Safer With You (21 page)

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Authors: Trisha Madley

BOOK: Safer With You
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Luke is going to be visiting Nora, and I need to find out exactly what he knows. With a couple of calls, I find out where he is staying and decide it’s time to pay Michael Malone/Luke Saunders a visit.

The owner of the hotel owes me a favor and hands over the key without question. I wait in Luke’s hotel room.

Tucker informed me that Luke is actually at Nora’s parents’ house as I sit here waiting for him to return. For the first time ever, I’m jealous of Michael Malone. He’s such a fuck up, but he was Nora’s boyfriend. He got to make love to her every day, wake up with her in his arms, and kiss her whenever he wanted. The stupid fucker just let her go, and then she almost died because of me.

For some reason, I have something to do with her attack. Why else would they be after my mom too? The only people connected to both me and Nora are Luke and Senator Malone. The senator’s been a loyal friend to my uncle, though. He couldn’t be capable of this, could he?

Looking around the dull hotel room, I notice Luke’s suitcase laying open across his bed. I rifle through the stack of clothes, checking through his pockets as I throw his clothes on the bed. I dig through the suitcase and pull out a photo of Nora and Luke kissing.

My chest seizes with pain. I wonder if she still loves him, if she’d take him back. I’m not around to stop him from seeing her, and I let her go in the worst way, but it was the only way. I had something to do with her attack. It’s better she stays away from me, and the only way to make sure she stays away is to hurt her.

I freeze when I hear the click of the door opening, my senses on high alert.

“I’ve been waiting for you to grace me with your presence. I never thought you would leave Nora’s side, but here you are. What can I do for you, Madsyn?”

Closing the door behind him, Luke moves across the room. He takes something out of his jacket pocket and places is it on the glass table in front of him, and then slowly lowers into a chair.

“Am I supposed to feel threatened by your gun, Michael? Or is it Luke? I’m confused. Which one are you today?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

Luke shrugs. “I like Luke; it seems to fit me better.”

I look down and realize I’m still holding the picture of them kissing. I flip it over in my fingers and face it so he can see.

“Were you behind her attack?” I hope he can feel me piercing his skin with my eyes.

Luke takes his hand off the gun and sits back. He keeps his glare fixed on me. “I love Nora. I would never hurt her. I will kill whoever hurt her.”

“So, the reason you kicked her out on the street…”

He doesn’t answer right away. He looks like he’s thinking of some excuse. I can’t wait to hear this. From what I know, he was probably banging some chick. He was the guy the senator usually came to when he needed a date for an event or just to fuck.

Senator Malone is a high profile politician. A loved-by-the-people politician who I found myself continually cleaning up after. He loves women—lots of women and drugs. He sleeps around and never worries about the ramifications of his actions. Michael and Isaac are supposed to handle his indiscretions. Michael takes care of the ladies and drugs, and Isaac takes care of keeping everyone quiet.

They both are horrible at their jobs, and I usually end up cleaning up after them. Like I did the night Nora was attacked.

Luke still hasn’t answered. “Again, Malone, why did you throw Nora out?”

His face pales and his eyes shift. He’s looking everywhere but at me. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I had a little too much to drink, we argued, and then I asked her to leave. I wasn’t thinking clearly. When I realized what I had done and came to my senses, I asked her to come back. She stayed here because of her sister’s wedding. I just came from seeing her; we’re good now. You can back off.”

I move to stand directly in front of him. Luke rests his hand over the gun as I approach. I nod my chin, “I get it, tough guy. You can shoot me if you want, but I’m not here to kill you. I just want answers.”

“Listen, she is mine, not yours. You need to back off. I have no idea what’s going on between you two, but it needs to end. You’ve been cock blocking me for weeks now. She’s not your usual type. What are you getting out of this?” Luke demands.

Nora, that’s what I get, asshole. He isn’t worried about her safety, just getting back in her pants. As I stand before him, I now realize beyond a doubt that he isn’t smart enough to pull off an attack on Nora, or get into my mother’s room.

Luke sits straight in his chair, but doesn’t have his hand on the gun anymore. I doubt he’s ever shot anyone. The color red clouds my vision as I think of Nora and Luke together. He’s a fucking gofer. He doesn’t work hard. He likes to party and spend his uncle’s money. I think he needs to get the point that she isn’t his anymore.

“Nora is not yours anymore, so don’t think for one second that she is.” I walk with a purpose as I stand in front of him. “I will let you see her, because for some reason, she still thinks it’s okay for you to be in her life. I’ll give you the opportunity to fuck up, because I know you will. Don’t, for one second, think that I’ve given up on her. I’m sure you’re aware that I get what I want. Well, guess what, asshole? I want Nora,” I state as slowly and clearly as possible, so he doesn’t get confused.

“Fuck you, Madsyn. She is my girlfriend…”

Without thinking, I flip the glass table over and the gun skitters to the ground. His jaw drops and his eyes open wide with shock. I read the fear across his crimson face. I go for his throat and yank him out of the chair, vaguely hearing the chair crash.

“If you are lying and you know something about Nora’s attack, I will kill you. Do you understand?” I make sure my eyes are locked on his, so that he understands exactly what I’m threatening. “I’m watching you, Malone.”

I release his reddened neck and he drops to the ground with a crash. “I’ll kill you if any harm comes to her.” Before I leave, I pick up his gun. “I don’t think you should be trusted with a weapon; I am, technically, still your boss.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Ms. Skye, Luke Saunders is here to see you,” Tucker says through my childhood bedroom door.

Tucker’s words elicit no reaction from me. I’m at the point where I only want to see my parents and Jenny. I hate to leave the room, except for the physical therapy the ninja makes me go to, or once in a while, to eat. I’m so empty and lost that I don’t have the willpower to fight off Luke.

I’m not sure where I belong, what I’m supposed to be doing, or who I am. It’s so cliché, but it’s the truth. My life has been turned upside down since the minute Luke forced me to leave Miami.

I thought I found the answer to calming the chaos in Jase, but it turns out I only found more unrest.

Luke has been a constant visitor since the day Jase left and got his wish. I didn’t want him here at all. I fought it for days, but he was so persuasive I didn’t have the energy to fight him anymore. Weirdly, it turns out he has been wonderful.

He reminds me of the old Luke, the one before Miami, before he turned into a liar. Luke is being sweet, funny, and attentive. For some odd reason, he has become a welcome distraction. It is so easy with him. I know who he is and how he feels about me. No guessing where we stand. At the same time, though, I know for a fact he is not who I want to be with.

My parents have also welcomed him. It’s strange, but I think they’re trying not to cause me any stress. Dad doesn’t say much to him and Mom is polite, but doesn’t treat him like she did when we were together.

The weirdest part of it all is that Jase wanted Luke nowhere near me, yet Tucker has no reservations about letting him into my parents’ house. He has since been very polite to Luke and has even left me alone with him.

I’m tired of being heartbroken over Jase. He obviously doesn’t give two shits about me. He hasn’t bothered to pick up the phone to see how I am. No, “are you okay,” “do you need anything,” or “gee, hope no one tries to kill you again.” Nothing.

Tucker and Lizzy never bring him up. Max and Jenny are back from their honeymoon, but haven’t said two words about him. It’s like everyone forgot he exists except me. He’s forever engrained in my memory.

Tired of feeling like a lovesick puppy, I open the door to see buzz-haired Tucker staring casually at me. Thankfully, he has quit wearing his suits. I think the fact that he is staying in a beach house has finally sunk in. I’m not saying his taste in clothes is good, but at least he doesn’t look so serious. Today, he is wearing bright red board shorts with crazy yellow flowers and a yellow polo shirt. Well, at least he matches, I think, as I snicker to myself.

“I’m headed downstairs now, Tuck.” He gives his usual nod and moves aside to let me through. I know he doesn’t like me calling him Tuck, but a girl’s got to have some fun when someone is at her side twenty-four seven and barely talks.

I leisurely trot down the stairs into my parents’ kitchen. They have been so wonderful and supportive. They’ve given up their lives to make sure I’m alright by welcoming all these strangers into their home. Letting them change locks, phone numbers, and even adding cameras to mostly every room.

I have been having nightmares every night. It’s usually the same nightmare about a man clapping as I try and run from him. I wake up the moment his hand grabs my arm. The first few nights of being here, I slept in between my parents like a scared little girl. I guess that is my new reality; I’m scared.

Even though the house is secure and I have people watching me, I don’t feel safe. The only time I ever felt truly safe was when Jase was at my side.

I make it to the kitchen table. My mother is at the other end of the kitchen, standing by the stove. This kitchen has always been my favorite room. It holds some wonderful memories of family dinners and it’s also where most of our meaningful conversations take place.

The kitchen is small, but still offers a lot of counter space. The walls are pale yellow; they match my Mom’s happy personality. Light brown cabinets, white countertops, and various appliances adorn the kitchen.

“Nora, honey, would you like some pancakes?” Mom asks, while giving me her loving smile.

I smile back. She is always looking on the bright side and giving me so much strength. I love her and I’m thankful for her.

“No, Mom, I’m good.”

“Okay, well then, I sent Luke to the little store around the block to pick up more milk. Why don’t you head up and take a shower? I’m sure he’ll be back any second.” Mom rolls her eyes.

“I thought everyone was now a fan of Luke.”

She cocks her head with a little attitude, “No, I tolerate him for you.”


“When you moved to Miami, you became miserable. I’m your mother and I could hear it in your voice every time I talked with you. I know he’s been sweet and your father hasn’t protested his visits, but I still don’t trust him.” She moves to sit down beside me.

“I don’t either, but I don’t know who to trust,” I say.

“Well, with Luke there are too many unanswered questions regarding his profession and the way he just kicked you out of your home…” She sighs with a disgusted look on her face. “That’s just unforgivable.”

“He wants me to go back to Miami with him.” My mom’s mouth gapes open as a response.

“I…I hope you aren’t going,” she stutters.

“No, but it would be easier for everyone if I did. This lunatic wouldn’t be after me in Miami; your life could go back to normal, and everything would be as it was.”

She lays her hand over mine. “You listen to me. This is not a burden. You are our daughter, and we will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. If you want to move somewhere else, we will follow you, but do not go back there with him.”

“Okay, then. It’s settled. I’m not going anywhere.” I smile to reassure her. It looks like it does the trick. Honestly, the best solution for everyone is for me to leave. I could probably stomach Luke for a few months until everything settles. I could also go somewhere by myself. Sneak out of town.

I think it would be a relief for Jase. He’s already forgotten me, and I could do the same.

Mom stares and her forehead crinkles like she knows I’m up to no good.

“I think Jase would be worried if you went anywhere with Luke.”

“What?” I am taken aback by her statement. We haven’t even mentioned his name for weeks. Everyone pretends like he doesn’t exist, myself included.

“Oh, honey, I know you’ve been upset about him. He went out of his way setting up all this security, and at the hospital he took charge, but I’m concerned. I don’t want to see you hurt again. I don’t know what to think of him. We couldn’t get him to leave your side, and now…” Her eyes roam around the room, “Where is he?”

I drop my head into the palms of my hands. “Oh, Mom, I don’t know. I’ve never been so upset over someone. Even when everything happened with Luke, I was pissed, but not this…heartbroken.”

Mom’s deep dark brown eyes pop as a response. Before she can say anything else, Luke makes his grand entrance. He takes a few steps from the door and kisses my cheek. He is put together nicely, wearing a white linen dress shirt and dark dress pants. Luke is very handsome, but I notice now that it’s more in a boyish way. His blond hair is styled to perfection and his green eyes brighten when I smile back at him.

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