Safer With You (27 page)

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Authors: Trisha Madley

BOOK: Safer With You
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He talks louder, “He has no idea how much we love each other.”

“Luke, stop. You’re going to wake up the whole house. It’s not like that anymore between us.”

“You fucked him! I knew it.” Luke twists out of his seat, stands up, and tangles his hand in his golden locks. “I’ve been here all fucking night, waiting for you, and you walk in here like I shouldn’t ask any questions?”

“Who I spend my time with is none of your business. I don’t go around asking who you are fucking, even though I know you were with other women while you were with me. In case you forgot, we are over. You kicked me out of your life first, not the other way around.”

“That was a mistake. I keep telling you. Why don’t you believe me? Why can’t you forgive me?”

“I’ve already forgiven you, Luke, but I don’t love you and I don’t think you ever loved me.”

He stands in front of me, shoulders slouched, defeated. He grabs my hands, pleading one last time. “That isn’t true. Our time hasn’t passed; it’s just detoured. I need you. Just let me explain —I fell apart when I saw you in that hospital bed. Then I find out Jase Madsyn is by your side. Jase fucking Madsyn? Do you even know who he is? How dangerous he is?”

His posture changes, and instead of defeated, he looks determined. “Nora, I don’t know what bullshit he’s feeding you, but he’s not who you think he is.”

“He’s not bullshitting me; that’s your job.” My snide comment puts fire in his eyes, and I immediately know I’ve crossed the line.

“I’ll still go with you tonight, but we’re just friends, Luke. Only friends. We will never be anything more than friends.”

He pushes me away harshly, sulking almost like a child, “I’m not giving up on us. You’re mine and always will be.”

Did he listen to a word that I said? He refuses to hear anything. Funny how a few months ago I would have given anything for him to want me, and now I just want him to leave me alone.

“I’ll see you later,” I say, since this conversation is going nowhere.

I watch him walk out the door and relief floods me, that is, until my mother stands before me with a pissed look on her face.

“Morning, Mom,” I say sweetly, because I know I’m in trouble.

“Don’t you ‘morning’ me; you had us worried to death! Your father practically had a heart attack running around looking for you. Thank God we ran into Tucker. We aren’t too happy with you spending the night with Jase. I understand you are an adult, but I don’t believe anything good will come of this.”

I roll my eyes. “I thought you liked him?” I’m beyond confused.

Instead of waiting for her to answer, I stand up, ready to escape whatever negative comment she’s about to throw my way. I’m tired of everyone’s opinions.

“Nora…” her voice softens. “I like him; I’m just not sure he’s what you need right now.”

“Mom, he’s exactly what I need. We’ve talked and he let me in on a few of his secrets. He would never do anything to harm me. I trust him and, right now, that’s all that matters to me.” I place a kiss on her cheek and retreat to my bedroom, as I try to believe my own words.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


It killed me to leave Nora like that, wondering where I was going, what I was doing. I wish I could tell her, but I’m not ready. I have to prove he was responsible for her attack first. Knowing she’ll be with that prick, Luke, tonight destroys me.

Tucker has been helping me all night by tracking the suspect. As of this afternoon, he hasn’t been able to locate him. I played the security video from the wedding over and over. He’s watching her like a hawk. I know he works on the senator’s personal security team, but he wasn’t on the security detail list that night.

I left a message for Senator Malone, but he hasn’t returned my calls. Tucker has also been on the phone with all the contacts we can think of trying to locate our suspect.

I visit with Uncle Joe and Mom, leaving Tucker to watch over Nora and continue the investigation. Mom is comfortably lying on the king-sized bed belonging to Uncle Joe. She looks so peaceful reading.

Her light blue eyes are like looking into a mirror. “Honey, you don’t have to be quiet. I’m just lost in this silly romance novel. What are you doing here?”

“Just checking in. Uncle Joe treating you alright?” I ask, hoping that today she remembers where she is and why.

“Yes, dear. Joe always treats me well; your father, on the other hand, needs to take lessons from him. Where is your father anyway?”

No such luck. I would give anything for her to forget that the son of a bitch ever existed…or at least remember he’s dead.

“Mama, don’t you remember? He’s gone…he died years ago.” Realization strikes her face.

I see a tear flow down her cheek. “Oh, Jase, he died? Why don’t I remember?”

I continue to tell her the same story I tell her most days. He’s gone and she paid the price for his crimes. Of course, I tell her the truth gently.

She takes it the same way she always has. Cries a little, then she remembers the beating and the rehabilitation center. I talk with her about mundane things until I mention Nora.

“Mama, I met someone.” It’s such a simple statement, but it means so much more.

She sits up straight and a smile spreads across her face. “When will I get to meet her? What’s she like? Oh, she must be special to catch you.” She taps her bed for me to come sit beside her.

Luckily, the bed is so damn huge, I have plenty of room to sit at the bottom. “She’s beautiful. A good person. She isn’t fake or after my money. Nora just wants to be with me. It’s complicated, but I want to be with her, too.”

She reaches up and touches my face. “Oh, Jason, I’m so happy you’ve found someone. Joseph is the love of my life. I don’t know what I would do without him.”

In that moment of clarity, a peace unlike I’ve ever known surrounds me. She hasn’t called me Jason in years. She kisses my cheek and settles back on her pillow, closing her eyes for a few moments, but I know the clarity is gone.

“Thanks, Mom. Do you want to see Uncle Joe?” I ask, praying I’m wrong, if only for Uncle Joe’s sake. She’s far too young to be frozen in time. As time goes by, the doctors say her memory may return permanently. I used to believe that it could happen, but my faith is extinguishing.

“Isn’t your father here? I’m sure they’re downstairs talking,” she responds with confusion on her face.

“Yeah, I’ll head down and talk with them.”

“Okay, dear.” She lifts her book and settles her glasses back on her nose.

The hope I have for my mother fades as fast as her memories. So, to take my mind off of her, I search for Uncle Joe.

My cell phone chimes as I’m walking down the stairs and Senator Malone’s number glares back at me. I come to a complete halt and gather my thoughts. He’s the only person who’ll be able to tell me where that son of a bitch is.

“Senator, thanks for returning my call,” I say politely, knowing he is my only solid connection to the attacker.

“Did you leave a message? I’m calling you to make sure that you will be attending my party with Samantha.”

Of course he knows I left a message. His voice is curt, rough—very different from the polite charismatic man I’m used to.

I play along. “Yes, I’ll be there with Samantha, as her escort, not her date. I don’t want people to question our relationship,” I say cautiously.

Something is off.

“No, no…change of plans. She’s going to revoke funding if you don’t fully cooperate.”

“What are you talking about?” I can feel the adrenaline coursing through me. I head into my uncle’s extravagant office. He is sitting behind the large mahogany desk. He raises his head as he hears me enter.

“You must act as if you got back together with her, you worked out your problems, and the engagement is back on,” the senator demands.

“What? That’s absurd!”

“You do as I say. Understood?”

“No!” Uncle Joe stands from his desk with confusion focused in my direction.

“You will. Her family will revoke the funding if you don’t agree to publicly acknowledge you are back together. You tell them it was a mistake to end things with her. It was too soon.”

I feel like I’m talking to a different person. Who is this man to threaten me? I don’t give a fuck who he is to my uncle; no client is worth this.

“Listen, Madsyn, I need this money. She wants you, and as I’m your boss, you will do as I say…”

I start to cut him off, but he talks over me.

“You will do this because I know Isaac had something to do with that Skye girl’s attack, and I know exactly where to find him. It’s come to my attention that she is rather special to you.”

My hand grasps a statue on my uncle’s desk and I throw it at the closest wall. “You mother fucking liar…”

The senator cuts me off. “Ahh…Jase. You always think you play the game better, but this time I’ve outplayed you. You will be Samantha’s fiancé tonight and every night until I get my money, or I will hand Nora over to Isaac. To add a little incentive, Luke knows all about this and has orders to take her away. I can’t promise she’ll return alive.”

For the first time in my life, I have no response, no idea what to say or do. Luke’s known all along? He’s been in on it? How did I not see this?

The phone dangles in my hand and the aggravating sound of the dead dial tone makes me heave it across the room.

Uncle Joe places his hand on my shoulder and his forehead crinkles. “Jase, what is it?”

“Did you know? Did you fucking know?”

“What’s going on?” Confusion radiates off my uncle’s face.

“Senator Malone, he knows all about Nora. Isaac attacked her. Did you know too?”

“How could you accuse me of such a thing?” His mouth gapes in shock.

“You’ve always let the senator go, and he does whatever the fuck he wants. Now Nora is paying the price. I’m taking him down. I don’t give a fuck who he is to you or anyone. He’s dead.”

I can’t recall ever disrespecting my uncle, but I hold him responsible. He’s responsible for turning Senator Malone into the entitled asshole he’s become.

I dart out of the house and call Tucker. “Make sure Saunders is nowhere near Nora. No one leaves or comes in that house, understood?”

“Sir, he’s already here. What’s going on?”

After I explain what I need Tucker to do, I call Max and fill him in too. I’m going to need everyone at their best tonight. Max suggested that I tell Nora everything, but I don’t want to spook her into Luke’s arms.

I can’t tell Nora now, though. She won’t understand. She’ll never trust me again if she finds out that Luke is Michael, and that on the night of the wedding, I chose to protect him, leaving Isaac to attack her.

No, she can’t find out tonight. I’ll just act as though nothing has changed. I know I’m playing with fire, but she’ll have to understand about Samantha. We’ll have more than enough security there so that we can take down the senator and Isaac and end this tonight.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I stare back at myself. For the first time in my life, I feel beautiful. Absolutely worthy of any attention that I receive in my silky silver gown. I finally believe I’m back to normal. My brown hair is pooling down past my shoulders, and a beautiful crystal flower clip pins the left side of my hair.

Jenny, of course, did my hair and makeup. My chocolate eyes are framed with smoky shadow, dark eyeliner, and long black lashes. She said a redder lip tone would look better. She also covered up my bruises. Even though they are light, they’re still an ugly reminder of what happened.

I want Jase to look at me tonight and just see me, not the reminder of what happened. I again take notice of the beauty staring back at me. I’ve caught some sun, causing the dress to shimmer even more. I twist and turn back and forth, while the dress flows around me. I feel like a princess.

The glistening smile falls from my face as I remember that Jase isn’t the one downstairs waiting for me.

A quiet knock comes from the other side of the door. Expecting it to be Jenny, I say, “Come in.”

Luke waltzes into my bedroom. He is handsome, but doesn’t even compare to Jase, who’s beautiful on the inside and out.

“Nora, you look exquisite.” His lips press against my cheek.

“Thank you, Luke. You look handsome as well.” His hair is flawless, his green eyes shine, and his black tuxedo is tailored to perfection.

He extends his arm. “Shall we?”

I take his arm and we say our goodbyes to my parents. Jenny and Max will be meeting us there, and Tucker is our third wheel. Luke is especially frustrated with the situation, but it’s the only way I will go with him.

We are quiet for most of the ride. He fills me in on the schedule of events and what he expects from me, which takes all of three seconds. I watch the sun set over the horizon and nervously anticipate the evening. Not the event itself, but what it will be like to see Jase when I’m with Luke.

I am used to going to these events with Luke. It was routine for our relationship. Many times I played the part of his arm candy, knowing who to charm and when to leave him alone to discuss business. Nothing ever changed; it seems he still expects this of me.

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