Safer With You (22 page)

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Authors: Trisha Madley

BOOK: Safer With You
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“Good morning, my lovely ladies.” He stops when I lay my head back down on the table. “Are you feeling alright?” Luke asks with alarm.

I quickly pick my head up and answer, “Just a little tired.”

My mom vacates her chair while Luke sits beside me. She busies herself with more pancake making and cleaning.

“Do you think you would be up for going out today?” His emerald eyes are hopeful.

“Sure, I’m done with physical therapy. Lizzy can finally have a day off. I’m almost back to normal. No headaches, just a little sore, but I could use a day out.”

I don’t have any more headaches because of the attack, but I have a headache from wondering why Jase left me heartbroken.

Luke takes my hand, brings it up to his lips, and kisses it softly. “I was hoping you’d say that. I want to take you shopping.”

Ugh…for so many reasons. “Luke, please no kissing, and I don’t need anything.”

I love to shop, but it’s such a big deal to be out in public with all this security, and Luke has done nothing but try to get back together with me. I don’t need to give him the wrong idea. I was just hoping he’d say for a walk or something. Not all day together.

“You do need something. My Uncle is having a party to announce his run for another term in a few days, and I’d like you to accompany me.”

Shit. I suck in a breath through my teeth and tug my hand free. “No. I’m not up for that, all those people. I’m just getting back to normal.” Touching my face, I continue, “I still have all these bruises on my face. It’s not a good idea.”

He shakes his head. “You look beautiful, and we can hide the bruises with makeup. Babe, I think it will be good for you to get back in the swing of things. You’ll feel better once you get a new dress.”

I roll my eyes, “Luke, I can’t.”

“Nora, come on. It’s an important event to my family; they will be expecting you. You know how much they love you.” He stands up, then tugs me close to his body. “Please?”

I push against him. “Luke, no touching!”

He backs away and nods, “Okay, okay…I know your rules. I’ll wait forever for you, Nora.”

Ugh, he just doesn’t get it. We have had several talks about this. We are friends—just friends. I have to admit, I like him being around to distract me from unwanted thoughts, but not anything more.

Just as I’m getting ready to give him the friend, hands-off lecture again, Jenny enters the kitchen.

Her bubbly voice reverberates through the small room. “I’m here! Ready to shop till you drop?”

Jenny, of course, is always up for shopping. She looks the part today too, wearing a cute yellow summer dress with strappy white sandals and her hair is swept in a side braid.

“No, I’m not going, Jenny.” I exaggerate my voice. I sound like a toddler, but I don’t care.

She fires back, “Oh, yes, you are. You have been cooped up in this house for far too long. You need to go to a party. Have some fun, and stop hiding from this fucker who attacked you.”

She’s right. I’m afraid that the bastard is still after me, but I’m mostly licking my wounds.

“Jenny, no.”

“Yes. You have nothing to worry about. Jase knows all about the party and has approved for you to go. Tucker will be by your side the whole night, plus I’m going too.”

My heart halts. Did she just say Jase knows and approves? Before I can process this startling information, Luke speaks up.

“What do you mean Jase knows about the party? How? He hasn’t been around for weeks. Is he going?”

Jenny looks unfazed by his comment. “Yeah, well Max told him what was going on after you called to invite us to the shindig. I’m not sure if he’ll be there, but he definitely knows about it.” She shrugs and grabs an apple off the table.

I want to bombard her with questions, but with Luke’s hostile eyes on me, it’s probably not a good idea. Staying quiet right now is the best thing for all of us. My eyes roam over to Luke’s face, which is redder than usual, his eyes glaring down at his phone.

“Come on, kids, let’s go. We have dresses to buy,” Jenny says, while opening the door.

“Don’t we have to wait for Tucker?” I ask, because he goes everywhere with me.

Luke runs his hands down his face in frustration, and his expression grows cold. “No, Nora. I don’t have to ask permission from Madsyn’s goon. I can take my girlfriend to buy a dress without security detail.”

“Oh, for God’s sake, Luke. This isn’t a pissing contest between you and Jase. It’s nothing new; he’s been looking after her for weeks now. Just because she
your girlfriend doesn’t make you in charge of Nora.” She looks my direction and rolls her eyes.

“Okay, okay…enough. I’ll change, then we can go. Forget I said anything.”

When I return from my sanctuary, I’m wearing a bright pink sundress to match Jenny’s mood, not mine. Maybe it will rub off on me. I’m also wearing heeled sandals, which is something I haven’t done since the night of the wedding.

I stop my mind from heading back to that horrific night and try to focus on finding a dress to wear to this awful party. I’ve gone to dozens of events like this with Luke, and hated every one of them. Luke would always venture off to kiss someone’s ass, while I usually sat alone. He wouldn’t come back until it was over.

This event should be better, since Jenny and Max will be there. Of course, the thought of Jase being there has butterflies taking up battle in my stomach.

Shopping drags on all day and we don’t return until four hours later, four! I can’t believe it took so long. Even though I am dead tired, I did find a great dress. A silky silver beaded dress. It is long with spaghetti straps and perfectly matches the great pair of platinum strappy heels I found on sale.

Jenny decided on something more revealing. Honestly, I thought she’d be more reserved now that she’s married, but not a chance. Her cleavage in that dress will be discussed by many guests.

Of course, Tucker came with us too. The moment we opened the door to leave the house, he was by my side. Luke wasn’t too happy that he came with us, but he was doing his job. I noticed that Luke tried to lose him at one point, but Tucker was never far behind.

Luke follows me up to my room, holding onto my dress, while I carry the bag with the new shoes and jewelry. As we enter the room, I hear the door slam behind me.

“You know, I can’t take this anymore! After tonight, I’m taking you back to Miami,” he says, fiercely determined.

I let out a frustrated sigh. Not this again. “Luke, I’m not going back to Miami with you. We’ve already talked about this a million times; I’m not going to Miami, and I’m not getting back with you.”

“Nora, you will be safer there than here. And you won’t have to live like a prisoner in your own home.” He paces the tiny room and massages his temples. “You can’t even go shopping without a security detail.”

“I actually like having him around. It’s fine, Luke. I don’t know what this person is after. What if they try to hurt my family and I’m not here?”

He retorts, “What would you do if you were here? Are you going to save them? Your father is a police officer, for Christ’s sake. Don’t you think he’s offended that you feel he can’t protect you?”

I’m shocked at his response. I never thought that my father would feel insulted by Jase taking care of me. Having extra security to protect my family is all I care about. My father can be upset, but I don’t want anything to happen to him because of me.

I sit down and pat the bed, suggesting that Luke should follow. He lets out a breath, but listens.

I take his hand and turn to face him. His face softens at my touch. He is a very handsome man, but the butterflies aren’t there, my heart doesn’t quicken, and my feelings aren’t the same anymore. Even if I never see Jase again, I still felt more passion and love in those few weeks than I ever felt with Luke.

Rubbing his hand softly, I start what I hope will be the ending of this Miami crap. “Luke. I do not want to go to Miami with you. Our relationship was and is not healthy. You lied, hid things from me, and cheated on me. I can’t go back to that life again.”

He tightens his grip on me, his green eyes on fire. “This is because of fucking Madsyn! He’s told you lies about me, just because he’s my boss…”

What? Now I’m confused. “I don’t understand…your boss? You don’t have a boss. Your family owns the real estate company, right?” I rip my hand from his. “This is what I’m talking about, lies all lies.”

“No, babe, I’m not lying. I’m obligated to my family; there are things that I can’t tell you. In a fucked up way, Jase is my boss. He has the final say in certain…” His eyes search around the room, looking for the right word. Finally he says, “Situations.”

Huh, well that explains nothing. They both are liars and they both kicked me out of their homes. Assholes. I’ve had enough. I start to leave the room, but he grabs me by the arm.

“Nora, stop. Please.” He begs and puts both hands on my head and leans down to look directly into my eyes. I fight against his hold, but he won’t let me go, so I close my eyes so I don’t have to look at him.

“Nora, if you don’t want to look at me, just listen. Babe, I know I’m not entirely honest with you about what my family does, but I would never put you in danger. I’m upset that you think the worst of me, like I’m some sort of monster. Jase is the monster, not me!”

I hear every stupid word spewing from his lips. Who am I supposed to believe? They both speak negatively about each other, yet neither of them seem to be telling me the truth. I’ve had a question to ask him. It’s been nagging at me, but I keep pushing it away in the dark depths of my mind. I think this is the right time to bring it to the surface.

I open my eyes and Luke lets go. Stepping away, I walk towards the window, just to clear my head for a moment. I turn back around and face him.

“Did you have anything to do with the attack? You have all these secrets, and the things that were in that office, in that drawer—I mean, it’s just not normal. Nobody I know has reason to attack me, but you…”

He looks absolutely traumatized, even to the point that he steps back and his emerald eyes are wide in horror.

“How could you even think? I would never…What did he tell you about me?”

Always blaming Jase, he can’t ever tell me the goddamn truth. I can feel the rage building from the pit of my stomach…about to burst through the top of my head.

“Why do you always blame Jase? He lies to me just like you do!” My voice is loud and mean. I never talk like this, but I’m done. With him, with Jase, with security, and with this fucking lunatic who attacked me and turned my world upside down.

Luke comes close and puts his hands on my shoulders to calm me. He’s never seen me act this way. He runs his hands up and down my arms.

“Nora, settle down. I would never put you in danger. Okay? I love you!” Luke squats down and continues “I would never bring anyone into our lives to hurt you, okay? Trust me, please.”

I’m having trouble trusting anyone at this point. Everyone tells me to trust them, but then when I need them, they leave me.

I decide to give him a small smile, just to end this conversation. I do believe him, and I do believe if Jase thought Luke was dangerous, he wouldn’t be allowed near me. I’m too tired to deal with all this right now.

“Okay. I believe you,” I concede.

He grins back with relief. “Good. I’m headed to my hotel room for the rest of the evening. Call if you need me.” Luke walks to the door, turns to face me, and quietly adds, “I love you, Nora. Always have and always will.”

I internally scream. He didn’t seem to get the whole point of our conversation.

Jenny barrels in, almost slamming into Luke, eliminating the tension in the room.

“Hey, Luke, stayin’ for dinner?” Jenny asks.

“No, I’m on my way to the hotel. Take care of my girl. See you tomorrow.” Luke winks at me and disappears.

Jenny swings to face me and her eyebrows raise, “What the hell was that about? Did the words ‘love you’ come from his slimy mouth?”

I fall dramatically back on the bed and cover my face with my arm. “He still loves me, Jenny. He wants me to go back with him to Miami.”

Jenny rips my arm off my face. Her light eyes double in size. “You can’t. I will not allow it!”

I sit up to try and extinguish the fire. “I’m not going with him. Although, going where this lunatic can’t find me is starting to sound nice. I’m clearly not safe here.”

“What are you doing, Nora, why is he still here?” Jenny narrows her eyes. “I don’t trust him.”

“I know, Jenny, but he’s been in my life for so long. I believe him when he says that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. Besides, we’re just friends.”

“Bullshit, Nora, he doesn’t think you’re ‘just friends.’” I’ve never seen you so miserable. I’ve been trying not to upset you, but I can’t stand you letting Luke back into your life. You sit around here, let him take care of you, and act like he’s your boyfriend. Personally, I’m sick of it.” Jenny points and accuses, “You like Jase, and you’re only settling for Luke because Jase isn’t here, but guess what? He’s hasn’t left you; he’s protecting you.”

“What are you talking about?”

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