Safer With You (2 page)

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Authors: Trisha Madley

BOOK: Safer With You
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Feeling tired and not wanting to fight anymore, I decide to head home to my parents. My sister Jenny’s wedding is a few weeks away. I decide to crash there until I figure things out.

I walk out of my home and amble down the stairs to the driveway to my little red car. Placing my suitcase in the back seat, I realize I don’t own anything but some clothes. This is all Luke’s. Everything. House, jewelry, furniture…it was all bought with his money.

I was so busy worrying about making him happy that I forgot how to make myself happy and how to make it on my own. I’m not sure how running back home is going to help, but at least I know my family loves and wants me.

Chapter Two


The streets have changed since my visit last year. Within the last few years, my little home town has turned into a tourist attraction. The street that I grew up on has turned common beach houses into extravagant ones.

I loved living on the beach as a child…the ocean literally at the front door.

My parents own three beach houses to earn extra income. Each summer held a menagerie of people coming and going. Meeting new people made my summers so wonderful. I met Luke this way.

As the road narrows and the extravagant homes disappear, three small homes come into view…along with anxiety and nausea. I left Crescent Valley to begin my life with Luke against my parents’ wishes. I can see the “I told you so” speech in my future.

Pulling next to my mom’s car, I see her tidying up the front porch, wearing her signature jean capris and her favorite yellow T-shirt. She’s probably waiting for me after my distraught phone call. Debating whether to bring my bag with me, I decide to leave it, hoping she’ll let me stay at one of the apartments they rent.

“Here we go,” I whisper, then release the breath I had been holding.

“Hi, Mom!” I muster up a smile.

Mom turns around with a glorious smile. It calms my nausea to see the love on her face. I feel my feet moving fast because my mom’s loving arms are only a few feet away.

“Oh, honey, don’t cry. Everything is going to be alright,” she says, while embracing me.

Warm tears stream down my face. She hugs me tighter, hushing me.

“Nora, darling, I’m so glad you’re home. Tell me what’s going on. I know you said you left Luke, but why?” She relaxes her hold on me, but doesn’t let go completely.

“He asked me to leave, to get out. I snooped on him. Oh, Mom, I don’t recognize the person he has become.” I sink down onto the steps and she follows me.

“Oh, honey. I like Luke, but if he’s not treating you right, then you deserve better. I don’t care who he is or how long you’ve been together—you come first.”

I want to tell her more, but Jenny’s BMW rolls into view. Her blond ponytail and tan long legs bounce out of the vehicle. “Nora! What are you doing here so early? You’re not supposed to be here for another three weeks.” Jenny’s white teeth gleam in the sunlight.

Jenny, my sister, is the complete opposite to my short stature, brown hair and brown eyes. Our personalities are completely different as well. She’s very outgoing and personable, while I’m a little more timid.

Before I can react, Jenny’s arms circle me. “Why are you crying? Did that no good bastard do something to you?”

“He kicked me out of our home, my home.”

“What? Okay, spill it all and don’t give me a line of bullshit. I know how you like to paint everyone as a saint.” That’s why I love her. She doesn’t put up with anything.

I reluctantly proceed to tell Mom and Jenny of my horrible night, the boring drive home, and what I intend to do next.

“I always knew he was up to something. Are you worried about what you saw?” Mom asks, concern etched on her face.

“Honestly, I was looking for something confirming he has been cheating; I didn’t expect to find what I found.”

I bury my head in my hands, not wanting to talk about him anymore. Of course I’m concerned about what I found—I have no idea what the hell he has gotten himself into. Hopefully, there’s a logical explanation. Right now, though, nothing makes sense.

Mom interrupts my thoughts. “Do you think he hurt that girl in the picture?”

“No, he’s not like that. I think maybe the photo belongs to someone in his family. You know the rumors about them and how important they think they are.” But, as I say the words, I’m not totally convinced.

“I don’t understand why you continued to date him after you heard the rumors?” Jenny asks. She looks down at me, waiting for some kind of explanation.

I give her the only explanation I have. “I love him, Jenny.”

“Well, you’re home, and the sooner you get over him the better.” Again, Jenny doesn’t sugar coat anything, not even for her heartbroken sister.

Mom hugs me and brushes my hair from my tear-stained face. “Well, get your things and we’ll make up a bed for you.”

“No, she can stay with me and Max. I’ll be able to help her get over the asshole.”

I didn’t want to stay with either of them. I love them, but I need time to myself, to figure out what to do next, and frankly, staying with a couple that’s going to be married in a few weeks is not my idea of fun.

“Mom, I was thinking. Can I stay in one of the apartments?” I asked, hoping no one would object.

My father, a police officer for Crescent Valley and my mom, who worked at the local grocery store, bought a small apartment complex a few years back. The apartments were furnished, one-bedroom apartments, and the perfect solution for me right now.

“I don’t see why not. I think we have one available or you can stay at one of the houses.”

“I think I’ll be better at apartment.”

Mom nods and smiles, “I’ll call your father and let him know. He’ll bring the keys over.”

Mom strode into the house to make the call and Jenny started her pleas. “Max will be so happy that you’re back. He’s missed his best friend. Please stay with us; it’ll be great. I’ve really missed you.”

I smiled, overcome with emotion, I had really missed them too. Miami wasn’t all it was hyped up to be. Sure, the weather’s beautiful and there’s a never ending supply of things to do, but it never felt like home. I was so busy making Luke happy that I didn’t take the time to make me happy.

Max had always been like a big brother to me. His family rented one of our beach houses for two weeks every summer since I was little. Jenny had been too busy chasing other boys to ever give Max a chance.

But me? I looked forward to his visits every summer. After his first visit, we had become best friends. The next several years consisted of finding ways for Max to get together with Jenny, but nothing ever worked.

So it was a huge surprise to me that while living in Miami, Jenny and Max hooked up and she confessed her true feelings to him. Now they are going to live happily ever after. At least, I hoped so.

“Jenny, I can’t stay with you guys. You are going to be married in a few weeks. Max doesn’t want a third wheel hanging around.” I roll my eyes purposely.

“Stop that! He’s your best friend; you’ve known him longer than I have. Plus, I need all the help I can get with this wedding.” Jenny pouts like a puppy.

Luckily, Mom interrupts, banging the screen door behind her. “It’s all set, sweetie. Just head on over. The door’s unlocked. Daddy got another tenant to unlock it for you. He left the key under the mat.”

Finally, something’s going right.
“Okay, well, thanks for the talk. I’m going to head over. Sorry to leave so quickly, but I’m exhausted from the drive.”

Jenny stands up with me. We trade hugs, kisses, and some small talk, and I take off.

Apartment thirteen is a small but cozy apartment with one bedroom, a kitchen, a minuscule bathroom, and a tiny living room. Even though this place is much smaller than I am used to, I am grateful. It has everything necessary to make this home for a while.

I plop my bag on the paisley brown couch. This brings back memories! I had my first kiss with Luke on this couch. I roll my eyes, reminding myself that I don’t want to even think of him right now. I head into the bedroom to clear my head.

“Oh, my, this is my bed!” I excitedly jump on it, landing on my back. The white iron bed is covered with a polka dot bedspread. Stretching my hands above my head, I remember that I lost my virginity to Luke on this bed.

Now I’m just getting annoyed. Can’t I even come to a new apartment without memories of Luke?

I get up and walk into the kitchen, and check the fridge. It’s clean, but empty. I’ll head to the store after I get a little nap. Heading over to the couch and slipping off my shoes, I lean back on the couch, covering myself with the soft fluffy brown blanket, and drift off.

“What is that sound?” Moaning, I cover my head with the blanket. Luckily, it’s only one ping. Then it starts again.

Moaning again, I roll over and stare at the coffee table. My phone is lighting up like I’m the most important person in the world. Lugging myself off the cushion, I grab the phone and look at it. Luke’s picture is staring back at me.

“Ugh…I’m not ready for this.” I take a deep breath and answer.


“Nora, babe. I’m so sorry. I acted like such an asshole. Please come back to me. I miss you so much.” He sounds like he’s crying.

“Luke, I don’t even know what to say. You have never treated me so badly. You kicked me out of our home. What is in that office? What is so damn secretive that I can’t go in it by myself?” I have a million more questions, but he interrupts.

“Why didn’t you come back? Why didn’t you fight for us?” Luke asks.

Luke’s comments catch me completely off guard. “Are you nuts? You told me to leave. What was I supposed to do? I’m not begging like a dog for you to take me back. The look on your face was unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I think you’re cheating on me, so why would I stay?”

“Because we love each other,” he states confidently.

“You don’t treat people you love this way.”

Feeling more confident and no longer naïve to him and his antics, I continue my rant. “I thought I was supporting your career, thinking that you needed to wine and dine clients, while I stayed at home playing Mrs. Saunders without a ring on my finger. All the while, you were probably fingering someone else!”
Okay, maybe that was a little too far

“Nora, quit it! I’m not cheating on you, okay? I promise. I jumped to conclusions of my own. I don’t like you that you were snooping around my office. I told you I have issues with that. I wasn’t sure what you saw. I mean…not that there’s something to see or anything.”

His last words have me questioning him immediately. “What are you hiding?”

He lets out a breath. “Nora, stop. Babe, I know I scared you, okay? You know I get jumpy because of my family. They’re not exactly angels. I can’t have my reputation ruined.”

I contemplate hanging up on him. Now he’s using his family as a scapegoat.

“Look, I know you said you’re not involved in the family business, but that gun in your office said otherwise.” I sit back on the couch, proud that finally the truth seems to be out in the open.

“Okay. Look. I know all the rumors you heard about mafia or drugs or whatever, but I promise you those are just rumors. Trust me, okay? That’s not what’s going on.”

I stand up, pacing back and forth. I’m hot or maybe it’s because I’m still listening to his bullshit.

“So, what the hell is going on then?”

“Nothing, Nora, okay? I’m nervous and rambling and I want you to come back home. Forgive me, babe. I want you back,” Luke pleads.

“Putting all this crap aside, you kicked me out. Threatened to call the cops. You, Luke Saunders, have not called me for two days. I could be lying dead on the side of the road and you wouldn’t have known.”

I pace back into the bedroom with my bag and throw it on the bed. I unzip the zipper and start taking clothes out.

“I’ve known where you were this whole time. I had someone follow you.”

I slammed the drawer, almost slamming my finger in the process. “You had someone follow me? What the hell, Luke?”

He sighs, aggravated, “Calm down, damn it. It was just Zack. He had to go there anyway. Look, it doesn’t matter. We just had a little fight. I would come get you myself, but I have an important meeting I can’t miss. I’ve arranged a ticket for you…”

“NO! I’m not coming back. My sister’s wedding is in a few weeks. I’m helping her with the preparations.”

Luke sighs again. “Fine, Nora, have it your way for now, but I’ll be there for her wedding.”

A growl escapes. “Haven’t you been listening to a word I’ve said? You were so cold and mean to me. I’ve never been treated that way by anyone. I’m just supposed to forgive you for kicking me onto the street? That’s my home too, my stuff. I put a lot of my heart into that house.”

“Nora, calm down. Look. I’m sure you just need a little time to cool off. Please, just think about what I said. I love you. I know I haven’t acted like it lately, but I do. I miss you and I realize I shouldn’t have acted that way. I’ll leave you alone for tonight, but I will call tomorrow. Goodnight, Nora, my love.”

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