Sacred Flesh (11 page)

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Authors: Timothy Cavinder

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Suspense, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Sacred Flesh
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“Rome will be sorry they ever messed around with the
. Our fathers and their fathers are surely smiling down on us knowing that we are so close to arriving upon the pinnacle of power.”

“The revenge they only dreamt of is soon in our hands. I can’t wait. I remember growing up that’s all that was talked about at home and at church, how important this day would be, the day we overtake Rome.” Clovis says.

“It’s been a lot of work and worry that’s for sure,” Cosward says.

“We will have power, money, everything. It’ll be our ballgame, and there’s nothing that Rome can do about it!”

“Our child born from the Sacred Flesh of the savior Himself installed as the true leader of our true church. We can’t lose can we?”

“Nope,” Clovis answers.

“How much further?” Cosward shows his restlessness.

“Not far,” Clovis assures.

“I hate staying at the warehouse.”

“I know you’d think Haggai could have the place spruced up a little. He just doesn’t want to spend any money.”

“I can’t sleep there. If I don’t get a good eight hours I’m worthless,” Cosward says.

“Tell me about it,” Clovis answers.


“Nothing, the turn is up here.”

“We get the sample and the $100,000 if he has it with him and then what? Drug him and bring him back?” Cosward asks.

“I know Haggai said to bring him back if we can but I’d rather just be done with him.”

“What about the body?”

“There’s always a nice landfill that Mr. Dunbar could join,” Clovis says.

“Poor guy.”


“He really didn’t know what he was getting into,” Cosward says.

“If he had just done his job and not taken off and ran with the sacred sample he would have been fine.”


“Don’t feel sorry for him. If I was getting paid like him I’d keep my mouth shut and just get the job done,” Clovis says.

“Me too, you think the government got to him?”

“Maybe, but he definitely knows much more than he should.”

“What does he think he’s going to do with the sample anyway?” Cosward asks.

“Probably sell it to Rome,” Clovis answers.

“He should have joined us as an associate.”

“Too late now.”

“Yeah,” Cosward says.

“Here we are its coming up. Get your gun ready he’ll run when he sees us. The chip signal is very strong right about here.” Clovis pulls the van up into the small parking lot.

“What the hell is this? They both say in unison.


“Well, that didn’t work out,” he says as they get back into the car.

“Jim Dunbar’s old college professor, I knew he was old,” she says.

“But the fact that he died six months ago somehow escaped the attention of the FBI?”

“Hey, every organization has information jams.”

“Information jams? What are you talking about?” he says as she drives the car out into the country road.

“Listen, Dunbar’s obviously not here but I got a feeling that he’s somewhere in the area.”

“That’s narrow,” he says again trying to not let her notice how much he enjoys looking at her.

“There’s nothing but small towns up here. People notice strangers.”


“He’s had to stop to eat, get gas. No one’s invisible— not completely at least,” she says.

“So what do we do now?” He asks.

“We keep looking.”

“You know, I’d really rather just go home,” he says.

“I’m sure you would. But you’re a little too far into this to back out now.”

“You think so?”

“I’ve done my homework buddy. I know,” she says.

“Buddy? Hey, I’m hungry. Is a cheese burger in your expense account?”


“Maybe Dunbar is working the drive-thru. No one would think to look there,” he says.

“Unless the
are moving into the fast food business,” she says.

“It wouldn’t surprise me. Those clowns are everywhere; it’s like lifting up a rotten board and finding a bunch of slimly maggots.”

“Thanks for the visual,” she says her eyes glued to the road.

“Isn’t the restaurant back that way?” he points.

“How about a nice little coffee shop instead like the one back in town.”

“That dive?”

“Not so bad and plus people gather there. They talk,” she says.

“Not to us,” he says.

“Oh yes, to us. If Dunbar’s been around someone’s seen him.”

“You’re so smart. I’d like a job like yours.”

“Shut up,” she says.

“What?” He looks at her.

“If you’re so smart what are you doing messed up with all this?” she asks.

“I made some unfortunate choices in judgment when I was younger. This position of mine I’d guess you’d say is my pentene. I’m paying. That’s why I’m here. I’m paying.”


“Interesting, how much more do you have to go?” she asks.

“Good question. They don’t like to talk about that part too much. But, I’m thinking this assignment should do it one way or the other,” he says.

“How so?”

“It's been long enough, my service to them. They’ll either release me or I’ll just leave and substantially screw myself but at least I’ll be a free man.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she says.

“It’s not really much of a plan but it is all I have to work with so—”

“You gotta work with what you have,” she says.

“How would you know?” he asks.

“You’re not the only one who’s guilty of bad judgment.”

“If you’re trying to cheer me up spare me okay.”

“I’m just relating facts.”

“Have you?” he asks.

“Have I what?”

“You know, bad judgment has it ever graced your actions?”

“Sure, when I was in the second grade I stole some gumballs from the grocery store,” she says.

“That’s rich. I feel better already,” he says mockingly.

“Okay, that’s bull— but I can tell you I’m here because of bad judgment too.”

“Your bad judgment?”

“No, not mine, my kid sister,” she says.

“She used bad judgment?” he asks.

“You might say so yes,” she says.

“How so?”

“The woman the
intend to impregnate with the Sacred DNA—.”


“That’s her, that’s my kid sister.”


“I have never seen a bigger mess,” Logo says looking around at the ransacked warehouse.

“We are fortunate that we got all the important items moved back to the offices, just the day before too,” Solor says.

“I thought they were FBI the way they burst in here shooting at everything that moved.”

“Yeah, I did too. It’s a good thing we’re out of here. I think it’s safe to move back to the offices in town. A shooting has a way of drawing attention,” Logo says.

“I never realized Pedro had such a tight family.”

“They must have been their own little mafia: his cousins, ready to take us all out.”

“You gotta love loyalty like that,” Solor says.

“It’s something,” Logo says.

“So what was the final count?” Solor asks.

“Three dead, one got away. I don’t think he’ll be back though.”

“I’m just glad they weren’t FBI that means they don’t know where we are, which means we still have time.”

“Hopefully, but we’re no closer to finding Dunbar than we were yesterday,” Logo says.

“Clovis and Cosward stuck out on the microchip,”

“Yeah, big time.”

“Where did they end up?” Solor asks.

“Handy’s Adult bookstore and Laundromat,” Logo says.

“Odd combo,” Solor remarks.

“The old soap and stroke.”

“Dunbar’s a smart little clown to throw us off like that. I didn’t think he had it in him.”

“Almost a stroke of genius on his part,” Logo says.

“Just lucky that’s all. He won’t get far. I sent Clovis and Cosward to pick up a couple of folks who should be able to tell us a little more about Mr. Dunbar. Now, let’s get these last two boxes get out of here,” Logo says.

“I never did like this old warehouse, cold drafty, a relic from another age,” Solor says as they step out into the cool crisp night.

“Well, hello gentlemen.”

“What are you doing here?” They both ask.


“Your sister? How the hell did she get mixed up with the
?” he asks.

“It’s a long story. Let’s just say dependence had a lot to do with it,” she says as they get out of the car and begin walking toward the coffee shop.

“Dependency,” he ponders the thought while walking along side her. “I’ve heard that can be a real problem.”

“Yeah, you might say that.”

“You sound annoyed,” he says.

“No. I’m not, it’s just,” She stops at the sight of two large men with handguns who have just appeared out of nowhere to be standing in front of them.

“Good evening folks,” says Clovis pointing a revolver at them.

“Well, this is great,” Go man says.

“Shut up. We’re going to walk over to that blue van there,” he nods to the van across the street. “Real nice like and Mr. Bullet gets to stay put okay?”

“You sure you want to do this?” She says as Clovis reaches into her holster and pulls out her .38 caliber.

“We’re the best thing that’s happened to you folks today, getting you off the streets. You know it’s dangerous out here.”

“Appears so,” Go man says.

“Enough talk, let’s get going,” Clovis says as they walk over to the van.

“Where do you think?” He says climbing into the back of the van and sitting on the floor.

“How should I know, probably an integration camber then they’ll hold us or kill us, whatever works for them,” she says sitting down on the floor next to him.

“I forgot to tell those guys I have to pee. You think they’ll pull over?”

“Sure. Why would they mind?” she says.

“Now I know you’re annoyed,” he says.

She looks at him blankly not sure what to say or think about him. He reminds her a little too much of an old college boyfriend, except he seems smarter. For a brief moment, if things were different, if they weren’t wrapped up in all of this, she could picture herself talking and laughing with him over a few drinks. When was the last time something like that happened? She ponders the thought until she notices the van stopping.

“Wait, we haven’t gone far,” she says.

The door opens and the two men quickly motion for them to get out. Stepping onto the vacant parking lot they look up at the red stone building. “A church?” They say out loud.

“Let’s go folks.”


“We can’t count on Haggai any longer. The old man has lost it.”

“Glenn, why are you bringing this up?” Logo says.

“Can we just get these boxes and get out of here? Solor asks.

“Okay, but hear me out. I think Haggai has some very different plans for what happens once the Child is born,” Glenn tells them.

“How so?” Logo asks.

“I think he plans on cutting us out of the master plan.”

“But he can’t do that,” Solor says.

“Not within the
laws but as the one with the current power I think he’s going to make a move,” Glenn tells them.

“I still don’t see it,” Logo says.

“Well, think of it. Haggai’s an old man. He may not live long enough to see The Child take the throne. He’ll never bask in the money and the power himself. His greed is taking over. His only option is to make what he can now, you know, cash in. The old man wants to cash in,” Glenn says.

“I can’t believe it,” Logo says.

“Why not, why wouldn’t he? Look at all the work he’s put into this – where’s the payoff for him?” Glenn asks.

“I never thought of it that way,” Logo says.

“How do you know all this?” Solor asks.

“Because he asked me to join him,” Glenn answers.


“The holy text of the
has for centuries severed as a record of all the bloodline names, as well as a law book of all the
by laws – it’s constitution so to speak,” The One Who Turns tells him.

“So?” Jim says.

“Do want any room service? I’m getting hungry,” he asks. Jim nods his head no. “Well, the book, many believe points to climax events to take place within the 27th generation of the
. And guess what. This is it, we are the 27th generation.”

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