Safer With You (13 page)

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Authors: Trisha Madley

BOOK: Safer With You
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I put my gun in my pocket and throw my phone down on the bed. A note is lodged between the mattress and the knife. I’m not really good at leaving things exactly as found, as the cops prefer, and there was no way I was leaving that note untouched.

My mind wanders to the thought that maybe this person has to do with the senator? How had I missed the link between Luke and the senator? Had this all been my fault? Did this person see me with her?

The thought is making me physically ill. I can’t wait any longer. I yank the note without dislodging the knife. I unfold the lined notebook paper and inhale a deep breath before I read whatever evil words are scribbled down.

“It’s a shame you never noticed me. I’ve been by your side always!”

Chapter Thirteen


Jase hasn’t been in to see me since yesterday. He left right after Luke did. I heard from one of the nurses there was an altercation between the two of them, but she swore me to secrecy. I have to admit, the thought of Jase standing up to Luke thrills me.

I’ve never been one to catch the attention of men like my sister, let alone have them fight over me. Especially a man like Jase.

My parents and sister have been in and out today, but no one has mentioned either Luke or Jase. I’m starting to feel much better, and the doctor has even mentioned me going home in a day or two.

I still have no memory of what happened, but at this point, it’s alright. Maybe it’s best I don’t remember. I’m not really sure who did it or why this happened to me, but I have a feeling whoever did this knew me. I just don’t have a clue who would hate me so much to try to almost kill me.

Jenny was in earlier and helped me clean up. I feel more like myself. My long dark hair is down and brushed. I put on cozy pink yoga pants and a white T-shirt. I don’t usually care what I look like, but I’ll try anything to distract from my face full of bruises.

I am lost in my own thoughts when Jase coughs. My heart rate picks up and heat spreads to my face. I pull the blanket up towards my chin, trying to hide my reaction to just the sight of him.

“Wow, you really are looking better. Some of the bruises are starting to fade and it looks like Jenny got her hands on your hair,” Jase says, as his lip curls into a smile.

“Hey, cowboy.” I can’t help myself; he looks gorgeous. He isn’t wearing the usual dress shirt. Today, he’s wearing a black leather jacket with a Ford Mustang T-shirt underneath, dark jeans, and black boots. Sexy and trouble.

“Haven’t heard that for a while. Are you ready to go home?” he asks.

“Of course, I can’t wait to be in my own bed. I’m sure my mom and Jenny will stay with me until I’m feeling better.”

Jase strides away from the door to stand beside me. I can’t gauge what he is going to say next, but whatever it is, he’s serious.

“I checked out your apartment. I don’t think it’s safe enough for you to return to, so we need to find a more secure location.” His eyebrows furrow, waiting for my response.

All of a sudden, I’m pissed. I can’t go home? What?

“Jase, what aren’t you telling me?” I feel the tears start to well up. “I don’t understand why this happened to me. I keep trying to be brave and act like it doesn’t scare me to death that whoever hurt me wanted me dead.”

His arms wrap around me and I am instantly comforted. He nudges my chin so that I look at him. His blue eyes are determined. “Please, look at me.”

I don’t want to; I don’t want him to see what a coward I am. “No.”

He nudges me again, but this time my eyes can’t look away. “Nora, you are the strongest woman I’ve ever met. I’ve been here for days and watched your family and friends fall apart at the sight of you. Never once did you sound afraid or complain. You’ve held your head up high and have given strength to everyone you love. You have every right to feel whatever it is you feel. Someone put you through hell, and yet here you are, strong and giving everyone hope.”

The tears flow faster as his hands hold my cheeks. His lips softly land on mine. He slowly leans away, but rests his forehead against mine. “Baby, it’s okay. I promise no one will hurt you again. You can stay with me…at Uncle Joe’s.”

Oh, God, I don’t even know how to react. That would be…perfect…too perfect. “Thanks for the offer, but I couldn’t impose.” I pull away from him. Things are starting to get a little intense. The thought of being alone with him in his home, well…

“It’s not an imposition. I have security to monitor you and make sure all precautions are taken…”

I giggle. I can’t help it. I’m not sure if it’s nerves or what, but he looks shocked at my reaction. Not in a good way either.

“What’s so funny?” His eyes crinkle.

“You.” I giggle again. His frown changes into his signature smirk.

“Me? What did I do?”

“You’re so professional, throwing around words like
precautions and monitor.”
I mimic his voice as best as I can. I must do a pretty good job because he laughs in response.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever been made fun of for doing my job.”

I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes. “I don’t mean to make fun of you, cowboy, it’s just that I’m a first grade teacher. The most excitement in my day is a child with a runny nose. I lead a pretty simple life; well, up until recently, so when I hear you take everything so seriously…I’m just not used to it.”

He sounds wounded, “Glad I amuse you. I’ll let you get some sleep.” He stands up to leave.

“Oh, please don’t leave; I was just teasing.” I pout just to plead my case further.

“Fine. But let’s change the topic. Luke Saunders—tell me about him.”

Geez, I’d rather talk about something else. “Well, he’s been very sweet and has visited a few times.”

Jase sits in the chair beside me and leans over so that his elbows rest on his knees. “Max told me some about your relationship. I’m anxious to witness your definition of ‘very sweet.’”

I take a deep breath and let out a sigh. “Things were good at first. Then, they got…weird. This is what he does. He’s developed a possessive streak. We’ve broken up, and to be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about him now. He kicked me out, and I didn’t get the kind of closure I needed. I still care for him, and he’s making an effort, but he hasn’t been honest with me.”

I sit back further, and the look he’s giving me is making me nervous. I start playing with a strand of my hair to calm myself. I feel like I’ve said something wrong, but I’m not quite sure what.

Jase’s face changes from calm to a shade of red. “I don’t trust him. I don’t want you near him,” he states sternly.

“I’m a big girl; Luke wouldn’t hurt me.”

He actually rolls his eyes at my comment. Then he quickly stands. “Fine. But you’re staying with me when you are discharged.” He stomps out of the room like a child.

Huh…that was…unexpected. The thought excites me at first, but then quickly enrages me. Who the hell does he think he is, ordering me around that way? I’m not a child. I was a fool to let Luke treat me that way, so I’m not going to start letting Jase do the same.

Just as I’m hopping out of bed to let Jase know exactly how I feel, he breaks through the door. He’s running his hands through his hair.

I stumble, but he is promptly at my side. His hands are holding me at my elbows. His jaw is set tight, his eyes are vigorously roaming my face…for what, I’m not sure.

“I’m so sorry, Nora. I don’t understand why I’m acting like such an adolescent.” His lips are inches from mine, and at this moment, I don’t care what he’s saying…I just want to feel his lips on mine again.

“Please,” he whispers. “Someone broke into your apartment. I want you where I can see you and where I can protect you.”

Before I can respond, his soft lips are on mine and his hands come up to cradle my face. His tongue enters a dance with mine. I’m flooded with feelings of excitement, tingles, and comfort. My senses are overwhelmed with the smell of leather and the taste of mint.

His hands rush into my hair as he pulls me closer. I moan in response, but he stops. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”

I shake my head no. “I don’t want you to stop.” His lips curl into a smile, but we are rudely interrupted by a group of people…including my parents, Tucker, and a woman I don’t recognize.

Jase immediately jumps back. My father looks less than enthused, but my mom has a smile playing on her face. “Mr. Madsyn, Tucker told us you were in here. We have some questions for you regarding Nora’s apartment. What happened?” my father asks.

“Mr. Skye, someone broke in and rummaged through her apartment. I don’t believe anything was taken, but they did leave a note.”

As he speaks, I can barely concentrate. A note, who the hell would leave a note? I immediately interrupt whatever ramblings he is giving. “What did it say?”

“Nothing of consequence. Just an idle phrase. Nothing to worry about.” He smiles reassuringly.

I’m not reassured by any means. This is ridiculous. I have minded my business my whole life, and now some crazy person is trying to hurt me in every way they can think of.

“Nora, come home with us. I’ll keep an eye on you. Nobody’s going to hurt you at our house. Luke has also volunteered to stay with us while you recuperate. His uncle has offered security services as well,” my father suggests poignantly, while gazing at Jase.

“Sir, with all due respect, that is the worst possible place for her to go. If they’ve already been to her apartment, they most definitely know where you live, and will expect her to recuperate there. I guarantee whoever hurt Nora is waiting to make his next move at your house.” Jase slides his hands into his leather jacket pockets and stands tall, waiting for my dad to challenge.

Before he can, I chime in, “I will absolutely not put any of you in danger. For some reason, this person is after me, and I couldn’t live with myself if any of you got hurt. But before I agree to go to Jase’s, I need to know exactly how you plan to protect me and my family.”

I’m sitting in this hospital bed surrounded by family, and basically strangers, all concerned for me, but I know nothing about how they intend to protect me. I direct the most serious expression I can muster towards Jase.

He sits at the foot of my bed, his back to my family, Tucker, and the woman who stands quietly in the corner. Jase is solely focused on me.

“Nora, as you know, I own a security company. Tucker is one of the best guards in the nation. He is solely in charge of you and is not permitted to leave your side for any reason. We have set up a plan for you to stay at my uncle’s house, with me.”

He holds my hand. I’m sure it’s because my eyes have just bugged out of my head. Why would I stay at the same place I was attacked? I never want to return there.

“Madsyn, that is the worst place for her to go,” my dad interjects before I can.

“Mr. Skye, I assure you, it is the safest place for her. That location is set up with the best equipment, and she will never be alone on the property. I have eyes everywhere. And now that we know someone is looking for Nora, we are prepared to protect her.”

My father is standing directly behind Jase and raises his hand. “No. It was supposed to be the safest place for the wedding too, but that wasn’t the case. I don’t trust your family, and especially you, Mr. Madsyn.”

Jase is still looking at me with a small smile; he’s just letting my father disrespect him without a reaction. I can’t stand this. “Dad, stop!”

“Nora, it’s fine. Maybe your family will feel safer staying at my uncle’s as well.” Jase turns to my parents for a reaction.

“I’m not staying at your family’s home. That’s ridiculous!” Dad scoffs.

My mom steps close to my bed, almost pushing my father out of the way. “I’m finished Jonathan! You cannot protect her by yourself. We will stay where Nora wants us to. This is her life. I just want her safe; it doesn’t matter who keeps her that way as long as they do!” Mom’s usually serene face is crimson. She is not to be challenged.

“Okay, everyone stop. I don’t want you to turn your lives upside down. Jase, are my parents safe at their house or will they be safer with you?” I ask.

Jase grabs my hand. “I’m sure they’ll be fine; I’ll add extra guards so that your family will still be comfortable in their own home, but I do prefer you at my uncle’s.”

Wow, this is all so much to take in. I’m interrupting everyone’s lives. My parents are fighting and I’m scared to death that someone is trying to kill me, but a little part of me is thrilled that Jase wants me with him. Hopefully, I’ll find myself in his arms, where I feel the safest.

“Okay, let’s just stop all this. My head is pounding. I’m going to listen to Jase’s suggestion. I mean, this is what he does for a living. I’ll stay with him. I’m sure it will just be for a little while until things calm down.”

Jase rubs my hand, “Okay, I’ll make all the arrangements. I think it’s time we let you rest.” He lets go of my hand and stands. The woman from the corner walks over to him. “Nora, this is Lizzy. She’ll be your nurse while you recover.”

The pretty petite blonde with a long ponytail smiles. “It’s nice to meet you. I look forward to taking care of you.”

I catch my father shaking his head. He seems to be losing his temper more by the second. “Daddy, could you stay for a second?”

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