Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC) (27 page)

BOOK: Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC)
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o what do
you have to tell me that I don’t already know?” Bruce suddenly said. We were in an unmarked van, headed towards Bobby’s house.

“What’re you talking about?” I asked him, though I already knew.

“Avery, when you’ve been the boss for over two decades, you start to pick up on things pretty damn fast. It’s Angelo isn’t it?” He was staring straight ahead as the barren landscape passed us by.

“I’m sorry, Bruce.” I whispered, loading the ammo into our guns.

“It ain’t no thing. I’ve known it all along. Not about Angelo or Luke, per say. But I knew somethin’ was brewin’. Our crew is startin’ to crumble from within, Avery. You're the only one I can trust now, boy.” I nodded.

“I saw it coming too. I just didn't know it would be this widespread. Nothing’s crumbling, Bruce. This is just the beginning for us. Once this is all over, we’re gonna’ make this crew great again.” I clicked in the clip and cocked the piece back. There's nothing like the sound of a loaded gun.

In the distance was Bobby’s house. It was a hell of a place and looked like it had been left and taken over by rats and possibly the homeless population. How anyone lived there was beyond me, but Bobby was different than most bikers.

We pulled off to the side and dimmed the headlights. It was just about time to do the job. My palms were sweating. “There's a chance that Angelo or Luke will be waiting for us. You ready?” I asked Bruce, tossing a pistol into his hands

“If I see anyone, they're dead. Those who turn their backs on the Courage MC don't deserve a decent life.” I couldn't help but agree. He grabbed a semi automatic rifle and strapped it to his back.

I nodded in silent agreement and opened my door quietly. “Alright. Let's do this. Be on the lookout for anyone on the premises. He’ll most likely have some bodyguards we’ll have to take out. Silent and swift. Remember that.”

Bruce laughed. “Haven't done this kind of thing in a while. God damn, it's a rush. Let's move!” We began running quietly against the desert air. For a moment, time seemed to slow down. This was it. Time to frame Bobby Farole. Our men would kill him in prison, I'd make sure of it.

I felt myself turn a small amount worried. Hope. It had been about 30 minutes and there had been no signal from her. I was hopin’ this was a good sign. But if something were to happen to her, I'd be the one to kill the son of a bitch who hurt her. It would be my pleasure.

We turned the corner and ran up to the side of the house. Bruce motioned for me to go through the back gate. I unlatched the thing and opened it, aiming my guns in front of me. In the yard were two men. I motioned for Bruce to wait. I rolled on the silencer and took them out with two shots to the head. “Bastards.” I whispered, moving forward.

There was more of them, that I was sure of. I carefully glanced in the back window and noticed another bodyguard to the right and another to the left. I ducked down and whispered to Bruce, “Two more, 8 and 3 o'clock. You take the one to the left and I'll get the one on the right. Alright. 3, 2, 1. Move in.” I slid the door open carefully and rolled across the floor, Bruce right behind me. In an instant, both men fell dead from the impact of our shots.

For a second, I sat in the corner of the room, listening for movement. There was nothing. Assuming we were now all clear, I moved through the trash inside and found myself face to face with the door to his garage. “This is it.” I said to Bruce. But all of a sudden, I felt the cool, hard metal of the barrel of a gun press against my cheek.

“Freeze, motherfuckers.” the voice said. I strained my eyes to see who was holding the damn gun. “Put the fucking guns down!” the man demanded.

“Don't do it Bruce. I'd rather die than give my pistol to this son of a bitch.” The man slammed his gun across my face. I fell against the door. It was one of Bobby’s henchmen.

“If you don't put down your guns, you're both fucking dead!” he shouted. “Now give me your weapons!”

“Avery, it's no time to be a hero.” Bruce said, setting his gun down slowly. “Listen, pal. We don't want any trouble. We’ll do whatever you ask.”

“You don't think I know that? Your crew is done. You hear me done! Bobby’s taking this whole place over and there ain't nothing you can do ‘bout that. I've got strict orders to kill on sight, but I'm gonna have some fun with you two first.” the man laughed.

“Sometimes you just get dealt a shitty hand.” Another voice said. The man turned around in fear, but it was too late.
A shot rang out in the distance.

Bruce grabbed his gun and aimed. “What the fuck is going on, Avery?!” But in the distance stood a familiar, young face.

“Wait…Adam?” I called out. “Is that you?”

The young man stepped out into the hallway. “Hey pops.” he said, smiling.

“Son? Jesus Christ, I almost killed you! Come here!” They embraced briefly. I walked behind and offered my hand.

“Where you been, brother?” I asked. I had never been mad at Adam for leaving. When it came down to it, he brought in a lot of income for Courage. I just hoped to God he wasn't here ‘cause he caught word I was being considered for the top job. “We've missed you around the fort.”

“Just taking care of business. You know how it is. I got word of Bobby and figured something was going down, so I followed you here. Oddly enough, it was The Sapo Boys who tipped me off.”

I shook my head. “Well I'm glad you're back. You saved our lives. I owe you one now.” I said.

“If I'm ever in a bind, just promise me you'll be the one to bail me out.” he laughed. Adam was the luckiest guy I knew. Frankly, I wasn’t sure if he had ever been in a real bind in his life. Still, I agreed.

“Of course, brother.” I smiled. “Now, let's do this.”

We walked into the garage and looked around. “There's the ventilation unit.” I said, pointing upward. “We’ll put it in there.”

“Why don't you just kill the bastard instead?” Adam laughed. “Seems like it would be a bit easier with him dead.” Bruce looked at him angrily.

“You want another war?” he simply said.

“Give me the stuff.” I commanded, changing the subject. We had a job to do and I was determined to get out of there as fast as possible. I looked at my watch. Forty-five minutes had passed since we dropped Hope off. There was no alarm from her, but something just didn't feel right. I planted the kilo of cocaine in the unit and quickly jumped down. “Alright, let's get outta here.” I said. I looked at my watch. Fifty minutes. I just hoped she was okay.


up in a darkened room, with chains around my wrists and ankles. He must have drugged me, the bastard! “Where am I?” I called out. When there was no answer, I took to screaming. “Hello?!”

Sinister laughter broke out near me.
And that's when I remembered. He knew everything. He knew about me.
Oh, Avery.
I pulled at my chains in a half-assed attempt at escaping. I stopped short, feeling a loss of breath. I started to weep in exhaustion.

In front of me, a cigar was lit and I quickly smelled the smoke move towards my face. “You bastard!” I screamed. “Avery’s going to find us and kill you. Just you wait!”

This only made him laugh louder. “And how will little Avery find me? We’re far away, my pretty little flower.”

“He’ll follow your tracks. All of the Courage MC will sniff you out and when they get you, they’ll skin you alive, you fuck!”

He walked over to me, smiling still. “Like a pack of wild dogs?” he asked, mockingly. The Courage MC is on its last leg and both you and I know it. Well, in any case, I reckon you’re right. I won’t live longer than the world wants me too. That,
, only makes me want to do worse things to you.” he hovered near me, practically drooling.

“FUCK YOU!” I screamed, forcing my wrists against the cold and rusted chains. “HELP!” It was a last ditch effort, but I had to try.

“Ain’t nobody hearing you tonight, honey-pie.” he grinned wildly. He wrapped his big, hairy hands around my chin. He stroked my cheek softly, running his index finger around my lip. I turned my face in disgust.

“You’re a pig! You repulse me!” I said.

“That’s right, baby. You’re turning me on.”

He forced my mouth open and put his finger inside, massaging against my tongue. I nearly vomited. “AVERY!” I cried. “Please, help me.” Tears ran down my cheeks. My body gave up on me, forcing the chains to tighten around my wrist as I hung from the wall.

He slapped my face and forced me to look him in the eyes. “Aw, what’s the matter, sweetie? You’re not giving up so soon, are you?” He slapped my face again. “Answer me, bitch!”

“NO!” I screamed, flailing my body against the wall.

“Good flower.” His hand slowly made its way down to my shirt, which he ripped off my body.

“What are you doing?” I yelled, feeling both out of breath and delirious.

“Hush, little one…” he said, puffing on his cigar. He blew a big plume of smoke at my face and laughed hoarsely. “Baby, it’s time for you to spend some quality time with a
man.” He unzipped his pants and stepped forward. He took off his vest and threw it in the corner. Around his neck was a collection of teeth.

He was practically dripping with sweat and grease. I looked down at him, horrified to find him reaching out to touch my stomach. “Please!” I screamed. “If you let me go, I’ll do anything.”

He stopped short of touching my skin. “And what could you possible give me that’s worth more than you?” he asked. He was at least listening to me now.

“Avery.” I said, choking down my saliva. “I’ll give you Avery.”

He stepped back and analyzed me a bit. “So, you’ll cooperate now?” I nodded. “Go ahead. Keep talking. I’m listening.” he said, gabbing his clothes, while laughing to himself.

“It was his plan all along. He sent me to you. He thought you would be easy to subdue. We would just give you drugs and the allure of sex. It would be simple, he said. I’ll lead you to him now. I’ll take you to his hideout.” I said, lowering my head in shame. This was my lowest moment yet. I didn’t want to bring him to Avery, but he left me with no choice. If I didn’t, he would have raped me. And then what? Murder me? I couldn’t take that chance… The best I could do was take him to Avery’s childhood home, lead him astray, and hope that Avery finds me.

“Tell me everything you know
If you don’t, the deal’s off. You’ll be living like this, with me, forever.” he warned.

Then, all of a sudden, something came over me. I couldn’t explain it if I tried. It was a mixture of courage and defiance, and it came in the guise of this one word: “No.”

He walked forward, slowly. “What did you just say, bitch?”

“I said no.” I smiled.

“Well, then. Let’s have some fun.” I simply spit in his face.

“Try your best.” I said as I watched him wipe my saliva off his face. He wound his arm back, ready to smash my face in. I braced for the blow, but just as I was about to feel the hard impact, he fell back against me, choking for air.

“You!” he gasped. “What have you done to me?” He grabbed at his throat, rolling on the ground. He looked as if he were dying. Was he having a heart attack? I sure as hell wasn't going to check. Even I had no idea what was going on.

The lights suddenly turned on and off, similar to a strobe light effect. “HELP!” Bobby screamed, turning purple.

A voice echoed throughout the room. It said, “Our eyes are always open. We watch your every move, scum.”

“What? Who’s there? Be a fuckin’ man and show yerself!” Bobby called out.

“What need is there for us to show ourselves when you already know who we are?” A solitary figure stepped out of the darkness. A Sapo Boy? I couldn’t believe it. In front of me was one of The Sapo Boys. And though they weren’t exactly friends of mine or Avery, I felt a sense of comfort suddenly. Two others came out from the darkness and by this point, I knew everything would be okay.

It was Avery and Bruce. “There you are, baby. Don’t worry, I got you.” He ran over to me and unlocked my chains. I fell against his warm chest and our lips instantly devoured one another.

“Oh, Avery…It was awful. He’s a monster.” I cried. Bobby had stopped writhing against the ground. He had either passed out or died, either of which I was okay with.

“I’m sorry. Never again.” he told me.

Bruce turned to the man and exclaimed, “Shit! You didn’t kill him did you?”

The man remained straight-faced and cold. “Sometimes there are better ways of getting a message across.”

Avery turned around and glanced at Bobby’s lifeless body. “We’ll need him back at his place. I’m assuming you gave him a tranquilizer of some sort? How long will it last?”

“You are correct. It will last exactly 14 hours.” The man said.

“Bruce, we gotta’ make the call fast. This prick is going back to his favorite place in Hell. Federal Prison has gotta’ feel good the second time around.”

“I see that my work here is done. We’ll be contacting you soon. There will come a favor from all of this.” The man turned his back on us and walked out the door.

I looked wildly around the room. “How the hell did you know I was here?!” I cried, holding on to Avery tightly.

Bruce pointed at Avery and shrugged. Avery cleared his throat and explained things to me. “The Sapo Boys have had complete control over their region for almost a decade now. They leave us alone and we leave them alone. That’s always been the deal. When I was a boy, I used to roam the deserts on my dirt bike. I saw cameras on practically every cacti, boulder, and mountain I went to. I soon realized they had this whole place under surveillance.”

Bruce interrupted him by muttering, “Sons of bitches.”

“When I got to the bar, I realized that something terrible had happened. I realized how much I had fucked up, Hope. But realizing that wasn’t going to bring you back. For a while there, I thought nothing would. I thought you were gone forever. That’s when it hit me. The Sapo Boys. They were the way to finding you. In fact, they were the key from the beginning. Without them, our paths might’ve been very different.”

Avery pondered that thought and I smiled. “I don’t know whether to tell you that I love you, or that I hate you.” I said, breaking into laughter.

“Neither. Just help me lift this monster into the van.”

All three of us lifted 300-pound Bobby Farole into the vehicle. “God dammit!” Bruce yelled. “Got his grease all over me. Sick bastard!” We hopped in the van and took off. Bruce still looked sour, but I was happy. I looked over at Avery and smiled. He gently grabbed the back of my head and kissed me, his tongue wrapping around mine, and his forehead against mine. He was perfect.

Then, suddenly, when his lips clasped away from mine, he whispered the four words I had been waiting to hear: “I love you, Hope.” I was hooked.

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