Saddam : His Rise and Fall (64 page)

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Abdullah, King of Jordan

Abraham Lincoln, USS

Abu Abbas

Abu Dhabi

Abu Ghraib prison

Abu Nidal (Sabri al-Banna)

Aburish, Said

Achille Lauro



fleq, Michel

gricultural Ministry, Iraqi

hmad, Sultan Hasim

kashat/Al Qaim project



lbright, Madeleine

lbu Dor

l-Bu Nasir tribe


l-Fardus Square



lgiers Agreement (1975)

lgosaibi, Ghazi

l-Haythem Institute

li, Muhammad

li, Rashid

li, Saleh Omar al-



llawi, Ayad




l Qaim

al Quds al-Arabi

l-Samoud missiles


min, Tahir Ahmed

mmash, Salih Mahdi

mn al-Amm (State Internal Security)

mn al-Khass (Special Security)

mnesty International

nderson, Frank

nderson, Robert

ndropov, Yuri


nnan, Kofi

ntiwar protests

rab Cooperation Council (ACC)

rab-Israeli conflict

see also
specific wars

rab League

rab nationalism

rab Projects and Developments (APD)

rafat, Yasser


rgov, Shlomo

rif, Abdul Rahman

rif, Abdul Salam

rnett, Peter

sad, Bashir

sad, Hafez al-

ssociation France-Libertés

tomic Energy Commission, Iraqi


tomic Energy Commission, U.S. (AEC)

toms for Peace program

tta, Mohammed

Attempts to Assassinate Saddam Hussein

(Barzan al-Tikriti)


yesh, Mohammed

ziz, Saddam

ziz, Tariq



Baader-Meinhof gang

Baath National Command

Baath Party, Egyptian

Baath Party, Iraqi

Baath Party, Syrian

Baath Regional Commands

Babcock and Wilcox




Baghdad Airport

Baghdad Military Academy

Baghdad Museum

Baghdad Pact

Baghdad summit (1978)

Baghdad University

Baker, James

Bakr, Ahmad Hassan al-

Bandar Abbas


Bani-Sadr, Abolhassan

Banna, Sabri al-,
Abu Nidal

Barzani, Massoud

Barzani, Mustapha

Barzani, Ubaidallah


Battle of the Cities, first (1984)

Battle of the Cities, second (1985)

Batutu, Hanna

Bazoft, Farzad

Bazzaz, Saad al-



Begin, Menachem


Bell, Gertrude

Benn, Tony

Berg, Nick

Bin Laden, Osama

Biological weapons,
weapons of mass destruction

Black September uprising

Blair, Tony

Blix, Hans

Brandt, Willy


Bremer, Paul

Brezhnev, Leonid

British Airways

British Foreign Office

British Royal Marines

Brzezinski, Zbigniew



Bull, Gerald

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

Abraham Lincoln speech of

Blix's criticism of

Camp David meetings with Blair of

impatience with UN delays of

Iraq policy of


UN addressed by

Butler, Richard



Cairo University


Camp David Accords

Carter, Jimmy

Castro, Fidel

Ceausescu, Nicolae

CENTCOM (U.S. Central Command)

Central Farmer's Office, Iraqi

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)


Chalabi, Ahmed

Chemical weapons,
weapons of mass destruction

Cheney, Richard



Chirac, Jacques

Churchill, Winston

Clinton, Bill

“coalition of the willing,”

Coalition Provisional Authority

Code of Personal Status

Collett, Alec

Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA)

Communist Party, Iranian

Community Party, Iraqi

Concealment Operations Committee

Congress, U.S.

see also
Senate, U.S.

Constitution, Iraqi

Council on Foreign Relations

Cox, Lady

Cox, Sir Percy

Critchfield, James


Czech Republic


Dabbagh, Lt. Col. al-



Daud, Ibrahim

Dawa (the call) Party

Defense Ministry, Iraqi

De Gaulle, Charles

Deutch, John M.

De Villepin, Dominique


Douri, Abdel Wahab Hussein al-

Douri, Izzat Ibrahim al-

Duelfer, Charles


Dukhail (Shiite detainee)

Dulles, Allen


Education Ministry, Iraqi


Eisenhower, Dwight David

Ekeus, Rolf

ElBaradei, Mohamed


Esser, Anna

Esser, Karl



European Union (EU)

Extraordinary Regional Congress (1966)


Fadil, Muhammad

Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia

Fahd, Sheikh

Faisal I, King of Iraq

Faisal II, King of Iraq


Fao Peninsula

Farah, Empress of Iran

Farid, Abdel Majid

Farouk-Sluglett, Marion

Fatah movement


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)


Fischer, Joschka

Fitzwater, Marlin

Fkaiki, Hani

Foreign Ministry, Iraqi


Franco-Iraqi Nuclear Cooperation Treaty

Franks, Tommy

“Freedom Wall,”

Free Officers



Gadhafi, Muammar

Galbraith, Peter

Gandhi, Indira


General Directorate of Veterinary Services

General Federation of Academicians and Writers

“Genie Unleashed, The” (report)

Geogeo, Kamel Hana


Germany, East

Germany, Nazi

Germany, West

Ghani, Mohammed Al

Ghaydan, Saadoun

Ghazi, King of Iraq

Ghoreiri, Abdel Wahab

Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry

Glaspie, April

Golan Heights

Golden Division of the Republican Guard

Golden Square

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Great Britain

Great Purge


Greenstock, Jeremy

Gromyko, Andrei



Gulf States

see also specific countries

Gulf War


Habash, George

Haddad, Naim

Haddad, Wadi

Hadithi, Murtada Saad Abdul Baqi al-

Haideri, Adnan Ihsan Saeed al-

Haj, Aziz-al

Hakim, Ayatollah Sayyed Mahdi al-



Halliday, Denis

Hamdani, Adnan Hussein al-

Hamdani, Sanaa

Hammadi, Saadoun

Hammadi, Said

Hamoud, Abdul

Hamza, Khidhir

Hani, Nasir al-

Hashimi, Abdul-Razzaq al-

Hassan, Hussein Kamel

Hazbar, Hussein

Hazzaa, Omar al-

Heath, Sir Edward


Helms, Jesse

Helms, Richard

Hickey, James

High Command, Iraqi


Hitler, Adolf

Hitler Youth


Howe, Sir Geoffrey

Hussein, Ali

Hussein, Hala

Hussein, King of Jordan

Hussein, Mouj

Hussein, Mustafa

Hussein, Qusay Saddam

Hussein, Raghad

Hussein, Rana

Hussein, Riyadh Ibrahim

Hussein, Saddam:

Afleq's attachment to

al-Qaeda link denied by

ambition of

anonymity of

anthrax use attributed to anticommunism of

appearances during Operation Iraqi Freedom of

arrests and detentions of

assassination attempts against

assassination attempts by

award received by

Baath Party joined by

Bakr as mentor of

Bakr's position weakened by

Bakr's superior status maintained by

battlefield deployment of WMDs planned by

birthday celebrations of

blackout on war news by

bravery and courage of

brutality and violent behavior of

bullying experienced by

cabinet minister shot by

capture of

cease-fire declared by

Central Farmer's Office job of

childhood of

CIA dealings of

CIA-led attempt at removal of

cold war legacy of

communication system while in hiding of

confidence of

in coup of

cult status of

and death of sons

death threats made by

debts of

decline in popularity of

defiance of

displeasure indicators used by

disputed birth date of

distrust, suspiciousness, and paranoia of

domestic uprisings crushed by

drinking of

eating habits of

education of

emotional outbursts of

escape from prison by

executions ordered or carried out by

exile of

expensive tastes and lifestyle changes of

falling out with half brothers of

family background of

family feuds and problems of

family life exploited by

favorable public image cultivated by

field marshal appointment received by

film autobiography of

film used by

final days in power of

first marriage of

first murder committed by

in flight from Baghdad

foreign links attributed to

foreign notice received by

foreign policy determinants of

formal chain of command bypassed by

France visited by

frustration of

Geogeo's murder and

as gifted administrator

government reorganized by

Great Purge of

grudges and revenge seeking of

hiding policy of

Hitler as model for

“human shield” policy of

humiliation of

hunting of

ill treatment during imprisonment avoided by

income of

infidelities of

injuries and health problems of

insecurity of

international divisions exploited by

international role sought by

interrogation of

interviews of

Iraqi opposition to

Iraqi resistance and

Iraq-Syria union plans and

itinerant lifestyle of

jealousy of

Khairallah Tulfah's influence on

lack of cooperation with coalition by

land and houses acquired by

leadership qualities of

lieutenant general appointment received by

look-alikes used by

military incompetence of

missing father controversy and

modernization plans and

as “Mr. Deputy,”

as Muslim

myths and heroic epic about

naming of

Nasser compared with

nationalism of

nationalization of oil and

in Nayif's removal

near capture of

Non-Aligned Movement and

“nonalignment” policy of

“open letter” to American people by

orchestrated concessions made by

participation-in-barbarism tactic of

peasant accent and speech of

physical appearance of

as president

prosecution and trial of

psychics consulted by

psychological scars of

public opinion courted by

Resolution and

retreat to Tikrit of

in revolution of

rise to power of

sadistic streak of

safe houses of

scientific and technological interests of

search for

second marriage of

security forces of

security obsession of


smoking of

social ineptitude of

sophisticated political and diplomatic skills of

Soviet Union visited by

speeches of

Stalin compared with

stealing of

stepfather's abuse of

as strikebreaker

survival during Iraq War of

television appearances of

torture linked to

tribal ties of

unconventional revenue sources exploited by

unconventional weapons used by

underground bunkers built by

working habits of

writing of

xenophobia of

Hussein, Sahar

Hussein, Saja

Hussein, Sajida

Hussein, Samira

Hussein, Sharif

Hussein, Uday Saddam


Ibrahim, Hassan al-

Ibrahim, Izzat

I. G. Farben

Ilah, Abdul

Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI)


Information Ministry, Iraqi

Institut Merieux

Interior Ministry, Iraqi

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)


Iran, Shah of

Iran-Contra scandal (Irangate)

Iran-Iraq War


agrarian reform in

air defenses in

air force of

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