Safer With You (6 page)

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Authors: Trisha Madley

BOOK: Safer With You
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“Wow, Ms. Skye. Has a swear word ever graced your lips before, and how do you know I’m trouble if you just met me?” he asks innocently.

“Oh, I may not be an experienced girl, but I know about your type. I see it in the way you talk and move around this room. Women can’t take their eyes off you…all ages, I might add.”

I nod towards my elderly Aunt Rosie sitting at the table to our far right, staring wide-eyed at Mr. Madsyn. Jase puts his head down in defeat. I whisper, “See. Trouble.”

“You know I could say the same about you too,” he says seriously.

“Me? No! I’m a first grade teacher and have never even gotten a parking ticket! I may be boring, but I’m not trouble.”

“Believe me, you will bring me some sort of trouble,” he says, in a cocky way.

I sigh heavily, ignoring his comment. I have no idea what he meant, and I don’t have the guts to question him.

Jase shrugs his shoulders and returns to helping me remove the centerpieces and place them in the storage boxes. When we finish, Jenny and Max start moving for the door and thanking their guests. The room radiates with excitement, guests shouting and applauding.

All of a sudden, I panic, because my sister’s leaving and now I’m with Jase, alone. I never imagined spending most of my time at the reception with him, but it looks like he doesn’t have any plans to leave yet.

Jase bends down and picks up the last filled box. His muscular arms strain, accentuating the veins in his arms, the definition of his forearms, along with exposing a hint of a tribal tattoo.

All these years I’ve spent with Luke, and I never really noticed other men. Not like the way I’m noticing Jase tonight.

Thinking of something quick to distract me from wondering more about the man behind the tattoo, I say, “Oh, no, I didn’t get to say goodbye.” I lie. I could care less. I’m taking them to the airport tomorrow.

Jase turns towards the couple and then back to me. “I’m sure they aren’t even concerned about us. I think they have other things on their minds,” his tone is mischievous.

There has to be a way to stop staring at him, but I can’t help myself. Each second that passes, I can feel my heart rate pick up, my face flame, and feel my pulse in my ears.
Am I having a panic attack? Good Lord, I hope I’m not going to faint.
Why does he affect me this way?

“Where are you staying after the party is over?” he asks.

Oh, Lord, please don’t ask me to stay with you. I’m not prepared.

“Well, I think the party is over, isn’t it?” I say, hoping to end this night.

Jase surveys the room. Music and laughter still fill the room. “Nope, I don’t think the party is anywhere near over.”

I concede, “I’m staying at the guest house tonight, then picking the newlyweds up at Smith’s Bed and Breakfast tomorrow and driving them to the airport for their trip to Jamaica. Which, by the way, will be much nicer, now that they have their own house.”

That smug smile on his face tells me he agrees.

“Can you give me a few minutes? I’d like to show you something, but I need to check on something first,” he says.

“Do you think you’ll be back, cowboy?”
Wait what, where did that come from? That didn’t even sound like me.

Jase shakes his head with that damn shy smile, “Nora, baby, I’ll always be back for you.”

He takes a swig of his beer, tosses the bottle into the nearest garbage can, and walks away.

I can’t help but watch the floor show as he struts away. His broad shoulders and muscular back can be seen through the thin white linen shirt. A beautiful blonde stops him and whispers something in his ear, but he turns and narrows his eyes at me. When he leans down to whisper something back, jealousy assaults me. I feel like running at her like linebacker and tackling her.

Wow, I have never felt so much rage over a man. I’m ready to go kick that little slut’s ass. The crazy rollercoaster of emotions that he brings out in me is beginning to be too much.

I need to calm down. I head to the ladies room to help me regain my thoughts.

When I’m finished, I head back to the table. I repeat in my head,
Jase Madsyn, worst best man ever, arrogant, out of my league
, …I also turn my phone back on and several texts from Luke pop up.

Call me now, I just need to talk with you, NOW!

Nora, my love, please call me!

My stomach twists just thinking of Luke. I can’t fathom that he has anything new to say.

Lost in my thoughts, I feel a warm breath against my ear. “You ready?”

I think I stop breathing; his low soft voice makes me tremble. I draw my eyes up from my phone. He is in front of me holding a blanket and two long-sleeved flannel shirts.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Ready for what, Mr. Sneaky?”

“Mr. Sneaky? I think I like ‘cowboy’ better.” He tilts his head and holds out his hand. “Come.”

I can’t think of a reason not to, nor do I want to. He looks so hopeful, innocent even. There is no way I want to disappoint that beautiful cowboy. I shove my phone back in my clutch purse and try to forget all about Luke Saunders.

We walk hand in hand across the dance floor. When we pass a couple obnoxiously grinding against each other, Jase turns his head to look at me, “Maybe we can try that later?”

I know my face turns crimson, but I manage to smack him on the arm, and he pretends to wince in pain. I laugh back at him. He is just too damn sexy to be cross with.

When we reach the open glass door, my lungs immediately fill with the crisp night air. There happens to be a group smoking nearby, but it doesn’t affect the air that fills my lungs. The group seated at the table waves at us as we walk by. I think for a moment that we might join them, but Jase holds my hand tighter and leads us further into the night.

He directs us on a narrow path towards a huge barn. I hesitate. “Are we headed to that barn, because you do realize I’m wearing heels, don’t you? Very beautiful pink stiletto heels with Swarovski crystals? I’m not prepared to show off my farming skills this evening.”

Jase’s eyes drop to my heels as I lift up the hem of my dress for him to get a better look. I can barely balance myself standing there. How can I possibly walk down a grassy unknown path?

He stops in his tracks. “I thought you might be tougher than that. Well, hop on then.”

“Excuse me?”
Did I hear that right?
Honestly, I guess I would like to hop on any part of him.

I have to find a way to stop these wayward thoughts about him, so I repeat my mantra—
worst best man ever, arrogant, out of my league,
and I add a new one,
. Just his name should be enough for me to run from another man.

Jase cocks his gorgeous head to the side and nods, “Come on, climb on.”

“I’m not climbing on.” I’m having enough of a reaction to Jase without bodily contact. I’m afraid that having my legs wrapped around him will cause me to overload. “I’ll just take my shoes off.”

I bend down to take them off when he says, “Well, you can, but I’m not sure what you’ll step in if you do. My uncle loves cows and horses, not to mention, I’ve seen my fair share of snakes.”

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Ugh. I guess that’s one way to get my legs around him. “Be gentle, but if you drop me, I’m kicking your ass!”

He lets out a breath, “Just get on. I promise I’ll be good.”

I roll my eyes and huff, then move a small piece of hair out of my face. Hiking up my dress as far as I can manage without showing anything in the process, I take in a deep breath and jump on his back as gracefully as I can.

He stumbles a bit at my awkward attempt to jump on his back, but recovers.

I wrap my arms around his neck and smell a glorious mixture of scents: soap, aftershave, and the outdoors.

As he walks, he bounces with each step, causing friction between our bodies. I straddle his back and his arms wrap around my legs. A part of me wants to stay like this for the rest of the night, the other part becomes nervous…very nervous.

I clear my throat, my voice is shaky, and I find myself whispering in his ear, “So, where are we headed, cowboy? You’re not going to tie me up and leave me here, are you?” I was joking, but after I say it, I realize that it doesn’t sound funny. Dear God, I’m all over the place. Trying to be sexy and sounding dumb instead.

He stops suddenly and his head turns, almost colliding with my face. “Listen, I would never do anything to hurt you. You can trust me,” he says seriously.

He continues to walk to the barn, but we are quiet the rest of the way. I’m not sure if I touched a nerve with my little joke, but he got very serious, very quickly.

Jase sets me down when we reach the barn. While I jump off and try to rearrange my dress, he tugs a flashlight out of his pocket. He shines the light on the large structure. The big red building must have been built many years ago… judging from the worn, peeling paint and the missing or broken wood boards holding it together.

Jase slides the massive doors open. Inside are tractors and vehicles of all kinds, plus hay bales and other farming equipment.

“Ahh…there’s my baby. This is my favorite truck, my old blue Ford.” He gestures toward
his baby
. “What do you think?”

I giggle, probably a little too loud. Here is this influential businessman. He’s worn a suit all day and owned it. So charming, powerful, and in control, I would have never guessed a truck could put such a boyish grin on his face.

“I think I wasn’t expecting this. Looks like you missed it.”

,” he clarifies. Jase opens the passenger door and motions for me to get in.

It takes me a moment to react. I need to tone down my hormones. Naive Nora needs to snap out of it. Here I am getting into this stranger’s rusty old truck, going God knows where, and who knows if it even runs. Luke would be furious if he saw me.

Jase pulls a semi white rag from the glove compartment and wipes down the seat before holding my hand to help me navigate into the high truck. It looks to be lifted several inches.

Jase walks to the other side of the truck and jumps in, but not before throwing his vest in the bed, along with his tie and taking off his dress shirt. Luckily, he has a T-shirt on, because I’d probably melt on the spot if he was sitting shirtless in front of me.

“We’re going for a little ride by the pond. Sorry it’s so dirty in here; I haven’t driven it for a long time.”

My eyes survey the old space. He isn’t kidding. The bench seat is made up of striped, frayed carpet material that has seen better days. It smells dusty. Jase confirms by sneezing, but before I can say “bless you,” I spot a beat up brownish white cowboy hat on the dash.

I pick it up and I’m sure my face is radiating victory; I guessed right.

He gives me a sideways glance, “Maybe I have been called a cowboy a time or two.”

I place it on top of his head and he adjusts it lower.
Yeah, definitely knows how to wear it right.

On the fourth try, the truck rumbles to life. It’s a short and quiet trip to the pond. He brings the truck to a stop and climbs out. I feel the truck wobble as he walks around in the bed of it. I look out the rear window to see what the heck he is doing, but he jumps down too quickly.

Jase is at my door in an instant. He opens the door and holds out his hand. “It’s beautiful out here, quiet.”

All my preconceived notions about him seem wrong. I’ve heard that he’s a playboy, involved with the wrong people, and no one is quite sure of what he does for a living, but yet he is rich, successful, charismatic, polite, a gentleman in every way, driving an old pickup and now wearing suit pants with a dusty cowboy hat. Not to mention, my father hates him apparently. He might just be the man of my dreams.

I am so confused. He is nothing like I expected.

I take his hand as he walks me to the bed of his truck. I probably have a look of panic on my face because he asks, “Do you need another lift? I kind of like how this dress is making you immobile.”

“Ha, ha.” I can’t hide the sarcasm in my voice.

“Come here.”

Before I can answer, he wraps both hands around my waist and hoists me up on the tailgate. I adjust my dress and look behind me and see that he spread out a blanket. “At least now my new eight-hundred dollar dress that I will never wear again won’t get ruined. Thank you.”

Jase taps his temple, “See? I think of everything.” He gracefully hops up next to me and reaches behind me to grab two beers out of his cooler. “Or maybe I might have stopped at my truck when I disappeared earlier.”

My mouth drops open in shock.
Not attractive, Nora
. “You are so not what I expected.”

He cocks his head to the side and hands me one of the beers. “What do you mean?”

“I haven’t exactly heard positive things about you, and you didn’t exactly make a great first impression. I mean…you missed most of the wedding. You’re supposed to be this wealthy businessman, not this down to earth guy sitting next to me.”

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