Safer With You (14 page)

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Authors: Trisha Madley

BOOK: Safer With You
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He nods at my request.

As everyone exits, he sits in the chair beside my bed.

“Daddy, please don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

His voice is low, “Nora, I’ve never been so scared. The things I know about this man and his family are not good. They could very well know who hurt you, or maybe even be responsible.”

“Daddy, that’s ridiculous. You are overreacting. He has done nothing but take care of me since the minute he found me. I think they feel responsible, since it happened on their property. Jase and I kind of clicked at the wedding.”

“When we walked in…are you two together?” His face turns pale.

“I think he is a good man, and I trust him.”

“Okay, then. I’ll talk with him about the details.” He pats my hand and stands.

“Daddy, play nice.” I smirk.

He bats his hand, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be an angel.”

I chuckle as he leaves.

I’m excited to be leaving the hospital, but terrified of what happens next. I’ve uprooted everyone’s lives, and now I’ve brought chaos. I am scared to death of whoever did this to me. Every waking second is spent trying to remember a speck of what happened to me or what the person looked like.

The therapist has been in to talk with me, but I just end up crying. She says that’s normal, and I may remember one day, or I may never remember. I know I’m on some sort of medication for my nerves, but I’m hoping to be off of it soon.

Then there is the whole Jase situation. I’m in the middle of the most traumatic experience of my life, and yet, I still can’t keep my mind off of him. I must be losing my mind, even though I was nearly killed, the sight of Jase’s broad shoulders dominates my thought processes. The only happy thoughts I have are of him. I’m nuts!

Just as I’m trying to close my eyes and settle my thoughts, Jenny comes bouncing into the room. She’s wearing jeans and a cute pink blazer with matching strappy heels. Her hair is up in a twist.

“Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling? I heard Dad got a little overprotective.” Jenny hands me a chocolate milkshake.

I take a sip immediately. The cold chocolaty drink brings an instant smile to my face. “Yeah, I guess he’s not a fan of Jase’s.”

Jenny shakes her head in agreement. “That’s an understatement.”

“So, Mom told me you guys are leaving for your honeymoon tonight. I’m so sorry I messed that up for you.”

Tears start to pool in Jenny’s eyes. “You’re kidding, right? I’m just so glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I would do without you.” She wraps her arms tightly around me in a loving hug.

I wince, but she still doesn’t let go. “Jenny, I’m okay. Please don’t cry.”

Finally, her grip loosens. “Are you scared? I mean, whoever did this to you is still out there.” Jenny sits on the chair and her eyes are full of concern. In fact, I can’t ever recall seeing that look on her face.

“I am, but…” I try not to blush, but Jase has entered my mind, and that seems to be my consistent reaction.

Jenny’s eyebrows raise. Yep, I blushed.

“But what?”

“Jase is making sure that I’m safe. I’m not sure how or why, but I don’t feel as scared as I probably should,” I say sheepishly.

Jenny’s face twists into a smile. “He has become your Superman, hasn’t he? I’m not going to lie, Max has never seen him react this way. I mean, he was engaged to Samantha for almost a year, and I bet he has seen you more in the last few days than he ever saw her. And now, you’re going to be living with him.”

I roll my eyes, but I can’t help the grin that forms.He takes something out of his pocket and places it on the glass table in Jenny narrows her eyes on me. “Something happened between you two, didn’t it?”

I want to tell her exactly what happened and that I remember every second I spent with Jase in that beat up old pick up. But those memories are precious to me. I’m not even sure how he feels, since he hasn’t brought up the time we spent together. Even though he has kissed me, it still doesn’t mean anything.

“We just danced and talked a little. All very innocent.” Jenny raises her eyebrows; I know she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying.

Jenny takes a deep breath. “Well, it’s all very strange. Jase finds you and refuses to leave your side or let anyone but him help you. He won’t let Luke in to see you, and I overheard one of the nurses say Jase had him hanging by his throat in the hallway.”


She fiddles with her straw. “That’s the gossip. I think someone is jealous.”

“No, I’m sure Dad must have told Jase not to let him in.” At least, that’s the only thing that makes sense.

“Are you nuts? Dad thinks Luke should be allowed to see you. For some reason, he’s more on Luke’s side than Jase’s. He thinks you guys are going through a rough patch, not the fact that he is a major douche bag.” She takes a sip from her milkshake and throws away the cup.

“So, since you’ll be playing house with Jase soon.” She jumps up excitedly. I didn’t even notice the bag she held when she walked in. She holds it up. “I think maybe some new clothes, hairstyle, and makeup might help you feel better. Especially considering your new roommate.”

I roll my eyes. She is always trying to dress me up. But this time I can’t run from her.

Chapter Fourteen


It’s officially been four days since Nora was attacked, and now she’s ready to leave the hospital. I am relieved, but at the same time, I’m nervous as hell. I’ve never had a woman stay with me. Even though Uncle Joe will be around, I’m sure we will have plenty of alone time.

The doctors have agreed to release her today and Lizzy will be taking over her care. She could probably stay a few more days, but Lizzy is qualified and made sure Nora’s room at Uncle Joe’s is more than equipped if an emergency should arise.

Nora’s father hates me and has made it pretty obvious. Her stupid ex-boyfriend has been the biggest pain in my ass, not to mention the senator interfering. But it’s all worth the headache. I’ll make sure no one hurts her again.

So, here I am standing outside her door like a moron, wearing a stupid ass grin on my face. I quietly open the door. Nora is looking out her window. She is finally starting to look like the beauty I saw at the wedding.

She is resting on top of her neatly made bed, wearing a pale pink camisole and short white cotton shorts; her long brown hair is brushed and curled at the ends. Her caramel eyes focus on me.

I can’t take my gaze off of her long tan legs with red polished toes that are making my pants tight.

“Are you ready to leave?” I ask.

“More than you can imagine. Before we go, I just want to thank you for taking care of everything for me.”

“It’s been my pleasure. But before we leave, I need to prepare you for something.” Her smile falls.

“My Uncle Joe, he’s quite the flirt. I just want you to know he may make a few inappropriate comments.”

“Well, I’m sure it will be fine, besides Jenny’s already prepared me,” she laughs.

Tucker enters the room with a wheelchair, “Ready, Miss Skye?”

She gingerly sits up, and because I can’t help myself, I’m quickly at her side. Her legs swing over the side of the bed and I help her into the wheelchair. I find myself bent over, reaching for her sandals. I force myself to hand them to her instead of placing them on her feet for her.
What the fuck?

She places the sandals on her lap and thanks me. This is becoming a little too much. I find myself wanting to run out of this room. I’m bringing her into my space and giving her a front row seat into my life.

“Tucker, please take Miss Skye down to the car. I have some paperwork to finish up and an errand to run.” Tucker gives me a questioning look, but does not comment. He nods his head, like always.

I lied; I have no idea where the fuck I’m going. I guess I need to prepare myself for whatever is going on. I leave the hospital and head to see my mother at Vander Creek Rehabilitation Center.

Carmella Madsyn was hurt ten years ago. My father was in jail most of my life, and when he was released, my mother took him back into our home. He didn’t let go of the lifestyle and soon brought more trouble to our doorstep.

He owed some debts, and unfortunately, my mother paid those debts with her life. I found that the only way to avenge her life is to keep those same criminals who hurt her in line and under my control.

Shortly after she fell into her coma, Uncle Joe and I came up with the plan that if we got these criminals to trust us and we protected them from their enemies, we could control them without them realizing it. Police them without their knowledge.

We are very successful. Uncle Joe has the right connections, and I’ve made it my mission to keep everyone in line.

When someone commits a crime, it usually affects another criminal organization, or they might find themselves on the way to jail. I guess you could call us a criminal protection program. It is a complex game of balancing good and evil.

We hide our client until the dust settles or we dispel any evidence that they were responsible for the act. When the coast is clear, we bring them back as if nothing happened, with no traces of where they’ve been or what they’ve done. In return, they pay us well, help us with anything we ask, and never second guess our decisions. We have contacts in all the right places. It is never a problem to protect anyone for any reason. That is why Nora being attacked on our property is so disturbing.

I sit and look at the familiar face of my mother. I usually come here to clear my head when I have a particularly difficult client. But Nora isn’t a client; she is turning out to be so much more.

Do I want more? Have I ever wanted more with anyone? The only thing I know for sure is that Nora has me disheveled. I’m not sure what the hell to do next. I can’t even concentrate on my job because all I think about is her.

My mother has lost most of her short term memory. She was in a coma for five years and has suffered more than any person should. Luckily, she remembers me and other family members and her life before the accident, but not what she did yesterday or an hour ago.

She is happy here, though. She has made friends and the staff has been incredible.

“Jase, sweetie, how long have you been here?” She rubs her groggy eyes. Her black hair is streaked with grey and cut in a short bob. Her makeup is done and her nails are painted red, as always.

“Just a few minutes, Mom. Everything good?” She looks puzzled for a moment. Every day is different. Sometimes she remembers why she is here and others she doesn’t.

Her hand reaches up to palm my cheek. “Fine. Why do you look so troubled?”

Damn, she notices everything.

“Is it your father, what time did he come home last night?”

I hate when she doesn’t remember that the bastard died. I hate having to see the expression on her face. So, to avoid it, I do what I normally do—lie.

“He’s fine, fell asleep in the chair watching TV.”

Mother seems content with my answer and drifts back to sleep. I stay a few more minutes before I make my way to Uncle Joe’s. Nora is there safe and sound. I’ve had Tucker texting me every half hour.

Already, my feelings for Nora are complicated, and we haven’t yet been living under the same roof. Seeing my mother reminds me—people who enter my world get hurt. Nora’s been hurt enough.

Chapter Fifteen


This house is gorgeous. While I’d been on the property the day of the wedding, I didn’t pay much attention to the main house. Now that I am inside, I see that it’s breathtaking. A gorgeous wrap-around porch greets me. I barely get a peek at the detailed etching on the door before Tucker opens it.

The entryway displays a large decorative glass table holding a vase of at least a dozen pink roses. The house is spotless and modern, but very comforting. As we file in the entryway, Joe Madsyn comes down the stairs. His big smile is contagious.

Joe seems to be a nice man, but I can tell from his tone that he and Jase have a lot more in common than their looks. His authoritative tone sounds much like his nephew’s.

“Nora I’m so happy to have you here.” He moves towards me and immediately wraps his arms around me. “I want you to think of this as your home. We have a room ready for you. Lizzy and Tucker will help bring your things upstairs.”

He is such a nice man, but he also has the same presence as Jase, authoritative. “Would you like to join me in the living room for something to drink? I have the perfect chair for you. I guarantee you won’t want to move.” How can I refuse his hopeful expression?

Tucker and Lizzy make their way up the staircase as Uncle Joe threads his arm through mine. Since my injury, I’m not used to standing this long, and I find his support welcoming.

He guides me into the extravagant living room. I’m in awe at the size of this house and the breathtaking furnishings. A large brown leather couch and matching recliners make up the room. Several side tables and a coffee table accent the room. An intricate painting of the ocean hangs above the couch.

Joe gestures to one of the recliners. I take a seat and sink into a little piece of heaven. He must see it on my face because he shakes his head. “Told you,” he says.

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