out, started pleasure building, a faint buzz of pleasure at first, growing bigger, faster, higher. She used her own fingers between her legs to accelerate it, rubbing her clit. “Oh yeah, sweetheart, yeah, do it…” Chris’s voice trailed off into a groan.

“Gonna come, Kassidy.” Dag’s words dragged her gaze back to him. “In your mouth…aw, fuck, yeah…” And a grimace contorted his mouth, his eyes squeezed shut almost as if he were in pain and the taste of him flowed over her tongue and down her throat as she sucked and swallowed. “Oh yeah, baby, that’s so good. Sooo good.”

“Yes, now…” Chris was coming too, pumping inside her in hard pounding strokes that rocked her body, jiggled her breasts, and sent her over too, flying high. Dag’s cock slid out of her mouth, and he bent and kissed her as she came. She left her body, she didn’t know where she went, but she floated and throbbed and soared on sensation.



Dag seemed to end up at Chris and Kassidy’s place a lot over the next week. During the day he met with other investors and business people he needed to get his venture started. In the evenings he spent time with Chris and Kassidy, sometimes with Chris doing guy stuff, but often with Kassidy, picking her brain for the training and development knowledge he needed.

What would he have done without her? She was a godsend, a treasure trove of information, experience and ideas. Advice from a human resources professional with experience in training and development was invaluable.

“You’ve done a ton of work on this,” she said slowly on Thursday night. She and Dag sat at the dining room table while Chris watched a baseball game on television not far away. Dag’s creation was coming together nicely, and the research he’d done showed he had something new and different and marketable.

He shrugged. “Yeah. Well. There’s a lot to do.”

She sent him a funny, almost puzzled look. “Just remember, we call it talent development now. You’ll want to use the latest buzzwords when you’re talking to people—investors or buyers.”

“Talent development,” he repeated, typing on his laptop.

“Learning and development has to be aligned with corporate strategic initiatives,” she continued. “For us, and probably most organizations these days, competencies are an important focus.”

“How do you train on those?” he asked.

“We hire external consultants who’ve developed specific programs on things like client service, problem solving, teamwork.”

“That must be expensive.”


“Okay.” He typed again, fingers clicking away on the keyboard. “What do you think about doing that kind of training online?”

She frowned. “Hard to say. A lot of the learning comes from the interactive classroom experience where people share their experiences and learn from each other’s questions.”

“But if you could do it in real time? With the ability to share information and ask questions?”

“It could work.”

How could he test his product before he got too far into this? Maybe develop a prototype and get someone to try it. Once again, Kassidy.

He looked up at her, curled up cross-legged on the chair in a pair of short shorts and a tank top, her hair loose on her shoulders. “Would you try it? If I build a prototype. I need to know how well it works.”

“Wouldn’t you need more people?”

“Yeah. But I don’t have more people. Well, there could be you and me and Chris. Chris would do it too.”

“A class of three,” she said with a smile. “What are we going to learn?”

“I need some content.”

“Hang on.”

She disappeared down the hall and returned with some books and folders. “I can’t give you stuff from RBM obviously, but here are some training materials from courses I’ve taken. You can use this just as sample materials.”

“Perfect.” Excitement gripped him as always when he was working on creating something new. “Thanks, Kass. What would I do without you?”

Her pleased smile warmed him and he winked at her.

“Who’s winning the game?” he called to Chris.

“Cubs. Three nothing. You guys done?”

“Just about.” He had a few more questions for Kassidy. “So what about recruitment?” he asked. “Internal recruitment. I assume you often hire from within.”

“I’m not the expert on that,” she said. “But, yes.”

And they talked for another hour. Kassidy was passionate about her work and seemed to love to talk about it. Her knowledge impressed him. She was so much more than just a pretty face, but he should have known Chris wouldn’t hook up with someone who didn’t have more going on than looks. And she seemed impressed with all his work too, which gave him a warm, satisfied feeling inside.

And, like almost every other night that week, he ended up staying over at their place, sleeping with Kassidy and Chris in what was becoming the sweetest, hottest, almost daily routine.

Chapter Ten


Kassidy was just coming out of a meeting Friday afternoon, laughing at a joke her boss had made, when Chris appeared in the hall. It was unusual for him to be on her floor; they usually didn’t see each other during the day.

“Hi,” she said with a smile, walking toward him, her steps slowing at the expression on his face. “What’s wrong?” Her heart gave a jump in her chest. “Dag…?”

“No. It’s your mom.”

Kassidy frowned and Chris took hold of her upper arms.

“She had an accident. A car accident.”

“Oh my god. Is she okay?” Her legs started to shake.

“She’s in the hospital. I’m going to take you there.”

“But…I have a meeting…”

“Come on. We’ll tell Paul.” Kassidy’s boss, Paul, had just disappeared into his office.

“Chris…she’s alive, isn’t she?” Fear held her in a tight grip, made it hard to breathe.

“Yes.” His grim mouth didn’t reassure her, though, and she stumbled along after him down the carpeted hall and into Paul’s office.

Chris told him what had happened.

“Go,” Paul said immediately. “Call me later.”

Kassidy nodded, unable to put thoughts together. “Tell Julie…the project folder’s on my desk…my purse…” She turned to Chris and he took her hand, his warm and strong.

“We’ll get it. Come on.” He led her next to her own cubicle, found her purse and the suit jacket she’d draped over the back of her chair.

“What hospital is she at? What happened?”

“I don’t know much,” he replied as they rode down the elevator to the underground parking garage. “Your dad called me. He sounded…upset.”

“Oh god. He’s not good at stuff like this.” Kassidy pressed a hand to her stomach. Please, please, her mom had to be okay. She wiped her mouth and stared into space. The elevator stopped on the eleventh floor, then the ninth floor, the fifth, the fourth… God! Didn’t these people know they were in a hurry!

Her skin crawled with impatience and nerves tightened her stomach. She licked her lips and glanced at Chris.

“It’ll be okay,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down her back.

She nodded tightly. Finally they were in the garage and she wanted to run to their car, her high heels clicking and echoing in the concrete structure.

Traffic got in their way, even though it wasn’t rush hour yet. “Dammit, move!” Kassidy shouted futilely at a car driving slowly in front of them. Chris reached out and took her hand again.

“Sssh. It’s okay, Kass. We’re just a few minutes away.”

She squeezed his fingers, closed her eyes and tried to focus on breathing. What if her mom died? She wouldn’t. She wouldn’t die. But she could be paralyzed or brain damaged or…

“I’ll let you out here,” Chris said, pulling up in front of the emergency entrance. “I’ll find somewhere to park and come right in.”

“O-okay.” She wanted him with her, but she stepped out of the car and hurried into the building. The unmistakable odor of hospital antiseptic stung her nostrils and turned her stomach as she ran up to the desk.

BOOK: Rule of Three
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