Safer With You (9 page)

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Authors: Trisha Madley

BOOK: Safer With You
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I arrived at the hospital faster than I should have, and now I’m sitting here motionless. It’s now that I realize that the moment I pass through those doors, she may be alive and awake or gone. How will Jenny and Max react? They were supposed to be on their honeymoon, not coming to their sister’s deathbed.

To distract myself, I check my cell phone; I notice the screen is smudged with blood. My shifting eyes finally associate with my brain. I’m covered in blood…my hands, my shirt, my pants…all covered—in

I have to get in there before I can’t move.

I exit the car hastily. Jenny and Max aren’t here yet. Thinking of the best way to get in to see her, I come up with a plan.

Luckily, there is an attractive woman at the nurse’s station. A few sweet words and this should be easy.

“Can I help you, sir?” She gives me a dazzling smile.

“Yes, a woman was brought here by ambulance, Nora Skye. Can you tell me where she is?” Turning on the charm is the only way to go.

“Are you family?” she asks.

Well, technically, only through marriage, but maybe that will be enough until I can speak with the president of the hospital. He owes me a few favors.

“Yes, I called the ambulance…” The nurse flies out of her chair, comes out from around the desk, and grabs me by the arm.

“I helped work on her when she was brought in. It’s horrible that someone would hurt her like that, but they said a man saved her, so I’m assuming that’s you. If I’m right, I won’t turn you away.”

A breath escapes me; it feels like an eternity since I let out a breath in relief. She is alive. It’s going to be okay.

The nurse takes her badge from around her neck and scans it against the door lock. She motions for me to follow her. Unexpectedly, my legs refuse to move; there is nothing good that can come from walking through that door.

I know my life is going to change.

The nurse must detect my hesitation, “It’s alright, Sir; if you’re a bit squeamish, you can stay in the waiting room and I’ll check in on her.”

I’m not squeamish; I deal with murders, for Christ sake. “I’m fine.” The reminder helps my feet to move.

As we walk, my cell phone vibrates. I remove it from my jacket; I’m not even sure when I put my jacket back on. What a fucked up day.

“Jase, are you at the hospital yet? We can’t get a cab yet. We’re stuck at the airport. I called Uncle Joe; he just got home from his friends, and the police won’t let him leave the house.”

Bastards, they pulled that shit with me too. I’m surprised, though; he has more influence in this town than I do.

“Yeah, I’m headed to her room right now. Let Jenny know she’s al…okay, she’s stable.” I say with hesitation and the nurse nods in confirmation.

Max lets out a breath. “Thank God, we’ve been going crazy. I’ve got a million questions, but I have a favor to ask.”

I already know what he is asking. “Max, as soon as I see her with my own eyes, I’ll take care of it.”

I’m not leaving for the city until I find out who is responsible for hurting Nora and accomplishing this malicious assault on my family’s property. Uncle Joe surely must have some information that I am unaware of. His place is equipped with the newest security system, not to mention my team and some of the best security officers were on location last night.

Breaking into my thoughts, the nurse with the reassuring smile says, “She’s in ICU. You can stay for a few minutes. I can’t tell you about her condition, but she is lucky to be alive.”

Standing at the entrance to her room, I take a deep breath and enter the room.

Nora’s tiny frame is lost in the large bed, hooked up to beeping monitors and several bags of fluids pumping into her.

Nora looks nothing like she did last night. She’s bruised; purple and black color her face. The staff hasn’t even taken the time to clean the blood out of her hair. I’m grateful that the wound on her stomach is covered by a blanket. Honestly, her face is more than enough.

The nurse follows me in and walks over to adjust her IV, making sure she is comfortable.

I finally catch the nurse’s name tag, Betsy. Betsy says softly, “Hun, she sustained a head trauma and she hasn’t opened her eyes yet, but if you talk to her, I’m sure she can hear you.”

A head trauma? Christ, what did this asshole put her through? I sit on the chair beside her and keep my eyes on the nurse finishing up some paper work. Looking at Nora is becoming harder, and I’m not sure why.

Yes, I’m attracted to her, but this feels so different. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s hurt or something else. I need to keep my shit together and do what I’m good at. I’ll find out who this fucker is and make him pay.

Betsy finally leaves. I’m alone with Nora. I’m unsettled and unsure what to do next. I don’t know her, really. I started out last night hoping to get laid and maybe take her on a few dates, like I usually do, but between last night and today something strange has happened. I don’t have the words for it, but I have an overwhelming desire to protect her.

Looking at her blood-stained hands, I reach out without hesitation to touch her hand. It’s soft and warm. I bring her hand up to my lips. This makes me feel better, but the guilt I feel for leaving her last night is overwhelming.

I can’t help but say my thoughts out loud to her, “I’m so sorry, Nora. I shouldn’t have left last night. Things would have been so different.”

I have no idea how long I’ve been in here when Betsy clears her throat to get my attention. “Dear, she needs her rest. You can join the family in the waiting room.”

I nod and let go of Nora’s hand. I glance up at her face. She looks peaceful and content. No sign of pain, but the bruises and blood tell a different story.

I pass Betsy and she points me in the direction of the waiting room. Max and Jenny are sitting on the black leather chairs. The room immediately makes me feel uncomfortable. It’s very sterile and quiet, too quiet. There is no color on the walls other than some medical posters.

I make my way to where they are sitting. Jenny’s head is on Max’s large shoulder. They don’t even see me, so I clear my throat. Jenny’s blonde head immediately pops up.

“Jase, is she okay?” Jenny asks, her voice full of trepidation.

“Nora is stable, but she might be hard for you to look at. You need to prepare yourself.”

Jenny wipes the tears from her eyes. “She’s going to be okay, right Jase? I mean, you can make sure she gets the best care, right?”

“Nora is stable and resting comfortably. I’ll take care of whatever arrangements need to be made.”

Jenny leaps into my arms. “Jase, thank you,” she whispers against my neck. Pulling away from me, her eyes widen, and a gasp escapes her. “Oh, God—Jase, is that…blood?”

With all my attention on Jenny, I just notice Max standing behind her. Luckily he is, because her legs give out and he catches her in his arms.

I forgot; I’m still covered with Nora’s blood.

Acting like I don’t notice Jenny’s reaction, I focus my attention on Max. “Did you get ahold of her parents?”

Max speaks quietly over Jenny’s head, as he strokes her forehead. “I did; they’re on their way.”

“Okay, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get started on some calls.”

Instead of doing what I just said, I enter the men’s restroom. The first thing I see is my reflection in the mirror. My hair is everywhere and I’m filthy. Dirt on my face, jacket and T-shirt. Damn, I look like shit.

I just planned on seeing her again, sleeping with her, and that’s it, but this has turned into more than I could have ever bargained for.

I immerse my hands under the hot water and puddle some in my hands to wash off my face. Damn, that feels better.

I place my hands on the sink to hold me up, as thoughts of her face-down in the car start to flood my memory. I can feel my knees weaken again, so I grasp tighter. A vision of the gash through her silk gown that revealed a knife wound plays in my mind.

I glance up and my face is pale, really fucking pale. I need to pull it together. Christ, this isn’t the way this is supposed to work. She’s just a girl, but I know there is more to her, to us. She’s changed things and I’m not sure what to do about it.

I have to calm down…no emotions, no guilt, or anything else. I protect asshole criminals; a first grade teacher should be effortless. Why the fuck is my brain not processing this? I know everyone in this town from lawyers to politicians, the mob to the FBI. I fix the situations that seem unfixable.

I rip a piece of the paper towel from the holder and throw it in the trash. “Let’s do this.”

The first thing that needs done is to make sure I can see her whenever I want. So, I call the president of the hospital and make arrangements. Next, I call Tucker, my head security officer and get him in on the action. He’s in tight with the local police; Officer Grant’s puppet strings will now be pulled by me.

I stay on the phone for the majority of the afternoon. All my plans are in motion.

Max and Jenny wait patiently by Nora’s bedside, while I stay in the waiting room. Distance is best.

Jenny and Max come from the hall where Nora’s room is. I glance up at Jenny, whose face is red and eyes are fixed on me.

“What is this? I asked for your help, not for you to make all the decisions. You’re supposed to be informed before any procedures or medication changes? No one can enter her room without approval? What the fuck, Jase?” Jenny grabs my arm with an alarming amount of strength.

Looks like someone is pissed at me. I stand back and let her take her anger out over what happened to Nora on me.

“I’m her family; this isn’t how we do things, Madsyn. You can’t just swoop in here and throw your weight around. No one cares how powerful you are; this is my sister. She is not your responsibility.”

“Yes, she is.” I simply state. “I assure you and your family, Jenny, she is. I take full responsibility from now on. All decisions will be finalized by me, and when your parents get here, they can intervene when they feel it’s necessary. Any objections?”

Jenny’s face is in awe. Her mouth is hanging open and she’s speechless. That’s probably a first.

“Who the hell do you think you are? You don’t know anything about her.” She’s yelling louder at me. Max’s arms wrap around her tiny waist and he hauls her back from me.

“Jenny, relax, Jase isn’t trying to hurt anyone,” Max says calmly.

“Did you sleep with her last night after the wedding? What did you do, pull a typical Madsyn—leave her right after you fucked her?” Jenny screams.

Max yanks her back even harder and says, “Jenny, that’s enough, you need to calm down for Nora.”

I can feel my face flame; she’s pissing me off. My voice is louder and firm, “I know you’re upset right now, but I didn’t sleep with her. We talked and danced, and that was it. I know I’m not the most innocent person, but don’t question my motives,” I say coldly, and turn my back to her.

I can hear her crying and Max saying something to her.

Next, Max is behind me; I brace myself for his reaction. When I turn to meet him, his large frame is hunched, his hands in his pockets, eyes red, and face ashen. I’ve never seen him like this.

“Man, I don’t know what to say. I don’t…we don’t understand why you care so much.” He walks closer, takes one hand from his pocket and rubs his hand down his face, then continues. “I get that I told you to do what you could, but this, this is…I can’t even think of a word for it. Why are you even still here? You don’t even know her. I’m just trying to figure it out. Is it because you saved her or do you feel guilty because you didn’t?”

Leave it to Max to fuck with my head. But I can’t lie to him, so here goes the truth.

I can feel my hard exterior soften. “I’m doing it for her. No one deserves what she went though and is still going through. I need to find out what happened…it was on Uncle Joe’s property…we might all be in danger.”

Max shakes his head, “Bullshit, Uncle Joe can take care of himself. This has to do with Nora. You barely know her, and you don’t usually care about anybody but yourself.”

He’s right, in the past it was about me, but now it’s about Nora.

“I do care; that’s the problem.” I slam my fist on the counter. Exhaling a deep breath, I say, “I care, Max, I don’t know why. I just need to make sure she’s okay. Just give me a break? We’ve been through some tough times, man. You know me better than anyone; you have to know I wouldn’t hurt her. She’s your family.”

Max runs his hand over his bald scalp. “I do know you and I’ve never seen you so worried about someone you barely know. That concerns me. She’s one of my best friends and now my sister. You’re causing problems with my wife and her family. My family.” He sighs, “But with all that said, I did ask you for your help, and there is no one else that can protect her like you. If this just so you can get in her pants, I’ll kill you myself.”

A light chuckle escapes me, “Yeah, I got it.”

Max turns, puts his arm around Jenny, and walks back towards Nora’s room.

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