Russian Mobster's Pregnant Mistress (9 page)

BOOK: Russian Mobster's Pregnant Mistress
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Now Taggart was looking a little pale. “You can’t afford that sort of defense. Don’t forget we have access to your records.”

“And don’t forget you’re forcing me to acknowledge to a
wealthy Russian crime syndicate leader that I’m carrying his child. What do you think that’s worth?” Maggie asked. At this point she wasn’t even trying to be nice. She hated Taggart and she damn well wanted him to know it.

His expression closed and Maggie knew she’s won this round. Then he pointed one index finger right at her. “You’d better be careful who you play games with little girl.”


Chapter Eleven

Jacob paced from one end of his living room to the other. Twilight was falling over the city, but the view from his windows held no interest for him. The only thing that mattered was whether or not Courtney’s legal maneuverings had managed to alter Maggie’s state of incarceration. Beyond that, nothing else mattered.

“Jacob, there’s a cab pulling up in front of the building,” Sasha told him stiffly. “Igor says he can see Maggie in the backseat.” Sasha pressed a finger to his earpiece to improve the quality of the transmission. Igor’s dialect was so obscure that it made him almost impossible to understand.

“Please go and escort her up,” Jacob requested. Then he narrowed his gaze on Sasha. “Be polite please, and make certain she wasn’t followed.”

“It’s almost certain she has the FBI on her tail,” Sasha reminded him. “You’re literally inviting their informant into your home. In fact I cannot believe they were stupid enough to think that she wouldn’t give herself away in all of this.”

“You hit the reason on the head I should think,” Jacob said drily. “They are exceedingly stupid. And regardless of what the FBI does or does not know, Maggie is still welcome in my home.”

“Yes, sir.” Sasha gave a nod of deference, but Jacob could tell he was more than annoyed.

It seemed to take forever. Jacob paced some more and thought about the minutiae that could go wrong at any moment. The FBI were under the impression that she had told him nothing about her deal with them. They believed she had convinced him they’d had to let her go because she’d refuse to testify and they’d accepted that she knew nothing. According to the FBI’s plan, she was supposed to divulge the information about the baby to him. At that point the strategy he and Sasha had put into play would begin. Still, the probability of one or more parts going horribly wrong was statistically high.

Normally Jacob would have relished the challenge and the danger. This was different. The mother of his child was putting her life in jeopardy on his behalf. Not only that, but they were risking the health of their baby as well.


The idea still floored him. How had such a thing happened?

The front door of his penthouse apartment swung open. Sasha entered with Maggie close on his heels. She was saying something to him. Jacob caught the gist of their conversation enough to know that she was upset about something to do with Sasha and her friend Courtney. Jacob didn’t care enough about the details to pay attention beyond that.

“Sasha, you may leave us,” Jacob said firmly.

“I’ll be right next door.” Sasha was referring to the small space they’d had converted to what amounted to a guardhouse just outside his apartment.

“Fine.” Jacob didn’t care where the man went. He just wanted Sasha out of the way when he spoke to Maggie.

Sasha exited and Jacob was left staring awkwardly at Maggie. She still looked the same. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected. Some sort of visible sign of pregnancy perhaps? When did that happen for a woman with child?

“Are you all right?” Maggie asked softly.

“I’m just realizing how woefully unprepared I am for pregnancy and fatherhood.”

She nodded her head sagely. “Then it’s probably good that I’m going to be the one carrying the baby to term.”

Her joke penetrated the awkwardness and Jacob felt it dissipate. He chuckled and held out his hand. She took it hesitantly. Then Jacob pulled her close. He tucked her into his body and wrapped his arms around her. It felt so good to have her there next to him. She belonged somehow in a way that transcended any sort of sense.

“I’m so very sorry you’ve been dragged into this mess,” he murmured.

“Somehow I’m not,” she said. “Sorry I mean.”

“Come and sit down. We should talk. Unless you’re hungry?” He led her toward the couch.

Maggie shook her head. “I’m fine for now, thank you.”

Jacob took a seat and to his delight, Maggie settled in right beside him. She kicked off her shoes and curled up with her head on his shoulder. Placing her palm on his chest, she held it over his heart. The tender gesture warmed him in ways he’d never experienced.

“I never thought I would be this comfortable with anyone,” she said softly. “But ever since I left the other morning, all I can think about is how wonderful it was to lie beside you at night.”

“I enjoyed that as well,” he told her softly. “And I think I could most definitely get used to waking up with you beside me.”

“I have no idea how this is going to end, but I’m glad you’re in it with me.” Maggie yawned and nuzzled his arm.

“Do you want to rest before we talk?” Jacob realized he was incredibly concerned about her physical and emotional state. He knew she was a strong woman. Anyone with less strength would have buckled under the strain long before now. But Maggie was carrying his child and that changed everything.

“No,” she said with a small shake of her head. “I’m just relieved to be out of that horrid jail and here safe with you.”

“Tell me.”

“About jail?”

“If anyone touched you I’ll kill them.”

She chuckled. “I have no doubt that you would, but they didn’t put me in general population. I was there because they wanted something specific from me.”


“And we followed the plan that you and Courtney worked out.”


“Is it?” Maggie asked. “Because I’m a little worried that I don’t know what or how I’m supposed to be delivering this information.”

“It’s all part of the plan. Don’t worry.” He gave her a tiny squeeze.

Maggie knew Jacob was waiting for her to tell him about the pregnancy and about everything else, but she was almost hesitant to open such a potentially explosive topic. It was so very comfortable to stay there in his arms and feel his warmth and acceptance without reservation. Still, she did owe him an explanation.

“I didn’t realize I was pregnant until Courtney pointed out that I was getting sick at odd times, eating like a horse, and also that it had been awhile since I’d had a period.” Maggie hated that she had to bring this up, but it needed to happen. “I was busy at work and I must have missed my appointment with my gynecologist for my birth control shot. I’m very sorry. That was irresponsible of me.”

“It takes two to be irresponsible with these results.” Jacob placed a warm, loving kiss on her temple. “Go on.”

“So Courtney made me go to the clinic. The doctor there said I was about six weeks pregnant. So I have another eight and half months to go.”

“Is everything all right?” Jacob was concerned that she had been in a place like the county jail in her delicate condition.

“I’m fine. The jailer called a physician in to examine me and determined that the baby and I are no worse for the experience,” Maggie assured him. She was touched that he showed such complete concern for her without seeming to be overly worried about what she might have let slip to the FBI.

“Taggart will pay for having you thrown in jail on my account,” Jacob assured her darkly.

“I don’t care, Jacob. I just want you to know that I didn’t say anything at all. I refused to give them any information. Even though I didn’t have any, they were pretty convinced I did. And when they told me that the only way out was to become an informant in your household, that’s when I told them just to charge me and forget it.”

He cupped her cheeks with such tenderness that she thought her heart might explode. “I cannot thank you enough for the loyalty you’ve shown me. You had no reason not to give them whatever they wanted, but you didn’t. That means far more than you could ever imagine.”

“What about us, Jacob?” Maggie couldn’t believe the insecurity she was experiencing.

Jacob tugged her farther onto his lap and held her against his body. The utter and complete acceptance she felt in his embrace was a balm to her battered soul. He had never said it, but she felt Jacob’s love acutely.

“Courtney said you were paying for my legal fees,” she said shyly. “Thank you.”

“I would give you anything you wanted,” he told her. “You’ve only to ask.”

“What if all I wanted was to go to bed and snuggle up next to you until morning?”

“I would say yes.”

Jacob gathered her close and stood up. Maggie felt her heart quiver when he carried her so very carefully to the bedroom. It was warm and dim inside the room. He sat her gently on the bed and helped her undress. There was no pressure to perform and no sense of any expectations. There was only a desire to give and receive comfort.

Maggie snuggled under the covers. It was shocking at how much better she felt simply by being surrounded by Jacob’s scent. Minutes later he had crawled into the bed beside her. His naked skin rested against hers. She felt a stirring of desire, but the need for closeness overwhelmed any other needs.

He settled on his back and pulled her up against him. She flung a leg over his hard thigh and rested her head on his pectoral muscle. The apartment was silent. The only noise was the ticking of the clock hanging on the wall across from the bed. Maggie tried to imagine what it might be like to experience this feeling day in and day out.

Jacob gently brushed his fingertips over her back. He traced the shape of her shoulder blades and then followed her spine down to her butt. Finally he caressed her hip and made his way toward her belly. When his hand settled low over her abdomen Maggie realized that the idea of having a baby was becoming real to him as well.

“It’s hard to believe that there’s a tiny person growing in there,” he whispered.

“So does this mean my kid gets dual citizenship?” Maggie teased.

Jacob kissed her forehead. “This means
child will have dual citizenship. Yes.”

“Jacob, how will this work? I never saw myself living the kind of life that includes the FBI hounding me day in and day out.”

“You won’t.”

He said nothing else. Just that. Maggie was left to wonder what exactly he meant and whether or not he intended them to be a couple. She hadn’t thought that far ahead yet, but the more she did the more she realized that she wanted Jacob in her life.

“I never meant for any of this to happen,” Jacob told her gently. “But now that it has, Maggie, I’m not letting you go.”

“I don’t want you to.”

“I have a plan,” he admitted.

“Is this the same plan that Courtney told me about?”

There was a long pause. He waited so long that her eyelids grew heavy. Then he shifted beneath her and wrapped her snug in his arms. Maggie felt cherished. She’d never thought about what true intimacy might be like, but her heart was telling her this was it.

Jacob traced her nose with his finger. “We will go with Courtney’s plan, but I’m going to add a few things to it.”

“I’m guessing these are things you’re not telling anyone until it’s time for them to happen?” Maggie was heavily aware of the fact that it was highly possible the FBI was sitting across the street somewhere with surveillance equipment.

“When the time comes, just remember that you can trust me. No matter what anyone else says.”

Maggie squeezed him tightly. Her gut was telling her this was going to get a whole lot messier before it was over. “I trust you,” she said. Miracle of all miracles, it was even true.

Chapter Twelve

Jacob rolled to his side, opening his eyes when he reached out and felt an empty bed beside him. A quick glance at the clock told him it was later than usual. In the two weeks he and Maggie had been living together he’d discovered her to be a bit of an early riser.

“Hey.” She appeared in the bedroom doorway with a warm smile on her face. “I thought I heard you moving around in here.”

“I was looking for you.” He stretched, feeling a sense of contentment that no business deal could match. “Come back to bed.”

Maggie walked a little farther into the bedroom and perched on the edge of the mattress. Her hand settled on his hip as though she couldn’t stand to be this close without touching him. The idle stroking of her fingers was heaven. Jacob gently covered her hand with his and laced their fingers together.

“I woke up starving,” she explained. “So I went ahead and made some breakfast.”

Jacob became aware of a delectable smell wafting its way through the penthouse. He inhaled deeply. “You made coffee.”

“Of course. Someone is useless without his morning cup.” She gave his fingers a squeeze. “I’m kind of surprised there’s not an espresso machine in the bedroom so you can grab a quick fix before morning sex.”

“Let’s just say there are other things about morning sex that wake me up far more enjoyably than any cup of coffee.” Jacob waggled his eyebrows at her, unable to contain his smile once she started giggling.

“It doesn’t feel like it’s only been two weeks,” Maggie said with a sigh. “This has been like a dream. I just wish it could last forever.”

Jacob sat up and threw his legs over the side of the bed. “Let’s not think about that.”

“We have to think about it soon,” she said darkly. “I have my first meeting with the FBI”—she made a face—“handlers this afternoon.”

“Not thinking about that!” he said loudly. “Not thinking about it. Not. Not.”

Jacob swept Maggie off her feet and cradled her against his chest. “Now, what was that about breakfast?”

“Have I told you lately how much I love breakfast?” Maggie gave an exaggerated sigh. “The yummy baked goods and fluffy eggs, and all of the pancakes! So good to eat!”

She was still listing off her seemingly endless list of favorite breakfast foods when Jacob carried her into the kitchen. It was obvious she’d been busy this morning. There were blueberry muffins, scrambled eggs, biscuits that looked light enough to float off the plate, crispy bacon, and plump sausage links.

BOOK: Russian Mobster's Pregnant Mistress
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