Sacred Flesh (12 page)

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Authors: Timothy Cavinder

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Suspense, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Sacred Flesh
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“So far so good,” Jim says.

“The book has value for many other reasons. Many believe our forefathers wrote in some sort of coded secret within the text. I’ve looked for it often but fail to see it.”

“I always hated all that secret code stuff that was popular for awhile.” Jim says.

“There’s another reason it’s so valuable, because it documents the bloodline. There has for hundreds of years been rumors of a line of “Lost
” a part of the bloodline that got separated from the whole. It has been the goal to find them and bring them back into the fold. But the record isn’t totally clear. As I mentioned before a tragic event occurred in a small village in Europe during the time of the inquisition. The villagers were mostly
members and as such were ordered to give up their faith and swear allegiance to Rome. They refused and as a result the village was destroyed and many
members were burned at the stake.”

“There are records of this?” Jim asks.

“We know it occurred. It is a tale told often to
s. As a young child I remember hearing it from my father who heard it from his father and so on.”

“Amazing,” Jim says.

“But not all members were lost that day – some escaped or at least that’s what’s believed. They went into hiding and no one knows what happened to them. They have never been found to date. It is unknown if they passed on the bloodline info to their descents.”

“So it ends there?”

“No, their descents are still considered
members even if they don’t realize it they are still part of the
bloodline. In fact, part of this sacred flesh project is to find the lost

“How so?” Jim asks.

“Once the
announce the existence of The Child and the
begin the process of becoming the dominant world church with the son of Christ upon the throne, it is hoped that this will bring forth the missing line.”

“They will just appear?” Jim asks.

“Well, not exactly but there are some clues as to the missing line. The lost generation before the attack – there are some names that do not continue on after the village was destroyed, it is not at all an exhaustive indicator but it does provide a clue.”


“It does?”

“We know the names of those who perished in the attack but there are seven names that do not continue. They are believed to be the ones who escaped the wrath of Rome. They are believed to be the Lost

“What does that have to do with the mess we’re in now?” Jim asks.

“I not only tracked you down to save your life but there is one name in particular that you may find interesting.” He carefully opens the book and points to a place on the old page.

“Here,” he says.

Jim lends forward looking closely his eyes focus on the aged faded ink. At first he has trouble making out the name by the One Who Turns finger, and then suddenly in shock and surprise he says out loud, “Dunbar?”


“Nice room,” he says looking around at the plain beige walls and the thin worn tan carpeting, the room empty except for a few black plastic chairs.

“I’ve seen worse,” she says sitting down.

“At least they don’t have us all tied up.”

“I have a feeling that we’re not going to be here too long. This is just a holding room.”

“How long are you thinking?” he says.

“Depends on our value to them which probably isn’t much since we don’t know where Jim Dunbar and the sample is anymore then they do,” she says while crossing her long legs and rubbing her feet as her shoulder length brown hair hangs to one side.

“If they find out I’m an agent of Rome they will kill me, no question about that,” he says head down and walking back and forth.

“Quit pacing, you’re making me nervous and besides being done with both of us is probably pretty high on their to-do list right now anyway.”

Sitting down in one of the black plastic chairs he stares at the wall.

“Okay, let’s think this through for a second, they will want to question us before they do anything,” she says.

“Yeah,” he answers while gazing off into space.

“Separately, they’ll take each of us out of here separately, ask some questions and not like what they hear and then.”

“That’s it!” He jolts up out of the chair. “What if they
like what they hear?”


“We just make up some crap and feed it to them,” his says as his expression lights up.

“It won’t matter,” she says nodding her head.

“It will if it means they need to keep us around for some reason.”

“Yes, and what would that be?” she asks.

“I don’t know,” he sits back down.

“Misleading them probably won’t work. They’re not amateurs. They’re not stupid,” she says noticing his distraction. “What are you looking at?”

“Something about that wall over there look funny to you?” He asks.


“We have to get out of here. Let’s talk in the van,” Logo says picking up the last cardboard box.

“To join him? How so exactly?” Solor asks.

Glenn quickly takes a back seat in the van. “He’s been talking to me about some conversations he’s been having with a contact from Rome.”

“No way, that’s not Haggai. He hates them,” Solor says.

“It’s all about money for Haggai,” Glenn states. “Rome apparently is offering up a very large sum of cash for the sacred sample.”

“I’m sure they are but why is he telling you this?” Logo asks.

“Because he can’t do everything himself, he’s an old man, he can’t just run around looking for Jim Dunbar. He’s offering me a large cut to get the sample back, see to it that Dunbar is silenced, and help him get out of the country.”

“I just can’t believe Haggai would sell us out like that,” Solor says.

“If he is talking to Rome we have to stop him. It’s our
duty. We’re the 27th generation after all! We can’t let anything go wrong now, look how close we are to impregnation,” Logo says.

“Jim Dunbar can’t hide forever. We’ll find him and the sacred sample too,” Solor says.

“But what do we do about Haggai?” Glenn asks.

“Anyone else know about this Glenn?” Logo asks.

“No, I haven’t told the others. You guys are the only ones,” Glenn answers.

“We’ll have to call a meeting of the senior members,” Logo states.

“Has this ever been done before? We’ll have to impeach Haggai and elect another master controller,” Glenn says.

“What do the
by laws have to say about such a situation?” Solor asks.

“Well, it would help if we could find the holy text,” Logo says.

“You think Haggai stole it to divert attention?” Solor asks.

“I wouldn’t put anything past him,” Glenn says.

“We have to be sure about this; replacing Haggai is a very serious matter,” Logo states.

“How can we be sure?”Solor says.

“We have to document some sort of proof that Haggai is betraying us,” Logo says.

“I can give you all the proof you need,” Glenn says.

“How so?” they ask.

“Trust me,” he answers.


“This is all too much,” Jim says while sitting down in the overstuffed red chair.

“Welcome to the club brother you’re one of us, always have been apparently,” the One Who Turns says.

“I’m not an
. There’s lots of Dunbars in the world. My name in that book doesn’t necessarily mean anything,” Jim says looking perturbed.

“No, not necessarily, but nevertheless it certainly does raise the possibility that your ancestors were in fact
,” he says.

“Ah,” Jim says while rubbing his hands over his tired looking face.

“Have you ever done any genealogy research?” the One Who Turns asks.

“A little, a long time ago, just for fun,” Jim answers.


“And what? Yes, Dunbars came from an area around what is now southern Germany,” Jim says. “So what?”

“That would be about the right location. The village was in that area,” he says.

“That’s been an awful long time ago, there’s no way to prove it,” Jim says.

“That’s not necessarily so,” he responses.

“What are you talking about?” Jim asks.

“You see, the
s began a tradition, a system of naming themselves that serves as an indicator of their true hidden identity, but only to those aware of it.”

“Naming themselves? I don’t understand,” Jim says.

“Let me ask you this: Jim Dunbar what is your middle name?”

“Edward. Why?”

“Family name?” he inquires.


“And your father, his middle name?”


“You don’t happen to know your grandfathers middle name do you?” he asks.

“No,” Jim answers.

“We can do a records search but I’m almost certain what we’ll find.”

“Why do you say that?” Jim asks.

naming system was that every other first born child will possess a middle name beginning with the letter E. You have it,” the One Who Turns informs Jim.

“Coincidence, that’s crazy!"

“You think so? You have it. Your father didn’t, I’m sure your grandfather did. As I say we can do a search of census records and such. The proof is in the pattern, every other first born child,” he says.

“Why?” Jim asks.

“The thought is that the lost
s wished to retain some sort of identity thinking it only a matter of time before they would be revenged, then they would be able to recognize each other with certainty long after the village was destroyed by Rome.”

“Unbelievable,” Jim says.

“No, it’s believable.”


“Over there, it looks like a panel out of place,” he says as he slowly gets up from his chair.

“These walls, what are they made of?” She asks walking along with him to the other side of the room.

“It looks like it’s been painted recently,” he says.

“It does look odd if you look close enough,” she says bending down.

“You don’t suppose?” He says bending down next to her.

“Suppose what?” She says turning to look at him.

“That there is some sort of secret passage behind this panel?”

“Yeah, sure there is. Where do you think you are in some kind of movie?” she says rolling her eyes.

“Well, here goes,” he presses on the white panel moving it slowly. Carefully, he pulls the 33x17 panel out toward them and places it against the wall. They both peer deeply into the dark space.

“See, I told you nothing but pipes, it’s probably just a plumber’s access panel,” she says standing up and walking away.

“Not so fast, look again,” he says pointing. “That’s not a pipe back there.”


“Here,” Glenn plops down a sheet of paper on the desk as they stand in one of the

“What’s this?” Logo asks.

“Phone records I’ve collected over the past few weeks,” Glenn answers.

Logo picks up the paper and studies it carefully as Solor steps up beside him looking over his shoulder.

“I recognize this one number,” Logo says.

“You should,” Glenn says. “It’s the phone on Haggai’s desk.”

“Then there’s an international number to Rome, somewhere inside the Vatican,” Glenn says sitting on the corner of the large desk.

“The Vatican,” Logo looks up in disbelief as he slowly lowers the piece of paper.

“I just can’t believe it, our leader, the master
selling us out,” Solor says while slowly shaking head.

“I know I’m shocked too. About the same time these calls were being made is when Haggai began talking to me,” Glenn says.

“Asking you to join him?” Logo asks.

“Yes,” Glenn answers.

“What is he planning on doing?” Solor asks.

“Once the sacred sample has been found Haggai simply steals it and hands it over to a Roman agent who then deposits a large sum of cash into a Swiss bank account for Haggai, who by this time will be on a plane somewhere over the Atlantic before anyone in the
is the wiser,” Glenn informs his

“But how?” Logo asks.

“He wants me to go with him. Rome has a place sit up to keep him out of the lime light. I’m to help with this, be part of his protection in case any
member attempts to track him down. There we will live the life of luxury while Rome carries on with the impregnation and raising a child from the DNA of Christ,” Glenn tells them.

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