Run the Gantlet (11 page)

Read Run the Gantlet Online

Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Vampires, #Paranormal

BOOK: Run the Gantlet
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He needed her. He adored her.
And I am no longer lonely
. Arrow did not speak those words. As much as she tried to act otherwise, he did not want the soft-hearted Eloise being with him because he was lonely. This was al or nothing. Eloise had to want to be with him because there was no power on earth that could stop her.

“No one compares to you, shorty.” What was it with mortal women? The few flaws they perceived they had seemed to blind them to their beauty.

“Good answer, fang face.” She fumbled with her list. “I guess you’re used to women. You know—”

“What?” Al his attention was on Eloise. She was cute when she was confused. Arrow knew there had to be a lot of conflicting emotions within her. No matter what warning her uncle might have given her, this had stil taken her by surprise. That she loved him, Arrow did not doubt. Curse or no curse, Eloise was not a woman to give herself away unless it meant something. He longed for the day she admitted she loved him.

“Wel , I mean, you know, you must have lots of women looking at you.”

Ah jealousy. The words “I love you” may not have come from her mouth but it was pretty close. He picked up her free hand and kissed the palm.

“I’m yours, Eloise, as you are mine. Whatever happened in the past is the past.”

Her eyes were enormous on his. “Um, I need eggs.”

“Believing in us does not weaken you.”

“I-I think they’re in aisle seven.”

Eloise moved off before Arrow could speak. He didn’t fail to notice the look of distaste Eloise gave the blonde woman. He fol owed behind, his eyes glancing only once at the blonde. She smiled a smile he was only too familiar with. It was al promise and no substance. Arrow needed more than that now and he had that with Eloise.

“Sineag is making a fool of herself.” Finel a eyed the blonde in disgust. She and Darragh had cloaked themselves in invisibility and taken up their positions to watch. “Her breasts are practical y fal ing out.”

“Yes, but she has the vampire’s attention.” Darragh was not surprised by this, as Sineag had morphed into a near-naked harpy to attract him.

Finel a nodded reluctantly. “He does look interested. This just may work.”

“Yes, and more importantly the Gaunt woman looks upset.” That was most important. They needed to sow the seeds of doubt in her mind. “Al we need is for her to believe he is unfaithful and then that ruins any chance of the last test being passed.” Or of Caitriona coming back to life and wreaking whatever havoc she planned. But that was not something she wanted Finel a to be focused on. If she did, then Darragh could not harness her powers to save her own life.

“Mortals are so foolish.” Finel a’s voice was ful of contempt.

“You were one of them once.”

Finel a turned on Darragh, her eyes sharp with knowledge. “And you want to be again. I’m not stupid, Darragh. I know you plan to get rid of us but I’m not as compliant as you think.”

Damn. This was not what Darragh needed. Sineag could be dealt with easily for her own ego would destroy her. But Finel a suspecting her true intent was not something Darragh had planned on. It was true. The quiet ones were always the most surprising.

“Then I’l have to work with you.”
Until I can work out how to get rid of you.

“Or kil me.” The two exchanged glances. They knew where they stood. “Either way that slut Sineag dies.” Finel a was adamant on that.

“Yes.” At least they agreed on something.

* * * * *

“What is it?”

Eloise had been unusual y quiet on the way home in the car. They had borrowed Mesopia’s. Arrow knew it had to be about the woman they had seen.

“Nothing,” she murmured as she began unloading bags from the car. “I have one last test to get through and then—”

‘“We’ have the last test to get through.” That she was thinking in the singular was not something Arrow wanted to hear. They were in this together. He loved her and he knew he could make her believe in it.


Arrow took the grocery bag from her and clasped her hand in his. “Come on, talk to me, shorty.”

“I don’t know.”

“In your heart you do.” The confusion he saw in her eyes made him want to take her in his arms and kiss any doubts she had away.

“Maybe I don’t have a heart.”

Eloise had one of the biggest hearts he knew of. “Yeah you do, you just choose not to use it.”

“Oh Arrow, I—”

He looked at her in wonder as he picked her up and spun her in his arms. “You cal ed me Arrow.” It made him feel ridiculously happy. “Fang face is sexy though.” He placed her feet on the ground, his hands moving down to her ass.

Eloise tried half-heartedly to push back from him. “We can’t keep having sex like this.”

“If I did not touch you at least once every hour I would die.”

She snorted in laughter. “Very poetic from the immortal being—hey!” Eloise was forced gently back against the car by Arrow.

He made sure he covered every inch of her body with his with his as he leaned in and started kissing her passionately. He wanted to remove any ounce of doubt she had. “You just don’t get it, do you?” He said in between kisses, giving her a chance to breathe.

“What?” Eloise panted out as she clutched hold of him in need.


“There is no us.” Her eyes were soft and wil ingly but he wanted more from Eloise.

“You try my patience, shorty.” His mouth found hers once more and he kissed her without mercy. Neither spoke as they gave over to the passion of the moment. Eloise’s legs lifted around his waist and Arrow contemplated who could see them if he took her on the hood of the car.

“Arrow,” she whimpered as their lips broke free. “Make love to me.”

Make love? It was exactly what he needed to hear from the woman he loved. Arrow pul ed at the buttons of her shirt. He needed to taste more and her writhing body underneath his promised great delight for both of them.

“Hel o? Anyone there?”

“What the fuck?” Eloise murmured when she heard the woman’s voice. She looked into Arrow’s eyes and saw the same confusion and disappointment she felt.

“I seem to have a flat tire.”

Eloise’s first thought was “Who gives a shit?” Her second was to look up and see who it was. Bloody hel . It was the blonde bimbo. “Do you live around here?”
Or are just stalking on the off chance you’ll get lucky

The woman’s eyes were on Arrow as the two lovers stood. “I need help.”

“I’l cal the nearest auto mechanic.” Eloise did not give Arrow a chance to speak. She could see the amusement in his face. Wel , let him be. She was sure if some man were after her he would not take it peaceful y. Wel , at least she hoped he wouldn’t.

“It wouldn’t take long for you to change it and I would real y appreciate it.”

It was as if Eloise were not there at al . She was total y ignored by the blonde. Her sticky-sweet words made Eloise want to puke.

“Certainly,” Arrow murmured as he walked toward the woman.

“What?” Eloise looked at him in amazement. He knew she did not like the woman yet there he was, going straight to her.

“I wil be back, shorty.”

“Like I give a rat’s ass,” she muttered as she began rebuttoning her blouse. “If you touch her, then you are never touching me again.” That was a fact set in stone.

“What?” Arrow turned around and looked at her.

“Nothing, dear,” Eloise responded overly sweetly, wishing al sorts of evil down on the blonde’s head.

An hour later he appeared in her bedroom.

“You’re a bit late. I’ve put al the groceries away.” She was getting ready to have a shower, and after that the plan had been to mope on her bed while eating Tim Tams and not thinking about Arrow.

“Are you okay?” Arrow watched as she moved around the bedroom, picking up things.

“Fine.” Eloise picked up fresh knickers and deliberately waved them in the air. It was like a flag of defiance, as if cotton could bar his entry.

Arrow made a grab for the knickers and tossed them against the wal . “You don’t sound fine.”

Eloise’s hands went to her hips. “You don’t even know me.”

“Is this because I helped that woman?”

Well, duh
. “You smel of cheap perfume.” Some women have no idea of what was tasteful.
Eau de
puke at ten cents a gal on wasn’t it.

“Are you jealous that I helped her?” He smiled at the thought.

“No, I’m wondering how you got to smel so tacky.”

Arrow held his hands up in defense. “I did not touch her.”

Lucky for you
. “It’s not up to me what you do or don’t do.”


“Arrow,” she mimicked back his stern tone.

“You’re being sil y.”

“Am I?” Of course she was. She was sil y in love over him. “Don’t you think it’s odd we’ve seen her twice in one day?”


“Oh.” She hadn’t been expecting Arrow to agree with her.

“Took the wind out of your sails, did I?”


Arrow walked toward her. “I just wanted to see who she was.”


“She’s just a woman who needed her tire changed.”


You’re cute when you’re jealous.” He leaned in and tweaked her nose.

“I’m not jealous.
“This thing between us is just…” she stopped, trying to find the right word that said what she felt but did not give it total y away.


Eloise sighed deeply. “Wel , I thought we had something more.”

“Like what?”

How non-helpful was he being? “You tel me?”

“That I love you and that despite the tough act you put on, I know you love me?” Arrow said the words so easily. “Yeah, we have that, Eloise, and I’m not interested in any other women. It’s you I want.”

Her heart went al soft and gooey at his words. “It’s easy to say now but what if—”

“What if I see a gorgeous woman? Yeah, I may look but that’s it. And don’t tel me you wouldn’t look at another man’s butt.” Arrow’s smiled was teasing. “I can tel you after seven hundred years of looking that I know I have found the right woman for me.” His eyes were on hers. “How many other ways can I convince you I love you, Eloise? Do you want me to drop to my knees and beg you to believe? Because I wil . Do I have to swim a raging torrent? Climb a perilous peak? Walk through fire dressed in a tutu?”

That made her laugh. “You’re very sil y for vampire.”

“Yeah, but I love you and it would not kil you to admit the same thing.”

“Okay, you’re right, I love me too.” Eloise backed away as he moved with determination toward her. She held up her hands. “The thing is, this has been real y fast for me and I’l admit I have been a little bit scared by it.”

Arrow chuckled at her words. “A little bit?”

“Okay a lot.”

“So?” He waited for more. “Are you going to say it?”

“Do you need to hear it?” Never having said the phrase before, she was not sure how to say it.

“Yeah, I do,” Arrow responded softly.

The sound of his voice was like a plea. Eloise took a deep breath.

“Wow,” he murmured.


“This is a big thing for you, isn’t it?”

“It’s huge.” She looked at the man in question.
Just say it.

He stood and waited, hands on his hips. “So?”

“Don’t rush me.” The words were there, just stuck in her throat.

“I could die of old age waiting for you to speak.”

Eloise rol ed her eyes at him in annoyance. “Jeez, you’re pushy. Okay, I love you. Are you happy now?” She moved in closer him. Yes, she was scared.

This was al so new to her. But she also needed to touch and taste him. She recoiled from him as another woman’s scent slugged her in the nose. “You smel like a brothel.” Eloise stepped backward.

“How romantic you are, shorty.” He was more amused than offended at her words.

“Wel , it’s a horrible smel .” Though not horrible enough to not feel his body against hers.

“But you love me?”

The fierce possessive need in his voice thril ed her. “Yes.” No matter what she was getting herself in for that fact remained true.

“Regardless of how I smel ?”

“Wel …” A woman could only take so much.

Arrow held out his hand to her. “Come wash it off me.”

That would be fun. “Just washing?”

“Whatever you desire, my lady.”

The feel of Eloise’s slippery ass rubbing up against him was driving Arrow beyond the brink and he was pretty sure she knew it.

“What?” She turned her head to look at him innocently.

“You know.” There was nothing innocent about the hands that had made their way over his body, washing in him in slow, lingering strokes. There was nowhere Eloise had not touched and he had not discouraged her, and now his cock was so hard that he was in danger of exploding al over Eloise before he even got a chance to slide inside her. “You’re a tease.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

Arrow loved this side of Eloise. It was sexy and playful. “Fuck you until you scream.”

She arched her eyebrow cynical y. “Promises, promises.”

He pushed her up against the tiles until the tips of her breasts grazed the cool, white surface. Arrow moved his hands down her back to the swel of her ass, loving the way she trembled as he nudged her legs apart. He dipped his fingers into her vagina, feeling the creamy wetness that awaited him.

Arrow’s cock jabbed at her butt cheeks in excitement.

“Getting a little out of control there, fang face?” Her words came out in tight, short gasps that matched the rhythm of his fingers within her body.

Arrow licked her neck. He could smel the sweetness of her blood. Eloise fulfil ed every need he had. Arrow wanted no other.

“Do I need control?” His hands moved from her pussy, fol owing the crack of her ass. “Can I do what I like with you?”

“Oh yes,” she moaned as her backside ground against his cock. Eloise jumped forward with a start as one long finger slid into the tight, puckered hole of her ass. “Arrow?”

“Relax, shorty, you wil like this.” He slowly eased his finger in and out of her body, getting her used to things to come.

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