Run the Gantlet (8 page)

Read Run the Gantlet Online

Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Vampires, #Paranormal

BOOK: Run the Gantlet
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“I have to. It is written.”

Eloise was going to debate that fact, but the woman had freaky power and three more goes at testing her so it was better to stay on her good side.

“I spoke the words. I must see it though.”

Caitriona was a woman of her word. Eloise expected no less from someone she was related to. She sighed deeply. “Can I then suggest you make them real y easy? Maybe you could chal enge me not to eat chocolate or not to buy clothes.”

Again the light laugh sounded. “You wil do wel . I can see your man loves you.”

. Eloise was caught up in the surprise that she could love Arrow. She did not expect he felt the same. The man had been around. Despite al his talk about her being “the one” she doubted that meant love. But again she wasn’t about to debate the toss with Caitriona and lust was just as good as love sometimes and less complicated. The thing was, they just had to make a one-thousand-plus-year-old woman believe in them. “What happens after the tests?”

“I can live again.”

“Real y?” This was not something Eloise had heard before. Uncle McManus and even Arrow only mentioned that she would be at peace. Not alive.


The hopeful sound of Caitriona’s voice surprised her. It never occurred to Eloise that she could come back to life. Maybe someone else would have thought this spooky or odd, but it had been so much a part of her life that “odd” did not factor into it. “Okay, so this testing stuff has a purpose to it.” This wasn’t just about her and Arrow and sex and other things like unexpected emotions.


This woman deserved another chance at life and at happiness. “I’l do it for you.”

“Do it for yourself.”

* * * * *

“You have a red mark on your forehead.” Arrow appeared beside Eloise as she was hanging out the washing. His eyes traveled down the pale skin of her legs. Eloise looked good in shorts. Better naked, of course. It gave a vampire al sorts of ideas.

“Yes.” She did not stop to look at him.

The lady clearly had something on her mind. “You have got a lot of black stuff on the line.” In fact only a smal amount of white and red—and those were knickers and towels—peeked out from the dark clothes.

“I like black.”

Uh-huh. Short sentences meant a short temper. “What’s up with you, shorty?” Although Arrow had only known Eloise for a smal period of time, he knew she was not one to beat around the bush.

“Men suck.” She jabbed a peg into a towel, pinning it to the line.

“I see.” That Eloise thought men sucked did not surprise Arrow. Women had been thinking that since the dawn of time.

“I spoke to Caitriona today.” Eloise turned to look at him.

Even angry she was cute. Arrow tried not to smile as he knew that was the last thing she wanted from him.

“That prick of a vampire she fel in love with screwed around on her. She could not trust him.”

Ah, now Arrow understood. Caitriona’s words would have stirred up so some heavy emotions within Eloise. He understood that feeling. Arrow had gone from not wanting anything to do with Eloise into genuine like and respect that had now turned into deep, true love. It made him smile.
Oh how the mighty
. In many ways he and Eloise were exactly alike. Both capable of being alone and never wanting anyone in their lives.
Until now
. “You’re not Caitriona and I’m not him.” He would not let them end up the same way.

“Aren’t we?” She left the towel hanging by one corner as she looked at Arrow.

“No.” The woman had her hands on her hips and he knew she was ready for battle. Problem was, who was she fighting? Him or herself?

“Who are we then, fang face? We barely know each other.”

Arrow tried to take one of her hands but Eloise backed away from him. “I’m not going to let you down.”

“Easy to say now, but what if another woman—”

“What? Talks to me? Flirts with me? Smiles at me?” That Eloise was jealous was cute but she had no reason to be. “It doesn’t mean I’m unfaithful.” For the first time in his seven hundred years Arrow wanted only one woman and she was too blind to see it.

“No,” Eloise conceded. “But you’re an attractive man and I’m—”

“What?” Arrow knew that despite her bold words and smart mouth, insecurity lurked below the surface.

“I’m average and not exactly a supermodel.” She threw the peg she had clutched in her hand into the washing basket. “You could have anyone.”

“I want you.” That was pure and simple fact.

Eloise snorted. “That’s probably what Caitriona’s lover said to her just before he screwed around. Can’t you see that our lives run in paral el to theirs?”

She was a mortal woman. He was a vampire. Of course Arrow could see that but beyond bloodlines that’s al it was.

“I see what this is.” He was not about to let what they had fal to pieces. It may not be the most conventional of romances but it was theirs and he would do whatever he had to in order to protect it. “You’re scared and I’m not, and you think some half-assed hissy fit is going to chase me away.”

“Oh piss off.”

Anger was a good, honest emotion and he wanted to see how truthful it would make Eloise.

“No, I won’t because I’m right about us.”

Eloise charged forward and pushed at him. “This is what annoys me most about you.” She slammed into him again. “You are an arrogant prick.”

Arrow caught her each time. “And you can’t handle the truth.”

“I can if I hear it.”

“Are you wanting to start a fight with me?”

“Yes.” Her hands hit his chest once more.

“Go ahead. Give it your best shot, lady.” He held his arms out to his side.

“Arrgh!” Eloise jumped up on him, wrapping her legs around his waist. The force of her jump sent them crashing back against the timber wal of the house.

She started pummeling his chest like a wild woman.

Arrow tried very hard not to laugh. Her blows were not wel aimed and most of the force had left them by the time they connected with his body. He had to admit that her body plastered against his was making him think of anything but war. “You’re a fierce little thing.”

“I’m not little,” Eloise yel ed at him as she continued to fight on even though she did not have a clue what she was doing. She was angry at him, herself and Caitriona for dragging them into this mess. “I hate you.” Eloise landed one last puny slap on his shoulder. But then where would she be without Arrow?

Probably alone, yet with al her washing pegged on the line.

“I love the way you hate me.”

She stopped and looked at him. ”What am I doing?” For the first time in her life she had no idea.

“Fighting yourself.”

Arrow was right. She was. “This just can’t work between us.” She slid down from his body. They were too different. Her insecurity about their relationship would stand in their way. That she was even thinking “relationship” amazed Eloise. Two days ago he was just a pain in the bum she had to avoid.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m scared you’l let me down.” Even as she said the words Eloise knew that was unfair of her to say. Arrow had been nothing but honest and giving.

“I won’t.”

I want to believe you.
“Maybe I’l let you down.” That was the more likely possibility. The urge to get in the car and drive off was stil strong.

“You could never do that.”
Arrow grinned at her. “‘Want to slug me again?”

Eloise gave a reluctant smile in retuned. “I saw you laughing at me when I jumped you. It pissed me off more.”

“You can jump me any time, shorty.” Arrow pul ed her against him. “I need you.”

His cock pressing against her stomach hit home that fact. “I can feel that.”

“Right now.”

“Here?” Eloise unwrapped her legs from his waist and tried to move away from him.

Arrow turned her so she was now the one with her back to the wal . There was no escape from what they had together and they both knew it.

He tugged on her shorts until they hit the ground. He smiled. “No underwear. I like it.” Arrow’s hand cupped her pussy. “Did you stop wearing them because I asked?”

“Yes.” Eloise pushed against the warmth of hand. The idea that she al owed him access to touch her whenever he wanted made her wet. “You want to—”

“Fuck you up against this wal ?”

“Someone wil see.” Though even as she said the words her care factor as to whether they did or not was not high. She kicked the shorts free of her ankles.

“Who?” He lifted her ass with his hands.

Eloise jumped up into his arms, once more wrapping her legs around Arrow’s waist. Looking over his shoulder, she could see nothing much as the large heritage green water tank obscured the view.

Arrow leaned into her, holding her with one arm so his other hand could undo his trousers. “Do you care what others think? As far as I am concerned, there is only you and me and no one else matters.”

He was right. When she was with him, their own world was the only thing she cared about. She leaned in and kissed him. That took them both by surprised for she had never done that before.

“Oh how I adore you,” Arrow murmured against her lips.

“Get your pants off and that cock inside me now.”

Arrow threw back his head and laughed. “I like this pushy side to you.” He freed his cock.

Eloise reached for it and positioned it at the core of her body. She had been hot and wet for him from the moment she had seen him. “Take my shirt off.”

“Hang on.” After a series of maneuvers that would have made a contortionist proud, Eloise was bare-breasted.

“Suck me,” she whispered low as her eyes locked with his. “Fuck me.”

Arrow groaned and shoved his cock deep inside her as his mouth fastened on one pink nipple.

Eloise choked back the scream that came to her lips. This was exactly what she needed. The suction of his mouth competed with the pounding of his cock. The forbidden aspect of the moment was also exciting. That they could be seen and caught made her even hotter. “Hurry up.”

Arrow looked up at her. “I see you have dominatrix tendencies.”

“No, I just know what I want.” Her head clunked back against the wal as he increased his pace within.

“And you want me.” His smiled was arrogant and pleased.

“As you want me.”

“For life, shorty, for life.” Arrow’s hands were firm on her butt. “Hang on.”

Eloise would have thought it was impossible to fuck even harder at that angle, but then Arrow was a man on a mission and they had the same goal. To come in each other’s arms. His mouth fastened on her other breast. Eloise felt her body start to shake as a wild feeling of joy erupted through her. “Oh Arrow.” Her head dropped against his shoulder as she al owed him to do whatever he wanted for she was completely and utterly his.

Arrow’s mouth lifted to find hers and the kiss he gave her was like the breath of life. It sent her nerve endings tingling. As the orgasm hit, Eloise knew that whatever else happened between them, she would never forget how much she loved Arrow at that moment.

“Was that good for you?” His lips teased hers as they held on to each while their bodies calmed down.

“The best. You are the best.” She craned her neck to the side in invitation. “Bite me.” She saw the need in his eyes. “Please.” As he sucked on her neck, Eloise sighed in satisfaction. She had never been happier in her life.

“Stil hate me, shorty?” Arrow asked as he finished feeding on her blood, his fingers gentle as he stopped the flow.

“Very much so.”
I hate you so much I love you.

Arrow’s eyes searched hers. Their bodies were stil locked together. “You know what?”

Yeah, she knew. Eloise was sure what she saw in his eyes reflected her own. “Don’t say it.” She knew he was going to say he loved her and it was al too soon for that.

“I feel it though.”

“I know.” Eloise did as wel .

“You too?” Arrow was pleased by the fact.

She put his hands to his lips. “Not yet.”

“You have to admit it some time. Truth sets you free.”

“And denial helps you sleep at night, fang face.”

“You’re a hard one.”

“No, that would be you.” That Arrow was once more becoming stiff inside her was thril ing.

He chuckled. “I hate you so much I can barely think straight.”

“Hate me faster…harder.” Once more Eloise held on for the ride.

* * * * *

“This cannot happen.” The old crone known only as Darragh was not happy. She and her two companions muttered dark, ancient words as they looked into the fire and saw the lovers mate once more.

“We cannot al ow Caitriona to live again.” Finel a spat into the fire, extinguishing it.

Sineag agreed. “She knows too much. Caitriona can destroy us.”

“And the natural order of things,” Finel a added.

“This pair wil stay together if we don’t do something.” Despite neither the vampire nor the mortal admitting it, Darragh knew true love when she saw it and it sickened her. They had worked too long to keep Caitriona at bay. They would not let her live now.

“I never thought a Gaunt woman would fal for another one of his kind.” Finel a stood and began pacing. None of them had. They had believed they were safe. Previous Gaunt women had not been like this one. “I thought maybe she—”

“No, and it’s just like the gods to create mayhem when we saw none.” Sineag sat back and looked at her companions. “This woman of Gaunt does not understand her own heart at times, so how could we have foreseen that?”

“So we have to kil the mortal.” Darragh saw no other option.

“Yes, I stil have the knife Caitriona used to end her own life.”

Just like Sineag to trophy hunt. “Good. Justice wil be done.”

Chapter Seven

When the lightning struck her car with a whopping great crash that shook the front of Voodoo You, Eloise yel ed and dropped down behind the counter.

She knew it was her car as it was the first day in three weeks she had managed to score a park right out the front and the car that was on fire was in that parking space. When the next strike took out the awning of the shop, Eloise stood up and swore. She heard Mesopia screaming from the office in the back. It was a sunny day. There were no clouds. What the hel was going on?

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