Ryder on the Storm (9 page)

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Authors: Violet Patterson

BOOK: Ryder on the Storm
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“It is your true power. This is why Trin bound your emotions. You really don’t remember, do you?” Dan seemed perplexed. “Storm, I think we should skip dinner and work on educating you before something happens.”


“Babe, I think Dan is right, your powers are tied very closely to your emotions and you have so little control over them right now. It’s not your fault but you need to get a handle on this or you could hurt somebody.” Shane paused for a moment and then smirked, “you know how you like to road rage, and you are liable to cause an accident with that glowing thing if somebody tailgates you. Heaven forbid somebody cut you off!”


Dan gave his brother a warning look and Storm frowned. “I don’t road rage that bad.” She felt the pout coming on. Dammit, she just wanted to feel a little normal, dinner at a nice restaurant with friends. Storm actually had money now, for the first time in years she didn’t need to live in a sad, miserly fashion. Of course, in exchange, life had become more chaotic than it had ever been. Still, now that her emotions were unlocked, she wanted to feel something besides sorrow and anger. The thoughts warred in her head, staying home felt safe and logical. Going out felt fulfilling and, well, normal.


“Storm?” Shane’s hand on her arm grounded her. Storm looked at him, careful to keep her emotions in check.


“I want to go to dinner. Please understand. I know my life is about to get harder than ever and I get that I am a little volatile right now, but I need something normal, something pleasurable. Can you two understand that?” She hated the pleading tone in her voice, but she suddenly cared whether or not they understood. Dammit. She did not like feeling, the glowing hands deal seemed kind of neat, though. What else could she do now?


“Storm, babe, we understand. It is difficult to accept our, eh, uniqueness. Your situation is complicated; I apologize for sounding patronizing. Why don’t we shower up and go for an early dinner? That way we can avoid crowds and get back here to work on getting you some answers. Is that a happy enough compromise for you?”


Shane looked so hopeful. He turned on the charm and flashed a debonair smile her way. Gods how she wished there were some electricity between them. Storm still thought “Hardy Boys” when she looked at them. How unfortunate indeed. Perhaps as her emotions unfolded she would feel otherwise. Somehow, it didn’t seem likely but either one would be a perfect match. After her interaction with Ryder, it didn’t seem likely she would feel that way about anyone else. The flutter returned to her stomach as the image of his face entered her mind. Storm absentmindedly touched the place on her arm where Ryder had touched her earlier.


“Earth to Storm? Are you in there?” Shane stood before her, hands on her shoulders, just shy of shaking her. “Storm, babe, are we on for dinner then?”


“Sorry, yes, I – sorry. I am not sure what happened.”


“Another vision?” Concern registered in Dan’s voice and he took her elbow gently. Both men were so close, she could smell them, sweet and spicy.


“No, I just wondered what kind of powers I might have, what I might be capable of. I think Shane’s plan is a good one. Let’s get ready and head out. How about Il Bistro?” A new restaurant that had just gone in, it seemed a good choice to try out her new checking account. She’d read a few reviews and it seemed the food and atmosphere were just what they needed.


“Ooh la la, the lady has a taste for fancy today.” The trio erupted in smiles, mood lightened instantly, and they split up to shower.


Storm stopped outside her bedroom door and turned back to her companions. “Hey, guys, what are you going to wear? I don’t think mesh shorts are allowed in Il Bistro.”


“Oh, Dan ran out while you were sleeping and packed a few bags for us. We sort of moved in. Hope you don’t mind, babe.”


“No, of course not. This house was big and empty when I lived here with Aunt Trin, I don’t really want to stay here alone now.” It wasn’t a lie. She’d never felt comfortable in the big house. Dan and Shane had stayed over regularly when she was younger to ease her mind. Storm realized now that they’d kept the nightmares away, the weird feeling of being watched, all of the things that made her uncomfortable in Willow Wood. A shiver rippled down her spine. She was missing something. Storm shrugged it off and pushed open her bedroom door instead.


“Great, roomies again – and without the sneaking around.” Dan’s smiled broadly before walking into the room he’d selected to stay in, the one next to Trin’s.


“We never snuck around. Trin always knew, bro.” Shane smiled and raised an eyebrow at Storm. “You realize she knew all along, right, babe?”


Storm rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Of course. She never cared that you guys stayed, remember, she just loved you. I guess I know why now. She knew about you all along, huh?”


“Yeah, babe. Yeah she did. Why don’t you go get ready, put on something sexy.” Shane turned toward the bathroom, dropping his drawers has he went, what a butt. Wow. Were all seraphs that gorgeous? She’d only met half a dozen other than Dan and Shane and they had all been lovely, males and females. As much time as Storm has spent around supernaturals it seemed she still had a lot to learn.


Storm forced herself to undress and slip into the shower. She thought about the guys, even if she couldn’t get into them sexually she could appreciate their fine bodies from an artist’s perspective. Maybe she could coerce them into posing for her. That thought kept her smiling as she showered and prepped. As it turned out, there were some new items in her closet, tags still attached. Storm shook her head. They had gone shopping for her.


Hair blow-dried and straightened, light makeup, simple knee-length, emerald green sheath dress and a pair of black boots made Storm feel like a different person.


Storm descended the staircase and found the guys waiting in the foyer, arguing over which car to take. They wore complimenting outfits as usual, black pants and stylishly cut jackets but Dan had selected a mint green shirt and Shane sported a soft blue-grey one. Halfway down the lower flight she stopped and cleared her throat. Dan and Shane stopped fighting and drank her in, toes all the way up to her loose locks. Dan’s mouth went slightly agape and Shane let out an appreciative cat call.


Storm nodded and settled the argument. “I think we will take the Hummer tonight. It seems safer and while it may be more conspicuous than my Beetle, it is a little less so than the Lamborghini.”


Dan stepped forward and offered his arm for her to take. “I just made that same argument to my dear brother. Might I say, you look stunning.”


Shane, not to be out done, took her free hand and laid a gentle kiss across the back of it. “You are truly a vision, babe.”


“Gee, thanks guys. Can we go eat now? My stomach is turning in on itself.” She could feel the grumbling sensation growing in the pit of her stomach. Steak sounded awfully good all of a sudden.


“Sure thing. I’m driving!” Shane snatched the keys and led the way to the garage. Dan lifted Storm into the passenger seat of the Hummer. So she hadn’t thought everything through, for example the logistics of getting in and out of the Hummer in such a form fitting dress, but that’s what big, strong seraphs were for, right?






Sure enough, Angeline’s encounter had amused Lucian to the nth degree. He made her re-tell it a dozen times on the way back to Durstine Manor. Ryder noted how his assistant relaxed a bit more with each telling, accepting that she, and her position, remained secure. Lucian was definitely interested in her, good thing he had begun the process with Frederick. He had hoped to keep Angeline on, but perhaps she would be better suited with Lucian.


“Angeline, I think it wise for you to take up residence in the manor, at least until Roane leaves town. I would feel better knowing that you are safe within the Durstine. I will have Rose set up a suite for you on the far side of the manor. There is a kitchenette and we can have your belongings delivered within the day. Give Rose a list of groceries you would like.”


Her eyes flared for an instant before she nodded in acceptance. He could not tell if Angeline resented or appreciated the arrangement. Of her many supernatural talents, Angeline had superb shielding skills. Nobody could read her if she did not want them to. Ryder appreciated the talent and hired her in part for that reason. They pulled into the garage and filed into the house. Angeline excused herself to find Rose. Lucian nudged him in the rib cage and mimed eating. Of course.


“Oh, and Angeline, please have Rose send for a dress for you. I would like you to accompany us to dinner this evening at Il Bistro. Please be ready at four o’clock. Until then, make yourself at home.”


Angeline turned back toward them and offered her customary nod of understanding. “Yes, my liege. Thank you for your hospitality.” Professional formality as always. He really hated that she referred to him as ‘my liege.’ No matter how many times her urged her to use his name she refused.


Ryder led Lucian to the study in silence. Once inside, Ryder cast a buffing enchantment around the room. Lucian poured a drink and settled in the same chair he’d occupied earlier. “This must be serious, brother.”


“It is indeed, Lucian. My life depends on this.” Ryder moved to the massive walnut desk and withdrew a yellowed scroll, a notebook, and a worn journal. He settled in the chair opposite Lucian and studied his friend intently. The inner flame seemed stifled for the time being, thankfully.


Lucian shrugged and grinned boyishly. “I had Angeline while we waited for you. The car was less than comfortable but the experience well worth it.”


“I suspected as much.”


“She is quite pleasurable. I enjoyed her immensely. She makes interesting sounds when –“


“I really do not want to know that, Lucian. I am simply pleased she could tame the flame.” Ryder unrolled the scroll first and handed it to Lucian. He set his drink on the table beside him and accepted the parchment. “Trin Sullivan asked me to translate this for her. It has been handed down through the generations. She seemed to believe it was a gift from the Tuathe De. She also has a journal that documents everything about the Sullivan line including the prophecies related to the Emerald Seer.”


“This is a Tuatha De Scroll? Truly? So things were hotter with her than you have let on. No Sullivan would have readily parted with such a relic.” Lucian considered him appreciatively for a moment before turning back to the scroll. Ryder watched intently as Lucian scanned the document, read it again, more slowly, and a third time, his eyes growing bigger with each pass.


“Ry, this is a very different take on the prophecy. How do you know it is not a Sullivan trick to gain your trust and compliance?” Lucian read the scroll once more before handing it back.


“I know it is no trick because I saw the journal and I compared it to our archives. The time frames match as do the descriptions of the Sullivan Seer. The only differences involve what the Emerald Seer is actually capable of. And, to that end, it is noted in the archives that there was a scandal and some dissention regarding what would be submitted to our final record of the prophecy. I have been trying to find out who the dissenting Immortal was but the monks remain silent on the subject.” Ryder paused and took the scroll from Lucian. “The Brethren are incorrect in their assessment of the legend. I do not believe the Emerald Seer is destined to end our Immortality as a collective. According to the Sullivan journal, and Trin herself, the Emerald Seer should be capable of ending immortality but only as an out for those of us who would ask for it. She was never meant to be the destruction of the Immortal line.”


Lucian expression changed several times and he downed the rest of his drink before speaking. “Ry, if this is all true, why did you have Trin Sullivan killed?”


Ryder sighed, now for the biggest confession, “I did not have her killed Lucian. I do not know who murdered her. They are not coming forward and because of my mission I had to feign responsibility to buy more time. I have suspicions that somebody on the Council has been sabotaging me and there is a third party involved somehow. I need to get the Sullivan journal and keep an eye on Trin’s niece. Whoever killed Trin will likely make an attempt on the niece so we need to catch him in the act. I have a team monitoring her already.” Ryder did not tell Lucian that he lacked faith in the team on her detail or that he planned to slip out this evening to watch over her himself.


“How in Hades do you end up in a shit storm every time I visit you? It never fails. I bailed you out of the Inquisition and the Crusades, the Salem Witch Hunts and that tight spot you landed in at Woodstock. What is your plan with this? Do you even have one, brother?” Lucian’s flame flared slightly in his eyes, excitement roused the fire as much as anything.


Ryder felt his shoulders fall, ducked his head and quietly responded, “I want her to take my Immortality. I want Trin Sullivan’s niece to have the ability. I wanted Trin to do it, but she could not, she knew she could not when we got involved. Trin lied to me but I think she just wanted to live. I cannot fault her for that. I lied to her as well. I cared for her but did not love her.” Ryder looked to his friend, he’d carried the guilt for so long it felt liberating to share the secrets. “You would have appreciated her, actually. Trin Sullivan had her own fire within, it plagued her, a curse she took on some twenty years ago.” Ryder stood, suddenly it all became clear. He crossed to the far wall and poured himself a glass of whiskey, downing it and refilling the glass before returning to Lucian. “I just realized why the niece showed no signs of power until recently, and what exactly Trin’s curse entailed. Trin used me as a means of protecting her niece.”

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