Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC) (28 page)

BOOK: Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC)
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e practically had
to roll that bastard into his home. But when all was said and done, we got him into his bed, placing a half empty bottle of whisky in his hands. If what The Sapo Boys had said was true, he'd be waking up in just a few hours. We had one of our men place the call at a nearby pay phone.

“Hello. Yeah this is a concerned neighbor of Bobby Farole’s. I just saw a disturbing group of men enter his garage with him. They were carrying large bags of what looked like white powder.” They quickly hung up the phone so the call couldn't be traced.

We wiped our hands of the crime, as quickly as we had come up with the plan. It easy easy, really. And when Bobby Farole woke up in handcuffs, it was him who was screaming. Hell, I heard it took over ten officers to get him in that squad car.

Truth be told, it wasn't over yet. Not by a long shot. There was still the problem of Angelo and Luke. We had to deal with that quicker than I wanted to. Bruce was keen on the idea of going into hiding until justice worked itself out. “The rest of the gang will take care of it.” he simply said, smoking his cigarette, as if he were trying to burn a hole through time itself.

“How?” I asked him, bewildered. Hope shook her head, angry he would even suggest running away from this problem. It was big. I got that. And because of Bobby Farole’s arrest, they'd be attacking sooner than later. And when they did, we sure as hell had to be ready.

“We tell them the truth. We tell them about Angelo, Luke, and Bobby. We tell them everything.” he said. “Meanwhile, we take a little vacation till things smooth over.”

I grabbed the cigarette out of his hands and chucked it. “Since when did you run away from your battles. This isn't the fucking Boy Scouts. Are you being serious, man? The guy tried to rape and kill Hope. We need to administer some justice.” I demanded it. Not just for the betrayal to our motorcycle club. But for Hope too. She deserved that much.

Bruce looked away and sighed. “I don't know what's come over me. Maybe I'm just getting old. I just don't have much fight left in me, Avery. Seein’ this kind of shit happen time and time again takes a whole lot outta you. I hope you're ready for it. I hope you can learn to be a better leader than this old man.” He shook his head and sat down against his desk.

“I'm ready.” I said. “But you're not giving up that easy. I ain't gonna let you.” I threw him a pistol and said, “Buckle up. This shit could get crazy.”

Hope looked out the window. “Crazy? It's already been crazy.” She stopped dead in her tracks and her eyes widened. “Uh…guys?”

“What is it?” I said, lunging forward to look. Outside was a parked, white van with dark tinted windows. “What the…” I motioned for Bruce to come over and take a look.

“Sons of bitches.” he muttered under his breath.

“Look familiar to you?” I asked.

“No. That's what scares me. I've been lookin’ out this damn window for more than 30 years now. I ain't ever seen a van like that parked outside.” Bruce lit up another cigarette and cursed loudly. “Fuck!”

“It's starting.” Hope whispered.

“Fuck it. I'm going out there.” I grabbed my gun and cocked it back.

Hope screamed, “Avery don’t!” I know she was scared for my safety, but it was my god damn duty to protect hers. Bruce came running out with me, shotgun in hand. When we pushed our way through to the outside, the van had started driving away. “STOP ‘EM!” I screamed. We held our guns in front of our faces and aimed. BOOM! The sound of bullets shook the whole street. Police sirens could be heard in the distance. The van had already disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Hope came running out the door. “Get the plate!” she screamed.

“The plate was blank.” I said. “Come on, the cops will be here any second. We should get outta’ here.” I grabbed Hope and walked steadily to my bike. “Bruce, stay safe.” I called out.

he next few
days were going to be long and difficult. I knew that much. Luckily, Bruce had sent some men to guard my house. It felt like how it used to, in the days before I met Hope. I’m not sure if that was such a good thing.

All this excitement, though… It was really getting to me. I took one look at her and realized just how much I needed her. It had been too long since I felt her, since I really held her close. And the fact that I had almost lost her to the most monstrous man in town, really shook me up. From now on I would protect her. She would be treated like a fucking queen.

She was laying down on my bed, legs facing me. I sat down and placed my hands gently on her legs. “The most important thing is to keep you safe.” I said.

She closed her eyes and her jaw dropped slightly open. “I feel safe when you touch me.” she said.

I leaned over her gentle body. She looked up at me with absolute trust and love. “You do?”

“You saved my life, Avery.” she muttered.

“You’re damn right I did.” I squeezed her waist, feeling her perfect skin lay even against my palm. “You’re my angel.”

She couldn’t help but blush by my compliments. This time, it wasn’t about playing games with her head. This time I meant it. She flipped her body over, straddling me with her hand around my pant loops. “I want to return the favor…” she moaned, pulling at my leather belt.

I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. Her fingers fumbled at my zipper, but little by little I felt the denim come loose. She pushed her hand inside, grabbing ahold of my firm cock, growing inches by the second. I slid my pants off and let her go to town. Finally, I had her all to myself.

I lay breathless as her warm tongue slowly wrapped around my rigid shaft. “Oh, fuck.” I moaned, running my hands through her soft, scented hair. She glanced up at me and smiled a little -- this got me going. Then, as if to show off her skills and devotion towards me, she pushed her head forward and managed to slide my throbbing member down her throat. Was this real? Was she really mine?

“Sit on it.” I commanded. Her lips, tightly wrapped around my shaft, slid off. She stood over me and turned around, arching her back, as she slowly sat down against it. I watched as her lips enveloped it, completely. “You’re incredibly tight.” I grunted, pushing up as she pushed down against me. The whole time she was pushing her clit against my skin, working herself up to a frenzy.

Soon I picked my body up and held her close, kissing and nibbling at her awe-inspiring tits and nipples. My one hand was firmly grabbing her ass, while the other wrapped around her subtle ribcage and waist. “God, you make me go crazy!” she yelled. “Bend me over…”

I pushed her over onto the mattress and spanked her ass, with force. “Yes!” she screamed.

“You’re mine forever, baby?” I spanked her again, feeling her ass bounce against my palm.

“I’m all yours, Avery. I want you to use me. I want you to take me. Own me, for all I care. Your cock is perfect. You’re perfect.” The words honestly sent chills down my spine. I had never met a girl as down as her before. And I was as lucky as I was proud to have her.

I pushed her onto her side and wrapped my arms around her. I wanted to feel her completely. I wanted to consume her. That night I did everything with her.

She became mine. All mine. I couldn’t believe it. When I first met her, she was nothing to me. No one was, really. The only thing I wanted from the world was recognition from my brothers. The only thing I valued was my damn pride. Now there was something to live for. Now I saw something bigger than myself.

“You complete me.” she whispered in my arms. I ran my fingers through her wild hair. We looked like two crazy animals. Scratch marks swiped across my back. My handprint was firmly against her ass.

I cupped her tits and smiled, “Freckles, you mean the world to me now. I’m gonna make a life for you. That I promise.” I didn’t know how, but I was going to do it. I had to.

It was times like these that made me feel a bit nostalgic and crazy. The things I had seen, the pain I had experienced, those were the things that made me act the way I did. I isolated myself because no one could have possibly understood the shit I had gone through. Hell, I was a killer. Who was going to be on my side?

But Hope was. Hope was always there for me. She knew a little about pain. Her family life wasn’t exactly picture perfect. After holding her for hours, I decided I needed to get some fresh air. “I gotta piss.” I told her, climbing out of bed.

“Well, hurry. I think I’m ready for round 3…” she moaned, licking her lips.

I gave her a sly glance and lit up a cigarette. “Sure you can handle it?” I asked, laughing through a cloud of smoke. She kicked at me as I walked out of the room.

I closed the front door and sat down on my porch. Damn, these past few days have been hard on me. I thought to myself. Couldn’t a biker relax at all? I looked up at the night sky and saw a full moon staring back at me. Hello, cruel world. All the pain, all the hurt, all the bodies that have built a kingdom around Courage, weren’t all for nothing. They served their purpose as a lesson, maybe. They pushed me towards Hope.

As I took another drag, I heard something crash upstairs. Then a sharp, blood-curdling scream rang out. “AVERY!” Hope? I turned around and ran upstairs, slamming my body into the wall at the top. “I’m coming!” I yelled, grabbing at my pistol. Only, my pistol wasn’t on my hip. I took my holster off earlier. What the fuck was wrong with me? How in the world could I think things were safe right now?

My blade was gone too. I had nothing, spare my fists, to protect her. Still, I kicked through the door and found myself face to face with Luke. He was holding Hope, with my pistol in his hands. I stopped myself immediately and held my hands up.

“Take it easy, Luke.” I said. “You don’t wanna be doin’ this.”

He pointed the gun upwards and shot at the ceiling. Hope screamed. “Don’t tell me what the fuck to do.” he said. “Pretty girl you got here.” He ran his tongue across her smooth cheek. I could have killed him then and there if he didn’t have an advantage over me. Fucking bastard.

“Let her go, Luke.” I said. Hope was shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes were shut and soaked with tears. I had to do something. But what?

“I seem to remember you owe me some money. You’ve got all these nice things, Avery. A beautiful girl, big house, and a big screen TV. The way I see it, this is all interest for your late payment.”

“You were gone, Luke. You left. You betrayed the Courage. Shit man, don’t you remember your oath?” He had no shame bustin’ in here like this, at this time. We were at odds, but there were still rules to these things. You don’t go charging in someone’s home when they’re with their girl. There’s nothing manly about that.

“NO!” he screamed, eyes watering. Truth was, I felt his pain too. We had gone way back. But now we were stuck at a hard transition. It had been decided by him days ago: our days of brotherhood were now over. “YOU betrayed ME! I got sent to prison because of you! The thing is, I didn’t blame you at first. You did what you had to do. You followed the rules. Why should I be mad? But when I got sent to the hole for 40 days straight, all I thought about was you. All I could picture was our crew and how, when I got out, things would be normal again.” A single tear came from his eye.

“Give her up, Luke.” I said again. He ignored my pleas.

“But when I did get out, guess who came to visit me? No one. Not Bruce, not you, not no one. Fuck, the only person who did come was Angelo. And then there was Bobby. He told me what was up. He told me his people had heard you all were planning on demoting me once I got back out onto the street. I would have to make lower level drug deals until I proved to you that I wasn’t a liability.”

“He was lying to you, Luke!” I screamed.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN!” Luke pushed Hope away and wildly aimed his gun at both of us. I kept my hands up in the air to make sure he wouldn’t accidentally blow my head right off. In the meantime, I had to let him know I wasn’t the one to blame for this. It was Bobby the whole time. How could he not see that?

“God! You never fucking listen, Avery. That’s your problem. It’s your fuckin’ ego. Me, me, me. That’s all I hear from you. Well now it’s time for me to win.” He smiled, looking like an insane person, and wiped the hair out of his eyes, calming himself down. “I came to warn you. We know it was you who framed Bobby. We will get revenge. If you want your life, stay the fuck away from us. Got it?”

“What makes you think I care about my life?” I asked him.

“Well I see that you’ve been making quite a life for yourself. Do you really want to lose it so fast?”

“I don’t give a damn about this world.” I said. It was kind of true, actually. The only thing I gave a damn about was Hope. It didn’t matter though. I knew Luke wasn’t going to be the one who took my life. Maybe Bobby or maybe Angelo. But not Luke. He was too insane to have a rational plan of execution.

“Then I’ll kill her.” He said, aiming my pistol at her. If there was anything that got me going, it was a man with my pistol, pointing it at the one thing I loved.

I lost control of myself. I lunged at him and everything seemed to slow down. “AVERY!” Hope screamed. It was useless to try and stop me now. The gun went off. The bullet launched at my face. All went black.


I jumped back and hid my body as the sound from the gun ricocheted between the walls of the room. Avery fell forward, against Luke’s body. At first it looked as if Luke had gotten him right in the eye, but as soon as I saw him attempt to grab the pistol in his hand, I realized he was fine. Once again, Luke’s aim was a few millimeters off. Avery was one lucky devil.

The two men wrestled each other onto the balcony outside. I couldn’t do anything but take cover. Avery took one glance at me and yelled, “Go back to Bruce’s! Get to safety and call for back up!” It was what I should have done, but I couldn’t move. I stood paralyzed by shock and fear.

Luke took a swing at Avery and hit him square in the jaw. “Fuck!” he muttered through clenched teeth. Avery dove into his stomach causing Luke to fall into the banister. I almost thought they were about to fall off, but they held their balance, continuing to fight.

Swing after swing, the men’s faces became bloodied and bruised. Avery’s main goal was to get the gun from him. He punched Luke in the nose, effectively stunning him and pushing him onto the ground. Luke attempted to aim the gun at him, but Avery jumped on top of him, grabbing his wrist and forcing it into the air. The gun went off again, shooting wildly into the air. “I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch.” Avery said.

He knocked his wrist into the banister and the gun fell onto the ground below. It was out of reach for now and it seemed that Luke had lost the fight. “GO!” Avery screamed, turning to me again. But as soon as he said this, Luke grabbed a blade from his leg. He wound his arm back and sprang forward. What came next was the worst sound I had ever heard. “NO!!! FUUUUCK!” I tried to close my eyes, but I couldn’t help but see what happened.

Avery held his hands over his face in anguish. His beautiful cheek and forehead, all the way down to his lips, was slashed. The cut was deep and went all the way across. I grabbed the only thing I could, a potted cactus, and smashed the ceramic piece over Luke’s face. He fell backward, over the banister, and fell with a loud thud. In my mind, there was no way he could have lived through that fall, and I didn’t even have time to check whether or not he did. I ran to Avery who was screaming bloody murder and held him in my arms.

“He cut me good!” he cried. “Fuck, he cut me…”

“We need to get you to a doctor, Avery. Let’s go. NOW!” he wrapped his arms around my and limped his way to his bike.

“Is it bad?” he asked. I looked at him, as flesh hung like red drapes over the bones of his face. It was bad. Oh, God, it was bad. But I didn’t want to scare him. I had to stay strong for him like he did for me.

“It’s all my fault, Avery. All of this. I’m so fucking sorry.” I cried.

He grabbed my face. “Listen to me. None of this is your fault. I’m gonna kill the son of a bitch for what he’s done to us. You hear me?” It was hard to look at him. He looked like a…monster. And yet, I still loved him immensely. He leaned against his bike, blood dripping down his face, and asked, “Ever drive a bike before?”

I shook my head nervously and said, “No. But what about my car?”

“Fuck the car. You can move faster with the bike.” He said.

“Fine. I’ll try.” I said, shaking.

He nodded and waited for me to get on. This time he held onto me, barely even conscious. I had seen him start the bike before. I just had to remember the right order of things to do. I turned on the ignition switch and put the bike into neutral. Okay, so far so good. Next, I pulled in the clutch and pressed the starter button on. The engine fired up almost immediately. I released the button and put the bike into first gear.

Avery, I’m going to keep you alive. I’m going to keep you alive. I’m going to. I promise.

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