Safer With You (3 page)

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Authors: Trisha Madley

BOOK: Safer With You
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“Stop calling me that! You don’t treat someone you love like that!”

He must have hung up, because he doesn’t respond. “Luke?”


I throw the phone on the bed in frustration, maybe more like rage. Seriously, what planet did he come from? He didn’t even come close to answering any of my questions.

I have had enough for the day. It’s only eight o’clock, but my bed calls.

I crawl under the heavy comforter and somehow, with my heart pounding from my conversation with Luke, I find sleep.


It has been three weeks since that conversation with Luke, and he has called every single day. We talk about the same things, but I have mellowed over time. I have to admit, he sounded more like the Luke I fell in love with in the first place.

I have been content living in my apartment and keeping my mind off of Luke by helping with the wedding. I haven’t left my sister and mother’s side. I think Max was relieved that I’m here to calm Jenny down. I never thought she would have turned into Bridezilla. But the day of the wedding arrived.

“Oh…Nora, I’m so nervous. I don’t get nervous. I talk in front of hundreds of people at conventions.” Jenny blots her face with a tissue. “Why am I sweating? Do you see all this sweat? I’m going to get dehydrated and faint.”

I laugh. Never has Jenny been such a mess. It’s comical. She’s always so sure of herself. But she really is dripping with sweat, and maybe she might faint.
Oh, great.
I don’t need that today.

It’s a good thing I didn’t apply her makeup yet. Her hair is done, though, twisted up beautifully with millions of pins. Just like mine, but for the beautiful blonde ringlets that frame her face.

“You have nothing to be nervous about. Max has loved you since the minute he saw you and trust me…” I place my hand on her shoulder, while we both stare in the mirror. I smile to reassure her of my next statement. “Trust me; I was there. You two are meant to be.”

Her face lights up. “I know. But I’ve been feeling scared lately. Like, what if I can’t make him happy or he gets bored with me?”

Peeking at her reflection in the mirror, I see the fear in her eyes.

“Jenny, stop this. He loves you more than anything, and as far as getting bored with you—not going to happen. Every time I’m around you two, I think I’m witnessing the conception of your future child.”

We both giggle.

I make a face back at her in the mirror. She giggles again.
Well, at least that got a smile out of her.

“Well, we do have great sex. Maybe you’re just jealous.”

I glance down at the hair pins in my hand. That stings a bit.

“Oh, Nora. I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s okay, really. It’s not your fault that my life is a mess right now or that my boyfriend turned into a complete asshole.”

I concentrate on dabbing her face and start applying cover up. Wow, she really is a beautiful bride.

“He’s been calling nonstop, right?” Jenny asks.

“Yeah, he’s been trying to get me to come back to Miami, and then he was trying to weasel his way to the wedding. I don’t know where we stand, and I am not ready to find out yet.”

“Come on, let’s finish getting ready.” I head towards the beautiful beaded white wedding gown.

Chapter Three


My taxi pulls up the drive. Uncle Joe’s beautiful A-frame log cabin decorated for my cousin Max’s wedding looks like a chick has decorated it. I laugh to myself, because I know Uncle Joe has to be pissed. That man doesn’t let anybody touch anything. Not even his cleaning lady. So, the fact that I’m staring at his house decorated with flowers, candles, and some white material stuff; everywhere, blows my mind.

Uncle Joe is fun, outspoken, and the most lovable son of a bitch. He would do anything for someone he loved.

Max and I spent many days at this place when we were younger. When things in the family went to hell, Uncle Joe took us in and his home became our safe haven.

I hand the cabbie a tip and hoist my bag over my shoulder. The exterior is covered with pink and purple flowers and wedding decorations consisting of large photos of the happy couple.
Oh shit
, ice carvings too! I can’t wait to see what Uncle Joe thinks of this.

I start to walk up the lighted sidewalk, but a guy jumps in front of me. He is wearing a bright pink shirt and yellow shorts. He starts talking animatedly with his hands, “Are you part of the bridal party or are you a guest? We’re missing the best man and I can’t handle the stress of…”

I chuckle. This will be fun. “Calm down, man, I’m the guy you’re looking for. I’m Jase, the best man. Just point me in the right direction.”

The pink shirt guy stares at me like Big Foot is standing before him.

“Why aren’t you carrying a suit? You don’t have your shirt? Didn’t you pick it up on the way here? My email specifically stated…No, no, no I cannot handle a major catastrophe today. A best man without a suit? You need to turn around…”

I cut him off before he has a heart attack and I have to perform CPR on him. “Relax. Max told me some Nora chick has my suit and shoes?”

He dramatically places his hand over his heart. “Oh, thank God. Nora has been such a life saver. I wish she didn’t live so far away, or I would hire her cute little ass. And, honey, if I wasn’t gay, she’d be the girl of my dreams.”

Okay, then. I think that’s my cue. He tells me to go to the guest house where all the ladies are getting ready, but to knock because it is a very “delicate and private time” for the bride.

Is this guy serious? This is why I hate weddings. I feel relieved that I ended it with Samantha. I made the right decision to call off the engagement.

Walking up the familiar path, I notice the unfamiliar sight of more pink and purple flowers. Damn. Looks like Jenny took Max’s balls too. I’ve met Jenny many times. She definitely tells it like it is and is the complete opposite of Max’s laid back personality. Max has been in love with her forever. So I’m happy for him. She’s hot and she’s friendly, but above all, she makes Max happy. That guy deserves nothing but the best.

Approaching the porch to the guest house, I can hear the ladies barking orders at each other and chaotically moving through the house. Knocking on the door, because I don’t want to piss Jenny off on her
day, a small brunette answers the door. She’s wearing a robe and her tits are hanging out.

Ah, there it is, the
fuck me look
I’ve grown accustomed to women giving me. I start to laugh, but she must be someone important to Jenny, so I try to keep a straight face.

“Well, who are you, sweetie, and are you single? Because, baby, I am.”

Yep, I’m right. Ready to drop her panties for me.

“I’m single, but only as of yesterday. The guy in the pink shirt sent me here. Nora has my shit…I mean, stuff, for today. I hold out my hand for her to shake, “I’m Jase Madsyn, the best man.”

The brunette grabs my hand. “Well, Jase baby, I’m Abby, a bridesmaid and Jenny’s cousin. I’m very happy to meet you.” She winks. “Jenny didn’t do you justice at all. Let me get Nora. You save a dance for me later.” She puckers her lips and gives me an air kiss. When she turns away, I hear her scream, “Nora, girl, if you’re not going to nail him, I will.”

Used to this kind of reaction, I chuckle. So many women have graced my bed. Of course, being engaged to Samantha put a damper on that, but she was a business deal, and I still was able to sleep with other women.

I hear some giggling coming from the bedroom. This Nora chick must be laughing at Abby. “Geez, Abby, at least wait until tonight to let him in your panties.”

What the fuck is wrong with Max? Why hasn’t he introduced me to her? She is gorgeous and look at that smile. Fuck me! Is that Nora?

She rounds the couch with her eyes still focused down at the garment bag and shoe box in her hands, not paying any attention to me, but I can’t take my eyes off of her. A beautiful brunette wearing a fluffy pink robe walks toward me. She’s trying to juggle everything in her hands, and hasn’t looked at me yet.

“So glad you made it, I was beginning to wor…” Finally, her eyes meet mine. Damn. Beautiful brown eyes strike me and her bags and boxes crash to the floor.

Pulling my shit together, I bend down and help her pick them up. She doesn’t say a word. “Let me help. After all, I’m the one who’s late and causing all this ruckus.”
Ruckus, who the hell says ruckus anymore? What the hell is wrong with me?

Nora is still staring at me, her pink full lips slightly open and her big brown eyes wide, no blinking, yet. M
aybe she likes what she sees? I know I do.

Nora’s petite, I can’t see her exact curves under that robe, but I can tell she’s built. Her brown hair has highlights and is up in some sort of twist. Her cheeks are stained the perfect shade of red, maybe from embarrassment. Never have I felt so…I don’t even know how to explain it.

I need to stop this shit. I don’t get distracted and weak in the knees over a girl. She is just a piece of ass. Nothing more. I need to keep repeating this. I’ve never had feelings for anyone, not even Samantha, and we were going to get married. But this Nora chick is different already. I can tell. Strange feelings are starting to invade my stomach. My cock, on the other hand, knows exactly what it’s feeling.

Nora breaks her trance,
thank God
. She shoves the shoes back into the box and holds it out to me. “Yeah…um these are yours.” Her voice squeaks.


“Well, I hope you won’t be wearing them. I don’t think they’ll go with the robe.” I give her a little smirk.

She shyly smiles back. “No, I guess they don’t, do they? So…you’re Jase, Max’s infamous cousin.” She stands up and holds out her hand to me. “I’m Nora Skye, Jenny’s sister.”

I remember that I’ve heard about Nora through the years. Max spoke very highly of her. He said she’s a sweetheart, a great friend, but never once did he tell me how smokin’ hot she is. It seems weird now that he didn’t mention her more, but I guess his eyes have always been on Jenny. We don’t talk about our personal lives that much…just family and business usually. He is the only person who knows what I really do for a living.

I slowly stand up; my eyes refuse to leave hers. My hand reaches for hers. We touch, and something happens; I’m not sure what, but I can’t bring myself to let go of her hand.

“Well, it’s nice to put a beautiful face with your name.” She blushes.

An awkward silence fills the air while we still hold hands. Nora must feel it too because she removes her hand from mine abruptly. “So…um…anyway, you need to change at the main house. Max has the ring, and you just need to bring it to the ceremony, and that’s all you really need to do. Well, that and give the toast. Do you have a speech prepared?”

“I do. Do you need help with anything else? The wedding planner guy seemed like he was ready to have a heart attack out there.” I gesture towards the main house.

She lets out a quiet giggle.
So damn cute.

“Poor Gregory! He’s supposed to be the best, but Jenny is a little demanding, She went a little Bridezilla on us all. She’s usually pretty calm, but getting married is doing…”

“I heard that, bitch!” Jenny walks into the room wearing her wedding gown. “Bridezilla says to get your ass dressed. We only have about fifteen minutes till pictures.”

Jenny’s hands wrap around me before I can even react. “So glad to see you aren’t too busy to drag your ass here. I’m so sorry to hear about you and Samantha.” A devilish smirk graces her face. She looks anything but sincere.

“No, you’re not. She’s a bitch and you know it.”

“Okay, she’s a huge bitch. I’m not sure what you saw in her. Well, other than tits and ass,” Jenny says.

She’s even funnier than I remember. “She was just a filler. Someone to bide my time with until I meet someone special.” My eyes land on Nora, and she blushes.

I let go of Jenny and stand back. “You look beautiful, Jenny. Max is a lucky son of a bitch.”

“Don’t I know it!”

Nora interrupts, “Alright, stop all this flirting. Let go of Jase and go get married.”

Jenny turns away from me and says, aiming her comment at Nora, “You’re just jealous because I get to marry Max and cuddle with Jase all in one day.”

Nora turns red again. Damn, maybe I got to her. I hope so. She grabs Jenny by the elbow and ushers her into the bedroom. “Jase, you better get going. Your other job is to make sure the groom is ready and on time,” Nora says quickly.

“Nora,” I call after her, “Nice to finally meet you.” When she turns back around, I give her a smirk before walking out the door.

I head up toward the main house, still thinking of Nora. I enter the house and walk up the steps to the second floor. I can hear all the commotion coming from the first bedroom on the right. I enter, and Max stands there in his suit.

“Hey, man, can’t you handle being on time just this once?” He shakes his head, but exhales a sigh of relief.

Chapter Four


I have never acted so stupidly in my life. Could I not carry on a decent conversation with this gorgeous man? Thank God, I had a few minutes to compose myself while Jenny was bitching at Gregory. Jenny said Jase was hot, but he’s ridiculous. On a scale of one to ten, he’s a twenty.

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