Russian Mobster's Pregnant Mistress (2 page)

BOOK: Russian Mobster's Pregnant Mistress
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“Okay, that is the cheesiest pickup line ever.” She actually rolled her eyes at him. People never did that. It was truly a novel experience.

“And yet you set me up for that line with your baffling desire to tell me of your suspected lacking in bedroom skills,” he pointed out. “I was only giving you the obvious response.”

“Damn, you’re absolutely right.” She threw her head back and laughed loud and long.

The sound of her laughter was a truly beautiful thing. Jacob felt himself responding. Yes. He wanted to sink into Maggie and lose himself in her delightful body, but it was her mind that was captivating him with each second that passed.

Chapter Two

Maggie was starting to think that her definition of a suite and Jacob’s definition of a suite were two very different things. First of all, she hadn’t paid much attention to what hotel was across the street from the club. The Plaza wasn’t just any hotel. It was so far out of Maggie’s price range that she would have considered a one-night stay on par with a vacation.

Now she was trying to play it cool while Jacob escorted her through the lobby. The marble floors and vaulted ceilings made Maggie feel like a peon walking through a palace.

Maggie caught a glimpse of two men keeping pace with them from half a dozen yards away. “Are those men following us?” She peered at them while trying not to be too obvious about it. “I swear they’ve been on our tail since we left the club.”

“Should I be worried that you’re checking them out in case you’re considering asking one of them for a one-night stand?” Jacob’s expression was full of amusement, but his tone didn’t match.

“Yeah, they don’t look like my type.” She gave the two muscle bound men another sideways glance. “I’m not into super beefy, rent-a-cop looking guys.”

“Here we go.” He ushered her into the elevator and they were finally rid of their creepy admirers.

Jacob had to insert his keycard into the elevator door in order to access the top floor. Who
this guy anyway? He did look as if he had some money. Maybe she’d managed to snag a Fortune 500 businessman. She didn’t keep up with that stuff enough to be able to spot a billionaire anyway. It would serve her right if she’d accidentally snagged a super rich guy, but didn’t know enough to hang on to him.

The doors whooshed open and they stepped into a foyer done in dark wood and sand colored marble. There was a huge vase of flowers on a little table in the center of the room.

“Does it always look like this?” she wondered out loud. “I mean, the flowers, the basket of wine and cheese over on the coffee table, and that fully stocked bar. I would almost expect to see a little butler guy standing here ready to take orders.

“I have no idea how it looks when I’m not here,” he said with a careless shrug.

“I suppose that’s true enough.” She couldn’t exactly put him on trial for something that wasn’t at all his fault.

“Would you like a drink?”

Hell yes! I’m so nervous I could use about ten.
“Sure, that would be nice.” She struggled to keep a cool face even though her nerves were eating her alive.

“Wine, perhaps?” He stepped behind the bar, looking oddly at home. “Or would you prefer something a little harder like vodka?”

“Wine would be good.”

“Red or white?”

“Ugh! Just pick something and pour me a drink before I chicken out!” She clapped her hands over her mouth in embarrassment when she realized what she had said. Could she make it any more obvious that she was
an experienced woman of the world?

He pulled a glass from the overhead storage rack and reached for a bottle of red wine. The fragrant stuff smelled of flowers and rich, earthy fruit. Maggie grabbed the glass and sucked it dry. A pleasant tingling sensation began in her hands and traveled throughout her body. It was like a shot of instant relaxation.

“I’ll have another, please?” She gestured to her glass.

“Only if you promise to take it a little slower this time.” He held the bottle aloft, brow raised, until she nodded her agreement. He only poured her a half glass, the weenie.

“What’s the matter?” she asked glibly. “You don’t sleep with tipsy girls?”

“I plan to bring you exquisite pleasure.” The promise in his voice made her shiver. “You need to be conscious to enjoy it.”

“So when does this pleasure begin?” She took a sip of her fresh glass of wine. The flavor popped on her tongue and made her mouth water. Not unlike her companion.


He placed his hands flat on the bar top and leaned over. Maggie froze in anticipation. It was as if the whole world was holding its breath. Then his lips touched hers in the lightest of caresses. She leaned forward, wanting more. He increased the pressure, sliding his tongue across the seam of her mouth.

She gave a little moan. The wine she’d drunk mingled with the taste of Jacob on her tongue. She’d never experienced anything like it. He didn’t feel like a stranger. Was he exciting and different? Yes. But something about him made her feel strangely secure. As if he would keep her safe from everything and anything life threw her way.

He broke contact, pulling away and gazing at her with such intensity that she felt her insides tremble. “If you wish to change your mind, now is the time. Beyond now there is no turning back.”

Maggie gathered every bit of bravery she could scrape together. When Courtney had first proposed this one-night stand nonsense, Maggie hadn’t believed she could go through with it. Now she knew she could never walk away. She wanted this man far too much.

“Who says I want to turn back?” she asked boldly. Standing up, she reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head. Shaking out the silky pink fabric, she laid it over the back of a barstool. “Personally I’m beginning to wonder what the hold up is.”

Jacob had once stared down a man pointing a gun at close range to his face. That experience could not hold a candle to the intense adrenaline surge he was experiencing at this moment. Maggie’s slim hipped body was a delightful surprise. Her dress had shown off her long legs, but it hadn’t allowed him to appreciate her perfectly round butt cheeks or those pert breasts.

The creamy flesh rising from the cups of her pale-pink satin bra was so tempting, he could not resist. Jacob walked around the bar and stopped right in front of Maggie. He caught her gaze with his and held it while he reached out to run a finger across her chest.

Her skin was perfection. She was soft and warm, and when he dipped his finger into her cleavage he heard her breath hitch in anticipation. There was nothing as arousing as a woman’s honest response, and this one was proving she would be as candid in the bedroom as she had been in the club.

“Take it off,” he ordered roughly.

She didn’t seem to mind his tone. In fact, the way her pupils dilated suggested she liked it. Then Maggie reached up behind her back and unfastened her bra. Her breasts spilled free and Jacob cupped them in his hands.

“So beautiful,” he murmured appreciatively. “A perfect handful.”

He kneaded the soft flesh, squeezing until her nipples grew hard against his palms. Then he lowered his head and used his tongue to trace the edge of her areolae. She tasted sweet with a hint of salt. He puckered his lips around her right nipple and gave a light pull.

Maggie stabbed her fingers through his hair and dragged his head closer. “More, please? It feels so good when you suck them.”

Pulling her whole nipple into his mouth, Jacob sucked hard on the taut bud. She writhed against him, thrusting herself at him again and again as he took as much of her breast into his mouth as he could. He felt the tremors in her muscles and knew she was getting close.

He let go of her breast and took a step back to take in every inch of this beautiful woman. She was smart and sexy, and she looked every inch of it in her black kitten heels and pink satin panties.

Jacob swept her into his arms. She was light as a feather. In fact he could have toted her around like a tiny doll. Yet the way she snuggled close nearly undid his composure. People did not typically indulge in this sort of familiarity with him. It was shockingly pleasant.

“Take me to bed, Jacob,” she whispered. “I need you.”

He crossed the suite’s living room and kicked the bedroom door open. Laying Maggie on the soft duvet, he made sure she was watching him. She propped herself on her elbows, her eyes glued to what he was doing.

His dress shirt came off first. He unfastened the first two buttons and then pulled it off. Before it had dropped to the floor he was unfastening his belt. He could feel Maggie’s gaze roving over his body. For once he wanted someone to really look at him.

“What do the tattoos mean?” she asked softly.

He brushed the black tiger on his right shoulder and the cross on his left. There were words too, in Russian. But he wasn’t in a hurry to explain it all. So he pushed his pants down over his hips instead.

“Oh my,” she said breathlessly. “I mean, just—just wow. Can I touch?”

Jacob couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out this time. Then her fingers brushed his abdomen and he forgot how to breathe. The feather light touch was nearly his undoing. She pushed his boxer briefs down over his hips and sent them to the floor with his pants. He kicked out of his shoes and socks and stepped free of the clothing.

Her fingers skimmed the surface of his erection. Jacob hissed a response. He felt as if he were about to burst. He wanted to be inside Maggie so badly his cock was throbbing its demands.

When she leaned over and brushed a kiss over the head of his cock he gently touched her hair. She tongued the hole at the tip of him and then gave him a little suck. That was enough to shred what was left of his self-control.

“Lay back, Maggie. I need to be inside you,” he told her raggedly.

She didn’t need to be told twice. She got on her back and spread her legs to welcome him. Jacob settled between her knees and braced his weight on his hands. To his delight, it was Maggie who reached between their bodies to palm his cock into position. He felt how wet she was and experienced a jolt of pure male satisfaction.

The first few inches were agony. Maggie was tight and he was desperate. The friction was almost more than he could handle. He gained depth an inch at a time until he was fully sheathed inside her heat. He paused to stare down at her, memorizing the sight of her beneath him. With her dark hair spread across the bed and cheeks flushed from excitement, she was a beautiful sight.

Jacob began surging into Maggie’s soft pussy. The only noises in the room were her soft cries of need and the sound of his body slapping against hers with each thrust. He felt completion coming fast. She wrapped her legs around his waist and drew him even deeper into her body. He arched into the contact and impaled her as hard as he dared.

Maggie screamed and convulsed around him as her orgasm hit fast and hard. Her inner muscles clenched hard on his cock and Jacob felt the threads of his control slipping away. Heat pooled at the base of his spine and trickled down into his thighs. His sac drew up tight beneath his body.

“I’m going to come again, Jacob,” Maggie said with a moan. “Please make me come. Please!”

He felt her sex spread open against his pelvis as he ground against her. Then his climax hit and he knew no more. Maggie cried out again and dug her nails into his shoulders. Jacob wrapped his arms around her and molded his mouth to hers. He kissed her deeply as he poured his seed into her welcoming body.

Chapter Three

Maggie curled up beside Jacob in the enormous bed and gazed out the big windows at the city lights outside. “A girl could really get used to this sort of living.”

“What sort would you be referring to?” He was tracing circles on her back with his fingertips.

“The sort that includes five star hotels, fancy clubs, dinner in the best restaurants, and probably shopping.” She glanced up at him. “Although I’m really just guessing here.”

“You like the lifestyle? Then stay with me.”

She couldn’t decide if he was kidding or serious. He looked utterly sincere, but nobody invited a woman to stay with him after spending less than one evening in her company. It was preposterous.

“You’re kidding,” she decided.

“Am I?”

“Well I’m going to say you are, because if you aren’t there’s a good chance you’re crazy and I’m just too tired to deal with that crap right now.” She gave a lusty yawn. “It would totally ruin the mellow feeling I’ve got going on.”

Jacob wrapped his arms around her and rolled to his side. The position was strangely intimate. Their faces were only inches apart. In the darkness she couldn’t make out the details of his expression, but she had the oddest urge to memorize his features somehow.

Pulling her hand up between their bodies, she traced his eyebrows and the line of his nose with her index finger. He didn’t move. She drifted toward his lips next, remembering how soft they were.

“You’re a really good kisser,” she whispered. “I think you melt me from the lips down with that action.”

“Is that right?” He leaned forward just an inch or so more and pressed those lips to her forehead. The tender gesture seemed out of place for a one-night stand.

What was really going on here? “I always told my friend, Courtney, that I wasn’t cut out for a one-night stand.”

“And now that you’ve had one?”

His words put her off balance. What if this was the way he acted with all of his one-nighters? She struggled to find her sense of objectivity once more. It was a difficult task considering she was curled up naked against the person she was trying to be objective about.

“What are you thinking?” Jacob asked.

“I was trying to find the energy to get out of bed.” Of course that was a lie, but it made her sound unconcerned so she went with it.

“You could always spend the night.”

He sounded flippant. That wasn’t encouraging. “You know, maybe that’s something else about one-night stands that I haven’t got figured out yet.”

“What’s that?”

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